Ventura County Library is pleased to announce the participation in the State Library’s new Early Learning with Families 2.0 (ELF 2.0) initiative. The Early Learning with Families-ELF-initiative supports California libraries as they enhance early learning services for familes with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and as centers of community activity, provide opportunities for healthy development of young children. ELF libraries create engaging interactive programs for young children with their parents and caregivers that support family strengths and respond to community needs.

ELF is a statewide project of the California State Library and North Bay Cooperative Library System. This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at



Congratulations to our recent graduates at Greenfield Care Center of Fillmore for completing their Certified Nursing Assistants program. CNA Training & Careers: California's demand for CNA's is predicted to increase by 20% by the year 2020 and we are happy to serve the community with these classes. Greenfield Care Center is honored to present the latest graduates for September 2013. Thank you to Bea Colin, Teacher and Direct Care Coordinator of Greenfield Care Center of Fillmore.
Congratulations to our recent graduates at Greenfield Care Center of Fillmore for completing their Certified Nursing Assistants program. CNA Training & Careers: California's demand for CNA's is predicted to increase by 20% by the year 2020 and we are happy to serve the community with these classes. Greenfield Care Center is honored to present the latest graduates for September 2013. Thank you to Bea Colin, Teacher and Direct Care Coordinator of Greenfield Care Center of Fillmore.
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The E. P. Foster Library will hold its first ever Foster Con Mini Comic Festival on October 26 and 27. Aimed at the new and continuing comic book reader, this event will include guest speaker, Sergio Aragones, art and costume contests, local artists, vendor tables, candy sushi making for the kids, and a movie screening.

Applications for the art and costume contests are available online at A schedule of events is also available. Event starts when the doors open at 10 on 10/26. The event is open to all ages. For more information contact Heather Seaton, at (805) 641-4413.

The E. P. Foster Library is located at 651 E Main St. in Ventura and is open from 10-8 Monday through Thursday, 10-5 Friday and Saturday, and 1-5 on Sunday.

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at

National Fire Prevention Week October 6 - 12, 2013
Cal Fire
Cal Fire

Sacramento, CA – Every year in California firefighters respond to residential structure fires that take lives and cause millions of dollars in damage. From October 6-12, 2013, CAL FIRE is teaming with the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) for Fire Prevention Week to educate Californians on the simple steps they can take to help protect their family from the most common cause of residential fires.

According to the latest research, unattended cooking is the leading cause of home fires. Two of every five home fires begin in the kitchen – more than any other place in the home. Cooking fires are also the leading cause of fire-related home injuries.

“Often when firefighters are called to a fire that started in the kitchen, the residents tell us that they only left the kitchen for a few minutes,” said State Fire Marshal Tonya Hoover, CAL FIRE-Office of the State Marshal. “Sadly, that’s all it takes for a fire to start. We hope that Fire Prevention Week will enable us to reach folks in the community before they’ve suffered a damaging lesson and remember ‘Fire is Everyone’s Fight’.”

CAL FIRE would like to offer a few important cooking safety tips that will help keep your family safe:

• Have a 3-foot “kid free” zone around the stove.
• Stand by your pan and keep an eye on what you fry. If you leave the kitchen, turn the burner off.
• Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove. Then no one can bump them or pull them over.
• Have a fire extinguisher 10 feet from the stove on the exit side of the kitchen.
• Never pour water on a grease fire; turn the stove off and cover the pan with a lid, or close the oven door.
• Keep anything that can catch fire - potholders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper or plastic bags, food packaging, towels, or curtains - away from your stovetop.
• If your clothing should catch fire, immediately stop, drop, and roll to smother flames.
• Scalds and burn injuries are on the increase. The highest risks are the very young and the elderly.

Learn more about cooking safety in this short video: Click Here.

For a copy of Governor Brown’s message on Fire Prevention Week: Click Here.

For more fire safety tips, visit the CAL FIRE website at


Ventura, CA - The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) was named an AdWheel Grand Award winner by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) for excellence in marketing.

VCTC received a Grand Award in the advocacy and awareness category for the “Public Transportation: Do it for Your Health” info-graphic that focused on the many health benefits of using public transit. VCTC also garnered a First Place Award in the Print Media category for the “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint” promotional card, which challenged residents of Ventura County to use local transit more to assist with environmental conservation.

