The Santa Clara Valley Explorers competed in the Ex-Con competition in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday, June 11, 2011. There were approximately 42 posts at the event from various cities throughout California, Nevada, Arizona one from Oregon. The Explorers competed in various group and individual competitions all day Saturday. The following Explorers competed: Khristian Felix, Josefina Fernandez, Jessica Givan, Tyler Hackworth, Brandon Pina, Michael Topete, and Briana Vazquez. Advisors were Deputy Leo Vazquez and Cadet Leanne Thompson. The Explorers had a great time and this is only their second Explorer competition since they started in April 2010. They continue to learn and grow. They are grateful for the opportunity to go to these competitions. They brought home 2nd place in the Suspicious Person Stop Event.
The Santa Clara Valley Explorers competed in the Ex-Con competition in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday, June 11, 2011. There were approximately 42 posts at the event from various cities throughout California, Nevada, Arizona one from Oregon. The Explorers competed in various group and individual competitions all day Saturday. The following Explorers competed: Khristian Felix, Josefina Fernandez, Jessica Givan, Tyler Hackworth, Brandon Pina, Michael Topete, and Briana Vazquez. Advisors were Deputy Leo Vazquez and Cadet Leanne Thompson. The Explorers had a great time and this is only their second Explorer competition since they started in April 2010. They continue to learn and grow. They are grateful for the opportunity to go to these competitions. They brought home 2nd place in the Suspicious Person Stop Event.
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Rigo Landeros, 
Fillmore Fire Chief
Rigo Landeros, Fillmore Fire Chief

Courtesy City of Fillmore Fire Department

As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, Fillmore residents are preparing to celebrate with BBQs and family get-togethers. Unfortunately, these celebrations can quickly turn disastrous, especially when children and teenagers are injured while discharging fireworks. Common sense and wise judgment are paramount to a safe holiday celebration.

The City of Fillmore Fire Department wants to ensure that Fillmore citizens enjoy a safe Fourth of July holiday. Residents are reminded that California State Fire Marshal approved “safe and sane” fireworks sold in Fillmore are legal in Fillmore only June 28 12:00pm – July 5 12:00pm.

The use of any type of non-approved firework is illegal and will result in criminal charges and fines in excess of $1,000. If you witness any illegal activity in the Fillmore area, please report it! Please call 805-524-2233 with any information you can provide. Callers may remain anonymous.

Below are several safety tips to insure you and your family enjoy a safe Independence Day celebration.

Fire Safety
If you witness a crime or fire in progress involving illegal fireworks, call your local authorities by dialing 9-1-1.

Only Safe and Sane fireworks bearing the seal of the State Fire Marshal are legal in California. All other fireworks, including altered Safe and Sane fireworks and those that explode or leave the ground are illegal.
Kids should not play with fireworks. Fireworks are intended for use by adults in open spaces with plenty of active supervision for every child present.

Always have a bucket of water on hand to dispose of fireworks and a hose connected to water ready in case of fire.

Fireworks, including sparklers and flares, can cause serious burns as well as blast injuries that can permanently impair vision and hearing. Teach your children what to do if their clothing catches on fire — “stop, drop and roll” — and how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency.

