Learn about Rancho Camulos National Historic Landmark Museum and find out how you can make a difference as a volunteer ...where the history, myth, and romance of old California still linger. Attend training Saturday August 4 and 11, 9:00 - 12:30 and find your "camulos niche" doing tours, historical research, gardening, fundraising, outreach, maintenance, restoration, and more. Reserve your spot by contacting Kathy at 661-294-0230 or kathimarsden@yahoo.com. To find our more about Rancho Camulos visit www.ranchocamulos.org.


June - July 2012 Edition


Agricultural Crimes Detective Ray Dominguez had the following update from his activities and investigations around Ventura County:

Winningā€¦folks it looks like we had limited criminal activity reported over the Independence Day Weekend! With only two reported agriculture related thefts during that period, it clearly indicates to me that your efforts combined with that of patrol deputies countywide are paying dividends when it comes to protecting your property.

Since our last edition, I have received reports of farming equipment being stolen from two ranches. The first report was of a stolen Kubota tractor from the unincorporated area of Oxnard, and the second involves the theft of a John Deere farm implement referred to as a ā€œChopperā€ from a Ventura farm. Iā€™m still waiting for the victims in these cases to provide some identifying information to share with you in future stolen equipment flyers.

Metal thefts also CONTINUED »



Members of all Sports Organizations in the City of Fillmore are invited to run for board positions for the newly formed Fillmore Park Sports Group. This is a group of volunteers who will be responsible for overseeing the maintenance and scheduling of all parks within the city, should it be required.
Positions to be filled:

ā€¢ President
ā€¢ Vice-President
ā€¢ Treasurer
ā€¢ Secretary
ā€¢ Members-at-Large

Meeting to be held at:
August 9th, 2012 7pm @ City Hall
Questions: RJ Stump (805) 910-8610
Please come and represent your organization!
Get Involved!
Make A Difference!
Support the youth of Fillmore!


The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce is now working on the 2013-2014 Fillmore/Bardsdale/Piru telephone directory. If you would like to place an add please call Rosa Martel at 805-625-3010. If you would like to make any changes to your home phone number or business number please give her a call. On September 7, a Friday night, the Chamber of Commerce will hold a telephone directory kick off party at the Movie Train Cafe. A flyer will be available soon with all the details. Thank you!


Ventura, CA - As a valued partner and member of the Livingston Memorial family, Gold Coast CareGivers has been providing personal assistance and non-medical home care to Ventura county residents since 1999. Now, to strengthen that partnership, Gold Coast CareGivers has changed their name to Livingston CareGivers.

Needing help at home is an overwhelming challenge, whether itā€™s caring for a loved one, concern for elderly parents, or recuperating from surgery. Statistics show that people heal and recover faster when they remain in their own home, thus obtaining help from an organization like Livingston CareGivers is so very beneficial.

As our Baby Boomers come of age, there will be more need for this kind of home care and itā€™s important to be aware of available resources. When needing help at home, Livingston CareGivers is still the same fine compassionate and professional care that people have relied on for years, but now has a name that is recognized throughout Ventura County and one that is synonymous with quality ... Livingston, one resource for all health care needs. You can reach Livingston CareGivers @ 642-9570.

Luanne Perez and Jan Faulkner (both in center) are discussing the art works by the Artists Guild of Fillmore with interested Susan and Gil Rosas of Santa Barbara.
Luanne Perez and Jan Faulkner (both in center) are discussing the art works by the Artists Guild of Fillmore with interested Susan and Gil Rosas of Santa Barbara.
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Members of the Artists Guild of Fillmore have been invited to show their art work in Aaron Brothers Art and Framing Store located off Main Street in the Telephone Road Plaza Shopping Center in Ventura. The framed paintings are presented on easels to the left of the framing desk toward the rear of the store. The exhibit is a first attempt at this location in presenting such an event. The participating artists are Luanne Hebner Perez (watercolor), Lois Freeman-Fox (digital enhancements), Lady Jan Faulkner (collage), Karen Scott Browdy (collage), Judy Dressler (oil), Doris Nichols (encaustic), Wana Klasen (mixed media) and Virginia Neuman (watercolor). The art works can be seen now through August 14, 2012.

