Celebrate Mother’s Day at Rancho Camulos Museum
On Saturday May 11th bring your Mom for a unique Rancho Camulos National Historic Landmark experience. Bring a picnic and blanket and spend some quality time enjoying the beautiful gardens. The roses are in their prime and the aroma is breathtaking. Docent-led tours will focus on the stories of mothers throughout Camulos history and each touring mother will have an opportunity to select a freshly cut rose from the garden. The suggested donation is $5 for adults and $3 for children. To make a reservation call 805-521-1501 or send an email to info@ranchocamulos.org. Reservations are not required but are appreciated. Rancho Camulos is on Highway 126, 2 miles East of Piru and 10 miles west of the I-5 at Santa Clarita and will be open for tours at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00. See www.ranchocamulos.org for more information about the museum.

Rancho Camulos Museum Navajo Rug Charity Drawing
Only 500 tickets at $10 each are being sold in the Rancho Camulos Museum charity drawing for an authentic Navajo rug. You will be supporting the museum’s historic preservation and education efforts and the lucky winner will have a very beautiful and valuable work of art. This authentic Navajo rug which is a Burnham Pictorial with a Rug in a Rug center (60"X83”) by Desbah Shonie from Blue Gap was purchased from the 2012 Hubbell Auction and will be on display in the museum gift shop during opening hours. For details see www.ranchocamulos.org

Rancho Camulos National Historic Landmark Volunteers Needed
Become a part of where the history, myth and romance of Old California still linger. Lead tours or volunteer to assist with other activities depending on your interests and availability. Join us as we expand to meet the needs of our new Visitor Center. This is your opportunity to learn more about our local history and how you can make a difference in bringing history alive for others. The museum is located on Highway 126, 10 miles west of the I-5 freeway near Piru. For more information about Rancho Camulos Museum visit www.ranchocamulos.org. Call the museum (805-521-1501) to sign up for volunteer training or to get more information.

Rancho Camulos Museum Contact Information
5164 East Telegraph Road
P.O. Box 308, Piru CA 93040
(805) 521-1501
On Highway 126, 2 miles East of Piru and 10 miles West of the I-5 at Santa Clarita


Marianne Ratcliff files Oil Drilling appeal with Winston Wright, Permit Coordinator Ventura County Planning Division. Photo Credit: John Brooks CFROG
Marianne Ratcliff files Oil Drilling appeal with Winston Wright, Permit Coordinator Ventura County Planning Division. Photo Credit: John Brooks CFROG
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An appeal was filed today to overturn the decision of the Ventura County Planning director to let Mirada Petroleum drill 9 new oil wells and rework two old wells in the Upper Ojai Valley.

"All of the new wells are being approved without modern day environmental review on 100 year old leases " said Marianne Ratcliff, a member of the newly formed Citizens For Responsible Oil and Gas (CFROG). "In addition to the usual environmental issues with standard drilling techniques, Ventura County could suffer serious damage to its water supply when oil companies go after millions of barrels of oil underneath the old oil fields, using unregulated hydraulic fracturing (fracking) techniques."

Although Mirada Petroleum has said it dos not intend to inject dangerous chemicals under high pressure into the oil field on its new wells, there is no such claim being made on the old wells. It can also change its mind later to begin fracking.

CFROG supports efforts in the state legislature and with the Ventura County Board of Supervisors for a fracking moratorium until disclosure, ground water monitoring, waste water disposal and other critical issues are addressed.

For more information contact Marianne Ratcliff
Citizens For Responsible Oil and Gas
P.O. Box 114
Ojai, CA. 93024


City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of April, the City Council of the City of Fillmore passed Resolution No. 13-3374 declaring that noxious or dangerous weeds were growing upon or in front of the properties, and that rubbish, refuse, and dirt were upon or in front of properties in Fillmore, and more particularly described in the Resolution, and that they constitute a public nuisance which must be abated by the removal of the weeds, rubbish, refuse, and dirt. Otherwise they will be removed and the nuisance abated by the City and the cost of removal assessed upon the land from or in front of which the weeds, rubbish, refuse, and dirt are removed and will constitute a lien upon such land until paid. Reference is hereby made to Resolution No. 13-3374 further particulars. A copy of said Resolution is on file in the office of the City Clerk.