One person was killed and three others injured, in a two-vehicle collision on Highway 126 near Sycamore Road, Thursday at approximately 12:52 p.m. An eastbound Ford Mustang (above), driven by Alma Paz, 20, of Camarillo, struck a westbound pickup driven by David Espinoza, 62, of Camarillo, when Paz lost control. Espinoza was headed to Santa Paula from Fillmore. 31-year-old Indira One killed, three injured in Hwy 126 accident Torres-Jimenez died at the scene from blunt force injuries, according to Michael Tellez, senior deputy medical examiner. One passenger in the Mustang, Fredi De Jesus Leos Martinez, 26 also of Camarillo, was evacuated by helicopter to Ventura County Medical Center, according to CHP officer Steve Reid. Paz was taken by ambulance to VCMC, and treated for neck and back pain. The accident is being investigated as a non-contact hit and run, and the area declared a crime scene. A gray sedan is being sought which was being driven in the median, between east and westbound lanes, serving also as a left turn lane. It moved to the fast lane at the same time the Mustang moved into the same lane, after passing a big rig, according to the CHP. The driver of the Mustang apparently over-corrected then fishtailed and swerved into the westbound pickup. The gray sedan failed to stop. Reports state occupants of the Mustang were headed to Magic Mountain amusement park. Omar Ortiz, 21, another passenger in the Mustang was uninjured. Anyone with information regarding this accident is urged to call 477-4100. Some details of this story from Ventura Star writers Cheri Carlson and John Scheibe.
One person was killed and three others injured, in a two-vehicle collision on Highway 126 near Sycamore Road, Thursday at approximately 12:52 p.m. An eastbound Ford Mustang (above), driven by Alma Paz, 20, of Camarillo, struck a westbound pickup driven by David Espinoza, 62, of Camarillo, when Paz lost control. Espinoza was headed to Santa Paula from Fillmore. 31-year-old Indira One killed, three injured in Hwy 126 accident Torres-Jimenez died at the scene from blunt force injuries, according to Michael Tellez, senior deputy medical examiner. One passenger in the Mustang, Fredi De Jesus Leos Martinez, 26 also of Camarillo, was evacuated by helicopter to Ventura County Medical Center, according to CHP officer Steve Reid. Paz was taken by ambulance to VCMC, and treated for neck and back pain. The accident is being investigated as a non-contact hit and run, and the area declared a crime scene. A gray sedan is being sought which was being driven in the median, between east and westbound lanes, serving also as a left turn lane. It moved to the fast lane at the same time the Mustang moved into the same lane, after passing a big rig, according to the CHP. The driver of the Mustang apparently over-corrected then fishtailed and swerved into the westbound pickup. The gray sedan failed to stop. Reports state occupants of the Mustang were headed to Magic Mountain amusement park. Omar Ortiz, 21, another passenger in the Mustang was uninjured. Anyone with information regarding this accident is urged to call 477-4100. Some details of this story from Ventura Star writers Cheri Carlson and John Scheibe.
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This year’s Class of 2011 was the first in 16 years to have every student graduate, which came out to 230 graduates. During the beginning of commencement ceremonies a beach ball made its way around the Class of 2011, until one of the teachers was able to grab it. The crowd did get a few giggles out of it. Photos courtesy of Crystal Gurrolla.
This year’s Class of 2011 was the first in 16 years to have every student graduate, which came out to 230 graduates. During the beginning of commencement ceremonies a beach ball made its way around the Class of 2011, until one of the teachers was able to grab it. The crowd did get a few giggles out of it. Photos courtesy of Crystal Gurrolla.
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Senior Class President Miriam Hurtado waves her arm to get the crowd excited before her speech.
Senior Class President Miriam Hurtado waves her arm to get the crowd excited before her speech.
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Woo Hoo we did it!
Woo Hoo we did it!
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Ashley Jackson on her last bus ride at Fillmore High School.
Ashley Jackson on her last bus ride at Fillmore High School.
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Graduates walked beneath the arches.
Graduates walked beneath the arches.
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Yeah that’s right!
Yeah that’s right!
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(l-r) Anthony Edwards, Jordan Davis, Adrian Zavala, Christopher DeLaPaz, Ray Estrada, Marcus Garibay, and Gera Avalos
(l-r) Anthony Edwards, Jordan Davis, Adrian Zavala, Christopher DeLaPaz, Ray Estrada, Marcus Garibay, and Gera Avalos
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Under the arch and up to the podium to receive the diploma. Congratulations to the Class of 2011!
Under the arch and up to the podium to receive the diploma. Congratulations to the Class of 2011!
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Juniors Johnny Golson and Vivian Calderon were just two of the approximately 50 arch-bearers.
Juniors Johnny Golson and Vivian Calderon were just two of the approximately 50 arch-bearers.
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Graduates singing the Alma Mater at the end of the ceremony.
Graduates singing the Alma Mater at the end of the ceremony.
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“We’re Number 1” seemed to be the mood of the jubilant graduating crowd. Actually they were reacting to their alma mater song.
“We’re Number 1” seemed to be the mood of the jubilant graduating crowd. Actually they were reacting to their alma mater song.
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Class Valedictorian Troy Spencer prepares to read his speech to the audience.
Class Valedictorian Troy Spencer prepares to read his speech to the audience.
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Hugs of congratulations were everywhere.
Hugs of congratulations were everywhere.
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Officer Brandon Mumme
Officer Brandon Mumme
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Brandon Mumme, a California Highway Patrol officer based in Moorpark has been selected by the Kiwanis Clubs of Ventura County as Officer of the Year.

Mumme, 38, exemplifies “courage, honesty, professionalism, principles, respect, integrity, dedication and esprit de corps” according to Kiwanis officials. He is an “exemplary office and deserves the honor” according to Lt. April Baxter, head of the Moorpark CHP station.

Mumme joined the CHP in 2002 and was stationed at the Ventura office before transferring to Moorpark in 2005.
Mumme said he enjoys helping people out, as just one aspect of his job. “It’s exciting because you never know what’s going to happen on any given day.”

Officer Mumme was involved in an incident in Fillmore on July 27, 2010 in which he verbally disarmed a possible suicidal subject. As Mumme arrived on scene, the subject attempted to ram his CHP unit head-on. He was able to avoid a head on collision, but the subject’s vehicle collided with the right rear side of the unit. The incident ended with the subject being taken into custody; Mumme received minor injuries. His family said, “We praise the Lord for protecting Brandon in the face of danger.”

