![]() Ralph Harrison (right) and his wife Jenny are with Mike Mobley (left) and Jan Marholin of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Monday, September 23rd, 2013
The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley has presented Harrison Industries President Ralph Harrison and his wife Jenny with the 2013 Jeremiah Milbank Award. The couple was honored during the annual “Breakfast of Champions” event on Sept. 18 in Santa Paula. The award is given to those who donate $10,000 or more in a calendar year. It was created to recognize Milbank, an industrialist and philanthropist who helped President Herbert Hoover develop the Boys & Girls Club national movement in the 1920’s. Jan Marholin, chief executive officer for the B&GC of Santa Clara Valley, said the clubs in Santa Paula and Fillmore serve among the poorest areas in Ventura County with the greatest need for supporting disadvantaged youth. The Harrisons’ donation, she said, helped the non-profit provide boys and girls with organized programs at a safe and supervised location over the summer. “Without the charitable gift from Ralph and Jenny, we would have had to reduce the number of programs and youth that we serve,” Marholin said. “They really helped us keep the clubs going during a challenging time.” "The Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley is very fortunate to have Ralph and Jenny Harrison as one of our most generous and dedicated financial supporters,” Mobley said. “Without their donations this summer, it would have very difficult to provide for all the youth that depend on the club during our busiest time of year". Others receiving the Jeremiah Milbank Award at the “Breakfast of Champions” were Richard and Betty Hyde, Tom and Brianne McGrath and Dorcas Thille. For more information on the B&GC of Santa Clara Valley or to donate to the club, call 525-7910 or email info@bgclubscv.org. |
![]() (l-r) Ari Larson Vice President Fillmore Chamber, Theresa Robledo Board Director, Evelyn Hasty Co Owner, Craig Cole Co Owner, Presenting Certificate Chamber President Cindy Jackson, Lynn Cole Craig's Wife. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Monday, September 23rd, 2013
Bob’s Radiator and Auto Repair, Inc. has been a prominent business in Fillmore for the past 50 years. In October, 1963 the original owner Bob Hasty began the business on Santa Clara Street in the vacant lot next to the the Fillmore Senior Center. Within a couple of year’s Bob moved the business to 562 Santa Clara Street. For many years Bob worked alone, but in the late 1970’s Bob decided he wanted to expand the business and hired his cousin Thomas Hasty to help. George Campbell purchased the property the business was located on from Bill Gazzaway and in 1980 the business then relocated to 409 Central Avenue. In 1983 he hired another employee Craig Cole, which eventually became Bob’s son-in-law. In 1988 Bob made Craig a partner in the business. Unfortunately Bob became ill and passed-away in October, 1997 in which his half of the business went to his wife Evelyn. In 2001 when the property on Santa Clara Street became available again, Craig relocated the business back to it’s orginal location. At that time Craig hired Frank Bolanos,(originally from Bolanos Auto Repair). Together their combined knowledge of cars, electrial and mechanics have made them very well known around the county. Having two sons (Curtis and Corey) Craig along with his wife Lynn have always and continue to be large supporters to the youth organizations of Fillmore. Throughout the years they have been involved in as well as volunteered for Fillmore Girls Softball & T-Ball, Fillmore Little League, Fillmore Youth Football & Cheer, Fillmore Youth Basketball and continues to support and help out when needed Fillmore High School’s Athletic Programs, Clubs and Organizations. Craig is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and assists with their yearly May Festival. |
By Anonymous — Monday, September 23rd, 2013
The subject for the October meeting of the Ventura County Garden Club will be "California Native Bees". The meeting begins at 1PM on Wed Oct 2nd. The presentation will be given by Anna Howell at the Hansen Agricultural Center at Faulkner Farm. The address is 14292 W.Telegraph Rd, Santa Paula, CA 93060. Light refreshments will be served and guests are welcome. Contact Carol Cutright at 805-525-2383 for further information. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 18th, 2013
![]() On September 11 Sonshine Preschool observed "Hero Day". There were military personnel, police officers, sheriff deputies, firefighters, search & rescue volunteers, and forestry service personnel. These heroes came in uniform and shared a snack with the preschoolers. "Hero Day" is an occasion that creates a positive introductory exposure for the young students with the uniformed "helpers" in their world. There were positive conversations between students and heroes, photo opportunities and even some juice box sharing. The local heroes also brought stickers, hats, and glow sticks for all of the students. Thank you to our service heroes. Story and Photos by Chad Schommer. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 18th, 2013