All property owners having any objections to the proposed removal of the weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt are hereby notified to attend a meeting of the City Council of Fillmore, to be held on May 14, 2013, at 6:30 p.m., at Fillmore City Hall, 250 Central Avenue, when their objections will be heard and given due consideration.

Dated this 3rd day of May, 2013.
Diana Impeartrice, Deputy City Clerk


Ventura, CA - The public will receive updates on the construction of a new Community Memorial Hospital when President and CEO Gary Wilde gives the 2013 State of the Hospital address on Thursday, May 16.

The address will be held at 6 p.m. at the Museum of Ventura County, 100 E. Main Street, Ventura, with light refreshments available at 5:30 p.m.

Wilde will also discuss healthcare reform and how it affects CMH and its patients during his address.

Space is limited and reservations are required. Please visit www.cmhshealth.org/rsvp or call 805/652-5385.

Community Memorial Hospital is a member of Community Memorial Health System, a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.

Theresa Robledo presents Fillmore Vision 2020 Civic Pride’s Yard of the Month for May to Edward and Margaret Rodriguez! Congratulations!  The yard is located at 532 Kensington Way, you will find beautiful tropical palm trees, pigmies, cal lilies, and luscious green lawn.  Edward and Margaret moved to Fillmore 3 years ago into their beautiful Spanish style home!  Edward is the primary care taker of the yard and enjoys maintaining it!  A Big Thank you to Otto & Sons Nursery for providing a gift certificate to the winners, where they will find more of their gardening and plant needs!
Theresa Robledo presents Fillmore Vision 2020 Civic Pride’s Yard of the Month for May to Edward and Margaret Rodriguez! Congratulations! The yard is located at 532 Kensington Way, you will find beautiful tropical palm trees, pigmies, cal lilies, and luscious green lawn. Edward and Margaret moved to Fillmore 3 years ago into their beautiful Spanish style home! Edward is the primary care taker of the yard and enjoys maintaining it! A Big Thank you to Otto & Sons Nursery for providing a gift certificate to the winners, where they will find more of their gardening and plant needs!
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Fillmore High School is hosting the Frontier League Swimming Championship Finals at the Fillmore Aquatic Center on Thursday, May 2nd. Meet begins at 2:00 PM and will last until about 5:30 PM.

There are eight teams participating. Come down and watch some exciting swimming! There will be many swimmers qualifying for CIF Div.IV Championships.

The Aquatic Center will be filled with swimmers, families and friends! Don't forget your sunscreen.

Continued Improvement in Loan Quality, Improving Capital Ratios, Highly Liquid

SANTA PAULA, CA. – Santa Clara Valley Bank (SCVBank;OTC BB: SCVE) Chairman of the Board, Scott K. Rushing, today announced the Bank's 2013 first quarter results.

Board Chairman Scott Rushing reported that portfolio quality continues to demonstrate solid improvement with a low level of non current loans to total loans of just 1.21% at the end of the first quarter of 2013 just 63% of the loan loss reserve allowance, substantially below a common 100% maximum benchmark ratio. President Cheryl Knight commented that “this improvement will enhance earnings and, coupled with a strong loan loss reserve and continued reduction in classified loans, will enable the bank to focus more resources on the growth of new, good quality loans in our local community.”

SCVBank recorded a net loss from operations of $90,000 for the first quarter of 2013 compared to a net profit of $181,000 for the first quarter of 2012. The increase in expenses in 2013 is primarily due to the hiring of two additional loan officers and additional loan support staff. Chairman Rushing stated that “these results are consistent with the bank’s strategic plan to invest in the future growth of the bank and reflects the Board’s commitment to serve the lending needs of our community by hiring top notch, experienced staff who have the expertise that only a community bank can offer to the local business community.”

Declines in loan balances combined with downward pressure on interest rates for loans and investments have had an industry wide impact on bank earnings. The additional loan staff combined with an aggressive marketing effort planned for 2013 to serve the unique credit needs of our local business community is intended to boost loan balances, which will improve earnings.

