Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Date & Time: July 6, 2009 12:00 PM

A Verizon telephone outage has affected many Ventura County residents ability to call for help in the
event of an emergency. Cities that are serviced by Verizon include Camarillo, Ojai, Oxnard, Port
Hueneme, Santa Paula, Thousand Oaks and some unincorporated areas of Ventura County.
Officials are encouraging residents that are affected by the outage to utilize the seven-digit numbers to
contact local fire and police departments. Residents without any type of phone service have been advised
to go to their nearest police or fire station to report an emergency.
Local police and fire department phone numbers include:

Police Fire Dispatch
Oxnard 385-7600 385-7740 210-0474 (Emergency Only)
210-0475 (Emergency Only)
210-0476 (Emergency Only)
Port Hueneme 986-6530 389-9710
Santa Paula 525-4474 933-4254 933-4230
Simi Valley 583-6950 389-9710
Ventura City 339-4400 339-4300

Sheriff Fire
Camarillo 388-5100 389-9710
Fillmore 524-2233 524-0586
Lockwood Valley (661) 245-3829 389-9710
Moorpark 532-2700 389-9710
Ojai 646-1414 389-9710
Sheriff’s Headquarters Patrol Station 654-2361 389-9710
Thousand Oaks 494-8200 389-9710
Ventura County of Ventura 654-9511 389-9710

Residents are asked to not test the phone lines or call 911 unless they have an emergency.

It’s that time of year! The City of Fillmore is offering Safe & Sane fireworks for sale through numerous local non-profit organizations. Shown is the Saint Francis of Assisi fireworks booth making some sales. So find your favorite booth, see list page 2, and buy, buy, buy! Go to for list of all 247 California cities selling fireworks this year.
It’s that time of year! The City of Fillmore is offering Safe & Sane fireworks for sale through numerous local non-profit organizations. Shown is the Saint Francis of Assisi fireworks booth making some sales. So find your favorite booth, see list page 2, and buy, buy, buy! Go to for list of all 247 California cities selling fireworks this year.
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July 4th Celebration Time!

The City of Fillmore Fire Department wants to ensure that Fillmore citizens enjoy a safe Fourth of July weekend. Citizens are reminded that “safe & sane” fireworks sold in Fillmore are legal between June 28 12:00pm – July 5 12:00pm. The use of any type of non-approved fireworks is never legal and will result in criminal charges and the potential for a $1000 fine. If you witness any illegal activity please report it! An anonymous tip line has been setup to report violators. Please call 805-524-1500 ext. 350 to report illegal activity.

Below are several safety tips to insure you and your family enjoy a safe Independence Day Celebration.

Fire Safety
If you witness a crime or fire in progress involving illegal fireworks, call your local authorities by dialing 9-1-1.
Only Safe and Sane fireworks bearing the seal of the State Fire Marshal are legal in California. All other fireworks, including altered Safe and Sane fireworks and those that explode or leave the ground are illegal.
Kids should not play with fireworks. Fireworks are intended for use by adults in open spaces with plenty of active supervision for every child present.
Always have a bucket of water on hand to dispose of fireworks and a hose connected to water ready in case of fire.
Fireworks, including sparklers and flares, can cause serious burns as well as blast injuries that can permanently impair vision and hearing. Teach your children what to do if their clothing catches on fire — “stop, drop and roll” — and how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency.


As we prepare to celebrate the 233rd anniversary of the birth of our nation each American should revisit that magnificent document, the Declaration of Independence, that our Founding Fathers created to announce to King George III, to the people of the this great land, and to the entire world that the United States of America was a free and independent country. The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence clearly pronounced: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." The concept of "unalienable rights" is a philosophy that is uniquely American and is proof that the creators of the Declaration of Independence believed in God and believed in the rights bestowed on men by God. The Founding Fathers felt that those rights were so important that no government should deny them. CONTINUED »

