Calling all walkers, Our Monday Senior walkers are planning a trip to Carpenteria Beach on May 16th. We will meet here at the Fillmore Senior Center at the usual 8:00 AM and carpool. The plan is to sight see and have lunch in town. Please watch for more information to follow. If interested come in or call and sign up 524-4533 or call Sue Hopkins at 524-1836
The 2 day AARP Driving Class has been rescheduled for Monday, June 6th. and the second part on Thursday June 9th.. The class starts at 9am to 1:00 pm and cost $12.00 for AARP members and $14.00 Non Members. This is a very nice class and helps lower your auto insurance. If you are interested Please Call 524-4533 or come in and sign up.
The Book Club will be discussing “An Object Of Beauty” by Steve Martin, on Friday April 15th. @ 10:30 AM. One aspect of this novel’s allure is the ambiguity with which Mr. Martin frames Lacey’s fierce, outsize ambitions. Is her story meant to be the appreciatively told tale of a canny New York predator? The recommended reading is “Mr. Pettigrew’s Last Stand” by Helen Simonson.
COMMODITIES is this Friday, from 1PM – 3PM Please note time change.
April 12th. is the Last chance to have your Federal and State Income Taxes done by AARP at the Fillmore Senior Center. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served policy. AARP will be here from 9 am until 11am. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Our daytrip to the Chumash Casino was a great success so we are planning another trip on Wednesday May 11th, again the cost is $10 per passenger, this time payable upon signing up and is Non Refundable. Pick up time 8 am here at the Fillmore Senior Center, arrive back at the Senior Center by 5:00 – 5:30 pm We had a waiting list last time so get your reservations in early. Passengers must be at least 21 years old. If you need more information please call the Senior Center at 805-524-4533 or come In and sign up.