Community Discussion Series #2 Soil Vapor Intrusion and Current Air Monitoring

The second event in a community discussion series about the Pacific Coast Pipeline Fillmore Site (PCPL) is happening. A community technical advisor from EPA's Technical Assistance Services for Communities (TASC) program will present information about soil vapor intrusion and current air monitoring at PCPL and answer community questions from the first and second workshops.

Last year, TASC met with the community to better understand educational needs related to the PCPL. This discussion series will revolve around the major topics of interest expressed by the community.

Date, Time, and Location:
Thursday, July 18, 2013
6:30 PM Presentation and Open Discussion
One Step A La Vez
400 Fillmore Street
Fillmore, CA 93015


Nancy Vaniotis, VCAS Volunteer and former County of Ventura employee, shows off a kitten available for adoption at the Camarillo animal shelter.
Nancy Vaniotis, VCAS Volunteer and former County of Ventura employee, shows off a kitten available for adoption at the Camarillo animal shelter.
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Preview event on Saturday, July 27 to feature live radio broadcast by Warren Eckstein, national radio talk show host and pet expert

VENTURA COUNTY, CA - On Sunday, July 28, Ventura County Animal Services, in partnership with Rescue Me, Inc., will host the 9th Annual Dog-Gone Cat-a-Strophic Hugs, Slurps and Slobbers Pet Adopt-a-Thon.

This free family-friendly event will take place from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Camarillo Animal Shelter, 600 Aviation Way, and will feature fun, food, live music, entertainment, vendors and the chance to adopt a furry or feathered best friend at 50% off the regular adoption rate.

Sponsored by Rescue Me, Inc., an organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and finding homes for orphaned animals, the adopt-a-thon is a fun way for the public to visit the Ventura County animal shelter, meet the caring staff and volunteers and be introduced to the wide array of cats, dogs, rabbits and reptiles available for adoption.

“Each year, we welcome the public to the shelter during the adopt-a-thon and introduce them to the hundreds of animals that wait patiently for a loving family to call their own,” said Donna Gillesby, VCAS interim director. “Our goal is to empty the shelter of every adoptable animal. Many currently housed with us ran away from home on the 4th of July and have not been reclaimed by their owners.”

On the Saturday before the adopt-a-thon, Warren Eckstein, host of the nationally syndicated radio talk show, The Pet Show, will broadcast live from the Camarillo animal shelter from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Eckstein will preview many of the animals that will be available for adoption on the following day.

For more information, call VCAS at 1-888-223-PETS (7387), 805-388-4341 or go to



OPEN helps unemployed professionals jump start their job searches. We provide an intensive, five half-day outplacement training workshop that covers online and traditional job search strategies, network building, cover letter and resume writing, interviewing, salary negotiation, skills analysis, and more. These workshops are offered at NO COST to participants.

The next Workshop will run Mon, July 29th – Fri. August 2nd, 2013. Daily workshop hours are 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at County of Ventura’s Job and Career Center, 980 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley, CA 93065-1998.

Reserve your place in our next workshop before Friday, July 26th by pre-registering online at

OPEN, a chapter of Experience Unlimited, is a no-fee service, sponsored by the State of California Employment Development Department.

Professionals who want more information or would like to network with other professionals are invited to attend our Friday meetings from 9 to 11 a.m. where guest speakers/presentations are provided. All professionals in Ventura County and surrounding areas are eligible. Previous workshops have drawn job-seekers from Monterey Park to Santa Barbara.