Mumme is a 1991 graduate of Fillmore High School, and lives in the area with wife Angela and their three children. Angela also said they are grateful for the recognition and the family is very proud of his achievement.

Fillmore City Manager Yvonne Quiring addressed council with budget recommendations, Tuesday night. Cuts, reductions and reorganization dominated the presentation.
Fillmore City Manager Yvonne Quiring addressed council with budget recommendations, Tuesday night. Cuts, reductions and reorganization dominated the presentation.

The June 7, 2011 Fillmore City Council meeting started late after a 5:30 closed session concerning former fire Chief Peter Egedi.

The Special Fillmore City Council/Budget Workshop Meeting started at 7:20pm and left many of those in attendance speechless as the anticipated 2012 Budget Overview was laid out. With over 13 full-time and part-time positions on the chopping block, and other income-generating proposals including another water/sewer increase, the costs saving suggestions were the hard reality of the City’s fiscal situation.

City Manager Yvonne Quiring presented a grim presentation of the City’s 2012 finances starting with a mid-year deficit amount of $2.1 million and ending the fiscal year in about the same shape. The bottom line; revenue generated by the City does not cover the expenditures and drastic measures must be taken. Quiring reported this may require reducing service levels, City employee salaries, benefit concessions, fee increases, and using monies from the General Fund Reserve. The City’s fiscal challenges are expected to extend to fiscal year 2013 unless the City obtains some new sources of revenue.

Fillmore’s General Fund Revenues is generated mostly from taxes which amount to about 50% of the fund; then Transfers In at about 30% and the remaining comes from licenses, permits, fines and other revenue. The largest portion of the City’s General Fund Expenditures goes to Public Safety which requires about 66%; next is the General Government at about 20% with the remaining going to Public Works, Community Development and Transfer Out Loans.

The City of Fillmore has hired CONTINUED »

Dorothy Wilson Leland
Dorothy Wilson Leland

Dorothy Leland, a graduate of Fillmore High School, has been named UC Merced’s Chancellor. The former Dorothy Wilson, 63, will begin her new position on July 1, 2011.

Leland has a long and stellar career history.

During college at Purdue University, where she received her doctorate, she served in the Peace Corps, working in India with a nutrition program and medical clinic. She was visiting faculty member at CSU Northridge, CSU Chico and UC Santa Cruz. She then returned to Purdue, where she taught and served as the first full-time director of the Women’s Resource Center.

She is now president of Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, GA.

Leland was called one of the “100 Most Influential Georgians”.

A national search was conducted to fill the position. Her annual salary will be $310,000, and a university house and a relocation allowance of $77,500 will be paid her over four years.
Leland said she is thrilled to be returning to her native California and an area which reminds her so much of the 60-acre Fillmore ranch she grew up on.

Deputy Leonardo Vazquez
Deputy Leonardo Vazquez

On May 27, 2011, Kiwanis Clubs of Ventura honored several Ventura County Sheriff’s deputies by presenting them with the service club’s “Officer of the Year” awards. These deputies are being recognized for their outstanding performance and service to the communities they serve while on patrol. The Kiwanis Clubs of Ventura County will be hosting a dinner banquet at the Four Points Sheraton in Ventura.

Deputy Leonardo Vazquez, Fillmore, was selected to receive the award. The recipients are to be commended for their exemplary accomplishments above and beyond their normal duties. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office joins in congratulating this year’s “Officer of the Year” recipients.

Fillmore Boy Scout Troop 406 salutes the raising of the American Flag at the Bardsdale Cemetery last Monday, Memorial Day.
Fillmore Boy Scout Troop 406 salutes the raising of the American Flag at the Bardsdale Cemetery last Monday, Memorial Day.
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Bardsdale Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony

The Bardsdale Cemetery held its Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th at 11AM. Special recognition was given to Sean Chandler who completed his Eagle Scout project – a Walk of Honor at the Cemetery with a brick walkway honoring those who served our country.

A large crowd turned out to honor the nation’s service personnel and their sacrifice.

Four private single-engine planes flew over early in the ceremony as a salute to those remembered on the national holiday.

Featured speaker this year was Don Gunderson who attended the University of Wisconsin on a Navy ROTC scholarship. Upon his graduation in 1957, he was commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy. He later attended the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey where he earned his degree in electrical engineering. During his naval service he had two commands as well as three deployment tours to Viet Nam. Captain Gunderson retired in 1985, after completing four and a half years on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon. During his years of service, Don was awarded the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star with combat “V” and the Air Medal as well as numerous campaign and unit awards. Don returned to Ventura County in 1985. From November 1990 to November 2002 he served 12 years on the Fillmore City Council, 4 as Mayor, as well as many county boards.

