All-Star Team Place 3rd
By Anonymous — Thursday, July 10th, 2008
Fillmore Girls Softball 10&Under All-Star team placed 3rd in the District Tournament this weekend (Yeah!). We now qualify to advance to the Southern California All-Star State Championship to be held in Lancaster next weekend. Fillmore’s first 10 & Under team to make it to State Championship play! pictured L to R starting w/ bottom row: Leah Meza, Sonya Gonzales, Sierra Huerta, Kayleigh Thompson, Taylor brown, Macie Wokal. middle row: Bailey Huerta, Lilly Duran, Elizabeth Manzano, Miranda Faulkner, Sarah Scott, Serena Venegas, top row: Coaches: Michelle Brown, Jason Faulkner, Mgr.Shelley Huerta, Mike Thompson, Leo Meza, Francine Duran. |