FUSD Administrators hope scores are recovering from last year’s dip.
FUSD Administrators hope scores are recovering from last year’s dip.
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Each year in the above charts refers to the test year. For example, standardized tests were taken in Spring 2008 (near the end of the 2007-2008 school year). Growth API scores (in bold) based on those tests were released in August 2008. The scores were adjusted by the California Dept. of Ed. to compensate for changes in the tests themselves and decisions made by the State Board of Ed, so that schools can be ranked. The adjusted scores are the Base API scores (underlined), and 2008’s Base API scores were released in May 2009. In May of 2007, the API Target for 2008 was set. API Scores range from 200 to 1000, and are based on a formula that weighs various standardized tests. The state goal is 800. The Public Schools Accountability Act urges each school to improve its performance each year by 5% of the difference between their Base API and 800, with a minimum target of increasing five points.
Each year in the above charts refers to the test year. For example, standardized tests were taken in Spring 2008 (near the end of the 2007-2008 school year). Growth API scores (in bold) based on those tests were released in August 2008. The scores were adjusted by the California Dept. of Ed. to compensate for changes in the tests themselves and decisions made by the State Board of Ed, so that schools can be ranked. The adjusted scores are the Base API scores (underlined), and 2008’s Base API scores were released in May 2009. In May of 2007, the API Target for 2008 was set. API Scores range from 200 to 1000, and are based on a formula that weighs various standardized tests. The state goal is 800. The Public Schools Accountability Act urges each school to improve its performance each year by 5% of the difference between their Base API and 800, with a minimum target of increasing five points.
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In late May 2009, California Department of Education (CDE) released Base Academic Performance Index (API) scores developed primarily from scores on standardized tests taken in Spring 2008. Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) had received Growth API scores based on the same testing period in August 2008, and at a September School Board Meeting each principal presented his or her school’s Growth API score along with the school’s plans for improvement. The results from the Spring 2009 tests will not be available until August, so no one yet knows whether the interventions worked, but administrators hope that the Sespe and San Cayetano are recovering from last year’s dip in scores. (See chart.)

The API is a measurement developed by the California Department of Education to be the cornerstone of the Public Schools Accountability Act (PSAA), which created an educational accountability system for California public schools. The PSAA’s primary goal is to help schools improve and to measure the academic achievement of all students.

The API score is based on different standardized tests results depending upon which grade-levels the school has, and which factors the State Board of Education (SBE) has decided to include. According to the Education Data Partnership (EDP), the PSAA indicated that "Criteria other than test scores—such as school staff attendance and graduation rates—were supposed to be added. So far the state has only used test score results." The tests vary enough from year to year, that the formula for calculating Base API must be adjusted to compensate for changes in the tests and in what factors are included. For this reason, a Growth API is released in August, but the Base API, which allows schools to compare their scores to previous years’ scores and other schools’ scores, is not released until May. This is a significant lag time for school districts to operate under when trying to adjust programs to improve scores. CONTINUED »

According to police reports, at approximately 7:04, Saturday, Michael Limon, 26, of Fillmore, drove through the alley behind Mountain View at an excessive rate of speed. He crashed his vehicle into two garages, coming to rest in the garage at the 300 block of Mountain View. Extensive damage was done to both garage structures. Limon was arrested for DUI and booked into the Ventura County Jail.
According to police reports, at approximately 7:04, Saturday, Michael Limon, 26, of Fillmore, drove through the alley behind Mountain View at an excessive rate of speed. He crashed his vehicle into two garages, coming to rest in the garage at the 300 block of Mountain View. Extensive damage was done to both garage structures. Limon was arrested for DUI and booked into the Ventura County Jail.
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The pool is open and ready for business.
The pool is open and ready for business.
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600 Block Fernglen Circle
600 Block Chaparral Street
500 Block Kensington Drive
400 Block 2nd Street
800 Block A Street
300 Clay Street
100 Block Carriage Place
400 Block 4th Street CONTINUED »

The Auto Club
The Auto Club

The Automobile Club of Southern California is offering its free Tipsy Tow service to drinking drivers during the 4th of July holiday for the 11th consecutive year. The service is available from 6 p.m. on Friday, July 3, to midnight on Saturday, July 4. Tipsy Tow is available in the 13 Southern California counties served by the Auto Club.

Motorists, bartenders, restaurant managers, party hosts or passengers of a drinking driver may call 1-800-400-4AAA for a free tow home of up to seven miles. Callers simply tell the Auto Club operators, “I need a Tipsy Tow,” to receive the free tow and ride home. A regular Auto Club-contracted roadside service truck will be dispatched.