Barbara and Harold Mayberry a very talented musical brother and sister will be entertaining the Fillmore Ebell Ladies Tuesday, Sept. 24th at the Veterans Memorial Building. Harold is an accomplished Piano and Keyboard entertainer who has entertained audiences throughout Ventura County and many other Southern California venues. Barbara has traveled the world with her musical talents and ministry which she will be sharing with us. Some of the instruments she will be playing are the Violin, Balalaika, and the Omnichord. Barbara and Harold live at the ElDorado Estates in Fillmore. If you would like to join the ladies for lunch at 12:30pm and be entertained by this wonderful duo. Call Glenda at 524-4949. Cost of the lunch is $12.00 reservations due by Saturday morning. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 18th, 2013
Mark Your Calendar
The City of Fillmore would like to invite you to attend the third in a series of public workshops regarding the City’s Housing Element. The third workshop will be conducted jointly with the Planning Commission and City Council on Wednesday, September 25, 2013, beginning at 6:30 p.m., in the CITY OF FILLMORE COUNCIL CHAMBERS located at 250 CENTRAL AVENUE. Housing is one of seven mandatory elements of the City’s General Plan and consists of an identification and analysis of existing and projected housing needs along with a statement of goals, policies, quantified objectives, financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. Housing is unique among the other General Plan Elements insofar as State law requires that it must be updated at designated intervals. The third workshop is being held as part of an ongoing Housing Element Update process dating back to 2008 and will cover the following topics: (i) status of the current adopted Housing Element; (ii) goals, policies and programs proposed to address identified needs; and (iii) land use strategies to accommodate the City’s assigned share of future regional growth. Upon adoption, the updated Housing Element will cover a planning period from October 1, 2013 through September 31, 2021. The primary goal of the third workshop is to receive feedback on key policy issues that will enable preparation and circulation of a draft Housing Element for further public review. Upon receipt of additional comment, adoption hearings will be conducted by the Planning Commission and City Council during the December 2013 – January 2014 timeframe. Additional notice will be provided when specific hearing dates have been determined. For further information about the workshop, please contact Kevin McSweeney at (805) 524-1500 Ext. 116, kmcsweeney@ci.fillmore.ca.us. You can also visit the City’s Planning Department located at the address noted above as well as the City’s website at: http:// www.fillmoreca.com/planning_download.htm. Si necesita traduccion de este anuncio, por favor de comunicarse con Kevin McSweeney al 805-524-1500 extension 116 |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
The Rules and Regulations for cooks at the Stafford Memorial Chili Cook-off are as follows: • Traditional Red Chili is defined by the International Chili Society as any kind of meat or combination of meats, cooked with red chili peppers, various spices and other ingredients, with the exception of BEANS and PASTA which are strictly forbidden. • No ingredient may be pre-cooked in any way prior to the commencement of the official cook-off. The only exceptions are canned or bottled tomatoes, tomato sauce, peppers, pepper sauce, beverages, broth and grinding and/or mixing of spices. Meat may be treated, pre-cut or ground. MEAT MAY NOT BE PRE-COOKED, in any manner. All other ingredients must be chopped or prepared during the preparation period. • You must be at least 18 years old. • The cooking period will be 3 hours with the cook time starting at 11am. Cooking during entire cooking period is at the sole discretion of the contestant. • A representative of the club shall conduct a contestant’s meeting, at which time final instructions are to be given and questions answered, no later than 1 hour prior to the official starting time of the cook-off. • Cooks are responsible for supplying all of their own cooking utensils, etc. and should be prepared to provide a fire extinguisher(bucket of water) and washing station (hand sanitizer), as they may be required by the club. The club will provide an outside area for each contestant to set their shade, stove and tables. • Cooks should post notices if any common food allergens are used, such as dairy, peanuts, nuts, eggs, fish, soy or wheat. • Each contestant must cook a minimum of two quarts of competition chili prepared in one pot which will be submitted for judging. • People's Choice Chili is at least 1 gallon in addition to a cash entry fee. People’s choice chili should contain beans, pasta, rice or other