A note from Coach Bowman
Last week we played against Villanova Preparatory school in Ojai, California. The final score was Fillmore 3, Villanova 10. I was hoping for a cloudy day as the “weatherman” had promised. It was hot like Fillmore. I encouraged the girls to hydrate before and after they played a set of tennis. On that day, the players who were accustomed to playing singles, were playing doubles and vice-versa. Do the players get nervous when all of the sudden they have no partner as in doubles? Probably. In singles, they learn to rely on themselves to face their opponent; to be independent. They have been practicing and training for months for these events. Playing doubles matches is also good as learning to communicate will make a better team in the long run. By the way, I have been told by an observer that the players on Fillmore High school tennis team look “fit,”as other teams slow down in the end and look tired. Good work girls!