Callers need to keep in mind that the service excludes rides for passengers, is restricted to a one-way, one-time ride for the driver and the destination is limited to the driver’s residence. Reservations are not accepted. Drivers can expect to pay the rate charged by the tow truck contractor for rides farther than seven miles. “Drivers should be aware of the high crash risk from drinking and driving associated with holidays and encourage them to think twice about getting behind the wheel if they’ve been drinking,” said the Auto Club’s senior researcher Steve Bloch. CONTINUED »

City staff asked City Council to consider allowing vacated Joanna’s Ice Cream Parlor to be used as the new location of the Heritage Valley Tourism Office (HVTO) and Fillmore & Western Railway Ticket Office. The empty building is located at 364 Main Street. Councilmember Steve Conaway said that the staff had not prepared a report showing the potential financial impact of such use. Deputy City Manager Bill Bartels explained the HVTO was considering a move and timing was critical. The Council’s liaisons to HVTO and Fillmore & Western Railway will discuss the issue in more detail.
City staff asked City Council to consider allowing vacated Joanna’s Ice Cream Parlor to be used as the new location of the Heritage Valley Tourism Office (HVTO) and Fillmore & Western Railway Ticket Office. The empty building is located at 364 Main Street. Councilmember Steve Conaway said that the staff had not prepared a report showing the potential financial impact of such use. Deputy City Manager Bill Bartels explained the HVTO was considering a move and timing was critical. The Council’s liaisons to HVTO and Fillmore & Western Railway will discuss the issue in more detail.
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Dave Roegner, advocate for rent control within the El Dorado Mobile Home Park, addressed the council Tuesday night, regarding an initiative.
Dave Roegner, advocate for rent control within the El Dorado Mobile Home Park, addressed the council Tuesday night, regarding an initiative.
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The City Council met Tuesday, June 23rd at 6:30 p.m. The most controversial items under discussion were the "Fair Rent and Homeownership Initiative", possible uses of the former ice cream parlor, and Addendum #37 to the Water Recycling Project. Postal workers expressed concerns regarding a proposed consolidation of services.
The Council authorized the City Attorney to cooperate with the California League of Cities, and other cities and counties, to challenge any seizure by the State of California of the City's street maintenance funds. Fillmore will support litigation if necessary.

After much discussion, the Council ordered an Initiative report on the potential impacts of the "Fair Rent and Homeownership Initiative". The Initiative report will include in-house analysis of the Initiative's potential impact, and the Council authorized up to $8000 to be spent on a consultant to analyze the Initiative's financial impact on the City. Council Member Jamey Brooks had not wanted to spend that much, but City staff explained that financial impact would be complex, and they would be unable to provide an accurate detailed analysis of the financial impact. The Council voted unanimously for the report, but Jamey Brooks and Steve Conaway voted against allocating the $8000 and were outvoted. CONTINUED »

Marshall Lucas Perez arrested after brief foot chase.
Marshall Lucas Perez arrested after brief foot chase.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On Monday June 22, at 10:30 am, Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies Cadman and Meixner made contact with the driver of a blue Nissan Path Finder in front of the 800 block of A Street. When Deputy Cadman asked the driver for his identification, the driver ran from the vehicle into a near-by residence. Deputies Cadman and Meixner chased the driver into the residence. While chasing the suspect, Deputies Cadman and Meixner contacted additional subjects that were involved in criminal conduct. Deputy Meixner detained the subjects while Deputy Cadman continued chasing the fleeing driver through the house and into the backyards of local residences.

Two of the subjects in the house displayed signs of being under the influence of acontrolled substance. Matthew Duenas, 21 and Brina Salas, 41, were both arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance. Salas also had three outstanding warrants for her arrest for prior drug related charges.

During the same time, additional deputies located and detained the fleeing driver, later identified as Marshall Perez, 32. Perez was under the influence of a controlled substance and had methamphetamine in his possession. Perez was arrested for 148(a)(1) PC/ Resist, obstruct or delay of a peace officer, 11377(a) H&S/ Possession of a controlled substance and 11550(a) H&S/ Under the influence of a controlled substance.

The three suspects were booked into the Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility. The Ventura County Sheriff’s
Department and Fillmore Police Department wants to recognize all the local citizens who assisted in the search and arrest of these suspects. With partnership efforts like this, we will make the community a safer place to live and work.