The Rev. Bob Hammond gave the Memorial Service, special music was provided by Jeanie Allred. Also assisting in the ceremony was VFW Post 9637, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson. The Boy Scouts put out the flags on Friday, May 27th and they were picked up by the Sespe 4H on Tuesday, May 31st.

The Board of Trustees of the Cemetery District are Scott Lee, President, Lynda Edmonds, Secretary, Rita Rudkin, Gabriel Asenas and Dick Diaz.

Last Wednesday, May 25, Fillmore High School held their yearly awards ceremony. Several high school students recieved scholarships and special awards. Approximately $590,000 was given out. Above are the recipients of the Balden/Scanlin Scholarship. Pictured are Derek Luna,Javier Valdovino, Corey Cole, Chris DeLaPaz, Christian Conaway, Maria Perez, Irma Trujillo, and Gabriella Santa Rosa.
Last Wednesday, May 25, Fillmore High School held their yearly awards ceremony. Several high school students recieved scholarships and special awards. Approximately $590,000 was given out. Above are the recipients of the Balden/Scanlin Scholarship. Pictured are Derek Luna,Javier Valdovino, Corey Cole, Chris DeLaPaz, Christian Conaway, Maria Perez, Irma Trujillo, and Gabriella Santa Rosa.
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Pictured are the recipients of the Alumni Scholarships. Back Row: Corey Cole, Sean Chandler,
Chrisitan Conway. Front Row, Brianne Cesario, Ana Pantoja, Riley Wright, Chloe Keller, Grace Simon.
Pictured are the recipients of the Alumni Scholarships. Back Row: Corey Cole, Sean Chandler, Chrisitan Conway. Front Row, Brianne Cesario, Ana Pantoja, Riley Wright, Chloe Keller, Grace Simon.
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Pictured are the recipients of the John and Nit Lemley Scholarship, Claire Faith and Troy Spencer.
Pictured are the recipients of the John and Nit Lemley Scholarship, Claire Faith and Troy Spencer.
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At the May luncheon meeting the Fillmore Ebell Club installed Fay Swanson for another year of presidency. The installing officer was Margaret Haskel. Other women installed were Marlene Schreffler 1st VP, Vivian Johnson 2nd VP, Melodie Stitch 3rd VP, Venita Bloxham and Trish Armstrong co-4th VPs, Pat Alto Recording Secretary, Lavonne Deeter Corresponding Secretary, Mary Ford Treasurer. The club is now dark until September when they will be meeting once a month to enjoy the arts at their monthly catered lunch in the Memorial Building. If you would like to learn more about the Ebell Club or perhaps become a member please call Melodie Stitch at 521-1400 or any other member. Courtesy of Marlene Schrefler.
At the May luncheon meeting the Fillmore Ebell Club installed Fay Swanson for another year of presidency. The installing officer was Margaret Haskel. Other women installed were Marlene Schreffler 1st VP, Vivian Johnson 2nd VP, Melodie Stitch 3rd VP, Venita Bloxham and Trish Armstrong co-4th VPs, Pat Alto Recording Secretary, Lavonne Deeter Corresponding Secretary, Mary Ford Treasurer. The club is now dark until September when they will be meeting once a month to enjoy the arts at their monthly catered lunch in the Memorial Building. If you would like to learn more about the Ebell Club or perhaps become a member please call Melodie Stitch at 521-1400 or any other member. Courtesy of Marlene Schrefler.
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Part 1
Relay for Life was one of the many participants in the Chamber of Commerce annual May Festival Parade held Saturday, May 21st. [Photos courtesy KSSP Photographic Studio]
Relay for Life was one of the many participants in the Chamber of Commerce annual May Festival Parade held Saturday, May 21st. [Photos courtesy KSSP Photographic Studio]
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Get ready to fly away!
Get ready to fly away!
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Accelerated Reading program under fire
At Tuesday night’s AR study session, Fillmore Hight School Principal John Wilber spoke to the school board in support of the program.
At Tuesday night’s AR study session, Fillmore Hight School Principal John Wilber spoke to the school board in support of the program.

According to the website of Renaissance Learning, the maker of Accelerated Reader ( or “AR” is “the most cost effective successful reading software of all time.” Over 60,000 schools use this program nationwide. In 2010 Renaissance Learning had sales of $130.1 million. The site goes on to state that the software provides “frequent progress monitoring and produces the greatest reading improvement for the least investment.” They also report that AR “is fully supported by scientifically based research.” Another benefit touted of this program is that it builds a lifelong love of reading. Some parents of high school students at Fillmore High School would not agree with that assessment.