filler. People’s choice should be ready to serve no later than noon. • Each contestant will be assigned a contestant’s number by the Chief Scorekeeper and given an official judging cup. Each contestant should verify that the number on the bottom of their cup is the same as their assigned contestant number. Each contestant is responsible to deliver their cup, which must be filled to the bottom of the cup’s rim, to the judging area at the official time for judging. • Camping is open to the cooks by reservation please let me know with your entry if you plan on spending Friday and/or Saturday night. Fees are $10 per night. Very limited electric sites available, no 30 amp available. • Club house will close one hour after the 50/50 prize is awarded. • New this year will be a trophy for booth decoration. • There are a few general attributes or characteristics of chili that each chili judge will be evaluating. • TASTE Taste, above all else is the most important factor. The taste should consist of the combination of the meat, peppers, spices, etc, with no particular ingredient being dominant, but rather a blend of the flavors. • CONSISTENCY Chili must have a good ratio between sauce and meat. It should not be dry, watery, grainy, lumpy, or greasy. • AROMA Chili should smell good. This also indicates what is in store when you taste it. • COLOR Chili should look appetizing. Reddish brown is generally accepted as good. Chili is not yellow or green. • BITE Bite or after taste is the heat created by the various type of chili peppers and chili spices. Name_____________________________________ Address___________________________________ E-mail____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Entry fee $30 if received by September 21, 2013. After September 21 your spot may be sold to another cook. For more info call me @805-794-9623 or e-mail bogieputz@yahoo.com Mail checks to: |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
September 21, 2013
As the world struggles for a global cease fire and nonviolence, let us join together as a community as we celebrate International Day of Peace. The celebration will take place on September 21, at 10:00 a.m. around the Fillmore Peace Pole in front of City Hall. In 2008, Soroptimist International, Fillmore, held the first celebration with a wooden pole. The dream expanded, and with the support of the community of Fillmore a permanent placing of the Peace Pole took place in 2010. Inscribed in seven languages (English, Japanese, Arabic, Italian, German, Chumash, Spanish, and Braille) is “Let There be Peace on Earth”. Please come show your support of this important day and the need for world-wide reconciliation and peace. |
By Anonymous — Monday, September 16th, 2013
Help us build the next 10 homes
Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County cordially invites you to its 1st Annual Hearts & Hammers benefit dinner and auction to celebrate three decades of building hope and changing lives! This fun-filled evening will include hors d’oeuvres and drinks, a seated dinner, silent auction, entertainment, and live auction at the historic Santa Paula Agriculture Museum. Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long will serve as guest auctioneer! Live auction items include two ‘unrestricted’ roundtrip Alaska Airline tickets with no blackout dates, value $2,500; a Vom Fass private tasting for up to 16 with hors d’oeuvres, cheese plate, wine, tastings of single malt scotches, brandies and more; A top gun experience as a fighter pilot for a day in a military aircraft; plus any sports game in 50 markets (NHL, NBA or MLB regular season game with premium tickets or NFL regular season game with basic tickets). Event details: Many thanks to our very generous sponsors and auction donors: Gold Sponsors: Affinity Accounting Corporation, Anderson Kill Wood & Bender, P.C., Coastal Orthodontic Care; Corporate Graphics, Kim Larkin/Amgen Matching Grant, Prellis Property Management, Radant Family Fund, Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs' Association Silver Sponsors: Alvarez Law Firm, Chase Bank, Limoneira, Martin Kircher, Ventura County Credit Union Friend Sponsors: CEDC, David Goldstein, Santa to the Sea About Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County This year, we’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary with the theme “Much to Celebrate, More to Build.” Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County currently has enough donated land to provide housing for another 28 families in Santa Paula and Oxnard, but only after funding is secured for infrastructure and construction costs. Thanks to partnerships with community leaders throughout the county, the affiliate has received funding commitments for numerous home preservation repairs and neighborhood revitalization projects in Ventura, Simi Valley, Camarillo, Meiners Oaks, and Oak Park. For more information about Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County, please call (805) 485-6065 or visit http://www.habitatventura.org/.