The Fourth of July is just around the corner. Here is a list of the booth locations: Chamber of Commerce, east of 1149 Ventura St.; Christian Praise Assembly, 955 W. Ventura St.; Fillmore Athletic Booster Club, 725 Ventura St.; Fillmore Future Farmers of America Booster Club, Lot #14 Telegraph Rd. (E. Hwy 126 & El Dorado); Fillmore High School Athletic Boosters, Ventura Street & A Street (Balden Town Plaza); Fillmore Historical Museum, 725 Ventura St. (Super A Foods Center; Fillmore Lions Club, 1462 W. Ventura St.; Fillmore Senior Center, 251 Telegraph Rd (vacant lot); Fillmore Women’s Service Club, 446 Ventura St. (Margaret’s Restaurant); Fillmore Youth Football, 460 Ventura St.; First Assembly of God Church, 251 Telegraph Rd.; Maranatha Fellowship, 131 E. Telegraph Rd.; Piru 4-H, 501 Central Ave. (NW Corner of Ventura & Central); Rotary Club of Fillmore Noontime, 613 W. Ventura St.; Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers, 908 Ventura St. (McDonalds); Sespe 4-H, 1049 Ventura St.; St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1048 W. Ventura St.; VC Search & Rescue, NW corner of Los Serenos & Ventura St.; Veterans of Foreign Wars (Post 9637), 502 Ventura St.; Santa Clara Valley Grange, 251 Telegraph Rd.; Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society, SW corner Ventura St., & C Street; Fillmore Church of Christ, Balden Towne Plaza (VONS); Fillmore Girls Softball, 572 W Ventura St., (Balden Town Plaza-Burger King).
Have a Safe & Sane Fourth of July!

A bicyclist, Mayo Perez, of Fillmore, was struck by a vehicle driven by Gluadalupe Gramildo, 51, of Fillmore, Wednesday evening at about 8:10 p.m. The collision occurred near the railroad tracks on Central Avenue.
A bicyclist, Mayo Perez, of Fillmore, was struck by a vehicle driven by Gluadalupe Gramildo, 51, of Fillmore, Wednesday evening at about 8:10 p.m. The collision occurred near the railroad tracks on Central Avenue.
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Perez was struck by the left bumper of the car and thrown into the windshield. He was transferred to the Ventura County Medical Center. His condition is unknown.
Perez was struck by the left bumper of the car and thrown into the windshield. He was transferred to the Ventura County Medical Center. His condition is unknown.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

600 Block Ventura Street
1000 Block Ventura Street
500 Block Sespe Avenue
500 Block Sespe Avenue
600 Block Ventura Street
4th St. / B. Street CONTINUED »

It's 80 degrees, it's summer, where is everyone?
Can you identify the one person in the pool?
Can you identify the one person in the pool?
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Gregorio Aguilar
Gregorio Aguilar

“I just killed my first man.” Those were the chilling words of Gregorio Aguilar, 19, of Fillmore, according to the testimony of Adam Solorio at Aguilar’s June 2 preliminary hearing for murder.

Under oath Solorio testified that Aguilar didn’t think Ventura Circle K clerk Sean Odle, 30, was taking him seriously during the December 26 attempted robbery. Solorio said Aguilar told him that Odle made a face like he was “making fun” of him. He also testified that Aguilar pulled the trigger, realized the safety was on, released the safety and fired, killing Odle with a single gunshot wound to the chest. Odle was shot about 4:25 a.m., and taken to Ventura County Medical Center, where he died.

Solorio wore a concealed recording devise and testified in exchange for leniency in connection with January 2009 charges of residential burglary, grand theft auto and receiving stolen property. He stated that he and Aguilar drank alcohol and smoked marijuana together and committed the residential burglary. CONTINUED »