Each year APTA honors its members’ marketing and communications efforts with the AdWheel Awards. Awards are presented in five main media categories: print, electronic, campaigns, social media, and special events. The 2013 winners were named this week at APTA’s annual conference held in Chicago.

“We are thrilled to receive the grand prize for the ‘Public Transportation’ info-graphic and first place for our ‘Reduce Your Carbon Footprint’ promotional card this year,” said VCTC Executive Director, Darren Kettle, who accepted the awards for VCTC. “This recognition confirms that our messaging is on point and we are moving the needle forward on communicating the benefits of using public transit.”

To learn more about VCTC’s programs and services, visit or call (800) 438-1112.


Ventura, CA - Rideshare Week begins next Monday, October 7, and there’s no better time to give ridesharing a try! Simply submit a pledge card identifying how you plan to share the ride next week and you will be entered to win one of five iPad mini tablets or a host of other attractive prizes.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), in partnership with the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD), is sponsoring its annual Rideshare Week from October 7 to 11 and has invited all employers and commuters in the county to participate. This year’s theme, “Any Day is a Good Day to Rideshare,” emphasizes that carpooling, vanpooling, or riding public transit even just a few times a week has benefits for the individual commuter as well as Ventura County as a whole.

“Rideshare Week 2013 is gearing up to be our biggest promotion yet,” said Alan Holmes, VCTC’s Commuter Services Program Manager. “More people are getting involved and giving rideshare a try. We are hosting more on-site company events and giving out more prizes this year than ever before. The response has been tremendous and we are looking forward to increased participation by both individuals and employers.”

A broad range of free downloadable event and promotional resources are right at your fingertips. Visit to access pledge cards, posters, and other rideshare-specific materials. Both individuals and businesses are eligible to win prizes. Pledge online or by mailing in a hardcopy pledge form. Online pledges are due by October 11, while all hardcopy pledge forms must be received by VCTC no later than October 15.

“We know it can be hard to change a habit, but the long-term effects of driving less have proven to yield positive results for the environment,” noted Judy Willens, Air Quality Specialist for the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District. “During Rideshare Week we encourage you to try ridesharing at least one day during the week. It may take some planning, but the benefits to the community and your wallet will be evident almost immediately.”

For more information regarding Rideshare Week, event kits, or ridesharing, visit VCTC’s website at or call VCTC Commuter Services at (800) 438-1112.


Project Understanding and Leadership Ventura are partnering to launch a new program, Sparks Ventura. This program will start with an event featuring a workshop which will teach “Finding & Applying in a Digital World” at 8:00 am and “Sharpen Your Interview Skills” at 10:30 am on Friday October 11th 2013.

Businesses, non-profit organizations and local community members have pulled together to make these workshops possible. The general public is welcome to attend.

Session I: Finding & Applying in a Digital World
8am-10am (in the Computer Lab at Foster Library)
Discover the right key words to use
Explore job websites
Perfect your application process

Session II: Interview Skills
10:30am-1:30pm (in the Topping Room at Foster Library)
Tips for preparing for an interview
Sample questions and answers
Mock Interviews/Role Play
Boost your interview confidence!

To participate please contact Kathy Donofrio, Office Manager/Volunteer Coordinator of Project Understanding 805-652-1326 ext. 829. RSVP is preferred as space may be limited, however walk-ins are welcome. For additional information about the Sparks Ventura Program Workshop, contact Sara Roberts, Senior City Librarian of E.P. Foster Library 641-4414.


Small White and Tan Chihuahua.
Pregnant Female that is much loved.
Please call if found 524-0843.
Went missing Friday September 27, 2013.
Kids want her back soon! Please help!

October 15, 2013

Ventura, CA - Thyroid cancer, a common cancer in women, will be the focus of a free seminar Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Edgar Lueg, M.D., will lead the seminar from 6 to 8 p.m. in the eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital, 147 Brent St. in Ventura.

Thyroid cancer affects men but has become one the most common cancers among women. There are about 56,000 new cases diagnosed each year, according to the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Lueg will discuss the risk factors, symptoms, tests, treatments and results for the most common thyroid cancers in an informal setting, with audience questions and participation encouraged.

Dr. Lueg, who specializes in otolaryngology, received his medical degree from the University of Toronto. He trained in head and neck surgery at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and otolaryngology at the University of Toronto and surgery at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He is certified by the Medical Council of Canada and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada and the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Lueg is an active member of the Community Memorial Hospital medical staff.