SCVBank continues to maintain a strong capital position with a Tier 1 Leverage Capital Ratio of 10.90%, up from 10.68% at December 31, 2012.

Liquidity continues to be very strong as cash and investments total 48% of total assets at quarter end.
Founded in 1998, SCVBank currently operates three branches in Santa Paula, Fillmore, and Valencia. Under its stock symbol of SCVE.OB, SCVBank’s stock is traded through McAdams Wright Ragen, Raymond James & Associates Inc., and Monroe Securities. The Bank’s web site is www.SCVBank.com.

Santa Clara Valley Bank Corporation Headquarters
901 East Main Street
Santa Paula, California 93060
805 525-1999

Statements concerning future performance, developments or events concerning expectations for growth and market forecasts, and any other guidance on future periods, constitute forward looking statements that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from stated expectations. Specific factors include, but are not limited to, the effect of interest rate changes, and the ability to control costs and expenses, the impact of consolidation in the banking industry, financial policies of the United States government, and general economic conditions.

Prom Dress Project led by Cumulus Radio Personality Nancy Rodriguez with Big Brothers Big Sisters staff and volunteers at Fillmore High School.
Prom Dress Project led by Cumulus Radio Personality Nancy Rodriguez with Big Brothers Big Sisters staff and volunteers at Fillmore High School.
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Prom Dress Project Making Memories Come True
Prom Dress Project” is at it again, and this time, with the help of Big Brothers Big Sisters, distributed over 120 free prom dresses to students in Fillmore and Santa Paula.
Prom Dress Project” is at it again, and this time, with the help of Big Brothers Big Sisters, distributed over 120 free prom dresses to students in Fillmore and Santa Paula.
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Prom Dress Project” is at it again, and this time, with the help of Big Brothers Big Sisters distributed over 120 free prom dresses to students in Fillmore and Santa Paula. The Prom Dress Project is a community collaboration that brings new or used prom dresses to underprivileged girls who could not otherwise afford a prom dress.

“For more than four years, the Prom Dress Project has collectively brought together the caring power of our community by bringing light to the need of providing prom dresses to young girls who could not afford a dress due to tough economic conditions. “We started helping out students at Pacifica High School in Oxnard and expanded our operation countywide,” said Nancy Rodriguez, Founder of the Prom Dress Project.

Thanks to our very generous community, over 500 dresses will be available for High School girls attending prom this year, along with make-up and hairstyle demos, gift cards and discounts provided by local vendors. Thanks to local business partnerships, prom dresses were collected at locations countywide through March 24, including B95.1 Studios, Salzer’s Records, The Massage Place (Fire House Plaza), The Wooden Hanger, JDK Shoes, and Camarillo Bridal.

“We are delighted to support Nancy Rodriguez, a mentor at our Montalvo school-based mentoring site in her efforts to bring a smile to students at Fillmore High School and across the county. The Prom Dress Project is a unique way for our community to flex its charitable muscle,” said Pedro Chavez, Director of Education & Public Affairs at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County. “The expense of going to prom can be overwhelming for many families living with limited resources. These young women shouldn’t be denied a memorable experience simply because they can’t afford it. Some memories especially those that we all know will last a lifetime should never be denied!”

"Prom Dress Project" came about in 2009, when Nancy Rodriguez and her friends realized that there were many struggling families in the Ventura County. By working together, they realized they could make a positive difference. Nancy Rodriguez linked up with Cuba Montero, a counselor at Pacifica High School, who had started an in-house prom dress-recycling program for her students. Nancy felt very passionate about the cause, and wanted to offer the same type of program to girls throughout Ventura County. And so, with the help of friends, family, and the local community, "Prom Dress Project" was launched and has been a successful venture.

Interested citizens urged to apply by May 7th

The Fillmore City Council unanimously determined Tuesday, April 23, 2013 to fill its current Council vacancy by appointing a citizen to the seat, and is inviting interested persons to apply for the position.

