233 swimmers from nine high schools from Ventura county, Santa Barbara county and LA county. The aquatic center was filled to capacity with swimmers, families and friends. FHS swimming coach: Lindsay Bricker

Below are results for Fillmore H.S. Swim Team from the Frontier League Finals that took place on Thursday, May 2. Prelims were held on Tues. April 30. Also included are the overall team results for Varsity Boys and Girls and JV Boys and Girls.

To help you read these results:
If you looked at Event #9 Girls 100 yd. IM JV, in 1st place was Elisabeth Manzano of Fillmore. The number to the far right of the swimmer's name is the points they scored.

FHS Swim Team Final Results by TheFillmoreGazette



Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, golf, Pep Squad, Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling, Baseball, Softball, Track & Swimming...

Dear Future FHS Parent:

One of the most active community groups working with Fillmore High School every year is the Fillmore High School Athletic Booster Club. This group supports all fourteen athletic teams featured at the High School level. For instance did you know that each year the Athletic Booster Club distributes over $25,000 toward sports at FHS?

Without an active support driven Booster Club we cannot improve, introduce or even maintain existing athletic programs offered at Fillmore High School. So how can you help? Please consider serving as a Booster Club Board Member for the 2013-2014 school year. Elections to select next year’s board will be held on MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013 at 6:30PM in the Athletic Office of FHS.

Please feel free to contact the Athletic Department with any questions or concerns you may have. We can be reached at #805-524-8491.

Matt Suttle
Matt Suttle, Athletic Director

Lynn Cole
Lynn Cole, Athletic Secretary


Our local Division U10 AYSO All-star Tournament team participated in Copa Cabana’s Annual Beach Soccer Tournament this past weekend. They took second place. Congratulations for their hard work. They played four games in two days in the sand. (l-r) (front row) Damon Villa, Ull Rosten, (middle row) Asst. Coach Darren Rosten, David Goyette, Odin Rosten, Caden Lindsay, Matthew Munoz, Chip Alamillo, Coach Arnold Munoz, (last row) Luke Rangel, Adrian Martinez, Fabian Saldana, and Joey Esparza.
Our local Division U10 AYSO All-star Tournament team participated in Copa Cabana’s Annual Beach Soccer Tournament this past weekend. They took second place. Congratulations for their hard work. They played four games in two days in the sand. (l-r) (front row) Damon Villa, Ull Rosten, (middle row) Asst. Coach Darren Rosten, David Goyette, Odin Rosten, Caden Lindsay, Matthew Munoz, Chip Alamillo, Coach Arnold Munoz, (last row) Luke Rangel, Adrian Martinez, Fabian Saldana, and Joey Esparza.
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In the first year of Fillmore/ Santa Paula inter league play it was destined to be interesting to say the least, But on April 22nd 2013 11 year old Angel Viramontes would do what only two other players had done in Fillmore Little League history (Rick Stewart and Raphael Meza). Angel took the mound for the Fillmore Blue Jays. With a look of sheer determination and a cheek full of big league bubble gum. Angel started the game off with 3 consecutive strikeouts and continued through the game without letting more than the minimum of 3 batters at bat per inning, completing a "Perfect Game". It wouldn't have been possible without his great defense including Nick Herrera, Jake Saviers, Auggie Osegueda, Noah Faulkner, Jaysson Carrilo, Daniel Mynatt, Remy Richardson, David Julian, Michael Santa Rosa, Julian Lizarraga, Colby Walsh and JJ Dietz. He ended the game with 12 strikeouts
and scored 1 of the teams 2 runs as they went on to win 2-0 against the Santa Paula Red Sox. Interesting fact the last time a perfect game was pitched was Ralph Meza in 2001 and on that team was the Manager of the Blue Jays this year Jesse Stone.

(l-r) Anthony Rivas, Kayla Grove and Carlos Briceno
(l-r) Anthony Rivas, Kayla Grove and Carlos Briceno

On Saturday April 13th the FHS track team traveled to Carpinteria for the 94th annual Russell Cup, purportedly the longest running track meet in the state. Despite the gloomy weather conditions the team still managed to take home medals both on the field and on the track. Anthony Rivas was 4th in the Boys’ Varsity 3200m with his time of 9:56.95. Kayla Grove heaved the round metal ball in the shot put for a best of 33-00 ¾ which earned her a 3rd place. Rounding out the hardware winners was Carlos Briceno, earning a medal for his 3rd place performance of 16.31 in the 110m high hurdles and his 2nd place finish of 44.42 in the 300m intermediate hurdles. Carlos also is the holder of the Freshman/Sophomore school record in the 110m High Hurdles.