Admission is free, but space is limited, so reservations are required. Call 805/652-5436, or visit

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Treat yourself to a docent - led tour any Saturday in October. Note we will have special tour hours this month. We will be open for tours starting at 11:00 AM. Last tour starts at 2:00 PM.

On Sunday, October 6, the California Mission Ride (, “a 600 mile horseback journey through the past and for the future” comes to Rancho Camulos. Join us at 10:00 as we welcome the team of horse riders who are riding from mission to mission “to discover life and land of current communities in their mission era context”. Learn about their journey and experiences. Museum tours will also be available for the usual $5 tour donation. Children are free.

And for some special tricks, don’t miss the 2:00 PM show, featuring leading stuntmen from Hollywood’s film industry and starring the one-and-only Silver, the white Quarter Horse who stole the show in Johnny Depp’s latest film: The Lone Ranger. This event will go behind the scenes to show spectators how horse stunts are done by professionals. Visitors will be able to meet real stuntmen and ask them about their work. Children will be invited to paint Indian Ponies and learn how to apply traditional war paint patterns. This event is included with your $5 museum admission. It is sponsored by Movin’ On Livestock and famous stuntmen Jack Lilley, Clint Lilley, and Rod Rondeaux, among others will participate.

On Saturday, October 12, we have a unique treat for NCIS fans, the “Zeva Farewell tour”. Rancho Camulos Museum was one of the settings for the shooting of this year’s NCIS season premier, “Zeva’s Farewell.” Join a docent led tour at Noon to learn about the Zeva Farewell shoot and see the locations used. Reservations are recommended as space is limited. A $5 donation applies. Stay for a regular tour of Rancho Camulos Museum if you choose.

On October 19th, tricks and treats abound as we welcome back the Napoleonic War re-enactors for a Trafalgar Day event. Come and watch the military reenactments and see the beautiful period costumes from 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Our $5 donation applies to watch this unique pageant of history. Children are free. Regular museum tours will also be available from 11-3.


Ventura, CA - Learn more about cancer screening at a free symposium Community Memorial Health System is holding on Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Ventura Beach Marriott.

The annual Cancer Symposium offers presentations by leading physicians and specialists on a variety of Cancer Screening topics including the latest guidelines, debates and stories. “Cancer Screening: Too Much or Too Little, What’s the Truth?” will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Opening remarks by moderator Thomas Fogel, M.D., will be followed by local physicians and specialists addressing the following topics:

 Guidelines for lung cancer screening for lung cancer survivors and other at-risk groups, by Thomas Brugman, M.D.
 Lung cancer screening using low dose CT scans, by Irwin Grossman, M.D.
 Prostate cancer: early detection method and proper management, by Duke Bahn, M.D.
 How to have fun in the sun and avoid melanoma, by Samuel Bern, M.D.
 Gynecology screenings, by Lois Barnes, M.D.
 Colorectal cancer screening, by Benito Pedraza, M.D.
 The debate over Prostate-Specific Antigen testing: To test or not to test, by Marc Beaghler, M.D.
 Breast cancer screening, by Jennifer Kosek, M.D.
 Stories from the front lines: Take-home message from a family doctor, by Victoria Sorlie-Aguilar, M.D.

A light continental breakfast is offered before the event, at 7:30 a.m.

The symposium is co-sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the Breast Center at Community Memorial Hospital, CMH Cancer Resource Center, Coastal Radiation Oncology Medical Group, Grossman Imaging Center, Kaiser Permanente, Ventura County Hematology Oncology Specialists and KVTA radio.

The Ventura Beach Marriott is located at 2055 E. Harbor Blvd. in Ventura.

Space is limited, and reservations are required. Call 800/428-1749, or visit

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is a unified day of action to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world. It is a day to acknowledge the progress that has been made in reducing pain and suffering for those with a life limiting illness. This is also a day to recognize that unfortunately there are still millions who are unable to get the care that they so desperately need. 42% of countries do not have any hospice and palliative care services and 80% of people globally lack adequate access to medication for treatment of severe pain. This means people are living and dying in unnecessary pain and distress because they are unable to access the care they need, including the appropriate medications to address their suffering.