On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 the FUSD Board of Education met for a public “Study Session” on AR. Assistant Superintendent Katy Hadley explained, “AR is not a teaching program, it is a reading management program. It is a way for teachers to track the outside reading that students are doing.” The computer-based program has a list of 150,000 books for students to choose from. Each book is rated at a particular reading level and is worth a certain number of points. Depending on their level of reading proficiency (above, below or at grade level) students are assigned a certain number of points they must earn. They earn points by taking a test after they have read a book. At the high school AR is 20% of a students grade in their English class while at the middle school it accounts for 10%. At the elementary level AR points are tied to “prizes” such as stickers, ice cream and parties. Hadley reported that AR came to FUSD in 2000-2001. During that time there has been issues and Task Forces were formed, School Site Councils dealt with it and curriculum committees examined the program. FHS Principal John Wilber began the presentation in support of the AR program stating that the year they brought in AR, “Staff felt that AR was the single thing that we did that made an impact on our school climate to make it more of an academic school.” He stated his belief that it is the “commitment to high expectations in reading” that has led to recent improvements in “performance” at the school. FHS English Teacher Jennifer Fitzpatrick presented a report regarding her department’s support for the AR program. Fitzpatrick was the only representative of the English Department in attendance and found herself charged with defending the program against the brunt of the parent’s frustration. Her report focused on the value of reading in future success and the important contribution that the English Department feels AR makes in creating proficient readers. She informed the Board on the California State Standards, which “mandate that in addition to their regular school reading… students read annually one-half million words by grade 4, one million words [annually] by grade 8, and two million words [annually] by grade 12.” The standards intend that those words come from sources including “a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers and online information.” The AR program aims at getting students to that goal. Fitzpatrick presented an interesting “footnote” to help understand how many words a million actually is. The entire Harry Potter series (seven books) totals 1.08 million words. While the report was aimed at supporting AR, many of the points made to support it refer to “recreational reading” and “the value of free voluntary reading.” Many who spoke to the Board clearly did not feel that AR was “voluntary” when it makes up 20% of the students grade. Approximately 25 parents, some FUSD staff members, and a couple students spoke to the Board regarding their concerns. The concern voiced most often was with AR making up 20% of students grades. At one point Hadley reminded the Board that Board policy and Ed Code “do state that grades given for course work of instruction in our district is determined by teachers of that course” She goes on to state the policy “does further state that parents and guardians should have an opportunity to work with schools in a mutually supportive and respectful partnership so their children are successful in school.” Board Member John Garnica took the floor to begin Board discussion and complemented Fitzpatrick on presenting the position of the English Department but “Where the rub is,” he pointed out “[is in the] implementation…[I think it can be] improved… How can we encourage kids to read in a positive manner?” A brief conversation clarifying that the evening would be spent in an information-gathering vein, Board Member Dave Wilde asked, “Where do we stand in determining [how] teachers [set their grading system]?” Superintendent Jeff Sweeney responded, “It’s a slippery slope” as school board start to meddle in the details of classrooms.

Once public comment began CONTINUED »

During the Make a Wish walk-a-thon F.H.S. cheerleaders performed for the participants. Several families and students participated in this wonderful event.
During the Make a Wish walk-a-thon F.H.S. cheerleaders performed for the participants. Several families and students participated in this wonderful event.
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The Fillmore High School Flashes cheerleading squad turned out in force to support the Make a Wish walk, for “Team Brianna” Alverdi, and the foundation, Wednesday, May 18th. Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has given hope, strength and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions. From their humble beginnings with one boy’s wish to be a police officer, they’ve evolved into an organization that grants a child’s wish in the U.S. every 40 minutes.
The Fillmore High School Flashes cheerleading squad turned out in force to support the Make a Wish walk, for “Team Brianna” Alverdi, and the foundation, Wednesday, May 18th. Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has given hope, strength and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions. From their humble beginnings with one boy’s wish to be a police officer, they’ve evolved into an organization that grants a child’s wish in the U.S. every 40 minutes.
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“Every 15 Minutes” is a reinactment of what can happen in the event of drinking and driving. The event was put on by the Fillmore Fire Department and the Ventura County Sheriffs Department. Above, Officer Anthony Biter arrives on scene after the driver of the car calls 911 for help. Students involved in the simulation are (right car) Josephina Hernandez (through windshield), Sergio Cornejo not pictured (driver), in back seat Breanna Vazquez (air-lifted). Left car: driver Jessica Givans, and passenger Brandon Pina.
“Every 15 Minutes” is a reinactment of what can happen in the event of drinking and driving. The event was put on by the Fillmore Fire Department and the Ventura County Sheriffs Department. Above, Officer Anthony Biter arrives on scene after the driver of the car calls 911 for help. Students involved in the simulation are (right car) Josephina Hernandez (through windshield), Sergio Cornejo not pictured (driver), in back seat Breanna Vazquez (air-lifted). Left car: driver Jessica Givans, and passenger Brandon Pina.
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Participants of “Every 15 Minutes”, Top Row, Left to Right:Dave Wareham, Chris Gaskins, Evan Zellmer, Louie Farah, Bob Thompson, Camilo Melendez, Mark Hubbard, Daren Hendren, Leo Vazquez. Middle Row, Left to Right: Rigo Landeros, Janelle Payne, Joseph Palacio, Manny Perez, Al Huerta, Monica McGrath, Leanne Thompson, Anthony Biter, John Wilber. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Bill Herrera, Cesar Benigno, Arin Aghakhanian, Byron Becke, Patrick Maynard, Sergio Cornejo, Adam Strong, Freddy Boudier.
Participants of “Every 15 Minutes”, Top Row, Left to Right:Dave Wareham, Chris Gaskins, Evan Zellmer, Louie Farah, Bob Thompson, Camilo Melendez, Mark Hubbard, Daren Hendren, Leo Vazquez. Middle Row, Left to Right: Rigo Landeros, Janelle Payne, Joseph Palacio, Manny Perez, Al Huerta, Monica McGrath, Leanne Thompson, Anthony Biter, John Wilber. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Bill Herrera, Cesar Benigno, Arin Aghakhanian, Byron Becke, Patrick Maynard, Sergio Cornejo, Adam Strong, Freddy Boudier.
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On Friday, May 13, the Fillmore Fire Department and Ventura County Sheriff’s Department presented to the Fillmore
High student body “Every 15 Minutes”, a program to stop underage alcohol consumtion and driving. Pictured above is the live simulation that took place to show students what happens when you mix drinking and driving. The whole incident took approximately 30 minutes, from the beginning of the accident to “Every 15 Minutes” shows dangers of drinking and driving a teenager being airlifted to the Coroner taking the body away, and ending with the driver arrested for being under the influence.