The team will be competing home against Oak Park and Grace Brethren this Thursday at 3:00pm, hope to see you there.


Boys & Girls Club, Fillmore on Saturday April 27 from 10am-2pm
WM. L. Morris Chevrolet, Saturday, MAY 4th
Please bring child for uniform fitting and his/her birth certificate.
For more info: AYSOfillmore.clubspaces.com or AYSOREGION242@gmail.com
Or contact: Leidy 638-6445, Arnold 906-9642, Greg 217-8364, Darren 551-4239

Girls FS (l-r) Briana Segoviano, Alexis Tafoya, Maria Perez and Irma Torres. Santa Barbara Easter Relays, frosh soph girls’ relay team medaled in both the 4 x 800 (3rd) and Distance Medley (4th).
Girls FS (l-r) Briana Segoviano, Alexis Tafoya, Maria Perez and Irma Torres. Santa Barbara Easter Relays, frosh soph girls’ relay team medaled in both the 4 x 800 (3rd) and Distance Medley (4th).
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Boys FS (l-r) Aaron Cornejo, Arnulfo Izarraras, Hayden Wright and Demitriouz Lozano. Santa Barbara Easter Relays, frosh soph boys’ team relay team medaled in the 4 x 100 (5th).
Boys FS (l-r) Aaron Cornejo, Arnulfo Izarraras, Hayden Wright and Demitriouz Lozano. Santa Barbara Easter Relays, frosh soph boys’ team relay team medaled in the 4 x 100 (5th).
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(l-r) Taylor Brown, one of the top 20 freshman girl 100m runners in the state and Carlos Briceno, one of the top 20 sophomore boy high hurdler runners in the state
(l-r) Taylor Brown, one of the top 20 freshman girl 100m runners in the state and Carlos Briceno, one of the top 20 sophomore boy high hurdler runners in the state
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The first half of the Flashes track and field season winds down to a close and has seen some solid performances by key veterans and outstanding performances by fresh faced newcomers. This will certainly be an interesting season in the newly refurbished tri-valley league.

The girls’ varsity, although small in early season action, is still formidable with returning veterans such as Kiana Hope, Jordyn Vassaur, and Maria Villalobos. The sprints reunite Kaytlin Magana, Alissabeth Hernandez, Banely Arevalo and Andrea Robles. Kaytlin and Sarena De La Cruz will also be moving into the long jump and triple this year. A key pick up in the throws is powerhouse Kayla Grove who teams up with Jessica Mayhew to heave heavy objects very far.

For the boys’ varsity the returning distance experts come fresh off their cross country state win and include Justin Beach, Vincent Chavez, Frank Chavez, Nicolas Frias, Isaac Gomez, Adrian Mejia, Anthony Rivas and Hugo Valdovinos. For the sprinters, Alexander Banales, Javier Rodriguez and Andrey Sanchez return to show their speed. Hurdler Tyler Hackworth has already shaved over a second off of his best from last year and Joey Orozco will soon be recovered and jumping with Alexander. Ricardo Gutierrez anchors the varsity throwing team.

The girls’ junior varsity has real talent waiting to step up. Taylor Brown is already one of the top 20 freshman girl 100m runners in the state with a best of 13.17. Assisting in the middle sprints is Jordan Manzano and going just a little bit further in the distance category is Irma Torres. Dasy Cota is the lone jumper covering both horizontal jumps and the high jump.

By far the largest section of the team the boys’ freshman sophomore team is highly competitive. With Carlos Briceno in the top twenty sophomores in the state for the high hurdles and Daniel Flores close on his heels it seems incomprehensible that there are also speedy individuals in the sprint such as Hayden Wright, Demitriouz Lozano, Aaron Cornejo, and Arnulfo Izarraras. Their relay team has placed highly in several very tough meets. Francisco Erazo and Jorge Hurtado return to bring the distance to the forefront and Esteban Herrera, Chad Hope, and Chad Petuoglu help the throwers spin through the ring.

There are many, many other athletes that help bring a team together and absolutely deserve recognition. They will be integral parts of our success in the coming weeks. Hopefully they will also be recognized as the season progresses. For now we thank them for their contributions.