To ensure all people with life-limiting conditions are cared for with dignity and according to their wishes, on this World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Livingston Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice is calling for palliative and hospice care to be integrated into national and community health systems around the world.Livingston joins thousands of people in 60 countries who are coming together at more than 1,000 events to celebrate, support and speak up about hospice and palliative care. Advocates, patients and caregivers are calling for urgent action from UN agencies, governments, health professionals and the private sector to ensure there will be improved access for those with life-limiting conditions by integrating palliative and hospice care into existing services and ensure that:
• People are included in care options and decision-making when facing the end of life.
• Existing health policies will address the unique palliative and hospice care needs of all people.
• There is universal access to hospice and palliative care with improved access to pain medications for those living with, and dying from, life-limiting conditions.
• There will be more support, training, supplies and equipment for health professionals
• Hospice and Palliative care is included in existing health policies

To learn more about hospice and palliative care, contact Livingston @ 642-0239 and visit us on the web at:

Fillmore Business of the Month. (l-r) Ari Larson Vice President Fillmore Chamber, Theresa Robledo Board Director, Evelyn Hasty Co Owner, Craig Cole Co Owner, Presenting Certificate Chamber President Cindy Jackson, Lynn Cole, Craig's wife.
Fillmore Business of the Month. (l-r) Ari Larson Vice President Fillmore Chamber, Theresa Robledo Board Director, Evelyn Hasty Co Owner, Craig Cole Co Owner, Presenting Certificate Chamber President Cindy Jackson, Lynn Cole, Craig's wife.
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Bob’s Radiator and Auto Repair, Inc. has been a prominent business in Fillmore for the past 50 years. In October, 1963 the original owner Bob Hasty began the business on Santa Clara Street in the vacant lot next to the the Fillmore Senior Center. Within a couple of year’s Bob moved the business to 562 Santa Clara Street. For many years Bob worked alone, but in the late 1970’s Bob decided he wanted to expand the business and hired his cousin Thomas Hasty to help. George Campbell purchased the property the business was located on from Bill Gazzaway and in 1980 the business then relocated to 409 Central Avenue. In 1983 he hired another employee Craig Cole, which eventually became Bob’s son-in-law. In 1988 Bob made Craig a partner in the business. Unfortunately Bob became ill and passed-away in October, 1997 in which his half of the business went to his wife Evelyn. In 2001 when the property on Santa Clara Street became available again, Craig relocated the business back to it’s orginal location. At that time Craig hired Frank Bolanos,(originally from Bolanos Auto Repair). Together their combined knowledge of cars, electrial and mechanics have made them very well known around the county.

Having two sons (Curtis and Corey) Craig along with his wife Lynn have always and continue to be large supporters to the youth organizations of Fillmore. Throughout the years they have been involved in as well as volunteered for Fillmore Girls Softball & T-Ball, Fillmore Little League, Fillmore Youth Football & Cheer, Fillmore Youth Basketball and continues to support and help out when needed Fillmore High School’s Athletic Programs, Clubs and Organizations. Craig is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and assists with their yearly May Festival.

Saturday September 28, 2013

To celebrate their brand-new facilities at 400 Sespe Avenue, the youth-run One Step A La Vez Teen Center of Fillmore invites the community to enjoy an afternoon of fun and food from 2:00 til 5:00 on Saturday September 28. Come tour One Step's welcoming new youth gathering room, their professionally-equipped kitchen and large computer-filled homework room. Enjoy a dedication of the vibrant, just-completed indoor mural Learn about the
remarkable variety of afterschool programs and projects initiated and sustained by One Step youth leaders. And drop in anytime during the Open House to hear youth speak about their life-changing experiences at One Step, see the new public service Pedestrian Safety video (created by the youth with professional assistance), hear about future dreams and plans and consider becoming involved as a volunteer or donor. A silent auction and raffles will take place during the afternoon.

All are welcome! (400 Sespe Avenue is the site of the Fillmore Methodist Church.)

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

In August and September of 2013, the Moorpark Police Department Investigations Bureau conducted several investigations involving phone and Internet scams.

The suspects used a variety of stories to get the victims to wire money to a specific location. In one scam, a local restaurant received a telephone call from a person claiming to be a Southern California Edison (SCE) employee. The SCE employee told the restaurant owner their electricity was going to be shut off if they didn’t immediately purchase a “Green Dot Money Pak” gift card and provide the code on the back of the card for payment. In this case, after the call ended, the owner grew suspicious and called SCE. The restaurant owner was told by SCE that this was a common statewide scam. SCE has reported over 800 of these scams this year alone, and consistently conducts public outreach to alert customers of the scam.

