By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 21st, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. CONGRATULATIONS to Diego Rodrigues who won 3rd place in the “Get the Green” video/photo competition. If you want to view the video go to: Great work Diego! PARENT INFORMATION 1. REPORT CARDS were mailed last week. If you have any questions about grades, contact your student’s teacher. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, March 20th, 2012
![]() March 2 was Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss' birthday) and Mrs. Myers class celebrated it. One of many things they did was to listen to Green Eggs and Ham and then cook green eggs and ham with parent helper Mrs. Tovar. As they sat and ate their creation, Mrs. Tovar read the story to them in Spanish. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 19th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. GET YOUR COLLEGE ON – Remember that Wednesday is College Day. Show your future college you care! PARENT INFORMATION 1. REPORT CARDS were mailed last week. If you have any questions about grades, contact your student’s teacher. |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 19th, 2012
By Anonymous — Monday, March 19th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. CONGRATULATIONS to our Soroptomist Writing Contest award winners: Essay winner – 7th grader Taylor Wright-Jones. Poems – 1st Place – Hope Nisbet Wilcox; 2nd Place – Connie Quintana; 3rd Place – Liz Ocampo. Great job students PARENT INFORMATION 1. REPORT CARDS were mailed last week. If you have any questions about grades, contact your student’s teacher. |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 19th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. CONGRATULATIONS to Paulina Guerrero who has logged 2,013,966 words read this year! She wins the skateboard deck. PARENT INFORMATION 1. FMS invites parents to use a computer in the front office that is dedicated to parents for using Parent Connect to check your student’s assignments and grades. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
![]() The Fillmore High School Project Unify Club held a pledge signing drive on March 7 to “Spread the Word To End the Word”. The word retard(ed) hurts millions of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and friends. Over 350 Fillmore High School students and staff took the pledge, “I pledge to and support the elimination of the derogatory use of the r-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.” Make your pledge at Pictured are Mrs. Helmer's Class and Project Unify Club members. Enlarge Photo ![]() Pictured are Jenna Wilber (Vice President), Paola Lozano, Letty, Susana Suarez, Kiara Garibay (President), Jessica Sears, and Kassy. Enlarge Photo ![]() Pictured are Susana Suarez, Jessica Sears, Paola Lozano, and Kiara Garibay, Project Unify Club President. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
![]() On Thursday, March 13th, Fish and Wildlife held their regional meeting at Sierrra High School. Four students spoke in front of about 25 biologists about the Schoolyard Habitat Project on campus. They presented a PowerPoint then gave the biologists a tour of the habitat. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Buenaventura Art Association and Community Memorial Hospital Exhibits announce a “Call for Entries” for an exhibit at Community Memorial Hospital lobby. Entry is FREE. The exhibit will run from April 1 – June 10, 2012. The awards ceremony will be on Tuesday, April 3 from 5 – 7 p.m. Cash award of $100 for 1st place in each category (i.e. middle school, high school, etc.) as well as art classes from Vita Art Center, Maribel Hernandez, Michele Foster and memberships from Buenaventura Art Association. In addition, a special exhibit from Focus on the Masters Learning to See Program will feature Shibori banners from elementary school children. Entry is free and online only. Go to Buenaventura Art Association’s website at and look under call for entries. Deadline Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at midnight. Due to safety reasons, all work must be framed and wired for hanging (no saw-tooth hangers). A limited number of free frames are available at the Harbor Village Gallery (in the Ventura Harbor Village), the Buenaventura Gallery (700 E Santa Clara St. in Ventura) and Vita Art Center (in the Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Ave.). This event is sponsored by Buenaventura Art Association, Vita Art Center, and Community Memorial Hospital. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. CONGRATULATIONS to Paulina Guerrero who has logged 2,013,966 words read this year! She wins the skateboard deck. PARENT INFORMATION 1. FMS invites parents to use a computer in the front office that is dedicated to parents for using Parent Connect to check your student’s assignments and grades. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. REMEMBER TO WEAR GREEN on Friday, March 16th to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Show your FMS spirit– can’t wait to see all the green! PARENT INFORMATION 1. FMS invites parents to use a computer in the front office that is dedicated to parents for using Parent Connect to check your student’s assignments and grades. |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 12th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. DON’T FORGET – Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday. Spring forward – move the clock one hour ahead! PARENT INFORMATION 1. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD! The FMS parking lot will be closed on the morning of Friday, March 9th for our Civil War Living History event. There will be no cars allowed to park in the parking lot that morning. There will be one loop in the gate and out of the gate to drop off students. If you can drop your son/daughter off before the stop sign at 1st and A Streets and have them walk into the campus, this will ease congestion into the school. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. SHOW YOUR SPIRIT – Wear a bracelet Friday for Bracelet Day! Show you care – the more bracelets the better! PARENT INFORMATION 1. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD! The FMS parking lot will be closed on the morning of Friday, March 9th for our Civil War Living History event. There will be no cars allowed to park in the parking lot that morning. There will be one loop in the gate and out of the gate to drop off students. If you can drop your son/daughter off before the stop sign at 1st and A Streets and have them walk into the campus, this will ease congestion into the school. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
FMS DAILY BULLETIN General Info 524-6055; Attendance 524-6065; Health Office 524-6059 STUDENT INFORMATION 1. CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER – Chocolate may be picked up and money dropped off before or after school in the ASB room every day EXCEPT Friday, March 9th. The final day to turn in money and unsold chocolate is Monday, March 12th. Students, please remember that you are NOT allowed to sell chocolate at school between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:20 p.m. Thanks for supporting your school. PARENT INFORMATION 1. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD! The FMS parking lot will be closed on the morning of Friday, March 9th for our Civil War Living History event. There will be no cars allowed to park in the parking lot that morning. There will be one loop in the gate and out of the gate to drop off students. If you can drop your son/daughter off before the stop sign at 1st and A Streets and have them walk into the campus, this will ease congestion into the school. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, March 6th, 2012
Due to a technical problem, the March 1, 2012 Special School Board Meeting video will most likely not be posted until tomorrow (Wednesday March 6, 2012). |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 5th, 2012
![]() Dr. Luizzi’s dental office sent bags filled with items to promote National Dental Month. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 5th, 2012
By Anonymous — Monday, March 5th, 2012
![]() Mrs. Gunter and her son Austin read The Lorax by Dr. Seuss to the second graders in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Monday, March 5th, 2012
Fillmore High School sponsored a College Making It Happen event on Thursday, 2/28/12 in the evening. The event was coordinated by the University of California, Santa Barbara’s Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), which brought in universities and colleges throughout the four systems of higher education. Several events took place across two counties – Ventura and Santa Barbara. These events were hosted at 11 high schools. The evening at Fillmore High School provided college prep workshops for students and parents in both English and Spanish. The workshops offered: A-G College Requirements, SAT vs. ACT, Financial Aid Information, The Importance of College Prep Programs, and Scholarships and Scams. Additionally, a college fair took place in the high school gym with a variety of schools, organizations, and CTE programs. In attendance were Biola University, Cal Lutheran University, Center for Employment Training (CET), College of the Canyons, CSU Chico, CSU Humboldt, CSU Sacramento, CSU Channel Island, CSU Northridge, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandise (FIDM), Fillmore Alumni Scholarship, Fillmore Fire Dept, Grand Canyon University, Moorpark Biotechnology Program, New School of Architecture and Design, Oxnard College , Automotive, San Diego Christian College, Santa Fe University of Art and Design, Seton Hall University, UC Santa Barbara EAOP, UC Irvine, Universidad Xochicalco, University of Alabama, Fillmore Alumni, H & R Block, US Military Academy, Ventura College and VC Financial Aid, Ventura County Regional Occupation Program, Ortiz Striping Co. and the Freeway and Road Apprenticeship program. The college event was a huge success! Several college give aways were handed out to many participants. A big thank you goes out to the Fillmore UC Ambassador Club for all their hard work and dedication! |