Fillmore Senior Center News

Commodities: Friday, May 20th. from 12:30 to 2:30. We are in need of CLEAN, NO HOLES plastic grocery bags if you have extra and would like to donate them to the Senior Center we certainly can use them. If you would be interested in volunteering we could use help prepare Food Bags for distribution. For more information Please call 524-4533 ask for Beverly.
Alzheimer’s Class May 25, at 10:00 AM. We’ve all forgotten a name, where we put our keys, or if we locked the front door. It’s normal to forget things once in a while. However, forgetting how to make change, use the telephone, or find your way home may be signs of a more serious memory problem. The Alzheimer’s Association has scheduled 2 workshops at the Fillmore Senior Center to help families and caregivers understand facts about memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The first workshop will be May 25th. covering “The Basics: Memory loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease” This will be a chance to learn what is the difference between age related memory loss and dementia; what are the stages of Alzheimer’s; Questions to ask your doctors, and treatment Vs. lack of treatment and more. So bring on the questions. Please call us and let us know that your interested and you plan on coming. The Fillmore Senior Center phone # is 805-524-4533 we look forward to seeing you.
Senior Center Monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for May 23rd. from 10 -11am approximately, The meeting is open to the public.
Memorial Day Monday, May 30th. The Fillmore Senior will be CLOSED
Field trip to the Reagan Library is being scheduled for Tuesday, June 14th. Library hours are from 10 -5pm, we would car pool from the Senior Center to the Library around 9:30 am. For those who would like to have lunch, there is the Reagan’s Country Café or Ronald Reagan Pub featuring a variety of Sandwiches, hamburgers/fries, salads, soups & desserts. Watch for more information and please call 524-4533 or come in and sigh-up. If you would be interested in driving, please let us know. This will be a fun day.