Citizens have until Tuesday, May 7th at 4:00 p.m. to file an application and FPPC 700 Form with the City Clerk’s office. Applications and 700 Forms are available at Fillmore City Hall at 250 Central Avenue and on the City’s website www.fillmoreca.com. The resident appointed must be at least 18 years old, live in the City limits and be a registered city voter at the time of appointment. They will be appointed to complete a term that will conclude after the November 2014 City Council elections.

The person selected will occupy the seat held by Eduardo Gonzalez, who announced his resignation from the City Council by letter dated April 15, 2013. Citing health reasons, Gonzalez’s resignation took effect immediately.

The City Council is expected to interview candidates and make a decision on the appointment at its May 14th regular meeting.

The City Council chose to fill the vacancy by appointment rather than calling for a special election. City staff informed the Council that calling a special election would cost an estimated $18,000.

For more information on the application process, please contact Deputy City Clerk, Diana Impeartrice at 524-1500, extension 211.

March - April 2013 Edition

Message from Detective Ray Dominguez:

Folks, I’ve got just a couple things to report in this edition of Farm Watch. First, I want to mention a recent success story involving an arrest and recovery of stolen horses and tack. In March, Senior Deputy Marc Cargnel of the Camarillo Police Station worked with a victim who reported having his horses and tack stolen from a ranch located off Highway 118 in the Somis area. Marc received information from a diligent victim who had been conducting some follow-up investigation of his own. The victim reported that he had located what he believed to be his own stolen horses, and those of another victim he knew had horses stolen recently as well.

Through further investigation, Marc was able to establish there was sufficient probable cause to make an arrest. Marc arrested the suspect and recovered several horses, stolen saddles, and other tack from the location in the unincorporated area of Camarillo. It just goes to show how working together we can accomplish great things. Great job by all parties involved!

On a second note, it appears that thefts of fertilizer/pesticides have begun this season. I have already seen one report come in within the last couple of weeks. This case involved the theft of over $20,000 worth of various pesticides and fertilizers stolen from a ranch in the unincorporated area of Oxnard. There are no suspects identified in this case, and little in the way of physical evidence. Please take this as a reminder to not stockpile your supplies, and order only what you intend to apply. These steps will help you from becoming the next victim of such a theft. If you have questions about site security and need help, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at (805) 384-4726.

Anyone with information CONTINUED »

Public asked to leave non-perishable food by their mailbox

SANTA CLARITA, CA - Letter carriers care about the people in the communities they serve, and on the second Saturday in May for the past 20 years they have done a lot more than collect and deliver mail. They have picked up non-perishable food donations left at mailboxes as they visit every home in the nation.

This year will be the 21st Annual National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Food Drive — the largest one-day food drive in the USA. The U.S. Postal Service and the National Rural Letter Carriers Association join NALC as official sponsors in this effort to ‘Stamp Out Hunger.’ Other sponsors include Campbell Soup Company, Feeding America, Valpak, AFL-CIO and United Way of America.

It is a very simple and easy concept: the public is asked to leave non-perishable food in a sturdy bag by their mailbox on Saturday, May 11, 2013. That food will be collected by letter carriers and distributed to local charities that provide it to people who need it — right in the same community.

Hunger and under-nutrition in America are much more serious problems than most people realize. With current economic conditions and high food prices, more families than ever struggle to keep food on the table. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s annual study measuring food security in the United States, the number of Americans living in food insecure homes is more than 50 million, with approximately one in every three food-insecure Americans being a child (17.2 million).

Through a lot of hard work, dedication and compassion, and the support of customers in the communities they serve, letter carriers collected over 70 million pounds of food last year -- the ninth consecutive drive surpassing 70 million pounds collected. The total donations received since the drive began in 1993 now stand at nearly 1.2 billion pounds of food. They are counting on the public’s generosity once again to help feed the hungry this year.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:00 P.M.

Piru Neighborhood Council Meeting
PO BOX 162, 802 0rchard Street, PIRU Community Center‐ 805‐521‐1333
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:00 P.M.

