Shirley Spitler (left) and former Mayor Roger Campbell, hand Grad Night Live founder Raeleen Chaney checks for nearly $6,000 in support of this life-saving event. Illness has prevented Mrs. Chaney from fund-raising this year. Time is short and several thousand dollars more are needed to pay for the Fillmore High School senior grad night event.
Shirley Spitler (left) and former Mayor Roger Campbell, hand Grad Night Live founder Raeleen Chaney checks for nearly $6,000 in support of this life-saving event. Illness has prevented Mrs. Chaney from fund-raising this year. Time is short and several thousand dollars more are needed to pay for the Fillmore High School senior grad night event.
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First to speak at Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Fillmore City Council was Clay Westling. Mr. Westling reminded the Council that they had 15 days to respond to the petition presented to city hall which seeks to halt the Reider housing plan in north Fillmore. More than 800 signatures were collected in a short time to validate the petition.
Westling also criticized the Council for not using PERC, a construction firm, in the competition for the city’s new water treatment plant. He noted that the City of Santa Paula recently chose PERC to construct its treatment plant, adding that PERC “had the lowest capital cost.”
Gayle Washburn also joined in the criticism of the Council for not choosing PERC for the construction of the city’s treatment plant. She told the Council that there was a “substantial difference” in construction cost, and that Fillmore would have saved $16 million with PERC, instead of the company the Council chose. She stated “no one [from the Council] called me” for information.
Council approved funding for the construction of the city’s new swimming complex. Completion is expected by January, 2009.
Former Councilman and Mayor, Roger Campbell, spoke next. He, in an aside, reminded Ms. Washburn that PERC “chose not to bid on the Fillmore plant”, that they had not participated in the bidding, and were, therefore, irrelevant to the issue of cost. This fact has been explained many times to those who repeatedly raise this issue.
Campbell reminded the Council that the highly successful Grad Night Live program was in danger of failing this year for lack of funding. Founder of Grad Night Live, Raelene Chaney, joined in a plea for assistance. This program has saved the lives of countless high school grads since its inception more than 17 years ago. The program provides a free cruise with entertainment, overnight, to help avoid dangerous, often alcohol based activities by exuberant new grads.
The City’s independent audit report was approved by Council for the fiscal year 2006-007.
Agenda item 8-J, a request for approval of the allocation for this year’s work by Boyle Engineering on the water treatment plant was questioned by Councilwoman Patti Walker. Ms. Walker stated that she had trouble with this request, stating “I have trouble trying to explain why I get a $3 million dollar grant and I have to turn it over to you” [Boyle Engineering]? It’s difficult to understand this objection, because the grant money is earmarked for this purpose, and allocating yearly, instead of paying for all work in a lump sum, saves the city money, and can be spent only for this purpose. The Boyle water treatment plant is under budget and on time.
The owner of Fillmore’s Taco Bell contributed $3,500 to the fund, M.T.S. Consulting contributed $2.500, and Campbell presented a check for $250. All Fillmore residents are urged to help this effort in the short time left before graduation.
Director of Public Works, Bert Rapp, told the Council that the El Dorado Mobil Home Park will not get the traffic light they have hoped for on Highway 126. CalTrans has rejected the project because traffic in and out of El Dorado was deemed insufficient to meet its standards. A very strong effort, for many years, has been made, unsuccessfully, to argue for the light. Griffin Industries, developer of Heritage Valley Parks, adjacent to El Dorado, will construct a rear roadway connecting with Mountain View, when the next phase of housing is complete.
Several Resolutions concerning lighting and landscape for District No. 2 were approved. Please refer to the City of Fillmore website link on for detailed information.
Acting Fire Chief, Pat Askren, reminded landowners that weed abatement is absolutely necessary, and that if owners failed to take action to eliminate these fire hazards the city must do it at considerable expense to owners.
Several approvals were granted for contract work on the Waste Water Treatment Plant and requests for changes in other Plant and levee
In executive session, negotiations concerning property owned by Herb Haase in north Fillmore, off B Street were undertaken. The price and terms of payment were at issue, for a narrow strip of land needed for the completion of the B Street extension into north Fillmore.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On April 26, 2008, the Fillmore Police Department and deputies from the Gang Unit responded to a report of a fight in the front parking lot of “Llamas Market”. Investigation revealed that it was not a fight but a robbery of two customers that had just left the market. The suspects battered the victims and stole approximately forty-five dollars worth of merchandise from the victims. The suspects fled the area prior to the deputies’ arrival.
The two involved suspects were identified and subsequently arrested shortly thereafter. The two suspects, Ruben Ramirez 20 and Albert Rodriguez 22 both of Fillmore, were charged with robbery and commission of a crime for the benefit of a street gang. The two suspects were booked at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility without incident. The incident is being investigated as a gang-related crime. Courtesy of Fillmore Police Department Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.

Tragedy hit the community of Fillmore Thursday when resident Danielle Barrett, 16, lost her life in a car accident on Grand Avenue, outside city limits. 
Barrett was driving a 2001 Jeep Cherokee just before 1:00 p.m. at a high rate of speed when she lost control of her car, ran onto the dirt shoulder, overturning several times before coming to a stop in an orange grove. Barrett, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected from the car and suffered head trauma and internal injuries. She was taken by helicopter to Ventura County Medical Center in Ventura, where she died that evening.
Three passengers were also injured; Michael Castaneda, 18, and Torrey Phillips, 16, both of Fillmore, were taken by ambulance to VC Medical Center. Passenger Barry Meyer, 18, of Fillmore, was taken by ambulance to Santa Paula Hospital. All three were treated for minor scrapes and released.
Tragedy hit the community of Fillmore Thursday when resident Danielle Barrett, 16, lost her life in a car accident on Grand Avenue, outside city limits. Barrett was driving a 2001 Jeep Cherokee just before 1:00 p.m. at a high rate of speed when she lost control of her car, ran onto the dirt shoulder, overturning several times before coming to a stop in an orange grove. Barrett, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected from the car and suffered head trauma and internal injuries. She was taken by helicopter to Ventura County Medical Center in Ventura, where she died that evening. Three passengers were also injured; Michael Castaneda, 18, and Torrey Phillips, 16, both of Fillmore, were taken by ambulance to VC Medical Center. Passenger Barry Meyer, 18, of Fillmore, was taken by ambulance to Santa Paula Hospital. All three were treated for minor scrapes and released.
Photo by Chris Egedi
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Army Private First Class George T. Poppic III
Army Private First Class George T. Poppic III

Army Private First Class George T. Poppic III, 23 years old, is a 2002 Villanova Preparatory School Graduate. Located in Ojai, Villanova Preparatory School is a Catholic, co-educational, day and boarding school where cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic diversity are welcomed and embraced. Founded in 1924, Villanova is the only Augustinian co-ed boarding school in the United States. PFC George Poppic III also attended Mt. Carmel School in Santa Barbara for elementary and middle school. After high school, he went to Wyotech in Sacramento; he received his diploma for Automotive Technician. He currently has 1969 Bronco under construction. He is a Fillmore resident and is currently stationed at Fort Hood, Texas with the 3rd Brigade 1st Infantry 6-4 Cavalry.