All of the artists and store personnel extend an invitation to the public to stop in to see the art and, perhaps, to consider owning a piece of original art work by local artists. The Artists Guild of Fillmore members are honored to participate in this collaborative effort with the business community of Aaron Brothers. Business hours are Monday - Saturday: 10am - 9pm; Sunday: 10am - 6 pm.

Mayor Gayle Washburn is pictured with the 2012 Ventura County Fair Poster(s) by Ventura County Fair representatives Chris Garmon, Alexus Galassi of the Ventura County Junior Fair Board and Amanda Vassaur, of Fillmore, who was the second place winner in the Ventura County Fair Poster Contest. This yearā€™s Fair theme is; ā€œRides, Ribbons and Rodeosā€ and the colorful winning poster was submitted by the First Place Winner Sam Coultas of Ventura. The Ventura County Fair begins August 1st and runs through August 12th.
Mayor Gayle Washburn is pictured with the 2012 Ventura County Fair Poster(s) by Ventura County Fair representatives Chris Garmon, Alexus Galassi of the Ventura County Junior Fair Board and Amanda Vassaur, of Fillmore, who was the second place winner in the Ventura County Fair Poster Contest. This yearā€™s Fair theme is; ā€œRides, Ribbons and Rodeosā€ and the colorful winning poster was submitted by the First Place Winner Sam Coultas of Ventura. The Ventura County Fair begins August 1st and runs through August 12th.
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Left, Senator Tony Strickland, Candidate for Congress in Californiaā€™s 26th Congressional District, came to Fillmore for a ā€œMeet-and-Greetā€ hosted by Councilman Eduardo Gonzalez, on Thursday, July 12th at El Pescador. Strickland is pictured second from left, with (l-r) Mario de la Piedra and Gonzalez third from right.
Left, Senator Tony Strickland, Candidate for Congress in Californiaā€™s 26th Congressional District, came to Fillmore for a ā€œMeet-and-Greetā€ hosted by Councilman Eduardo Gonzalez, on Thursday, July 12th at El Pescador. Strickland is pictured second from left, with (l-r) Mario de la Piedra and Gonzalez third from right.
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Graduating class of 1960.
Graduating class of 1960.
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Larry Tittsworth, Class of '61, running with the Olympic Torch.
Larry Tittsworth, Class of '61, running with the Olympic Torch.
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Julie Preciado and Elden Collins, awarded Best Girl and Boy Athlete, 1960.
Julie Preciado and Elden Collins, awarded Best Girl and Boy Athlete, 1960.
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In celebrating our centennial next year on June 15th, 2013, we are taking you on a stroll along memory lane monthly. Today we look back to the year, 1960. Did you know the name of our High School back then was Fillmore Union High School? We are not sure when this changed to Fillmore High School, or why it changed. If you know, please email us at staff@fillmorehighalumni.com and let us know. We'd appreciate your input. In 1960 the ASB President was Art Dawson. The Superintendent of schools was Mr. Donovan W. Main, and the High School Principal was Mr. Harry L. Bigger. One of the highlights that year was having two Fillmore High Boys, Larry Tittsworth and Bob Beal participate in carrying of the Olympic Torch to Squaw Valley in the VIII Winter Olympics. They were chosen from among our cross-country team members to help other outstanding runners in the C.I.F. relay the Torch to Squaw Valley from the L.A. Coliseum. Larry and Bob were chosen for one of the most difficult stretches along the entire route. Each boy had to run a mile leg of the run up through the Gorman Pass in forty-degree weather with snow lying on the ground. What an honor for our runners and Fillmore High School back then. The Student Council Secretary at the High School was Martha Fansler, Speaker of the house was Bob Walden, and the Student Council Adviser was Miss Alice Hansen. Larry Yount was the President of the Pi Theta club. He says in the 1960 annual..."The purpose of Pi Theta, as an organization, is to foster interest in higher mathematics. The most worth-while function of the club is the giving of a fifty dollar award to the most outstanding mathematics student." ($50.00 went along way back then) Judy Rogers was the President of the Theta Alpha club. She says in the annual..."Theta Alpha is a club to assist those students planning to enter into the teacher profession. All activities are planned to give as much information as possible in this field by going into different phases of teaching and giving the students an idea of what it is like." They also had the the Letterwomen's Club, and the Letterman's Club. Best Boy, and Best Girl Athlete in 1960 were Elden Collins, and Julia Preciado. We quote from the 1960 Copa de Oro..."You will have to travel a long, long way to find two athletes that deserve this award more then our own Julia Preciado, and Elden Collins. Julia is very adept at all sports, especially in basketball and track. She is currently taking a business course in school and will go on to higher and better things, we are sure, when she graduates in June with the class of '60. Elden is practically Mr. All-everything; you name it in sports and there he is. He made all-league in football and basketball, and is currently working to better his time in high and low hurdles in which he holds the school records." Retiring from Fillmore High in 1960 was Mr. Glen Stull, who had been teaching at Fillmore High for 37 years. He began teaching at Fillmore High in 1923. In 1960 the adviser for the annual staff was Mr. Howard Cook. The Copa de Oro (Year Book) that year was also dedicated to him for his outstanding advice and co-operation which the annual staff of 1960 received. The Fillmore High Alumni Association has most of the High Schools annuals dating back to 1913, and we have to say, the 1960 annual is truly a treasure. Come celebrate the Alumni Associations 100th Birthday at the Alumni Dinner next year on June 15th, 2013. This is the one you don't want to miss. Don't forget to subscribe to the quarterly Alumni Newsletter, Flashbacks. Go to www.fillmorehighalumni.com and subscribe today! "Like" us on Facebook too. GO FLASHES!!

Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez

SANTA BARBARA, CA ā€“ Santa Barbara Bank & Trust (SBB&T) is pleased to announce the appointment of Carlos Alberto Martinez as Manager of the Bankā€™s Fillmore branch, located at 566 Sespe Avenue. A 30-year banking veteran, Martinez joined SBB&T nine years ago and managed branches in Santa Paula and Ventura before his recent appointment to Fillmore. Prior to that, he worked with Wells Fargo and Washington Mutual in Ventura. Throughout his career, Martinez has successfully provided his clients with diverse financial solutions, unparalleled service and dedicated leadership in all aspects of retail banking. He studied Accounting in Santiago, Chile, where he was born and raised before moving to the U.S. in 1970.

ā€œCarlos combines his expertise in financial services with professionalism and enthusiasm,ā€ said Lisa Watson, Executive Vice President and Regional Manager.
ā€œHe works closely with his clients to provide solutions that meet their banking needs in a timely and accurate manner and we are fortunate to have a person of his caliber and experience on our team.ā€

Martinez lives in Ventura with his wife, Magali, and volunteers regularly for local organizations such as Walk of Life, Relay for Life and Walks for Diabetes. He is also a member of SBB&Tā€™s RAVE (Really Awesome Volunteer Employees) team which assists with fundraising events for charitable, educational and community service organizations. Martinez has a passion for soccer and spent a number of years as a coach for AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization).

Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, with 45 branches on the Central Coast, is a nationally chartered regional bank that provides Commercial Banking, Private Wealth Management and Community Banking services. The Bankā€™s website is at www.sbbt.com.

Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley (Santa Paula and Fillmore) are working at capacity this Summer. With both Clubs highlighting a full schedule of programs youth are taking advantage of many opportunities. Robotics has been an exciting technology addition to the Clubs. This involves creative programming and critical thinking skills. Both Clubs have begun Summer reading programs that help youth with both their fluency and comprehension skills. A bonus in the Summer are the field trips, swimming and movies. Come join the fun!
Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley (Santa Paula and Fillmore) are working at capacity this Summer. With both Clubs highlighting a full schedule of programs youth are taking advantage of many opportunities. Robotics has been an exciting technology addition to the Clubs. This involves creative programming and critical thinking skills. Both Clubs have begun Summer reading programs that help youth with both their fluency and comprehension skills. A bonus in the Summer are the field trips, swimming and movies. Come join the fun!
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Documentary Film and Discussion: Attend this free powerful and inspiring film "Consider the Conversation", which examines how we view life's final chapter and how talking about what we want, in advance, prevents unnecessary physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. The film includes personal accounts from patients, family members, doctors, nurses, clergy, and national experts on the physical, social and emotional issues related to dying. Sponsored by Livingston Memorial Hospice and in collaboration with the listed facilities, the film will be shown on the following dates:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 1-3 pm
Goebel Senior Center, 1385 East Janss Road, Thousand Oaks

Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6-8 pm
Aegis Senior Living, 4964 Telegraph Road, Ventura

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 9-11am
SCAN Senior Resource Center, 1001 Partridge Drive, # 200, Ventura

A discussion will follow featuring Lanyard K. Dial, MD, Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice Medical Director. For more information call: Deborah Ringen at 642-0239 ext 708

Photos by Bob Crum
Photos by Bob Crum
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FFA members after the third annual Filllmore FFFA Fourth of July Freedom Breakfast.
FFA members after the third annual Filllmore FFFA Fourth of July Freedom Breakfast.
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Members from the Fillmore FFA were up bright and early on Wednesday morning serving pancakes, eggs and sausage to the more than 500 people that came out to support the 3rd Annual 4th of July FFA Freedom Breakfast. The Veterans Memorial Building was decorated in red, white and blue to celebrate the occasion. The Fillmore FFA honored active military and Veterans with a free breakfast in appreciation for their services. While students were busy serving the breakfast, FFA parents and booster members did the cooking. The breakfast was a successful fundraiser as well as a great way for the citizens of Fillmore to start off their busy 4th of July. The Fillmore FFA would like to recognize the individuals and businesses that make the event possible. Thank you to Roger Martin, General Manager Sedexo remote sites, Jordanoā€™s, Starbucks and Kent Short of Country Butcher in Santa Paula for their continued support and donations. The students of Fillmore FFA also extend their appreciation to the parents and FFA booster members for their many hours in the fireworks booth last week and for their assistance at the breakfast. The Thank Youā€™s would not be complete without mentioning how grateful our chapter is to the community of Fillmore for their support of the breakfast and our fireworks booth.

Brooke Aguirre is the FFA Secretary

Entrepreneurship was alive and well Monday during the recent heat wave. A lemonade stand set up by these young capitalists was in demand from traffic coming off Grimes Canyon Road. By 2:00pm they had already made about $30.
Entrepreneurship was alive and well Monday during the recent heat wave. A lemonade stand set up by these young capitalists was in demand from traffic coming off Grimes Canyon Road. By 2:00pm they had already made about $30.
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When my Mother suggested a family get together in Fillmore for the Fourth of July, I got very excited about getting back to my home town, seeing my family, showing my son where I grew up and went to school and thought it would be an excellent opportunity to get our 1949 Studebaker father-son project on the road for its first real road trip outside our home in the Phoenix valley and participate in the 2012 Sespe Creek Car Show and Chili Cook-Off.

I've been to dozens and dozens of car shows over the years. This however was the farthest I've travelled to show a vehicle and the first that my son travelled with me outside of Phoenix. While we worked tirelessly preparing in the weeks and days preceding the trip, we had no idea of the challenges we'd face. It took 13 Ā½ hours to travel 496 miles to get to Fillmore.

We shared the story of our journey with many that stopped by to check out our beloved truck at the car show, and the response was amazing to us both. We experienced more kindness and generosity from the people of Fillmore than either of us thought was possible. Thanks for the parts, the extra tools, well-wishes and road snacks. The trip home was even more challenging - 29 hours of travel and repair time to get the truck and ourselves back home to Mesa, Arizona.

For me, this CONTINUED »

Fundraiser Allows Community to ā€˜Start Somethingā€™ to Help Children who Face Adversity

WHAT: A FREE community event for ladies to enjoy an afternoon of pampering which includes: Hair styling, Make-up, Manicure, Massage and More. Be fabulous and treat yourself to the Beauty Bar at Sugar Beets all in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters!

HOW: Enjoy complimentary orderves and delicious martinis available for purchase provided by Sugar Beets. At this event participants will have many opportunities to make contributions to BBSVC in support of their entry to the Oxnard Salsa Festival Dancing with the Community Stars Competition; from tip jars to raffle tickets!

WHY: This is one of our fundraising events this season towards reaching our goal of raising $15,000 for BBBSVC. This event helps support our entry into the Oxnard Salsa Festival Dancing with the Community Stars Competition. With nearly 200 children and youth waiting for mentors, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County is committed to ensuring we succeed in meeting our goal of gathering the necessary resources to support our quality mentoring programs.

WHO: Hosted by CONTINUED »