Fillmore FFA would like to thank all of the community that came out to support us on July 4th at the 4th annual Freedom Breakfast. It was a huge success and we would like to especially thank Old Fashion Country Butcher for their donation of sausage and Jordano's for their donation of pancake mix, eggs, and orange juice. Special thanks to all the Veterans who generously gave donations.
Fillmore FFA would like to thank all of the community that came out to support us on July 4th at the 4th annual Freedom Breakfast. It was a huge success and we would like to especially thank Old Fashion Country Butcher for their donation of sausage and Jordano's for their donation of pancake mix, eggs, and orange juice. Special thanks to all the Veterans who generously gave donations.
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Boy Scout Troop 406 left for summer camp on Sunday for a week of fun and learning. 13 young men and 4 adults from our troop are at Camp Chawanakee on Shaver Lake. The Scouts will be working on many merit badges along with swimming, rifle sports, and enjoying the Sequoia National Forest.
Boy Scout Troop 406 left for summer camp on Sunday for a week of fun and learning. 13 young men and 4 adults from our troop are at Camp Chawanakee on Shaver Lake. The Scouts will be working on many merit badges along with swimming, rifle sports, and enjoying the Sequoia National Forest.
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Ventura, CA - Community Memorial Health System’s Healthy Women’s Program is hosting a Community Outreach Day which offers free mammograms and healthcare education to the first 35 women who qualify. This event will take place at the Center for Family Health in Ventura on Saturday, July 27.

The women will arrive early at the CFH office at 120 N. Ashwood Avenue in Ventura where they will be transported to The Breast Center at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, and then back to the center’s office.

In 2011, an estimated 230,480 new cases of breast cancer occurred in the United States, and early detection and awareness is the key to fighting this life-threatening disease. The Healthy Women’s Program provided through CMHS benefits women in the community who are uninsured, under-insured or lack funds to pay for mammograms and follow-up treatment, if necessary.

“These women have nowhere else in the county to go to get these services; that’s why they come to us,” said Patty Jimenez, Healthy Women’s Program outreach coordinator.

The Healthy Women’s Program is made possible through funds raised by the Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation’s annual Gold Dust Gala, along with the support of the Wallis Foundation.

For eligibility requirements, call 805/651-2661. For more information on the Healthy Women’s Program visit

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold Diabetes Classes to introduce basic information regarding diet, medication, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, new developments and common problems. Open to the public and free of charge, no registration is necessary. Call 805-642-0239 for information. The classes are held:

· In Ventura, first Tuesday of the month: August 6 @ Livingston VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave, #109, from 1:00 – 2:30 pm.

· In Camarillo, first Wednesday of the month: August 7 @ Camarillo Community Center, Room 3, 1605 Burnley Street, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm.

· In Simi Valley, first Wednesday of the month: August 7 @ Simi Valley Senior Center, 3900 Avenida Simi, from 10:30 am – 12:00 noon.

· In Thousand Oaks, fourth Wednesday of the month, August 28 @ Goebel Senior Center, 1385 E. Janss Rd, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.

Dick Richardson, of Fillmore Rotary, presented Certificates of Appreciation to Isela Larin, Career Technician, Karen Ashim and Deana Wyand Counselors at Fillmore High School.
Dick Richardson, of Fillmore Rotary, presented Certificates of Appreciation to Isela Larin, Career Technician, Karen Ashim and Deana Wyand Counselors at Fillmore High School.
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Cynthia Frutos, Principal of Sierra High School, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Rotary member Scott Beylik
Cynthia Frutos, Principal of Sierra High School, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Rotary member Scott Beylik
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Rotary’s Fillmore High School scholarship winners, administrators and scholarship committee.
Rotary’s Fillmore High School scholarship winners, administrators and scholarship committee.
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Isela Larin, Career Technician, was presented with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award by Cindy Blatt, Rotary Secretary.
Isela Larin, Career Technician, was presented with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award by Cindy Blatt, Rotary Secretary.
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Fillmore Rotary’s Sierra High School scholarship winners, Principal and Rotary scholarship committee.
Fillmore Rotary’s Sierra High School scholarship winners, Principal and Rotary scholarship committee.
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At approximately 1:50 p.m., Friday, June 28, a hit and run accident occurred near El Dorado and E. Telegraph Road. The Toyota (pictured) allegedly hit a white SUV, and left the scene of the accident. The car was found about a quarter mile away abandoned with moderate damage to the front end. One patient out of the five people in the SUV suffered minor to moderate injuries.
At approximately 1:50 p.m., Friday, June 28, a hit and run accident occurred near El Dorado and E. Telegraph Road. The Toyota (pictured) allegedly hit a white SUV, and left the scene of the accident. The car was found about a quarter mile away abandoned with moderate damage to the front end. One patient out of the five people in the SUV suffered minor to moderate injuries.
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The Fillmore FFA Freedom Breakfast is being held at the Memorial Building on Thursday July 4th. The breakfast runs from 7am-10am and serves sausage, eggs, coffee, orange juice, and all you can eat pancakes. There is a $5 suggested donation and Veterans eat free with ID. We would all love to see you there in support of our FFA!