The program was Directed by: Patrick Maynard and Steven Karnazes, Produced by: Dave Wareham, Edited By: Louis C. Farah Jr., Casting Supervisor: Leanne Thompson, Camera Operators: Steven Karnazes, Ryan Kell, Adam Strong and Louis C. Farah Jr., Sound: Anthony Ventura, Makeup & Special Effects: Sarah Sexton, CAST: Father & Mother of Victim in Hospital -Barbara Vazquez and Leo Vazquez, Suspect - Sergio Cornjeo, Arresting Deputy - Anthony Biter, Supervising Sergeant - Dave Wareham, Judge - Hon. Nancy Ayers, Death Notification Deputy - Gabriel Gonzalez, Booking Deputy - Deputy Doepking, District Attorney - Theodore Schneider, Defense Attorney - Tom Adams, Parents of Suspect - Mr. & Mrs. Cornejo. Car Crash Victims: Breanna Vazquez, Josefina Fernandez, Jessica Givan, Brandon Pina. Party Scene: Khristian Felix, Josefina Fernandez, Eddie Gutierrez, Brandon Pina, Michael Topete. Ventura County Medical Center Trauma Team: Dr. Thomas Duncan (Trauma Surgeon), Dr. Nicole Te Poel (head of bed-Airway), Dr. Mariana Mejia Botero, Shannon Kaminski, RN (Trauma Nurse Practioner), Karen Beatty, RN (MICN on radio), Tom Gallegos,RN, Joseph Laurente, RN, Graal Diaz, RN, Dede Utley, RN. Ventura County Medical Examiners Officer: Janelle Payne and James Baroni. City of Fillmore Fire Department: Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Assistant Chief Bill Herrera, Captain Al Huerta, Captain Bob Thompson Engineer Joseph Palacio, Engineer Manny Perez, Firefighter Arin Aghakhanian, Firefighter Freddy Boudier, Firefighter Mark Hubbard, Firefighter Evan Zellmer
Firefighter Camilo Mendez, Firefighter Byron Becke, Firefighter Paramedic Chris Gaskins and Firefighter Paramedic Cesar Benigno. American Medical Response: Paramedic Supervisor Rob Rolfe, Paramedic Richard Houston, EMT Roberto Reyes. The Grim Reaper - Darin Hendron. "Living Dead" at Traffic Collision Scene: Kiana Garibay, Blanca Villa, Ashley Pech, Andrew Ornelas, Leah Robledo, Tania Dominguez Leslie Hernandez, Cali Gunta, Jazzlyn Gonda, Oscar Nava, Andrew Perez, Mayra Landin Ray Estrada, Johnny Golson, Joseline Franco. Sponsored by: HBO Entertainment – Triple Love Productions, Diana Lara, Ralph Coleman and Matt Prisk. Fillmore Noontime Rotary Club, City of Fillmore. Special Thanks to… John Wilber - Fillmore High School, City of Fillmore Fire Department, Ventura County Sheriffs Department, Ventura County Explorer Post 2958, Ventura County Medical Center, Ventura Superior Court, Skillin Carol Mortuary, Fillmore High School.