Two Rivers Skate Park is taking shape. Sprinklers were being installed on Tuesday, several varieties of trees have been planted, restrooms are up, and fencing is about to be installed. Shown is the skate portion of the 22-acre park with some newly planted Palms.
Two Rivers Skate Park is taking shape. Sprinklers were being installed on Tuesday, several varieties of trees have been planted, restrooms are up, and fencing is about to be installed. Shown is the skate portion of the 22-acre park with some newly planted Palms.
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At Tuesday’s council meeting Public Works Director Bert Rapp noted that the construction of the City’s Reclaimed Water Transmission and Distribution System was delayed at FMS in order to receive bids within budget and save money. According to Rapp’s memo to the Council, “Amendment # 2 provides a time extension for Substantial Completion from August 4th to August 28th.” American Water is still responsible for and expects to meet the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s water quality requirements by its September 9, 2009 deadline. Rapp’s memo states, “There is a cost savings to the City of about $50,000 associated with approving contract Amendment # 2 because of the avoidance of the importation, processing and disposal cost of additional biosolids.”
At Tuesday’s council meeting Public Works Director Bert Rapp noted that the construction of the City’s Reclaimed Water Transmission and Distribution System was delayed at FMS in order to receive bids within budget and save money. According to Rapp’s memo to the Council, “Amendment # 2 provides a time extension for Substantial Completion from August 4th to August 28th.” American Water is still responsible for and expects to meet the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s water quality requirements by its September 9, 2009 deadline. Rapp’s memo states, “There is a cost savings to the City of about $50,000 associated with approving contract Amendment # 2 because of the avoidance of the importation, processing and disposal cost of additional biosolids.”

Fillmore City Council held a joint meeting with the Parks & Recreation Commission on Tuesday, June 16, 2009. Together, they heard an update on the possibility of building baseball fields at Two Rivers Park, discussed the Aquatics Facility construction delays, and considered converting the old Water Treatment Plant into a park area with observation points. Then the Council approved Amendment #2 to the Service Contract between the City of Fillmore and American Water for the Water Recycling Facility, received a report on the new budget management system under development, and heard an update on the City’s affordable housing distressed home purchase plan.
Public Works Director Bert Rapp explained that when the City contracted out the development of Two Rivers Park, there was not enough money to pay for the three desired baseball fields. It was hoped that near the end of the project, contingency funds would become available to install baseball facilities. Rapp estimated that only $150,000 would be available and suggested that it would be unwise to re-allocate that money before September. He presented a Community Works Design Group Preliminary Cost Estimate showing that constructing three basic baseball fields would cost over $483,000. That includes backstops, fences, bases, and clay, but does not include dugouts, bleachers, or lighting. Various members of both bodies spoke about the importance of having the fields completed with at least basic facilities. Steve Conaway said that he thought $150,000 of DIF funds might be available to augment the contingency money. The Commission and Council agreed to work with local sports organizations, especially Little League, to find out whether money is available through grants. The City might contribute a permanent Little League field in order to obtain construction money through grants. Currently Little League rents fields from schools at $10 per hour, and spends over $8,500 annually.

Replacement of a drain in the children's play structure at the Aquatics Center could delay the start of recreational swimming or close the pool for two weeks in July. The replacement part will arrive June 30th, but the demolition involved in the repair will take 5-7 working days, resulting in up to two weeks of construction, according to the latest estimates. The Council directed staff to find out whether the pool could remain open with reduced capacity during that time. Lap swimming and water aerobics classes are already available. Lifeguards hired to supervise recreational swimming will be finished with training by June 26th. CONTINUED »