Army Private First Class George T. Poppic III is the son of Debra (Kevin) Edwards of Fillmore and George Poppic Jr. of Sacramento. Grandson of the late Maternal Grandparents Nick and Gladys Niederkorn of Glendora, California and the late Paternal Grandparents George and Lois Poppic of Santa Barbara. Prior to enlisting in the Army PFC George Poppic III was employed at William L. Morris as a mechanic and worked in the oil fields for Excalibur.

PFC George Poppic III enlisted with the Army on January 4, 2007 and his job specialty is as a “Cavalry Scout”. He tells me, “A cavalry scout are usually referred to as the "eyes and ears of the battle field" meaning we are out front watching and reporting on the enemy and their movements. We are sent out in smaller groups than the normal infantry and are not meant to engage the enemy as they are, but to report to the higher echelon and they will make decisions on what to do (have us engage, call for fire, bypass, call for reinforcements).”

PFC George Poppic III will be deploying soon to Afghanistan with the expected departure date of some time in June. He has been awarded the Army Service Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal and two Army Accommodation Medals.

In addition to anything automotive, his interests, PFC George Poppic III tells me; have to do mainly around any sort of off road racing. He said he mostly likes desert racing.

All the citizens of this Valley wish PFC George T. Poppic III safe travel, deployment and we look forward to his return home.

This is Conceptual Plan number 7, provided by the city. One major change has been made to this rendering, and that is the addition of an exit area on the west side of the parking lot. It is hoped that completion of this swimming complex will occur in December of 2008. The Gazette incorrectly stated completion for December, 2009, in last week’s edition.
This is Conceptual Plan number 7, provided by the city. One major change has been made to this rendering, and that is the addition of an exit area on the west side of the parking lot. It is hoped that completion of this swimming complex will occur in December of 2008. The Gazette incorrectly stated completion for December, 2009, in last week’s edition.
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In the fall of 2005, the citizens of Fillmore passed by a two-thirds majority, Measure B5, a special $15 per year tax per residential parcel or dwelling unit, to generate funds for the maintenance and operation of a new year-round community pool. Two and a half years later, and the heat of summer upon us, the pool is still a daydream to the residents of Fillmore.
When it is built, the new, year-round, competition sized, heated pool will be located on the former site of the old, debris-laden pool that served Fillmore High School and the community for decades. The Ventura County Environmental Health Department closed that pool due to numerous health and safety violations after the summer of 2000. Repairs and refurbishment to bring the pool to code and reopen would have exceeded half the cost of replacement, both options financial impossibilities for the Fillmore Unified School District. The long-standing critical need for recreational facilities in Fillmore, and the passage of Measure B5, prompted the City to purchase the site from the District for full market value as required by law.
Besides the inoperable pool, the property included four community-used tennis courts. Original plans called for construction (financed through the Redevelopment Agency with redevelopment funds) of the new pool, locker rooms and bathrooms and refurbishment of the four existing courts. However, to accommodate parking facilities, new plans account for only two, newly constructed tennis courts. As months went by, the tentative completion date of spring 2007 was extended. The City sites serious challenges and other issues that caused unforeseen delays, including property appraisals, the lack of drawings for existing school plumbing, construction plan changes, sewer plant and storm drain issues, prioritizing the new skateboard park on C Street, and a staffing shortage.
The big question is, will the pool and its accompaniments ever become a reality and when? Councilmember Scott Lee answers with a definite “yes”! The current plan includes; May 5, 2008 contracting bids opened; July, start construction; December 31, tentative completion date; January 2009 through March, limited use; April, opened to the public. Construction issues concerning high school use requirements are in the process of being resolved. The City, owner and operator of the complex anticipates the project (cost estimate: $6,385,000), to be completed on time and under budget. The City Recreation Department and the School District will enjoy joint use the facility.
What has become of the funds collected by the City from the citizens of Fillmore over the past two years? Those funds, deposited in a separate trust account, cannot and will not become part of the City’s general fund, as B5 specifically and legally restricts the use of those funds only for maintenance and operation of a community swimming pool. Additional funds will be collected from the School District and reasonable pool entrance fees for those using the pool.
The pool and tennis courts at the high school location are not the only project underway in this effort to improve recreational facilities in Fillmore. C Street, next to the old sewer plant is the planned site for a new park. The first phase includes a large playfield, a skateboard park, two basketball courts and two tennis courts, at a cost of $4,500,000. The project is out for bids with tentative completion planned for December 2008. Phase two plans (estimated cost $4,830.000) include two additional basketball courts, two additional tennis courts and two baseball fields. In the meantime, the City intends to hydro seed those areas, making them suitable for soccer play.
Whether we like it or not, Fillmore is growing, and it is past time for our recreational facilities to modernize and grow too, to accommodate our residents of all ages. We applaud the City for its efforts on these projects that are definitely a step in the right direction. However, for now, we must continue to daydream, until our promised courts and fields are buzzing with recreational activity, and we see our children splashing happily in the community swimming pool.