Theresa Robledo presents Fillmore Vision 2020 Civic Pride’s Yard of the Month for July to Jairus and Sarah Rothermel and their lovely extended family!  Congratulations! Their yard is located at the corner of Mockingbird Lane, you will find beautifully manicured greens, succulents, pansies, cactus, aloe vera, and cherry tree.  Jairus and Sarah moved back to Fillmore a couple of years ago from Northern California!   They make a beautiful addition to our community!  A Big Thank you to Otto & Sons Nursery for providing a gift certificate to the winners, where they will find more of their gardening and plant needs!
Theresa Robledo presents Fillmore Vision 2020 Civic Pride’s Yard of the Month for July to Jairus and Sarah Rothermel and their lovely extended family! Congratulations! Their yard is located at the corner of Mockingbird Lane, you will find beautifully manicured greens, succulents, pansies, cactus, aloe vera, and cherry tree. Jairus and Sarah moved back to Fillmore a couple of years ago from Northern California! They make a beautiful addition to our community! A Big Thank you to Otto & Sons Nursery for providing a gift certificate to the winners, where they will find more of their gardening and plant needs!
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Livingston Hospice conducts several Adult Bereavement support groups to help those who have experienced a loss. Explore and express feeling, understand the grief process and receive emotional support. Open to the public, free of charge, all are welcome. The groups are held at

The First Presbyterian Church, 850 Ivywood Drive, Oxnard; Every Wednesday, (July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31); from 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Livingston Memorial VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave (#112), Ventura; Every Wednesday, (July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31); from 6:30 – 8:00

Help of Ojai, 370 Baldwin Road, Ojai; On 2nd & 4th Tuesday, (July 9 & 23); from 10:30 am – 12 noon

For the newly bereaved: at Livingston Memorial VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave, (#112), Ventura; On second Thursday, (july 11); from 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Call 642-1608 for more information.


Santa Barbara County Animal Services wants to make sure you and your pet beat the heat this summer. It only takes a few minutes for your pet to get overheated, which can ultimately result in the animal’s death. Although pet owners mean well by wanting their animals to enjoy the outdoors, hot weather can cause serious health issues. There are several activities you should avoid and signs to look out for to help keep your pet safe during this heat wave.

Never leave your pet in a vehicle, even with the windows cracked. “The greenhouse effect can quickly become lethal for your pet. Avoid tragedy and leave your animals at home when hot weather strikes” says Jan Glick, Animal Services Director. The temperature inside a car will rise and can quickly cause your pet to become overheated and possibly die.

Active animals are more susceptible to heat exhaustion. Try to keep the activities and places you take your pets to a minimum while the outside temperatures are high. Avoid rigorous activities like running or hiking with your pet. If your pet is going to be outdoors, make sure that there is plenty of cool shade. Bring pets indoors periodically so they can escape the heat and cool down. Give your pets plenty of cool water in a container that they cannot spill.

