Census Forms
Most everyone in the Fillmore-Piru area has received the census forms and most have been returned. However, if you have not received your census form, you may pick up one at the City Hall in Fillmore. They are located in the lobby in a box on the table and are available in both English and Spanish. Make sure you are counted.
Nature Walk
The Senior Nature Walk last week was a big success. The group went to Sycamore State Park between Thousand Oaks and the coast and had a great time. There were many wild flowers blooming and birds everywhere. A group of wild parrots have made a home near the campgrounds and provided unusual bird watching. If you like hiking and didn’t go on this one, then shame on you.
Salad Bars
The nutrition salad bars on Tuesday and Thursday are getting very popular. If you are a new participant, give the kitchen a call midmorning so extra food will be waiting for you at 11:30. One day last week the “nose count” was 30 and they scraped the bottom of the bowls, so seniors are learning where to find a real bargain for only $2.25 voluntary donation. The salad bar food is paid for from the Senior Center budget and local donations with the hot meals paid by the Federal Nutrition Program.
Channel 10
If you want to keep up on activities at the Senior Center, watch Channel 10 for the latest updates. They hope to also have a web page soon.
Busy Hands
The Busy Hands group is open to anyone who wants to chat, knit or crochet or just needs help with her project. Donna Voelker is always ready to assist you. (And the morning coffee and treats are fun too.)
When Gloria Hansen donated a piano to the Senior Center last year, I bet she didn’t know it would be used for nice background music when any talented senior comes to the Center. It is great to have music at the monthly birthday party with cake and coffee. Well, you never know-----Videos
For WWII veterans, the library has a complete set of videos of that war, so come down the take one home for viewing. The library also has lots of paperbacks to lend on many subjects. You may take them home or read in the library.
Avocados & Fruit
If you have extra avocados or fresh fruit, the Center would be happy to accept a donation for the salad bar and seniors.