The Senior Center offers BINGO every Tuesday at 10 a.m. with cards only $.25 and the winner takes THE POT each game. Everyone is invited to join the fun and then stay for lunch with a salad bar. If there is time, a few more games of Bingo will be held after lunch.
Water Color
The Water Color Class on Monday at 10 a.m. is doing a great job of teaching and will soon have items for display. Beginning instruction is available at only $2 per lesson for the instructor. Supplies for beginners will be provided.
Early morning Meditation at 8 a.m. on Thursday will start on March 18th. It will change to Tuesday in April. Call the Senior Center for details, 524-4533.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is in need of drivers to deliver hot meals to seniors unable to come to the Center for food. This program takes about an hour a day and will pay gas mileage if needed. Call the Center to volunteer on a regular basis one day a week.
Blood Pressure Testing
Check the monthly calendar at the Center, or call the desk for the monthly blood pressure testing. Anyone may drop in for a quick check.
Recently the Ventura County Transportation Commission stopped funding the no cost bus fare from home to the Senior Center for the noon meal. Bus Tokens
The Area Agency on Aging has now worked out a plan to use bus tokens so seniors can get to the Center for lunch each day. If you have used this free service in the past, please give the kitchen a call to find out about the tokens. Toni will help you work out the details so you can continue receiving one hot meal a day Monday through Friday with free transportation provided to the site. Call 524-3756
Salad Bar
The popular salad bar on Tuesday and Thursday with the regular hot meal will be continued at the Senior Center. To be sure there is enough food prepared, call the Center for a reservation before 11 a.m. each day. This salad bar is subsidized by the Center from their regular budget to promote the County nutrition program.
Channel 10
Senior Center News will be available on Fillmore’s Channel 10 in the future, so watch there for the latest update.
Monthly Birthday Party
The monthly birthday party at the Center will be held Friday, March 26 with cake and coffee following the regular nutrition meal at 12:30. Light entertainment will accompany the refreshments with “a candle” for anyone with a birthday in March. Everyone is invited to come for the fun.