We live in a world that loves observances. Holidays are established to recognize presidents, religious leaders, discoverers, laborers and even ground hogs and fools. We observe Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Veterans Day. There are celebrations for New Years Day, Valentines Day and Easter.
There is one observance that deserves the place of honor above all others on that the list - a day that is set aside to honor the person who is responsible for all the good that exists on the planet. The person that God himself has chosen to be His co-creator of life. That person is your mother.
One might ask, “What about Jesus or Mohammad?” The simple answer is that even they would not have been born into this world without a mother.
When I contemplate, “What is God’s greatest gift to mankind?” I can only conclude that no gift could be greater than the gift of our mothers. Anything that we have, anything that we achieve, anything that we hold dear is the direct result of a loving and unselfish mother. A mother who willingly goes through months of discomfort in pregnancy, hours of almost unbearable pain in labor and childbirth, and years of never getting a good night’s sleep, to give us our chance on earth. A mother who had a choice as to whether or not we would be allowed to exist and opted to bring us into the world in spite of the options open to her. A mother whose sacrifices for us were so great as to defy comprehension. A mother whose chose our life over her own.
I recently had the opportunity to meet with a young couple and their beautiful little three-month old daughter. As the new mother looked into the eyes of that recent little arrival from heaven, and the little angel looked back into her mother’s eyes, I witnessed a mutual, unconditional and pure love that is without equal. There is a scripture in the Book of John where Jesus instructs: “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” The love shared between that mother and her child is the nearest thing to Christ-like love one will ever witness or experience.
As I continued to watch the mother and child it became readily apparent, even though the infant had no knowledge of where she was or what was occurring around her, that there was an undeniable bond of love between her and her mother that allowed her to identify the sight, sound and very presence of her mother above all others in the room.
It is somewhat ironic that the most beautiful, the most loving, and the most mutually satisfying times of our lives spent with our mothers have been withheld from our memories. They occurred during the first few years of our life and, therefore, only our mothers have the ability to recall them. Those memories cannot be explained to others because there are no words that can adequately describe the beautiful and sacred experience that they shared.
A great many dying individuals cry out for their mothers as their time on earth comes to an end, even though their mothers may have preceded them in death decades earlier. One cannot help but think that perhaps those lost memories are restored and the dying individuals are reaching out to the one person they know, with a sure knowledge, will provide them with peace, comfort and unconditional love.
If a mother’s love could be duplicated and instilled to every person on earth there would be no wars, no crime, no divorce, no dissention and no greed in the world. But fortunately, as long as there are mothers, there is also a chance that this world might just be able to reach a point where it can actually be designated as civilization. Each time a mother brings a new life into the world it is a manifestation from God that He has concluded that there is still justification to allow the world continue.
Mothers should certainly be honored more than one day a year. They should be revered and cherished and placed high on the highest pedestal each and every day of their lives. One can never come close to repaying his mother the debts he owes her, however, that doesn’t mean he should ever stop trying.

Mama Sue Conroy and Ken Talent present Mrs. Chaney a plaque for her hard work and dedication for Grad Nite Live during the spaghetti dinner held Friday night. The dinner was successful and made close to $1300. Talent also presented a check from Search and Rescue in the amount of $500 to Grad Nite Live.
Mama Sue Conroy and Ken Talent present Mrs. Chaney a plaque for her hard work and dedication for Grad Nite Live during the spaghetti dinner held Friday night. The dinner was successful and made close to $1300. Talent also presented a check from Search and Rescue in the amount of $500 to Grad Nite Live.
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The Fillmore High School bleachers can be seen in the distant background. The football field is being prepared to receive water lines from our new water treatment plant. Every effort is being made to complete the project before graduation. The outcome, however, is uncertain.
The Fillmore High School bleachers can be seen in the distant background. The football field is being prepared to receive water lines from our new water treatment plant. Every effort is being made to complete the project before graduation. The outcome, however, is uncertain.
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The Fillmore Unified School District has been very busy overseeing the execution of long awaited upgrades and renovations to Fillmore’s schools, especially at the Fillmore High School campus. The school, main recipient of the District’s recent efforts, was established in 1909. The oldest building on the present campus was erected in 1938, and today, educator to 1000 students, some bussed from as far away as Newhall Ranch.
Those familiar with Fillmore High School could not deny the long deteriorated condition of the buildings and grounds. The high school renovation that began six years ago is nearing completion. Commencing in July 2001 with the rehabilitation and renovation of the Science Building, the modernized structure reopened for student use in August 2002.
More recently, work was completed on a new parking lot and outdoor basketball courts, new concrete in the quad, and replacement of asphalt in the horseshoe. Major plumbing upgrades included the renovation of five previously un-useable student restrooms. Numerous new doors in both the Arts and Administration Buildings have been installed and the cafeteria and gym sport a new, fresh look. Importantly, disability access has been upgraded throughout the campus.
The final phase is noticeably in progress. Improvements at FHS include regrading and resurfacing the football field with artificial turf, regrading and installation of an all-weather track, new lights and fine, no-climb fencing. A new state of the art, remote access scoreboard, financed by the Fillmore Lion’s Club through donations in memory of Hank Carrillo, will be installed sometime in July. Painting of the exteriors of the Library, two classroom buildings and the Administration Building is scheduled for this summer. More obvious however, is the installation of eight-foot fencing along the perimeter of the campus, complying with a 2002 study by the Ventura County Grand Jury, and the recommendation that all high schools in Ventura County install such perimeter fencing in an effort to not keep students in, but to keep perpetrators of problems out. Fortunately, little violence occurs between students. School officials report that every major event on campus has involved non-students against students. However, in 2007 alone, the school suffered costs of $30,000 due to vandalism and $20,000 from burglary offences. Most high schools in the County installed this type of fencing years ago.
Other area public schools have received upgrades as well. In the spring of 2003, work began after the District won State funds to construct twenty-two new classrooms at termite damaged Fillmore Junior High School. The classrooms were operational in the summer of 2005. Recent ongoing projects include new frontage fencing for the Junior High, completion of the new multi-purpose room and cafeteria at Mount Vista Elementary School, and exterior painting and asphalt work at San Cayetano Elementary School.
It takes an enormous amount of money to finance projects of this magnitude. Since 2001, the cost has been $32,000,000 and an additional $7,000,000 planned for the high school, San Cayetano and Piru Elementary Schools. Funds have and will come from a variety of sources including State bonds and grants, an obligation bond, mostly used for Mount Vista, and the sale of high school property (site of the old, debris filled pool and tennis courts), to the City for the proposed community swimming pool and refurbished tennis courts. Upon completion of the heated, competition-regulation pool, an agreement between the City and the FUSD will allow Fillmore High School students to use the City owned facility for physical education and competition. Along with funds collected from the community through a yearly maintenance tax (measure B5), FHS will participate in the maintenance costs.
Dr. Michael Bush, Ed.D., FUSD Assistant Superintendent, Business, is currently managing this enormous undertaking. He stated that budgetary problems in funding education are directly related to low tax levels from years of Proposition 13 (low property taxes), and consequential dependence on other tax revenues, and that the shortfall contributes greatly to California’s ranking of below forty-five, in the country. And since the final phase of renovations is funded through facility funds restricted to capital improvements, the current State budget challenges will not derail the process. Dr. Bush also believes in not allowing funding issues to tear at the fabric of the community. His job, he stated, is to fight hard for available monies and opportunities, and to make sure that Fillmore schools receive their fair share, necessary to realize state of the art learning institutions. He, along with many others, is dedicated to the goals of a finer education and a brighter future for the youths of Fillmore, and restoration of the respect and pride for their schools, displayed by students of previous generations. So much has been accomplished through education in Fillmore’s schools, despite their decaying condition. Could you imagine the achievements in surroundings of which one can be proud?

Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Sweeney.
Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Sweeney.
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Tuesday’s special joint meeting of the Fillmore City Council and School District aired serious concern about funding the School Resource Officer (SRO) for the high school and middle school. The District has been paying $100,000 of the $135,000-plus cost of the SRO position, with the city picking-up $35,000. The Sheriff’s Department also helps by paying for two months of the SRO’s salary.
This position is recognized as being “absolutely critical” to the effective operation of the school, according to Sergeant Dave Wareham. The grant having expired, Fillmore High School is seeking continued financial support from the city to fund the job. A response, according to School Superintendent Jeff Sweeney is needed within the next couple of weeks.
The Council voiced strong support for the program.
A public hearing was opened by City Planner Kevin McSweeney concerning the appeal of builder Mike Sarahang from a Planning Commission denying a modification of permit 03-5 for construction under way at 341 Central Avenue. The appeal was denied in a 3-1 vote, Councilman Scott Lee dissenting. According to McSweeney, the applicant’s application of unapproved material (rough slump stone) for the lower, outside wall covering was not approved. The applicant had also ignored other plan regulations by painting the building a different color, and using other, unapproved, materials on the roof. After much discussion, Council decided the material in question was dangerously unsupported and posed a threat to pedestrians in the event of an earthquake. It also failed to confirm to the traditional design required in the downtown area.
Council voted to have the applicant remove the siding and to comply with the Downtown Specific Plan.
Oddly, and without explanation, Councilman Scott Lee was the only vote against this outcome. Staff was complimented by Council for having done its job in halting construction for non-compliance.
Council approved an easement for the Pool Complex, also approved the Pool Complex Construction Agreement (materials), and for Recycled Water Sub-Surface Drip Capital Improvements Project Schedule (materials).
Council also gave its approval for School/City Coordination of and Mitigation of Construction Impacts.
Discussion was undertaken concerning the enormous impact upon the city of the recycled water project from the new water treatment plant. Assistant City Manager Bill Bartels described the impact as something like the Northridge earthquake, in terms of disruption of traffic, rescheduling of sports events and other needed city-wide reorganization to facilitate the construction.
City Planner Kevin McSweeney summarized the city’s development activity list. He mentioned the 98-lot SunCal tract for north Fillmore, with its approved EIR and tract map. The project has not started.
Also mentioned were: the 3-acre, 51 unit north Fillmore Reider project, which has a petition circulating for a referendum to halt the plan; the Griffin “Bridges” tract, with 20 of 81 units remaining unsold. A 10-acre school site awaits phase 2.
The KD company’s approved 110 unit tract, south of River Street, will come on line 6 units at a time. Cabrillo’s 29-unit railroad tract is expected to begin construction this year. A two-story building at the old Masonic Temple site, 400 Central Avenue, will have medical offices and lower retail space, with 19 parking spaces.
Construction of the swimming pool complex should be completed in December of 2009. Grass playing fields should be available for the new 22-acre ark in June or July.
A major reorganization and rescheduling of sports programs, city-wide will be necessary as the water treatment plant construction brings water lines to the High School, Middle School, and Sespe School. This construction will severely impact all summer sports, and the traditional fireworks display will not be held at the football field. This will probably be moved to another park.


District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that Amy Flores (DOB 07/28/78), a resident of Fillmore, was arrested pursuant to a felony warrant for welfare fraud, housing assistance fraud and social security fraud. The arrest was the result of an extensive investigation by the District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation - Government Fraud Unit. Flores is alleged to have received $38,592 in public assistance funds from three separate government programs for which she was not legally entitled.
The three count felony complaint alleges that Flores received the illegal public assistance benefits over a period of three years. Between March 2005 and April 2007, Flores received $13,169 in food stamps and cash aid from the Ventura County Human Services Agency for which she was not entitled. Flores also received $7,909 in housing benefits from the Ventura County Area Housing Authority for which she was not legally entitled. Between January 2006 and August 2007, Flores, as the legal guardian for a minor child who was supposed to be living in her home, diverted $17,514 from the Social Security Administration, which was intended for the benefit of the minor. Under penalty of perjury, Flores reported substantially different information to the three public assistance agencies with respect to her household composition, income and sources of public assistance.
Flores was arrested by Ventura County Sheriff’s Department deputies and booked into the Ventura County jail. In issuing the warrant for her arrest, Superior Court Judge David Long set bail at $10,000. If convicted on the felony charges and special allegations, Flores faces a maximum sentence of four years and four months in state prison.

