Fillmore Senior Center News
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
AAA Drivers Training Class will be offered again on July 12 & 15th. At the Fillmore Senior Center From 9am to 1. The class is in two parts, Please call 524-4533 to Sign-up. Taking the class gives you a discount on your Auto Insurance, but must be taken every 3 years. Dr. Hara will be back at the Fillmore Senior Center July 14th. For appointments Join our Nature Walk with Sara Hanson on Mondays at 8 AM. They meet in the parking lot at the Fillmore Senior Center then go on a guided tour of Fillmore. Sara points out points of interested including history of some of our older buildings. Food Share Brown Blood along with Pressure and Blood Sugar Check will be at the Fillmore Senior Center on July 14th from 9am – 11am. The Senior Center is excepting donations of books & magazines with large print in good condition. They can be dropped off at the center anytime Monday thru Friday from 9 am – 12 noon. Fillmore Senior Center would like to start a class in Line Dancing and Quilting, If you would be willing to teach one of these classes please call Beverly at 524- 4533 so we could discuss the details. |