Seated is Frank Dunst, who was honored for 60 years of Lions Membership and service. Lion Bill Dewey, standing, presented Dunst with a plaque celebrating his amazing life and tenure in Lions. On June 15 at the Memorial Building over 50 Lions, spouses, and friends celebrated the 82nd annual Installation and Award dinner. It was a very successful evening. Lion President Bill Edmonds presented award to his 2008-2009 cabinet and thanked everybody for their enthusiastic work during this past year. Then Lion President Joe Woodruff installed the new cabinet for the coming year. Special awards were presented. Lion Scott Lee presented the Lion of the Year Award to Paul Schifanelli for his tremendous work on behalf of the club this year. Then the prestigious Melvin Jones Award was given to Ron Smith. This is a lifetime achievement award. Then Jim Austin presented the Proud Lion Awards to April Hastings, and Sean Hastings. The Hastings’ are new Lions members who completed a very rigorous program which includes attending a board meeting, bringing a prospective new Lion to a Meeting, attending a zone or district cabinet meeting, visiting another club, and participating in a Club Fund Raising or Service project. The Hastings' sponsor is Lion Mary Tipps. The final award given was a Donald Snyder Student Speaker Foundation award to Pres. Bill Edmonds for his continuing work in the annual student speaker contest.
Seated is Frank Dunst, who was honored for 60 years of Lions Membership and service. Lion Bill Dewey, standing, presented Dunst with a plaque celebrating his amazing life and tenure in Lions. On June 15 at the Memorial Building over 50 Lions, spouses, and friends celebrated the 82nd annual Installation and Award dinner. It was a very successful evening. Lion President Bill Edmonds presented award to his 2008-2009 cabinet and thanked everybody for their enthusiastic work during this past year. Then Lion President Joe Woodruff installed the new cabinet for the coming year. Special awards were presented. Lion Scott Lee presented the Lion of the Year Award to Paul Schifanelli for his tremendous work on behalf of the club this year. Then the prestigious Melvin Jones Award was given to Ron Smith. This is a lifetime achievement award. Then Jim Austin presented the Proud Lion Awards to April Hastings, and Sean Hastings. The Hastings’ are new Lions members who completed a very rigorous program which includes attending a board meeting, bringing a prospective new Lion to a Meeting, attending a zone or district cabinet meeting, visiting another club, and participating in a Club Fund Raising or Service project. The Hastings' sponsor is Lion Mary Tipps. The final award given was a Donald Snyder Student Speaker Foundation award to Pres. Bill Edmonds for his continuing work in the annual student speaker contest.
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Pictured (in no order) and acknowledged are some of the people who make up Fillmore Lions Club a success, including Bill Dewey, Bill Edmonds, Joe Woodruff, Scott Lee, Paul Schifanelli, Melvin Jones, Ron Smith, Jim Austin, Sean and April Hastings, Walk Gonzales, Jack Stethem, and Mary Tipps.
Pictured (in no order) and acknowledged are some of the people who make up Fillmore Lions Club a success, including Bill Dewey, Bill Edmonds, Joe Woodruff, Scott Lee, Paul Schifanelli, Melvin Jones, Ron Smith, Jim Austin, Sean and April Hastings, Walk Gonzales, Jack Stethem, and Mary Tipps.
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Thursday, June 4, Fillmore High School not only celebrated the Class of 2009 graduation, but also celebrated Sergio Cornejo’s (above) 18th Birthday. Cornejo is being held up by his classmates Vinny Sanchez and Jesse Sanchez. The class of 2009 had over 275 graduate this year. The class also had 29 CSF Life Members, 24 Golden State Merit Diploma, 1 Salutatorian, and 20 Valedictorians. 