The Fillmore High School Percussion Ensemble brought home the gold medals and first place trophy for the Scholastic C Division of the American Drum Line Association at Santiago High School in Corona on Saturday April 26, 2008. Show Title: The House - music by Alan Keown and Brian Mudget. Drill design by Alan Keown. Licensed to Marching Show Concepts. David Adams and Colleen Anderson – instructors, Chris Fernandez - Director of Instrumental Music. American Drum Line Association - 26 years of drum line competitions, in 2008 there are over 120 competing drum lines and percussion ensembles, representing approximately 2,000.
The Fillmore High School Percussion Ensemble brought home the gold medals and first place trophy for the Scholastic C Division of the American Drum Line Association at Santiago High School in Corona on Saturday April 26, 2008. Show Title: The House - music by Alan Keown and Brian Mudget. Drill design by Alan Keown. Licensed to Marching Show Concepts. David Adams and Colleen Anderson – instructors, Chris Fernandez - Director of Instrumental Music. American Drum Line Association - 26 years of drum line competitions, in 2008 there are over 120 competing drum lines and percussion ensembles, representing approximately 2,000.
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The Fillmore High School Percussion Ensemble brought home the gold medals and first place trophy for the Scholastic C Division of the American Drum Line Association at Santiago High School in Corona on Saturday April 26, 2008.
Show Title: The House - music by Alan Keown and Brian Mudget. Drill design by Alan Keown. Licensed to Marching Show Concepts. David Adams and Colleen Anderson – instructors, Chris Fernandez - Director of Instrumental Music
American Drum Line Association - 26 years of drum line competitions, in 2008 there are over 120 competing drum lines and percussion ensembles, representing approximately 2,000 young musicians and performers.
2008 American Drum Line Association Competitions: March 1 Artesia High School, Cerritos, March 8 A. B. Miller H.S., Fontana, March 15 Jurupa Valley H.S. at Patriot H.S., Riverside, March 29 Riverside King H.S., Riverside, April 5 Mission Hills H.S., San Marcos, April 12 Whittier H.S., Whittier, April 19 San Gorgonio H.S., San Bernardino, April 26 & 27 Championships at Santiago H.S., Corona.
The Fillmore High School Percussion Ensemble began rehearsals in mid-January, 2008. Fillmore has not had a competitive percussion ensemble or drum line before this year. They are in the Scholastic “C” Division for novice percussion ensembles.
The F.H.S. Percussion Ensemble participated in competitions at: March 1 Artesia High School, Cerritos - 1st place, April 12 Whittier H.S., Whittier - 2nd place – tie, April 19 San Gorgonio H.S., San Bernardino - 1st place, April 26 Championships at Santiago H.S., Corona - 1st place
Fillmore High School Percussion Ensemble Members and Instrumentation 2008
Anchondo, Eleazar - bass drum, Bergkamp, Hans - bells, chimes & vibraphone, Butts, Stephanie – actress, Faith, Claire - bass drum, Ferguson, Lynn - chimes & marimba, Leal Karen – guitar, Marquez, Alicia - cymbal, snare drum, tom Marquez, Ramsey - bass guitar & hi-hat, Martel, Ryan - marimba & vibraphone, Orozco, Erik - bass drum, Pantoja, Ana - bells, chimes & vibraphone, Radley, Justin – synthesizer, Sillas, Jose – toms, Simon, Grace - bells, chimes, marimba & vibraphone, Tarango, Karissa – synthesizer, Vargas, Alex - bass drum, Zellmer, Jacob - snare drum.

On His Way to Afghanistan
Lance Corporal Ray Alvarado-Ponce.
Lance Corporal Ray Alvarado-Ponce.

Today, while I was involved in my “normal and routine” life I was consumed with the thoughts of all the young men and women I have written about in this article and where they are right now: Army Staff Sergeant Rudy Alcantar now serving in Kosovo; Army PFC Juanita Altamirano in Afghanistan; Air Force Senior Airman Michael Chavez in Italy; USN IT3 Phillip Diaz (my son) deploying for the second time in May for the Mediterranean; Army Sergeant Kevin Edwards soon to be on his second deployment to Iraq; Army Specialist Michael Edwards soon to deploy to Honduras; Army Staff Sergeant Gilbert Zavala on his third deployment, twice to Iraq and now to Afghanistan. While I was doing my “normal and routine” life, and you yours, these young men and women were serving our Country so we could enjoy the freedoms we all now have. All of them so young and all of them seeing so much more than any of us can possibly imagine.
I believe the reason that those thoughts were with me was because of a phone conversation I had with 20 year old United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal Ray Alvarado-Ponce as I was preparing this article. Lance Corporal Alvarado-Ponce was about to leave his family, in about four hours, to return to the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twenty-Nine Palms located near 29 Palms, California for preparations to leave for his second tour to the Middle East.
Lance Corporal Alvarado-Ponce served in Iraq from January 28, 2007 to August 24, 2007 with the 2nd Battalion 7th Marines Weapons Company (2-7 Weapons Company) near Fallujah, Iraq. It was on his first tour to Iraq that he was wounded by shrapnel from a 2,000 pound “suicide vehicle borne Improvised Explosive Device” while he manned a .50 caliber machine gun on a Humvee as a “Turret Gunner”. On Friday, April 4th Lance Corporal Ray Alvarado-Ponce deployed to Afghanistan.
United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal Ray Alvarado-Ponce is a 2005 graduate of Fillmore High School where he participated in football and track. He also attended San Cayetano and Sespe Elementary Schools and Fillmore Middle School before enlisting in the United States Marine Corps on September 12, 2005. Ray is the son of Murillo Alvarado of Texas and Isabelle Diaz of Santa Paula. He is the stepson of Fred Ponce and Yvonne Sandoval of Fillmore and Sam Diaz of Santa Paula. His siblings include; Romie 29, Freddie 24, Joseph 18, Niko Diaz 5, step-siblings Milo Diaz 21, Tashina Diaz 17, Susie Sandoval 24, Veronica Sandoval 17 and Antelmo Sandoval 15. Lance Corporal Alvarado-Ponce’s Maternal Grandmother Terry Marquez lives in Fillmore and his Paternal Grandparents Raymond and Alma Ponce live in Piru.
Lance Corporal Alvarado-Ponce has earned; a Purple Heart Medal; the Global War on Terrorism Medal; National Defense Ribbon; Iraqi Campaign Medal and the Combat Action Ribbon. As a “Turret Gunner” on a Humvee he is constantly exposed to danger as his unit patrols within the combat area.
I hope that all of us, as we are involved in our “normal and routine” lives think of each of these young men and women from our community and appreciate the sacrifices they and their families are making for us. I know all of us here at home wish Lance Corporal Ray Alvarado-Ponce safe travel and look forward to his return home.

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

As of Monday, April 7, 2008 Fillmore Fire Chief Peter Egedi went on leave. This is a personnel matter. The City is respecting the privacy rights of its employee. The City is in the process of gathering information and does not wish to speculate at this time. When the City has completed its review it will be in position to make further comment on the matter. [City of Fillmore Press Release.]