The team travels to Santa Barbara City College this Saturday for the Easter Relays. They will take on Santa Paula on Wednesday and then travel to the Spartan Relays on the following Saturday. Upon returning from spring break they will begin the exciting league completion phase of the season.


Game played 3/25-2013
Score: FHS-13, HUENEME-1

FIVE INNINGS PLAYED Kayleigh Thompson & Mary Ortiz were 4 for 4

Miranda Faulkner winning pitcher allowing 1 home run to Hueneme's shortstop Serano

Over all record, Fillmore is 7 wins and 6 losses League record 1 win 3 losses

(l-r) Cameron Reilley (Sponsored by Grant Wade), Kyle Medina (Sponosred by Abundio Medina & Tom Hooten), Emilio Hernandez (Sponsored by De La Rosa Auto Repair), Erick Cadena (Sponsored by Marcos Galaviz).
(l-r) Cameron Reilley (Sponsored by Grant Wade), Kyle Medina (Sponosred by Abundio Medina & Tom Hooten), Emilio Hernandez (Sponsored by De La Rosa Auto Repair), Erick Cadena (Sponsored by Marcos Galaviz).
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On a chilly Sunday morning, Saint Patrick’s Day, Nico Frias and Isaac Gomez ran the 2013 L.A. Marathon. Morning is not being used lightly, they started at 7:30 a.m. and were done by 10:30 a.m.; their time 3 hours 10 minutes. They are runners by nature as their training is always on going. They run Cross Country with Fillmore High School and are currently on the track team. It should be mentioned that both boys do very well in their studies. How do they do all this; the only answer can be “they are young”. Isaac is 17, a senior at FHS, and it is his second marathon. Nico is 16, a junior at FHS and this is his fourth marathon; first was when he was 13. They ran with Students Run L.A. hence the neon green singlet. Congratulations to both boys!!


Fillmore HS Girls Softball - 15 vs Saint Boneventure 7

HIGHLITES; (F) Amber Magana pitched a full game and hit a 3 run home run in 5th inning, Kennedy Smith went 4 for 5, Marissa Vasquez hit a double scoring 3, K arina Carrillo went 2 for 4 and Saint Bony's Alex Penrose went 3-4 and Pitcher Shelly Flynn pitched a full game

Fillmore High School held their annual Powder Puff Football game last Friday evening. The Juniors and Seniors played 4 quartes of ttough offence and defence and only one touchdown. The Juniors won 6-0 , it has been a little over 6 years since a Junior team has won. Photo’s courtesy of KSSP Photographic Studios.
Fillmore High School held their annual Powder Puff Football game last Friday evening. The Juniors and Seniors played 4 quartes of ttough offence and defence and only one touchdown. The Juniors won 6-0 , it has been a little over 6 years since a Junior team has won. Photo’s courtesy of KSSP Photographic Studios.
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Seven high school Fillmore wrestlers made it to CIF this past weekend unfortunately all but one wrestler got eliminated, George Orozco (pictured above) took fifth place qualifying him for Masters in Temecula this coming weekend. Fillmore Flashes have qualified two wrestlers to Masters in the past two years. The last wrestler to qualify was Sammy Orozco last year. Wrestlers who made CIF were Damien and Dominick Gonzalez, Nick Stehly, Micah Chumley, Michael Castro, Cameron Riley and George Orozco.
Seven high school Fillmore wrestlers made it to CIF this past weekend unfortunately all but one wrestler got eliminated, George Orozco (pictured above) took fifth place qualifying him for Masters in Temecula this coming weekend. Fillmore Flashes have qualified two wrestlers to Masters in the past two years. The last wrestler to qualify was Sammy Orozco last year. Wrestlers who made CIF were Damien and Dominick Gonzalez, Nick Stehly, Micah Chumley, Michael Castro, Cameron Riley and George Orozco.
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Fillmore Youth Football and Cheer Organization is still accepting applications for New Board Members, we need to fill positions for Ways and Means (fundraising), Snack Bar Manager & Assistant Manager & Members at Large. Board elections will be held at San Cayetano Wednesday February 20th at 6:30 P.M. It is mandatory that all applicants be present to accept nomination.

