Senior Center News
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
Movie classics are being shown at the Senior Center each Friday at 10 a.m. Free popcorn is included courtesy of the City of Fillmore. If the film is long, there is a noon break to eat in the dining room before the film is continued. For a fun day try the FRIDAY FLICKS at the Senior Center each week. The City will be refinishing the floors at the Center in the near future, so things may be moved around, but activities will continue, so come and enjoy the morning entertainment. Look for the sign outside to remind you about the activities of the day. Michele Smith (524-0294) is organizing a “SHOW OFF YOUR COLLELCTIONS” at the Senior Center on Nov. 13. If you have personal things you wish to display, give her a call so there is room for you. There is no charge and refreshments will be served. If you want to stay for lunch, make your nutrition reservation by 11 a.m. |