Steven J. Dwyer, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County Steve was born and raised in Michigan until moving to Whittier, CA where he completed elementary school and high school. He attended California Lutheran University (CLU) in Thousand Oaks, CA, graduating with a B.A. in history. Following graduation from CLU, Steve was the Youth Director at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks. He also pursued his California secondary teaching credential, doing student teaching at Royal High School in Simi Valley and teaching one year at Santa Paula High School. Following a year at Santa Paula, Steve pursued an opportunity to teach English in Shanxi, China which evolved into a keen interest in an international career. After returning to the U.S. from China and teaching for a short time in New Hampshire, Steve completed a Master of Arts in International Commerce at the University of Kentucky and was recruited to join GE’s Financial Management Training Program. Following successful completion of this two year program in GE’s Energy division in Schenectady, New York, Steve joined their international sales and commercial operations group focused on the Asian markets. In 1996 Steve and his family relocated to Hong Kong with GE to support business growth in the fast-growing Asia region. In 1998, Steve relocated to Singapore with GE to focus on risk management and operations finance during the Asia financial crisis, and from 2001 to 2007 Steve was the GE Energy Finance Director for Asia. Most recently, Steve was the Asia region Finance Director for Kennametal, Inc. Steve’s career has included building business operations in emerging markets, leadership development, financial management, strategic planning and leading diverse global and regional teams. During his career, Steve remained very involved in leadership training and development as GE’s leader for the Singapore Financial Management Program, recruiting at local universities, and speaking at various training courses and finance conferences. Steve and his family lived in Singapore for 15 years where his children (Josh age 20, Carrie age 18) attended Singapore American School. In Singapore, he was active in the Young Life organization as a committee member and fundraiser for the past seven years. His wife Barbara, an experienced French teacher, was a frequent substitute teacher at the school. Barbara is from Woodland Hills, CA, is a CLU graduate, and a certified secondary education teacher who began her teaching career at Oak Park High School in Ventura County. Josh is in his 3rd year at CLU and Carrie will begin her freshman year at Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth, Texas in August 2013. During his free time Steve enjoys a game of tennis, a good book, and traveling with his family. Steve and Barbara are excited to be moving back to Ventura County. On April 7, 2013, Steve accepted the position of Executive Director with Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County and is currently living in Thousand Oaks. |
By Anonymous — Monday, September 16th, 2013
Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold Diabetes Classes to introduce basic information regarding diet, medication, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, new developments and common problems. Open to the public and free of charge, no registration is necessary. Call 805-642-0239 for information. The classes are held: |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Monday, September 16th, 2013
A message from Detective Ray Dominguez
The Sheriff's Office Homicide Investigators are asking for your assistance in solving a recent homicide in which a dead body was located in a field on a Somis farm property. Please see the attached media releases for further details. In particular, investigators are asking that anyone with video surveillance equipment with coverage of the Highway 118 corridor between Somis and Saticoy please contact them to discuss this matter. • Call the Sheriff’s Office immediately at 911. If you are not sure of how to address the problem or would like additional crime prevention tips please contact your local Sheriff’s Office substation or contact me directly at (805) 384-4726 or by email at ray.dominguez@ventura.org. Contacts: *** ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE The unidentified man is believed to be in his early 20’s. Investigators are on scene collecting Anyone who was in the area late Friday night or early Saturday morning is asked to contact Ventura County Crimestoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the Major Crimes Detectives Investigating Suspicious Death |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
![]() An assault took place at Shiells Park on Sunday at dusk. The Victim is shown being attended to by Fillmore Fire. He was transported to an area hospital. Police were on scene. It was not clear at presstime if an arrest was made in the incident. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
![]() Michael & Cindy Blatt participated in the 83rd Annual La Jolla Rough Water Swim on Sunday, September 8th. Over 2000 swimmers swam in what is called “America’s Premier Rough Water Swim” which features a 250 yd. swim for 5-12 year olds; one mile swim for 12-18 year olds, one male for Men & Women Masters and the famed 3-mile Gatorman Race. Michael swam in the Men’s Masters 1-mile, placing 3rd in the 55-59 age group and was 29th out of 389 men. Cindy swam in the Women’s Masters 1-mile, placing 2nd in the 60-64 age group and was 112th out of 270 women. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
