Fillmore Senior Center News
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 18th, 2010
On August 25, Yane Flores, from the Food Stamp Outreach Program will be at the Fillmore Senior Center to assist Ventura County Citizens who need and may qualify for food Stamps, in filling out applications. (Note: SSI/SSP recipients do not qualify for food stamps.) Brown Bag from Food Share for approved seniors 60 plus will also be here. Monday, August 23 The Braille Institute is offering a Vision Impaired Class from 10 am to 11:30 at the Fillmore Senior Center. If you know friends who are blind or legally blind, have Tunnel Vision, Cataracts or other conditions leading to cloudy vision, please encourage them to come. This is NOT A “Braille” class, it is teaching skills for a more independent and fulfilling life. Piru-Fillmore Day Trip to the Pala Casino has been rescheduled to September 3rd. Time and location are the same. There is still room on the Bus, call Andy at (805) 521-1554 if you are interested is joining in on the fun. Classes starting up again in September are: |