Applications are available for printout on our website at fillmoreyouthfootball.net

Applications must be received to our Secretary Kristen Dollar or mailed to our PO Box( #34 Fillmore, Ca 93015) by February 18th 6:30 P.M. Kristen may be contacted at 805-216-9027

Fillmore Soccer U-8 played in an Oxnard tournament the weekend of January 19th. Fillmore took First Place. Pictured but not in order are: Angel Castorena, Ivan Becerra, Alfredo Cardenas. Dante Reyes, Diego Alcaraz Armando Manriques, bottom row Mathew Magana, Jathan Magana, Adrian Vasquez. Not pictured:Julio Negrete, Sebastian Navarete. Coaches: Joe & Damian Magana.
Fillmore Soccer U-8 played in an Oxnard tournament the weekend of January 19th. Fillmore took First Place. Pictured but not in order are: Angel Castorena, Ivan Becerra, Alfredo Cardenas. Dante Reyes, Diego Alcaraz Armando Manriques, bottom row Mathew Magana, Jathan Magana, Adrian Vasquez. Not pictured:Julio Negrete, Sebastian Navarete. Coaches: Joe & Damian Magana.
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Fillmore Little League Sign-Ups Happening Now
When: 1/26/2013 & 2/2/2013
Where: Fillmore Middle School
Time: 10am to 2pm
More information at: www.fillmorelittleleague.com

Flashes wrestler pins his opponent
Flashes wrestler pins his opponent
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Fillmore warms up on the mat with Faith Baptist in the background.
Fillmore warms up on the mat with Faith Baptist in the background.
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Match gets under way
Match gets under way
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Cameron Riley getting last minute instructions
Cameron Riley getting last minute instructions
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The Flashes welcomed Faith Baptist, who traveled from Canoga Park, for the Tri-Valley League wrestling match. Following weigh in the match got under way at 5:30 PM.

First to take to the mat was David Cadena who wrestled at 108. He built a quick lead on points with a 5 – 1 lead before he pinned his opponent with a “tombstone” deep in the 1st period. Faith Baptist forfeited at the 112 and 120 classes. Giving the Flashes an 18 – 0 team lead.

Nick Stehly wrestled at 128. Stehly got down to business and pinned his opponent with 20 seconds remaining in the 1st period. Faith Baptist forfeited at the 134, giving Fillmore a 30 – 0 team lead.

Xavier Bobholz wrestled at 138 pounds. After the 1st period of action Bobholz was up 4 – 1 on points. He continued to rack up points in the 2nd period with a score of 14-4. As the match continued into the 3rd period the match took a turn for Faith Baptist when, with 41 seconds remaining, Xavier was pinned. Team score Fillmore 30 – Faith Baptist 6.

Andrew Bonilla wrestled at 145. The match started with a flurry of action. Faith Baptist gained control of the pace and pinned Bonilla at the end of the 1st period. Team score 30 – 12.

The Flashes produced Jamie Valdovinos at 152 pounds. This was another fast paced match with both wrestlers fighting for control of their opponent. Valdovinos fought his way out of several near pins by showing his strength and determination with some impressive bridging techniques but ultimately was overcome by his opponent and was pinned. Team score 30-18.

The Flashes forfeited at 160, 170 and 182. Team score now 30 – 36 with Faith Baptist in the lead.
George Orozco took to the mat at 195 and made quick work of his opponent with a pin in the 1st period. With Orozco’s win the team score was tied at 36 – 36.

Michael Castro wrestled at 222 where he over powered his opponent and closed his match down with a pin midway through the 1st period.

Cameron Riley, Heavyweight, got down to work and built a points lead at the end of the 1st period of 5 -0. Riley stepped up his effort and threw a cradle on opponent for the pin.

Final Team score Flashes 48 – 36 over Faith Baptist.

The Flashes will next travel to Santa Paula on 1/24/13 for the always hotly contested match up. Coach Ponce said that the annual match against Santa Paula “is always a tough contest”. “We’ll need to start fast and be aggressive against the Cardinals” said Coach Ponce. When asked about tonight’s victory Coach said, “We have a young team, with holes in several weight classes, but for a young team we hold our own. Tonight we needed our team leaders to step up and they did. They kept their cool and got the job done”.

Go Flashes.


Fillmore Youth Football and Cheer Organization is accepting applications for New Board Members. Board elections will be held at Mountain Vista Elementary cafeteria Thursday February 7th at 6:30 P.M. It is mandatory that all applicants be present to accept nomination.

Applications are available for printout on our website at fillmoreyouthfootball.net

Applications must be received to our Secretary Kristen Dollar or mailed to our PO Box( #34 Fillmore, Ca 93015) by February 5th 6:30 P.M. Kristen may be contacted at 805-216-9027