Monday February 21st is Presidents Day and the Senior Center will be CLOSED.
Those enrolled in the “Beginning Computer Class” usually scheduled for Monday, will be on Tuesday February 22nd.
LOTERIA “ Spanish Bingo” the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 9:30-11:30am
AARP is doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center from February 1st through April 12th. 9 AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION will be here on March 2nd for more information please call Beverly at the Senior Center 524-4533
Fillmore Senior Center is still in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers are needed for Thursday & Friday, it only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid.