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Welcome to the new website!
We've launched version 2.0 of The Fillmore Gazette website. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the website’s new features and changes.

New Website Navigation
All newspaper sections are now located across the top. Please see above starting with Front Page, Community, Letters, Forums, etc.

New Clickable and Larger Pictures
You now have the ability to click on and enlarge almost any photograph on the website. Below are 3 examples of pictures that have been clicked-on and are in their new larger format:
New Picture Size
Lauren Shield takes fifth place in her first attempt in the beginner level.

New Picture Size
Ashley Grande is safe at third after sliding. Lady Flashes played Santa Paula and beat them 9-5.

New Picture Size
2008 Graduation Ceremonies.

New Video Technology
The video player technology, used throughout the website, has been upgraded. I’ll spare you all the technical details and just say the most noticeable improvement is the video playback and volume controls.

To watch the video, click on the play button located at the far left in the video control bar just below the video, or you can click on the play button located in the center of the video itself. The Panda video above is used for video player demonstration purposes only. We do not have a new baby Panda at the "Fillmore Zoo."

New Video Content Providers 
A very cutting-edge video technology will allow us to deliver up to the minute video news stories from local, national and global news sources including our local KCAL-9, CBS-2, and NBC-4 in Los Angeles, The Associated Press, Reuters, The New York Times, and many more. You’ll find this content in many sections, located in the right sidebar. This technology is so cutting-edge that I am, in fact, still working out a few glitches. So, be patient if something isn’t working as it should. It will continue to improve over time. For example, shown below is the local “Southern California” video news feeds located on the Front Page of the website in the right sidebar: 

Can't see the video above? Click here for help.

New Directory

A new Directory has been created that lists local and regional business, restaurants, shops, services, churches, emergency phone numbers, government contacts, you name it, and it’s there. You can visit the Directory by clicking on the DIRECTORY section in the website's navigation or by clicking on the image below loacted at the top left of the website:

New Directory

New Community Blog/Forums

This section was created for the reader to discuss anything from Entertainment, to Church, to Boy Scouts, to Politics, School, Sports, whatever is on your mind. We even have a Gripes section to talk about anything that really bugs you.

New Community Forums

Please visit the Forums anytime by clicking here.

New Comments and Discussion about Stories
To post a comment on any story, just click on the story title and look at the bottom of the page to read and post comments.

New Comments on Stories

Reminder, you must be logged in to post anywhere on the site, so please register. It's Free! You have nothing to loose by clicking here to register.

New (Free!) Online Subscriptions

This allows you to discuss any story as well as post your thoughts and ideas in the new Gazette Forums. To receive your free online subscription, please click on the “Register” link at the very top-left-corner of the website. Enter a user name and email address and press the “Create new account” button. Click here to subscribe:

New Story Forwarding
New Forward Story
Simply click on the link at the end of the story entitled “Email this page” and enter the email address of the recipient, along with a short message, then click the “Send Message” button.

New Printer Friendly
New Printer Friendly Version
If you’d like to save a little ink and paper by printing just the story, simply click on the story title, then click on the link near the bottom of the page called “Printer-friendly version.” A new web browser window will open with a streamlined version of the story, ready for printing.

New Calendar Submissions
You may now submit your club, organization, sports team, or any type of event to our calendar. To submit an event, click on the CALENDAR link and look for the submit button. You MUST be logged in to submit a calendar event. Click here for the Calendar section.

New History and Seniors Section
The Seniors Section contains news and information relative to our senior citizens and the Fillmore Senior Center. The History section will be an ongoing project to add more and more of our town’s history. If you have old photographs and stories you would like to share, please email us at and let us know what you have. Visit the History section here and the Seniors section here.

New Television Style Commercials
Welcome to the 21st Century Fillmore! We may have just created the very first television-style commercial for a local business. We’d like to thank The Scented Path – Apothecary for being our Guinea Pig and working with us to make a great commercial for their store. You can see it mixed in between stories on almost any page of the online newspaper. We look forward to working with other businesses interested in taking advantage of this very inexpensive and effective marketing tool. You can check it below:

The Bad News
Well, it’s not really that bad. It’s going to take time to transfer all the old stories and photos over to the new website. This will be an ongoing project for us over the weeks and months to come. The new site is more data intensive and will take a little longer to load. So, be patient and we'll continue to make code modifications that will improve load times. 

I’d like to work on the new website for another month or two to get it really polished and add more content; but everyone here at the Gazette is eager to share the larger pictures, the video feeds from around the world; but mostly, everyone wants to hear from you about what's happening around town and what you think about the issues that face our community. You can register anytime, for Free, to join in the discussion. So, we’ve launched the new website with plans to keep making improvements and adding new features. If you do notice any glitches or have any comments or suggestions, please let us know by emailing us at

Scott Duckett

Latest Website Stats (Webalizer):
Over 16,000 unique visitors per month.
Over 130,000 pages viewed per month.