If your pet is active in the heat there are many signs that he/she may be suffering from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Things to be aware of during weather with such high temperatures are: high body temperature, heavy panting, rapid pulse, lethargy, darkening of the tongue, unsteadiness, vomiting, and/or glazed eyes. If you notice any of these signs on your pet you must lower their body temperature immediately. Get your pet into a cool or shady area. Apply cool water to their whole body. Apply ice packs or cold towels to your pets head, neck and chest. Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water. Most importantly, get your pet to the veterinarian right away.

If you notice an animal in distress please contact your local Animal Services Shelter; Santa Barbara at 681-5285, Santa Maria at 934-6119, Lompoc at 737-7755, or Santa Barbara City Animal Control at 963-1513. Be aware of the effects of high heat and keep your pets cool all year long.

McGruff, the Crime Dog, visited students at Sespe Elementary last week. He is part of the Ad Council for the National Crime Prevention Council for use by American police in building crime awareness among children. McGuff’s motto is “Take a Bite out of Crime”. He visits schools talking about drugs, bullying safety and the importance of staying is school. The students gave McGruff lots of hugs, and took turns sitting in the police car.
McGruff, the Crime Dog, visited students at Sespe Elementary last week. He is part of the Ad Council for the National Crime Prevention Council for use by American police in building crime awareness among children. McGuff’s motto is “Take a Bite out of Crime”. He visits schools talking about drugs, bullying safety and the importance of staying is school. The students gave McGruff lots of hugs, and took turns sitting in the police car.
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"Playing Softly" by Carmelita Miranda
"Playing Softly" by Carmelita Miranda
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“Window Dressing” by Carmelita Miranda
“Window Dressing” by Carmelita Miranda
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Carmelita Miranda, of KSSP Photographic Studios, has won Best In Category – High School Senior Portrait at the quarterly competition of the Channel Islands Professional Photography Association (CIPPA). Earlier this year she also won CIPPA Architectural Photographer of the Year for 2012. An award she also won in 2011. One of Carmelita's architectural images merited at the Western State competition and was put on International Loan by the Professional Photographers of America.

Photographic competition is one way professional photographers hone their skills. In these competitions, images are judged by three judges at the local level and six judges at the regional level. Images receiving a score of 80 or greater receive a 'merit.' Typically, only one in four images receive a merit.

Carmelita's portrait of 2013 FHS senior Billy Gabriel entitled 'Playing Softly' won Best in Class for High School Senior. Her architectural portrait “Window Dressing” was put on Loan.

Principal photographers at KSSP are Carmelita Miranda and Charles Morris. KSSP is a full service photography studio specializing in high school senior, family, children, glamour wedding and quinceanera photography. KSSP Photographic Studios is the school photographer for Fillmore High School. For further information, please contact KSSP Photographic Studios at 524-6400 or visit


The 2013 Ventura County Fair invites participants for this year's Ventura County Fair Parade. This year's parade is themed "Boots, Barns & Banjos", and takes place on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:00 am in Downtown Ventura.

Divisions for this year's entries are:
Color Guards
Antique Automobile (over 50 years old)
Classic Automobile (under 50 years old)

Deadline for entries is July 13th. For a complete list of guidelines or to apply, visit the Ventura County Fair's website at

WHO: Ventura County organizations (Youth or Adult), Color Guards, Bands, Equestrian groups, antique or classic automobile owners (individuals or clubs), Ventura County businesses

WHAT: The 2013 Ventura County Fair Parade

WHEN: Saturday, August 3rd at 10:00 am

WHERE: Downtown Ventura

WHY: To showcase your organization and to be a part of the 138th Ventura County Fair.


4th Annual Fillmore FFA Freedom Pancake Breakfast Thursday July 4th, 7am-10am at the Fillmore Veterans Memorial Building. Suggested pre sale donation $5.00, or $6.00 at door, Veterans eat free.

CARE Program Offers Discounts to Low-Income Households, Students, Renters

LOS ANGELES, CA – More low-income Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) customers are eligible to save 20 percent on their monthly natural gas bill and receive no-cost energy efficient home improvements as a result of updated income guidelines for the state-sponsored California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Energy Savings Assistance Program.