Call to order: C. King
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call:
President: C. King Vice President: Rita Avila Event Coordinator: Antonina Henderson
Secretary: Yvonne Gonzalez Treasurer: Jazmin Gonzalez
Approval of minutes: February and March 2013 meeting minutes
Approve Agenda:

Crime Report: Deputy Oriee/ Capt. McGrath
Fire Safety Report:

Presidents Report:

New Business:
A. Piru Mansion & VCP: Events permit
B. Food Truck Event: April 26, 2013 4-8pm
C. Gun Range Planning Permit update
D. Bike path from Piru to Rancho Camulos
E. ASERT & CAUSE: update on recent transportation efforts in the Santa Clara Valley

Old Business
A. Principal, Diana Vides update re: school scores
B. CEDC i. Valle Naranjal posted Monthly Calendar
ii. “Bridgeview Apartments” Response to PNC Letter

Treasurer’s report
A. PNC Account Balance $2184.09
B. PNC taxes have been filed
C. Scholarship fund Balance is $950.00
D. Deposit scholarship donation in the amount 0f $200.00 from FangBanger Productions

Public comments:

Next Meeting: Wednesday May 15, 2013 @ 7pm Meeting adjourned:


SAN FRANCISCO -- Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today announced California’s National Mortgage Settlement Grant Program has awarded $9.4 million to 21 organizations in order to assist Californians affected by the state’s foreclosure crisis.

“The foreclosure crisis has inflicted wide-ranging and deep harm to California homeowners and communities,” said Attorney General Harris. “These grants will give homeowners and families the financial and legal tools they need to recover.”

The grants will benefit many of the state’s neediest homeowners and families by providing or expanding access to free legal assistance and representation, foreclosure intervention aid, homeowner education and financial literacy clinics, blight remediation services, fraud prevention education and employment support services.

Many of the organizations receiving grants focus on underserved and disproportionately impacted populations, including agricultural workers, communities of color, the disabled, the elderly, immigrant communities, Native Americans, rural homeowners, veterans and active-duty military. Services will be offered in more than a dozen languages, including American Sign Language, Armenian, Cantonese, Farsi, Hmong, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese.

Grant recipients will begin to implement their programs immediately.

In March, Attorney CONTINUED »

(l-r) Board Directors Irma Magana, Renae Stovesand-Martel, Ari Larson, Theresa Robledo, Owner Harprit Chohan and Chamber President Cindy Jackson.
(l-r) Board Directors Irma Magana, Renae Stovesand-Martel, Ari Larson, Theresa Robledo, Owner Harprit Chohan and Chamber President Cindy Jackson.
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The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce announces Business of the Month for March. The award goes to BH Mailstop, located at 618 W. Ventura Street in the Vons shopping center. Owner Harprit Chohan opened her business in 2012. Her slogan is "one stop for many services". Harprit is a notary public and also services passport needs. Other services include: FedEx, DHL, U.S. Postal Services and private mailboxes, packing/moving supplies, full color printing, scanning, computer rentals, kodak pic printing, money orders and sending money. BH Mailstop is also a sponsor for the Fillmore May Orange Festival and has created and printed the posters for the Chamber. If you have any questions you can reach Harprit at 805-265-7826 or visit her on the web at: www.bhmailstop.com. Hours are Mon-Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm, Sat 10:00am to 3:00pm and closed on Sunday.

Nan Drake holds the Pacific Coast Business Times award. She is with (from l-r) Harrison Industries President Ralph Harrison, his wife Jenny and Harrison Vice President Jim Harrison.
Nan Drake holds the Pacific Coast Business Times award. She is with (from l-r) Harrison Industries President Ralph Harrison, his wife Jenny and Harrison Vice President Jim Harrison.
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Nan Drake, governmental affairs and public relation director for Harrison Industries, has been named one of the Top 50 Women in Business in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties by the Pacific Coast Business Times for the sixth consecutive year.

Drake and the other 49 women were honored at an evening awards reception at the Bacara Resort and Spa in Goleta on April 11.

Drake is the voice of one of the largest family-owned trash- and recycling-hauling companies in the United States. She also represents Gold Coast Recycling & Transfer Station and Agromin Premium Soil Products. Her tireless commitment to recycling has made Ventura County the most lauded and praised county in California. All of Harrison’s franchise clients – the cities of Ventura, Camarillo, Thousand Oaks, Ojai, Fillmore and Carpinteria in Santa Barbara County as well as the County of Ventura – have consistently surpassed the state’s strict waste diversion goals.

