The final “head count” for March attendance was over 900—rah, rah! Our programs continue to grow and attract more participation.
Salad Bar
The Thursday salad bar is expanding as seniors remember to put it on their calendar for the week. Toni will have bus tokens for those needing transportation to the senior nutrition program. Ask her for details when you come to eat.
Meals on Wheels
The MEALS ON WHEELS program provides a hot meal delivered to the home for seniors unable to come to the Center. This program needs drivers to help with the home delivery. Drivers can work any day Monday to Friday for about an hour. The program will pay a gas allowance if needed. The MEALS ON WHEELS program is one of the more important services provided at the Center. For additional information to enroll for home delivered meals, or to help with the delivery, call Toni in the kitchen, 524-3756.
Field Trips
Field Trips for the seniors are partly financed by the attendees with the Center usually paying for the van. In order to permit everyone have a change of pace, it is important the cost be kept minimal. Anyone who would like to help with the van cost, is invited to call the Center or Marie Wren, 524-4044.