Program makes popular eBook and eaudiobook available to all patrons without wait lists or holds
Ventura County Library today announced it will be taking part in the Big Library Read program. Library card holders will be able to borrow and enjoy eBook and eaudiobook versions of the Big Library Read book, "Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth" by Jane O'Connor, from September 16th through September 30th by visiting http://vencolibrary.lib.overdrive.com/. Big Library Read is an international program that gives libraries and library patrons unlimited simultaneous access to a popular title for a two-week period, creating a virtual, global book club. Interested patrons will be able borrow Book 1 in the Nancy Clancy series using a Ventura County Library card. This title may be enjoyed on all major computers and devices, including iPhone®, iPad®, Nook®, Android™ phones and tablets, and Kindle® without worrying about wait lists or holds. Titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees! The Big Library Read program is made possible through a partnership between OverDrive and HarperCollins. To borrow the eBook and eaudiobook versions of "Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth" as part of Big Library Read, patrons can visit http://vencolibrary.lib.overdrive.com/. The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at www.vencolibrary.org. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 10th, 2013
Ventura County Library (VCL) announces significant upgrades to its digital music offering. The library launched Freegal Music in April 2013, and in August launched the 4.0 update to the Freegal Music Service. Ventura County Library’s patrons may now enjoy significant new benefits with Freegal 4.0, including: access to over 4 million new songs from 12,000 labels from around the world; a brand-new interface with a new-generation search and browse function; the ability to download from a selection of 8,000 popular DRMfree music videos and other crowd-pleasing features. By the end of September, the library’s digital music collection will top 7 million songs, from over 28,000 labels including Sony Music Entertainment’s catalog of legendary artists. “We are very excited to offer a service like this that delivers great music, compatibility with lots of devices and simplicity of use. We think this upgrade will be incredibly popular with our patrons and will help the library in marketing all its services to the community,” said Jackie Griffin, Ventura County Library Director. Freegal Music is available online from any computer with a broadband internet connection through the Ventura County eLibrary at All online Ventura County eLibrary resources are free with your VCL card. The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at www.vencolibrary.org. Ventura County Library is the place to go when you want to know! |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 10th, 2013
CLU, TO police join forces to combat increase in cases
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. – Sept. 10, 2013) The Thousand Oaks Police Department and California Lutheran University are presenting a free event on Saturday, Sept. 28, to educate to women on the dangers of dating violence and sexual assault. “Empowered: Take Charge of Your Health and Safety” will run from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Lundring Events Center on CLU’s Thousand Oaks campus. Organized in response to an alarming increase in sexual assaults of women aged 18 to 24 in Thousand Oaks, the forum will feature presentations on how young women can take charge of their safety, health, nutrition and self-esteem. Maureen Shea, a professional boxer from Ventura who was Hilary Swank’s main sparring partner as she prepared for the movie “Million Dollar Baby,” will present the keynote address, “How I Took Control of My Life.” In an abusive relationship at 19, Shea began going to a gym because she didn’t think she looked good enough for her boyfriend. Boxing taught her to depend on herself and dig deep to face the challenges in her life. Margaret Allan, a clinical consultant and supervisor for CLU’s master’s degree program in marriage and family therapy and doctoral program in psychology, will speak about dealing with trauma. Jenna and Daniel Knauss of CLU’s Verizon Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Program will cover dating violence. Robert Ferguson, a nationally recognized wellness expert, will give a presentation on fitness and nutrition. Dr. Hannah Grossman, the chief medical officer of Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center, will share information on women’s health. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided and there will be a raffle for gifts. Several community organizations will have resource tables. Los Robles Hospital, the City of Thousand Oaks, Engage in Recovery, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office and Soroptimist of the Conejo are also supporting the event. Lundring Events Center is located in the Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center, which is north of Olsen Road near Mountclef Boulevard. For more information or to register, got to www.empoweredwomen.eventbrite.com or contact Senior Deputy Tim Lohman at 805-371-8362. Due to the mature subject matter, participants aged 17 and younger must provide a parental consent form or be accompanied by a parent or guardian. |
By Anonymous — Monday, September 9th, 2013