Drake was a member of the Ventura City Council from 1985-89 and also served on California’s Integrated Waste Management and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality boards. She currently serves on the executive board of the Ventura County Economic Development Association as well as on the board of directors of the Economic Development Cooperative, Ventura County, and the Ventura and Carpinteria Chambers of Commerce. In addition, Drake is co-chair of the Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee.

Drake also is the 2013 recipient of VCEDA’s Carl Lowthrop Golden Eagle Award for outstanding public service.


Do you have a horse crazy kid? Are you, or somebody you know interested in learning more about horses? Kings Corner Pony Club Riding Center can help.

Kings Corner Pony Club Riding Center is part of the United States Pony Club, a National Non Profit Educational Organization, with 600 clubs and riding centers across the United States, and is recognized in many countries througout the world.

Members learn complete horsemanship, including grooming, feeding, stable management, health care, sportsmanship and safety. The US Pony Club has a proven structure for developing independent, well rounded horse people.

Kings Corner Training Stables, located in Bardsdale, has a long history with the USPC. Owner, Taurie Banks is a graduate Pony Club member and has been involved at the Club, Regional and National level, as an instructor, coach, examiner and judge.

“Pony Club is an amazing organization,” Taurie said. “There is so much to offer all ages, levels of ability, and interests.”

USPC has traditionally been and English riding program, with an emphasis on Dressage, Eventing and Show Jumping, but has recently added a Western program. Kings Corner Pony Club Riding Center has been approved to offer this new Western program.

Membership requirements vary by club and riding center. Kings Corner trys to make membership easy and affordable. Horse ownership is not required. Lesson horses and equipment are available.

“We welcome horse lovers of all ages and abilities,” said Miss Banks. “We have a junior program for really young members, regular membership for those up to the age of 25 , and we are starting a Horsemasters program for adults.”

For more information, please contact Kings Corner Training Stables at (805) 727-3444, kingshorses@hotmail.com, or go to the website at www.kingscornerstables.com.

Kings Corner Pony Club Riding Center will be at the Fillmore Farmers Market this Friday.

USPC Mission Statement
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth
through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.


Edison International is partnering with the Ventura County Sheriff's Foundation in bringing Emergency, Electrical Training to the Sheriff's Department DART teams and VIP Units.

These volunteers are often on scene with emergency first responders and Edison will teach the basics of what to do with downed power lines and other electrical emergencies.

The Ventura County Sheriff's Foundation supports the Sheriff's Department with funds for special equipment and projects that are not covered in the County budget.

The Foundation also works to enhance public awareness of, and provide education concerning, safety issues, and community outreach.

Thursday, April 25th one of the Sheriff's Department contract cities, Thousand Oaks, will be presenting the electrical training to their DART Team in the Community Room at the East Valley Station, 7:30 pm.


The roaring twenties in fortuned favored Fillmore will be presented by the Fillmore Historical Society at the Ebell Club Luncheon Tuesday April 23rd.

Sue Cutress and Martha Gentry will be narrating the program. It promises to be a delightful and interesting historical program of early Fillmore.

If you would like to join the Ebell ladies for lunch and this wonderful meeting call Glenda 524-4949 for reservations. This luncheon will begin at 12:30pm in the Veterans Memorial Building at 511 2nd Street.

(l-r) FWSC member Toby Bowers, President Michele Smith, Board President Donna Voelker.
(l-r) FWSC member Toby Bowers, President Michele Smith, Board President Donna Voelker.
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Michele Smith, President, Fillmore Women’s Service Club again proves the community spirit of this remarkable group of women with a $2,000.00 grant to the Fillmore Senior Center. Board President Donna Voelker accepted their generous donation on behalf of Fillmore’s seniors, and stated that it would go a long way to help defray the expense of utilities for the Center. FWSC has supported the Center’s nutrition program and salad bar over the last few years, as well as providing drivers for the Hot Meal homebound program, and this donation is just another example of the many good works they do in our community.