“SoCalGas is committed to enrolling as many eligible customers as possible into our assistance programs,” said Rodger Schwecke, vice president of customer solutions for SoCalGas. “Together with our community partners, we engage in continuous outreach to help ensure our customers know about the many assistance programs available to help them in difficult economic times.”

The CARE program provides a 20-percent rate discount on the monthly natural gas bill for eligible households. Those who qualify and are approved within 90 days of starting new gas service will also receive a $15 discount on the Service Establishment Charge.

The Energy Savings Assistance CONTINUED »


United Water Conservation District is seeking candidates for appointment to an opening on its Board of Directors representing its Division 7. To be eligible for appointment, a person must be a qualified elector and reside within Division 2, which encompasses the following area:

Immediately west of the City of Santa Paula, and extends south across the west Las Posas Valley to approximately Hwy. 101 at Central Ave., and includes the communities of Saticoy, Nyeland Acres, Strickland, El Rio, and RiverPark. South of Hwy. 101, Division 2 includes the college tracts east of the intersection of Oxnard Blvd. and Vineyard Ave., and the Wagon Wheel area. From Wagon Wheel the boundary extends northeast along the Santa Clara River to the vicinity of S. Petit Ave, then trends north to include the eastern portion of the City of Ventura. From S. Petit an irregular boundary extends north to Telephone Rd., west to Kimball Rd, north to Hwy 126, then north along Harmon Barranca to the District boundary located north of Foothill Rd. A copy of the map for Division 2 is available at the United Water Conservation District office in Santa Paula.

United Water Conservation District is a California special district organized and operating pursuant to the California Water Conservation Act of 1931, and it has as its mission to manage, protect, conserve and enhance the water resources of the Santa Clara River, its tributaries and associated aquifers in the most cost effective and environmentally balanced manner. A seven person board governs the District. Each director is elected from one of the seven divisions of the District. It is the intent of the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy by appointment at its regular Board meeting on July 10, 2013, and the appointment will be effective on July 10, 2013.

Persons interested in appointment as the Director from Division 2 should submit a written expression of interest and/or resume of their experience and qualifications to the District, c/o Mike Solomon, District General Manager, at the District’s offices located at 106 No. 8th Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060 on or before June 28, 2013. A Board Committee will review letters and/or resumes, interview candidates, and make a recommendation for appointment of an individual to the full Board of Directors. Appointment will be made at the Board’s regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at the District’s offices in Santa Paula. For more information please contact Mike Solomon or Mary Kanatzar at 525-4431.


Southern California – Optimism has arrived in Fillmore and residents wishing to help improve the lives of youth are invited to attend an informational meeting about a new Optimist Club at Noon on Tuesday at The Chevy Dealer Café on Ventura St..

Community leaders and service-minded individuals will be on hand at the meeting to talk about the future club and to gather ideas about how the club can improve the local community and how volunteers can get involved.

Optimist Clubs throughout the world conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. Members of Optimist Clubs strive to maintain an upbeat attitude and help empower young people to be the best they can be. Each Optimist Club determines the best way it can serve children in the local community and develops service projects to suit those needs.

“Our children are the future of this community, and it’s up to us to make sure they have the tools they need to be good citizens with a promising future,” said long-time Optimist John Romano. “A local Optimist Club can do just that, but we need volunteers to help determine the biggest areas of need and to help put our plans into action.”

Optimist International is one of the world’s largest service club organizations with 93,000 adult and youth members in 3,200 clubs in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Mexico and throughout the world. Carrying the motto “Bringing Out the Best in Kids,” Optimists conduct positive service projects that reach more than six million young people each year. To learn more about Optimist International, please call (314) 371-6000 or visit the organization’s website at

For more information about the informational meeting, please call Norb Moniz at 661-678-3637 or Dr. T G Thomas at 661-205-5525.