Ojai, CA - Bariatric surgery for obesity will be the focus of a free seminar the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Saturday, Sept. 21. Helmuth Billy, a local bariatric surgeon, will lead the seminar from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Soule Park banquet room, located at 1033 East Ojai Avenue in Ojai. Dr. Billy will discuss a variety of weight-loss procedures and the advantages of losing weight, including relief from: Type 2 diabetes, weight-related high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and arthritis. Dr. Billy received his medical degree from the University of California at Davis. He is certified by the American Board of Surgery and is a member of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and the American Society of General Surgeons. Dr. Billy also is an active member of the Community Memorial Hospital medical staff. Admission is free but space is limited, so reservations are required. Call 640-2355, or visit www.cmhshealth.org/rsvp. Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
Theresa Robledo with the City of Fillmore Vision 2020 Civic Pride presents Yard of the Month for September to Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez! Congratulations! Their yard is located near the corner of D Street and on Blue Jay. There you will find a lovely tropical yard with large beautiful palm trees, detailed green lawn, Hydrangea, Amapolas, Juniper Trees, outlined with beautiful rocks with so much more to see. Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez have lived in Fillmore since 1965 and have lived at their present home since 1989. There lawn is maintained by their son. Please take a drive by to view their tropical oasis! We would like to thank Otto & Sons Nursery for providing a gift certificate to the winners, where they will find more of their gardening and plant needs! |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013
WHAT: Relay For Life is a fun and unique 24-hour event to increase cancer awareness in Fillmore and Piru while raising much-needed funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services. Teams formed by local businesses, community groups and individuals raise funds prior to the event. At the Relay, team members take turns walking or running around a track, relay-style and enjoy fun activities and entertainment off the track. WHEN: 10 am - Saturday, Sept 14, 2013 – 10 am - Sunday, Sept 15, 2013 WHERE: Shiells Park, Old Telegraph Rd & C St, Fillmore WHO: Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event, held in more than 4,800 communities across the country. In California, more than 300 communities will host Relay For Life events. Twenty-four (24) community members on thirty-five (35) teams are expected to participate in the event this year. WHY: Relay For Life celebrates those who have survived cancer, remembers those who have lost the battle and gives communities an opportunity to fight back against a disease that takes too much. Funds raised go to the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving research, advocacy, education and free support services. ABOUT: The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by saving lives, diminishing suffering and preventing cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. Founded in 1913 and with national headquarters in Atlanta, the Society has 13 regional Divisions and local offices in 3,400 communities, involving millions of volunteers across the United States. For more information, call 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org. Come for the ceremonies, come to participate, come to donate hair, come to support fundraisers, come to enjoy the entertainment, come to eat, come to visit or to see what Relay is about in our community! |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013
The Fillmore area youth of Sespe 4-H were highly rewarded for all their hard work at this year’s Ventura County Fair. The swine project took home top honors this year with nine 1st place winners in their market classes and six 1st place winners in the barrow show classes. It only got better from there as club member Silver Perez won 4-H Champion and overall Reserve Grand Champion for her pig. Member Jazmin Olvera took home the 4-H Reserve Champion award and member Paula Lauriano won Grand Champion Market Barrow with her hog. The swine project also swept the Fair for showmanship with Mackenzie Hernandez winning the Novice Champion in Showmanship and Aaron Aguillera winning the Novice Reserve Champion. In the Junior Division Dezeray Zavala won Champion for Showmanship, Julian Calderon won Reserve Champion and Enrique Guitierrez won third place. Our senior members Daniel Torres took home the Champion award, Chase Bowen won the Reserve Champion and Paula Lauriano won third place. The Sespe swine kids also took home the top awards in their divisions for their knowledge of swine with Chase Bowen winning the Senior Knowledge Bowl and Dezeray Zavala winning the Junior Knowledge Bowl. Our three time Pygmy Goat Champion Aliza Estrella once again ruled as the Junior Champion & Grand Champion Unregistered Pygmy Goat and won 1st place in her showmanship class. Sespe 4-H also went home with 2nd place in herdsmanship for the lamb & pygmy goat projects. Herdsmanship is judged on how well the members decorate their barn and keep it tidy, as well as exhibit knowledge about 4-H and their projects. They are judged over the entire week they spend at the Fair. Members Jazmin Olvera and Soleil Peacock were also awarded 1st in class for their arts & crafts and table setting projects exhibited in the Youth building and Blake Palacio and Clinton Staples won the senior & junior Watermelon Eating contests run by the Junior Fair Board. Congratulations to all the Sespe 4-H members for doing such a great job and having so much fun at the Fair. |