Outgoing Chief of Police, Bruce Macedo
Outgoing Chief of Police, Bruce Macedo

Captain Bruce Macedo, born in Merced, California in 1959, grew up on a three-hundred acre dairy farm in the tiny town of Snelling, home to a drug store, Catholic Church and a school. He is the youngest son and middle child of six, receiving his elementary education in a multiple grade classroom at the local rural public school, after milking cows every morning. His parents moved their family briefly to Hanford, then to Chowchilla when he was twelve years old, and ultimately sold the dairy farm just prior to their youngest son’s high-school graduation. Somehow, even as a young child of San Joquin Valley’s rural towns, tucked amongst picturesque rolling hills and tranquil miles of farmlands dotted with cows and cattle, Bruce Macedo was certain of his ambition for a career in law enforcement.
The young graduate enrolled at Merced Jr. College and received his AA degree in Administrative Justice. Afterward, he enrolled at Fresno State University with a major in Criminology. In 1979, recruiters from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department visited the school and enticed the future captain and some friends to take the test. After an extensive process, he was the only one of his friends accepted into the Ventura County Police Academy, from where he graduated in the fall of 1980.

Deputy Macedo’s career with the Sheriff’s Department commenced at the Poli Street Jail, later performing duties for the new pre-trial detention facility at the Ventura County Government Center. He was transferred to Camarillo, working patrol, and then back to Ventura where he patrolled coastal cities and unincorporated areas of the county. He then performed duties as Court Liaison Deputy following up on cases filed with the District Attorney, and coordinating Neighborhood Watch programs. Promoted to Sr. Deputy, he returned to duties at the jail in the capacity of Supervisor of Deputies. His responsibilities included maintaining the safety and care of inmates, including some well-known celebrities. Throughout his career as Sr. Deputy, he served in the Criminal Intelligence Unit investigating illegal gambling, prostitution, organized crime, motorcycle gangs and intelligence threats. During a budget crunch, he returned to patrol duty, besides working collateral part-time assignments on the off-road motorcycle detail, helicopter crew chief, SWAT team, tactical response team in jails, and as an emergency response team and firearms instructor. Promoted to Sergeant, he served at the pre-trial jail, headquarters patrol, Camarillo patrol and Administrative Sergeant. In December 1999, he transferred to the training academy. His work as Basic Academy Coordinator entailed the coordination of 120 instructors in the training of cadets to become police officers, in over 40 domains (subject matter). The Ventura County Police Academy offers approximately 900 hours of training, far surpassing POST standards (minimum standards for all academies) of 650 hours. The year 2003 found him working with the Professional Standards Unit on Internal Affairs investigations, and in March 2005, he was awarded the position of Watch Commander, and the rank of Captain.

March of 2006 was indeed a lucky time for Fillmore, for Captain Bruce Macedo became Chief of Police of our town. An accomplished peace officer with a wonderful well-rounded ability to coordinate, encourage and inspire his staff, sergeants, deputies, volunteers and cadets alike, enabled his many accomplishments in the two short years he has served this community. Some of the accomplishments on a very small budget have included a 10% decrease in serious crime, efforts to expand the North Fillmore Police storefront, expansion of community programs, addition of our motorcycle cop and stronger relationships with Neighborhood Watch programs and the community. His new assignment will return him to Ventura, where he will be Captain of Professional Standards, working with Internal Affairs at the Government Center.

Captain Bruce Macedo has traveled far from the serene valley where he spent his youth. Since his departure, he has accomplished much as a husband of twenty years, a father of two sons, volunteer activities in Cub Scouts and coaching sports, attaining a BA degree in Organizational Management, University of LaVerne, near completion of an MA degree, Emergency Management, CSU Long Beach, and his excellent twenty-seven years of service in law enforcement. Friday, April 4, was his last working day in Fillmore, but we will always be grateful for the time he has spent helping to keep our town a safe place to live. So, in parting, we all wish him the best and say, “Hail to the Chief, Captain Bruce Macedo”.

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Park designer Tim Maloney explained the need for payment on many new changes that had to be made to the new city park. Payment was approved at Tuesday’s special council meeting. The special meeting was needed because a majority of the council would not approve a half-hour extension of the last regular meeting. Redesign of the skateboard part of the park, as well as grading to protect against a 100-year flood, necessitated approval to avoid delay of ground work.
The Fillmore City Council met for an hour in special session Tuesday evening. According to Mayor Steve Conaway, the meeting was necessary to clear up unfinished business from the last regular meeting, namely approval of payment for park plan changes. Had three council members not agreed to extend the regular meeting, the special meeting would have been unnecessary.
Councilwoman Cecilia Cuevas expressed her anger at having to appear at this special meeting due to the fact that three of five council members refused to extend the last regular meeting for a half-hour to finish business. She pointed out the fact that this demonstrated disrespect for member’s private time. Cuevas, with the Mayor, had voted to extend the regular meeting.
Mayor Conaway explained, again, that the special meeting was necessary to complete business relating to the new park which remained unfinished at the last regular Council meeting, which would avoid several weeks delay in bidding.
Former councilman Ken Smedley reminded the Council of the Crown Circus which Rotary Sunrisers has scheduled for four days, April 25 through 28. There are free children’s tickets at the Toy Shop and other locations around town. There will be both English and Spanish sessions.
Smedley also reminded the Council that Sunrisers is putting on a 10-K race Saturday, May 17, beginning at 8:00 a.m. The event will begin and end at Delores Day Park.
Deputy City Manager, Bill Bartels sympathized with the shoppers who are having trouble negotiating the ongoing Central Avenue construction work. The laying of large storm drain pipe necessitates the closure of Central in the middle of the 200 block. He explained that all available pipe was laid Tuesday, utilizing extra work hours at no extra cost, in an effort to finish the job as quickly as possible. According to Bartels, traffic on Central Avenue should be accommodated for the May Festival.
The new skateboard park will be state-of-the-art, according to Director of Public Works, Bert Rapp and Mayor Conaway. Only three or four companies are sufficiently experienced to handle this work. Incorporating revisions to park plans entails many new drawings as areas are rescaled and aligned. The 100-year floodplain threat must also be dealt with, necessitating more grading. Council unanimously approved payment for numerous plan changes and additional grading work.
It was announced that the Fillmore Library is now open 6 days per week. The schedule is as follows: Beginning Monday April 14th, the Fillmore Library will be open: Monday 2-7 Tuesday 2-7 Wednesday 10-5 Thursday 12-5 Friday 12-5 Saturday 12-5
Mayor Conaway asked that an ad hoc committee be formed for the purpose of investigating his 2007 trip to Washington D.C. for a conference. Although his trip was cleared with city legal counsel, and properly, legally, and ethically paid for, political considerations have deliberately kept criticism of this trip alive. The Council finally, after unnecessary delay, and curious reluctance, agreed to place the matter on the agenda, but would not name an ad hoc committee. Councilman Scott Lee voted against the motion because in his words “we don’t have an ethics code.”
The Council moved into executive session to discuss a single personnel issue, believed to concern the recent investigation of allegations against Fillmore Fire Chief Pete Egedi.