In another scam, an elderly Moorpark resident received a telephone call from someone claiming to be his grandson. The grandson said he was in a Mexican jail as a result of a traffic collision and needed money wired to him immediately. The grandfather, believing the caller was his grandson and was in trouble, immediately had the money wired to the location provided by his “grandson.” After wiring the money, the grandfather called the number that appeared on his caller ID when his “grandson” called, and a subject claiming to be the grandson’s attorney answered and asked for additional money to make collision repairs. At this point, the grandfather grew suspicious and spoke to his son and grandson, who both live in Canada. The grandfather learned the calls were a hoax. The grandson was never arrested or even in Mexico. An investigation determined the suspect telephone number was a Canadian phone number from a city near where the grandson lives. Further investigation revealed the wire transfer was to a location in Canada.

In order to avoid being the victim of scams, Moorpark residents are encouraged to:
• Be suspicious of anyone who calls unexpectedly and asks for cash.
• Resist the pressure to act quickly.
• Try to contact your loved one, grandchild, or another family member to determine whether or not the call is legitimate.
• Never wire money based on a request made over the phone or in an e-mail. Wiring money is like giving cash away—once you send it, you can’t get it back.
• If you are or have been a victim and have not previously reported the crime involving such a scam and reside in the City of Moorpark, the Moorpark Police Department encourages you to call 805-532-2700 or 805-654-9511 and make a report. If you are within another law enforcement jurisdiction, please notify your local law enforcement agency

Nature of Incident: Telephone & Internet Scams
Report Number:
Location: City of Moorpark
Date & Time: Various Dates
Unit(s) Responsible: Moorpark Police Department, Investigations Bureau,
610 Spring Rd., Moorpark, CA 93021
Prepared by: Sergeant Eric Tennessen
Media Release Date: September 23, 2013
Follow-Up Contact: Detective Kevin Lynch 805-532-2714
Approved by: Captain Stephen Wade

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

(above) Yazmeen Del Toro. Reading was so Delicious at the Fillmore Library this summer. 520 reading logs were returned. That means that the youth of Fillmore read a total of 2,600 hours this summer. Congratulations everyone.
(above) Yazmeen Del Toro. Reading was so Delicious at the Fillmore Library this summer. 520 reading logs were returned. That means that the youth of Fillmore read a total of 2,600 hours this summer. Congratulations everyone.
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Angela and Adrian
Angela and Adrian
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Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold the following Joint Replacement Class to prepare you for total knee or hip replacement surgery. Home preparation, exercises and rehabilitation information will be discussed. Open to the public and free of charge, the class will be held:

October 3rd , from 1:00 – 2:00 pm @ Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association, Rm 109, 1996 Eastman Ave, Ventura, RSVP Diana Davis @ 642-0239 x 739
October 9th, from 10:00 – 11:00 am @ Pleasant Valley Hospital, 3rd floor Classroom, 2309 Antonio Avenue, Camarillo, RSVP Barrie Gilster @ 797-7699
Octo9ber 9th, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm @ Thousand Oaks Surgical Hospital, 401 E Rolling Oaks Drive, Thousand Oaks, RSVP Barrie Gilster @ 797-7699
October 16th , from 1:00 – 2:00 pm @ Sunrise Senior Living, Activity Room, 190 Tierra Rejada Road, Simi Valley, RSVP Barrie Gilster @ 797-7699


Ventura, Calif. – More Heritage Valley residents are riding public transit. And the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has responded by adding an additional “morning commute” run to accommodate the increased demand. The new service will go into effect on Monday, September 23, 2013.

“The 9 a.m. trip on VISTA’s popular Highway 126 service has been averaging 40-50 passengers each day. However, with Ventura College starting its fall semester, we expect the total to increase to 70 riders daily,” noted Vic Kamhi, VCTC’s Bus Transit Director. “Our goal is to offer a reliable and comfortable transportation alternative, and the additional bus will ensure everyone has a seat.”

The new morning trip will originate at Santa Paula City Hall and run in tandem with VISTA’s 9 a.m. departure from Fillmore. The new service will operate on weekdays only. Demand for the additional bus service will be evaluated again in Spring 2014. Since fall classes resumed, the number of riders traveling to the College has increased significantly.

VISTA’s fall operating schedule (Highway 126, CSUCI, East County, and Highway 101 service) went into effect on August 26, 2013. The new VISTA 126 service will be effective September 23, 2013.

For information regarding VCTC and the VISTA bus, visit or call (800) 438-1112.