Senior Center News

The meditation class is changing to Thursday morning at 8 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Senior Center is now featuring several new items on their menu in the rooming at 11:30 and for the Meals on Wheels home delivery. Drivers are needed to help make the deliveries. Attendance on Tuesday for the salad bar has increased participation. Adding a salad bar for Thursday is being considered. If you are interested, please call the Center.

The AARP will provide tax experts to help seniors with completing their 2009 Income Tax form. This service will start on Tuesday Feb. 16 and continue each Tuesday to April 13th. No appointment is required between 8 and 11 a.m. on a first serve basis. Coffee will be provided for those waiting for help.
Tai Chi Class

Arrangements are being made to start a Tai Chi class on a few weeks. Call the Center to get on the list to attend Wednesday at 8 a.m.