Senior Airman Michael Anthony Chavez
Senior Airman Michael Anthony Chavez

Like with most of the articles I write honoring the men and women of the Fillmore and Piru Communities serving our Country, to protect all our freedoms, I usually begin the journey with a phone call from a family member. I received just such a phone call from a very proud grandmother; Dolores “Lola” Chavez of Fillmore. Mrs. Chavez wanted to tell me about her Grandson, Senior Airman Michael Anthony Chavez 24 years now serving in the United States Air Force. Mrs. Chavez told me that Michael was stationed in the northern city of Aviano, Italy at the United States Air Force’s Aviano Air Base with the 31st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (31st AMXS). During the few phone calls we shared and the two visits to her home I found her to be a dedicated and very proud Grandmother of an American Airman. I appreciate her helping me put this article together and for her concern for all the men and women currently serving in the military from the communities of Fillmore and Piru.

Senior Airman Michael Chavez is a 2002 graduate of Fillmore High School and he also attended Lancaster High School. He participated in both varsity football and track while in high school. He and his wife Jessica (Taylor), also a 2002 graduate of Fillmore High School, 2006 graduate of Cal Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks with a B.A. in Liberal Arts, and a 2007 graduate of Pepperdine with a Masters in Education. They live in Aviano, Italy where Jessica is a pre-school teacher and they do not have any children.

Senior Airman Chavez joined the Air Force in January 2004 and has been assigned duty throughout the world: at Cannon AFB Clovis, NM, Kunsan Air Base Korea, Bulgaria, Turkey and currently Aviano Air Base, Italy. His job specialty is as a Weapons Loader and he also maintains all the equipment related to weapons loading of the F-16 aircraft. While in the Air Force he is attending college to continue his education by studying Aeronautical Engineering. In the two phone calls (there is a +9 hours difference in time) with Senior Airman Michael Chavez I found him to be a very dedicated Airman. With still two-years left on his six-year enlistment he is still unsure if he will make the Air Force his career.

Senior Airman Michael Chavez has been awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Air Force Overseas Ribbon Short, Air Force Longevity Service, Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon (Rifle) and the Air Force Training Ribbon.

Senior Airman Chavez’s parents are Andy Chavez of Fillmore and Leanne Gravley (1983 Fillmore High School Graduate) of Reno, Nevada. He has one sister Heather 18 years of Acton, California and brother Andrew 4 years of Fillmore. His Paternal Grandparents are Adon and Delores “Lola” Chavez of Fillmore and his Maternal Grandparents are Joe and Ellen Gravley of Henderson, Nevada. Senior Airman Michael Chavez’s Father-in-law and Mother-in-law are John and Joyce Taylor of Fillmore.

The 31st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (31st AMXS) is responsible for maintaining the United States Air Force’s F-16 Fighting Falcon. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multi-role fighter aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the United States and allied nations. In an air-to-surface role, the F-16 can fly more than 500 miles (860 kilometers), deliver its weapons with superior accuracy, defend itself against enemy aircraft, and return to its starting point. Plans and directs expeditionary aircraft generation and maintenance operations of 520 personnel in 20 Air Force specialties. The 31st AMXS Maintains 48 F-16C/D aircraft valued at $1.28 billion. Provides repair capabilities for aircraft, avionics, weapons and propulsion systems to support delivery of conventional and precision-guided weapons. The 31st AMXS supports the 31st Fighter Wing, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and NATO contingency and combat aircraft. The vision of the 31st AMXS is to perform safe, expeditionary aircraft maintenance anytime, anywhere!

Since inception, the 31 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron has deployed in support of Operations SOUTHERN WATCH, ENDURING FREEDOM, and IRAQI FREEDOM. Additionally, the squadron supported 24 hour air defense for the 2002 NATO Summit. The squadron's largest deployment challenge was its most recent seamless transition of back-to-back deployments to Balad Air Base, Iraq in support of Air Expeditionary Force 5 and 7 rotations.

Senior Airman Michael Chavez’s contribution to keeping the F-16 in the air and supporting our troops in the Middle East is appreciated by all of us here back at home. We wish Senior Airman Michael Chavez safe travel and to his family we thank them for their sacrifices while Senior Airman Michael Chavez is serving in this supporting role so far from home.

John Reider tells council how he has suffered for 6 years to get the approval for his controvercial project.
John Reider tells council how he has suffered for 6 years to get the approval for his controvercial project.
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On a 4-1 Vote, Mayor Conaway being the single dissenting voice, the Fillmore City Council abandoned the City’s Code of Ethics, which applied to both Council members and staff.
Following months of wrangling, and the stubborn refusal of Councilwoman Patti Walker to sign the Code as presently required, the other members just gave up and refused to continue to deal with the issue. Some argued that too much time was being wasted on the issue, while others were satisfied that county or state ethics codes would suffice.
Mayor Steve Conaway stuck to his conviction that a city ethics code was necessary to hold elected officials and staff responsible for their conduct. He believes that the broader, less specific codes used by larger government bodies are less effective than a code tailored to Fillmore’s own particular challenges.
In other business, the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the John Reider housing tract off Goodenough Road, was adopted, and the plan for his controversial 51-unit project was approved. Mr. Reider told the Council of his 6-year effort to build-out his parcel, located across from the Traditions tract.
The project was rejected by the North Fillmore Neighborhood Commission for what it believes is excessive density, narrow streets and walks, three-story elements, and, alleys. The Planning Commission, however, approved the project, with reservations, in March. The project does not involve apartment units.
Concern was expressed by Councilwoman Patti Walker concerning the new Army Corps. of Engineers 200-year flood protection requirements due soon. The existing levee may be inadequate to protect a large part of the city. The Corp, and FEMA, may cause the levee to be decertified, creating insurance issues. A Home Owner’s Association will be required by Reider.