DA claims city records unreliable
Pete Egedi
Pete Egedi

All criminal charges pending against former Fillmore Fire Chief, Pete Egedi, 41, were dismissed by the Ventura County District Attorney, Tuesday. In October, 2008, Egedi was terminated as Chief, and later that year charged with four felony counts of embezzlement.

In a brief telephone interview with Mark Pachowicz, attorney for Egedi, Pachowicz expressed disappointment with the tenor of some news reports regarding the dismissal. The District Attorney’s office determined Fillmore’s sloppy financial record-keeping made it impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Egedi had embezzled $27,950 from a city Fire Department stipend account. He characterized the City’s financial records for the account as “a mess”. In his motion to dismiss the case, Pachowicz said, “The City of Fillmore did not have any written rules and guidelines concerning the operation of this checking account.” He also emphasized that the case turned on the fact that the 20 checks in question, payable to Egedi and his wife, were reimbursements for equipment purchased for the Fire Department, not embezzled funds. He also said that Egedi’s use of the Department stipend funds was completely consistent with historical use by prior department heads, that is there were no guidelines or rules regarding the fund’s use.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Kevin Drescher reported that his office reviewed thousands of pages of evidence during discovery and interviewed many witnesses. It was determined that the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department’s stipend checking account was not monitored. In Drescher’s opinion, this made it impossible to overcome Egedi’s defense of reasonable reimbursement, and therefore the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt could not be met despite the fact that a prima facie case of embezzlement existed.

A civil action against the City of Fillmore was filed Tuesday, May 17, 2011. The discovery period for this action will begin June 6. At that time multiple causes of action are expected to be developed following depositions, to include alleged Brown Act violations and alleged violations of Egedi’s due process rights as he was not permitted to defend himself before the Fillmore City Council. Egedi’s lawsuit will seek compensation for wrongful termination, reinstatement to his position as fire chief, and to recover back pay.

Among those Pachowicz says he will depose are former Finance Director Barbara Smith and City Attorney Ted Schneider.

Schneider would not respond to the Gazette’s questions beyond his remarks to the Ventura Star. The Star reports him as saying, “I can’t really comment on the DA’s decision”... “The city was never consulted with respect to the DA’s decision to prosecute or his decision to dismiss the charges. That was completely their decision. But the DA’s decision does not mean that he’s (Egedi) vindicated from the actions for which he’s been accused.” Schneider is also reported (by the Star) to have stated that the city “is against reinstating Egedi to his old job as fire chief and is fighting his wrongful termination lawsuit in court.”

The Egedi case was based upon an investigation by Sheriff’s Detective Sgt. Cary Peterson, head of the Financial Crimes Unit who concluded Egedi misappropriated more than $27,000 from the stipend account.

Now that criminal charges have been dismissed and civil litigation has begun, the burden of proof is substantially reduced to a preponderance of evidence, rather than beyond a reasonable doubt.

Migrant Student of the Year Arturo Luna.
Migrant Student of the Year Arturo Luna.
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Superintendent hiring process begins, Classified Staff layoff objections heard
Leticia Vasquez and Lola Rogers read a statement prepared by the President of the Fillmore chapter of CSEA (California School Employee Association).
Leticia Vasquez and Lola Rogers read a statement prepared by the President of the Fillmore chapter of CSEA (California School Employee Association).
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The regularly scheduled Fillmore Unified School Board of Education meeting took place on Tuesday, May 17, 2011. The Board had to relocate to the Sespe Auditorium to accommodate those present for the first item of business, recognizing the students and coaches who participated in the Migrant Speech, Spelling and Debate Tournament.
FUSD Special Populations Coordinator Jennifer Weir presented certificates to coaches and students for their accomplishment.

FUSD has been participating in the tournament since 2006. The program has expanded and this year every school in the District participated.

On April 2, 2011, at the Marriott Hotel in Ventura 34, fourth and fifth graders participated in the Speech and Spelling Tournament resulting in four spelling team winners and seven speech winners. On April 30, 2011 twenty students in grades six through twelve competed in the Speech and Debate Tournament held at Santa Paula High School with FUSD taking 11 wins in Speech and one Debate Team win. Those who came in first went on to the Statewide Migrant Speech and Debate Tournament held on May 14, 2011 at Ventura High School. Four students from FUSD competed, and three were awarded trophies in recognition of their speeches.