Last Thursday the Class of 2009 held their commencment ceremonies. With over 275 graduating, the stadium was packed and overflowing onto the field. The event started off with the traditional Junior Archbear’s walking out onto the field as the graduating class walked underneath the arches. The band played “The Star Spangled Banner”, Jillian Wilber, ASB President, lead with the “Pledge of Allegiance”, Perry West, Senior Class President, gave his personal message “Not Holding Back”, followed by Matt Dollar, FHS Teacher of the Year, “I Wish You Enough”, and ending the personal messages, Brina Suttle, Valedictorian, with “What Lies Beneath”. There were many honored for their academic accomplishments, as follows: CSF Life members: Elizabeth Amezcua, Maria Arreola, Jessica Avila, Patricia Ciseneros, Meghan Cobos, Jessica Cornelius, Jonathan Escamilla, Vincent Ferguson, Yessica Flores, Taylor Gaitan, Danielle Gangl, Alexandra Garcia, Brandon Hunt, Jessica Leon, Antonio Magana, Maricarmen Magana, Stephanie Martinez, Jonathon Monroe, Andreina Montelongo, America Munoz, Miguel Ochoa, Bailey Pina, Mayra Regalado, Andy Reynaga, Erica Rodriguez, Nicole Sanchez, Erik Storey, Katy Talon, Carlos Tarango, Samone Vega. Golden State Merit Diploma: Noah Aguirre, Taylor Atkins, Alani Barajas, Ryder Bush, Jessica Cornelius, Jonathan Escamilla, Vincent Ferguson, Joshua Gaither, Kyla Hernandez,
Brandon Hunt, Rachel Kamradt, Emily Largey, Nathan Liu, Sierra Mangus, Gabriel Manzano, Vaneesa Rodriguez, Julianne Sandoval, Jose Sillas, Brina Suttle, Juan Carlos Toledo, David Watson, Michael Watson, Jacob Zellmer. Salutatorian Stephanie Bolanos. Valedictorians: Jazmyne Alvary, Taylor Atkins, Christina Bahena,
Alani Barajas, Karli Chessani, Natalie Garnica, Jaymee Harter, Kyla Hernandez, Rebeca Herrera, Aimee Orozco, Ryan Rivera, Julianne Sandoval, Franziska Scheifler, Brina Suttle, Juan Carlos Toledo, David Watson, Michael Watson, Jillian Wilber, Jacob Zellmer. Congratulations Class of 2009. We wish you the best!
Thursday, June 4, Fillmore High School not only celebrated the Class of 2009 graduation, but also celebrated Sergio Cornejo’s (above) 18th Birthday. Cornejo is being held up by his classmates Vinny Sanchez and Jesse Sanchez. The class of 2009 had over 275 graduate this year. The class also had 29 CSF Life Members, 24 Golden State Merit Diploma, 1 Salutatorian, and 20 Valedictorians. Last Thursday the Class of 2009 held their commencment ceremonies. With over 275 graduating, the stadium was packed and overflowing onto the field. The event started off with the traditional Junior Archbear’s walking out onto the field as the graduating class walked underneath the arches. The band played “The Star Spangled Banner”, Jillian Wilber, ASB President, lead with the “Pledge of Allegiance”, Perry West, Senior Class President, gave his personal message “Not Holding Back”, followed by Matt Dollar, FHS Teacher of the Year, “I Wish You Enough”, and ending the personal messages, Brina Suttle, Valedictorian, with “What Lies Beneath”. There were many honored for their academic accomplishments, as follows: CSF Life members: Elizabeth Amezcua, Maria Arreola, Jessica Avila, Patricia Ciseneros, Meghan Cobos, Jessica Cornelius, Jonathan Escamilla, Vincent Ferguson, Yessica Flores, Taylor Gaitan, Danielle Gangl, Alexandra Garcia, Brandon Hunt, Jessica Leon, Antonio Magana, Maricarmen Magana, Stephanie Martinez, Jonathon Monroe, Andreina Montelongo, America Munoz, Miguel Ochoa, Bailey Pina, Mayra Regalado, Andy Reynaga, Erica Rodriguez, Nicole Sanchez, Erik Storey, Katy Talon, Carlos Tarango, Samone Vega. Golden State Merit Diploma: Noah Aguirre, Taylor Atkins, Alani Barajas, Ryder Bush, Jessica Cornelius, Jonathan Escamilla, Vincent Ferguson, Joshua Gaither, Kyla Hernandez, Brandon Hunt, Rachel Kamradt, Emily Largey, Nathan Liu, Sierra Mangus, Gabriel Manzano, Vaneesa Rodriguez, Julianne Sandoval, Jose Sillas, Brina Suttle, Juan Carlos Toledo, David Watson, Michael Watson, Jacob Zellmer. Salutatorian Stephanie Bolanos. Valedictorians: Jazmyne Alvary, Taylor Atkins, Christina Bahena, Alani Barajas, Karli Chessani, Natalie Garnica, Jaymee Harter, Kyla Hernandez, Rebeca Herrera, Aimee Orozco, Ryan Rivera, Julianne Sandoval, Franziska Scheifler, Brina Suttle, Juan Carlos Toledo, David Watson, Michael Watson, Jillian Wilber, Jacob Zellmer. Congratulations Class of 2009. We wish you the best!
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According to California Highway Patrol reports, Ricardo Briseno, 27 of Fillmore, died Monday morning as a result of crashing his car into a drainage ditch adjacent to Highway 126 near Fillmore.
Apparently no one witnessed the 5 a.m. accident, which was reported more than a half-hour after the incident. Briseno was headed east on Highway 126 when his vehicle left the south side of the roadway, spun around on a dirt shoulder, hit a sign post before skidding across five lanes, colliding with a guard rail, and landing in a drainage ditch.
The cause of the crash is not known. Briseno is reported to have been wearing a seat belt. He suffered massive blunt-force trauma and internal injuries, and had to be freed from the wreckage by Ventura County Fire Department personnel. Briseno was pronounced dead at 7:48 a.m. at Santa Paula Hospital.

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