Work continues on the Central Avenue drainage project. Closure of Central Avenue has caused substantial fi nancial loss to shop owners, and a major inconvenience for the driving public. The much-needed new storm drain will be appreciated during the next major rainstorm, as “normal” fl ooding will have been eliminated.
Work continues on the Central Avenue drainage project. Closure of Central Avenue has caused substantial fi nancial loss to shop owners, and a major inconvenience for the driving public. The much-needed new storm drain will be appreciated during the next major rainstorm, as “normal” fl ooding will have been eliminated.
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By now, everyone has surely noticed or been affected by the massive project that has Central Ave., Fillmore’s downtown business district for the past several weeks, in a state of dust, fences, signs, holes, noise, street closings, detours and the general concern of shopkeepers and residents alike. If you have not kept up with the newspapers, you might not know that the City has retained Lash Construction, Inc. to replace the existing 10” water line with a new 20” line, and the leaking, corroded, cast-iron storm drain with a 60” epoxy coated, concrete drain which can have a life of up to two-hundred years. Choosing the Central Ave. location minimized costs to the City for the much-needed work. “Completion of the project is expected to bring flood relief to Downtown and North Fillmore neighborhoods,” says Bert Rapp, Public Works Director.
However, completion of the project is tentatively slated for January 2009. While the construction crew, a fine group of workers, receiving nothing but compliments and praises from merchants and residents for their professional and courteous behavior makes progress, the confusion of access to the mini business area has taken its toll. Most stores and businesses have noted significant decreases in foot traffic and sales.
Nadir Ghafouri, owner of SportsWear, says, “No traffic means no sales, and no sales means no money.” He worries, as he stands in his empty shop amidst racks of affordable, name brand clothing, how he will pay the rent and feed his young family. He has contacted the Economic Development Collaborative of Ventura County for assistance. Kathy Vargas, owner of the Mail Stop, a copy, shipping and passport photo shop, agrees that business has dropped notably since construction commenced. She feels that signage directing perspective customers to parking could be much better, and considers herself luckier than other shop owners across the street, for continued access to her back entrance. The owner of Vintage Pleasures, Norma Amaro, admits that traffic is slower than usual. Nevertheless, aside from the need for larger signage on State Road 126 directing shoppers into town, she feels the City is doing what it can to lessen the project’s impact. Mrs. Amaro believes it is up to owners and managers to find creative ways to increase business during difficult times, and has helped to organize merchants’ meetings. Her shop, an eclectic display of unusual treasures, is open seven days a week unlike many that close on Sundays and Mondays. The residents of Parkview Senior Court, represented by resident Little Bear Woman, have more complaints with management than with the City. Although notification was prepared one week before construction began by Lash Construction, Inc., many elderly Parkview residents were frightened by vibrations from drilling, assuming tremors, because, they claim, management neglected to pass out the notification letters on time. They also complain of a similar situation when the water was turned off.
Bill Bartels, Deputy City Manager, has worked closely for nearly a year, with Downtown merchants and residents of Parkview, up-dating, addressing problems and offering suggestions to help increase business. The City is acutely aware of the disruption to local businesses and accompanying financial consequences. It has tried to assist by developing a Downtown map, distributed by the Tourism Bureau, installing lighted signage and banners, allowing every business to post signs along the promenade near the train on weekends, and placement of lighted signs on State Road 126 East of Mountain View and West of A Street intersections to direct motorists to the Downtown area. Mr.Bartels says, “The City, as part of the construction contract, will stop all work for the four days of the May Festival, and the immediate goal is for both affected intersections on Central, Santa Clara and Main Streets, to be opened by Friday, April 11th.” It is also the City’s hope to complete the work involving Main Street, across Sespe Ave., including the catch basin, before the end of June. There will be no impact on the July 4th Car Show, however work will commence under the highway on July 7th.
The community has an obligation to support local businesses, for they are the backbone of any town, large or small. However, in light of the negative impact this confusion and inconvenience has on tourism, it is even more essential to shop locally. Take a walk up and down Central Ave., and surprise yourself with the treasures and bargains you will find there. People travel far and wide to experience a town like ours. You can do it today, right here in Downtown Fillmore. “Shop ‘till you drop” while helping our merchants survive “The Big Dig”.

Mama Sue shows her display of the men and women of Fillmore and Piru who are serving in the United States Military.
Mama Sue shows her display of the men and women of Fillmore and Piru who are serving in the United States Military.
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Mama Sue’s Café, located across from City Hall at 454 Santa Clara Street, is honoring residents of Fillmore/Piru that are currently serving in the United States Military. Sue (Mama) and John Conroy are the owners of the popular local breakfast and lunch Café. Mama Sue is the person who came up with the idea of displaying the pictures of all the men and women currently serving in the military. Sue is a frequent reader of the Fillmore Gazette and specifically the articles highlighting local military men and women. It was those articles and the memory of her late father, James Allan Zeman, who served in the United States Navy that spawned the idea.
Mama Sue felt that since she knew most of the men and women, or someone in their families, she would like to place their pictures in the Café so that no one would ever forget the sacrifices local men and women are making to protect our freedoms and those of other peoples around the world. Mama Sue encourages any local family who has someone currently serving in the military to bring her a copy of a picture and she will display the picture proudly.
Along with her famous bottomless cup of coffee and great food, Mama Sue’s is the place to keep current on local politics, gossip, and the meeting place for many local residents. All the fun starts at 6:00 AM and usually goes until around 2:00 PM. Mama Sue’s is open Tuesday thru Sunday and is available for catered evening special events.
Almost a day doesn’t go by, in Mama Sue’s, without talk of our military personnel currently serving. And now, thanks to Mama Sue, faces will be put to their names with the addition of 5” X 7” photographs of these brave young men and women. Mama Sue also would like all currently serving military personnel to know that their bills will always be “half priced” as another way of thanking them for their service and sacrifices.

The driver of this Ford pickup was arrested for DWI following a Sunday, single vehicle crash. According to an eyewitness, the driver lost control east of Piru, crashed into a barrier on the south side of the highway, veered back into lane 2, before again swerving onto the unpaved roadside and fl ipping over. The driver appeared only slightly injured and was the only person in the vehicle. Broken containers of beer were found beside the truck.
The driver of this Ford pickup was arrested for DWI following a Sunday, single vehicle crash. According to an eyewitness, the driver lost control east of Piru, crashed into a barrier on the south side of the highway, veered back into lane 2, before again swerving onto the unpaved roadside and fl ipping over. The driver appeared only slightly injured and was the only person in the vehicle. Broken containers of beer were found beside the truck.
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