First place Speech and Debate winners who went on to the State competition were Rocio Zavala, 6th Grader from Piru Elementary, Coach-Claudia Cornejo; Viridiana Quintana, Fillmore Middle School, Coach-Kayce Betzel; Banely Arevalo and Daniela Valdovinos from Fillmore High School, Coach-Jennifer Fitzpatrick. The fourth and fifth grade students who placed first, second or third and received a trophy in Speech and Spelling are: From Piru Elementary School- Luis Piceno, Eduardo Amezcua, Norberto Armenta, Francisco Jimenez, Coaches-Randy Garcia, Delia Silva, Kristina Renelli: From San Cayetano Elementary School- Stephanie Magana, Coach-Tammy Ferguson: From Sespe Elementary School, Eric Gonzalez, Coach-Beverly Garnica: From Mountain Vista Elementary School- Adrian Alcala, Mirey Avila, Lina Mendez, Alejandro Rojas, Alejandro Rodriguez, Daniel Mendoza, Gina Munoz, Daylene Valdez, Briana Vargas, Juan Villegas, Coaches- Raina Arellano, Mary-Allyn Garcia, Tricia Gradias (all participants and some winning speeches will be posted at Board President Virginia De La Piedra presented Fillmore High School Senior Arturo Luna with the award for Migrant Student of the Year. De La Piedra read, “[this award is presented to a student] who exhibits exceptional leadership, maintains a grade point average of 3.5 or better and plans to continue their education and involvement in their school and community.” De La Piedra went on to read Luna’s impressive accomplishments and activities, “He plays on the varsity football team, works in the cafeteria and is the Sergeant of Arms in MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan) club.” He is also a mentor to younger students in the District and helps at the after-school migrant homework center and “…is a natural mediator among his peers.” She reported that he plans to attend college and is the son of Pedro and Lourdes Luna and has four siblings. Luna accepted the award to loud applause and he stated, “If it was not for my family and community I would not be here, so thank you.”

Next parent Ernesto Quintana was presented with the award for Migrant Parent of the Year for his dedication and support of the program. He was unable to attend, but his wife accepted on his behalf.

The crowd had thinned by the time the Board heard from County Superintendent Stanley Mantooth and Associated Superintendent of Educational Services Sandi Shackelford. Mantooth explained “it is not a normal function of our duties” but that they do generally make themselves available to assist in recruiting and retaining new superintendents. He reported they currently are working to fill or have filled six superintendent or interim superintendent positions in the County, that is six including FUSD. Shackelford presented the Board with three possible options that their office recommends for moving forward with the recruitment process to replace retiring Superintendent Jeff Sweeney, who was not present.

Option one is to CONTINUED »

Last Thursday, Quest Relay for Burn survivors visited the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department, raising money for burn victims throughout the country. This year the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department presented them a check in the amount of $501.
Last Thursday, Quest Relay for Burn survivors visited the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department, raising money for burn victims throughout the country. This year the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department presented them a check in the amount of $501.
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The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the events that will be taking place this year at the Fillmore May Festival slated for May 19th – 22nd. The Festival will be located in the downtown area on Central Avenue, just off Highway 126, Ventura Street in Fillmore. Thursday is family day and everybody has free entry to the Festival. The carnival will begin at 3:30 pm and will end at 10:00 pm. On Friday the event starts at 3:30 pm and goes all day until 11:00pm. Entry fees are as follows: 4 years of age and under is free, 5 years of age to 11 is $3.00 and 12 years and up is $4.00. The carnival will continue and the food & game booths will be open. House Arrest will perform from 7:00-11:00pm at the Bud Light stage located at City Hall, and a showcase will be provided by Central Music at the Trade School Stage at 5:00pm. Saturday begins with the Heritage Valley 5k run at 8:00am, the Parade at 10:00am on Central Avenue, and the Event gates open at 11:00am and closes at 11:00pm. The carnival rides continue along with the food, game, information, arts & crafts vendors. The diaper derby will start after the parade at the city hall area, along with the parade awards. The live entertainment continues at the Bud Light Stage with the Skinny Little Twits starting at 1:00 and playing until 3:00, Sound Effect from 4:00 – 7:00, then HindSite closes Saturday playing from 8:00pm – 11:00. At the Trade School Stage starting at 3:00 Relay for Life will hold a “Relay Idol” competition for those that enjoy singing. The winner will perform “Live” at the Fillmore Relay for Life this year. To sign up to sing call 805-524-0149. Then at 7:00 pm the Last Dog & Pony Show will perform. For Sunday the Events will continue and the entertainment lineup is as follows: at the Bud Light Stage from 12:00-1:00 a DJ, then from 2:00-3:00 Community Groups will perform, then at 3:00-5:00 live music by Juano & Friends, then closing from 6:00-9:00 is the Suzie Hansen Band. On the Trade School Stage from 1:00-2:00 is local talent, at 2:00 is Community Hour, then at 5:00 a live performance by All Roads to Canada. Pre Sale Carnival tickets are available to purchase at the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce office located at 557 Ventura Road, Highway 126, Fillmore, CA 93015. Tune your radio into 95.1, 100.7 and 104.7 FM to win your family four packs and VIP passes! For more information call 805-524-0351 or visit our website at See you there! (Courtesy of Cindy Jackson)

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