By Anonymous — Monday, December 10th, 2012
Ventura, CA - Community Memorial Hospital has been recognized as one of the nation’s top hospitals by National Research Corporation. The 2012/2013 Consumer Choice Award identifies hospitals that healthcare consumers have chosen as having the highest quality and image in over 300 markets throughout the U.S. This is the seventeenth year National Research has presented the award. Winners are determined by consumer perceptions on multiple quality and image ratings collected in the company’s Market Insights/Ticker survey. This study surveys over 250,000 households representing over 450,000 consumers in the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia. From the households surveyed, 3200 hospitals named by consumers are analyzed and ranked based on their Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, with the winning facilities being ranked the highest. For more than 30 years, National Corporation (NASDAQ: NRCI) has been at the forefront of patient-centered care. Today the company’s focus on empowering customer-centric healthcare across the continuum extends patient-centered care to incorporate families, communities, employees, senior housing residents, and other stakeholders. Currently recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the largest patient satisfaction firms in the U.S., National Research is dedicated to representing the true voice of patients and other healthcare stakeholders. This integration of cross-continuum metrics and analytics uncovers insights for effective performance improvement, quality measurement, care transitions, and many other factors that impact population health management. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
The Chamber is proud to announce the recipient for October Business of the Month Award. Business of the Month for October 2012 went to Fillmore and Western Railway. A message from the President: Short Line Enterprises Fillmore & Western Railway Co. “brief” bio During this time CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Persons interested in serving on the City of Fillmore Film Commission or Planning Commission are invited to submit an application to the City by Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 4 p.m. The Film Commission markets Fillmore to the film industry and also assists with the development of the City’s film policies. The members shall have an interest in promoting, encouraging and assisting with film activities within the City. Film Commissioners may participate in annual film location expositions which serve to highlight what Fillmore has to offer to the film industry. The Film Commission generally meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Monthly meetings last approximately one hour. Three seats on the commission will be appointed to a four-year terms ending in January 2017. At that time, the commissioners could re-apply to continue service on the commission. There is no residency requirement. The Planning Commission, CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
No Rate Increase Involved
In September 2010, the City of Fillmore increased the length of time customers had to pay their utility bills to 31 calendar days. This time increase, coupled with four existing billing cycles, created an increase in outstanding accounts receivables, as customers could not be billed until time had passed for payment of the current account and their delinquent balance. This system also decreased the amount of cash the Water and Sewer Funds have available to pay expenditures. It has also increased the number of delinquent accounts by increasing the length of time for billing and delaying when bills are mailed, making it more difficult to collect past due balances. To remedy this billing issue, the City Council has changed the length of time a customer has to pay their utility bill from 31 calendar days to 19 calendar days. In the event an account becomes delinquent, the City will mail a notice five days prior to the water being shut off, giving the customer notice that water will be shut off if the account is not paid by the date specified. A door hanger will be used only when the water is shut off. In summary: • The delinquent notice is now a Five Day Final Notice, and if payment is not received by the 5th day at 4 p.m., service will be disconnected on the next business day • There will no longer be a yellow door hanger prior to disconnection Please contact the City of Fillmore at 805-524-3701 if you have any questions about these new procedures. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
![]() One Step A La Vez participated in the Annual Christmas Parade Saturday. They serve the youth of Fillmore and Piru in the Santa Clara River Valley of Southern California with a variety of Programs that match area youth with adult mentors and high school Big Brothers and Big Sisters with younger Little Brothers and Little Sisters. They operate the teen directed and run One Step Center. The name One Step A La Vez was chosen by Fillmore-Piru youth to show that you can always take one step at a time toward a positive future. It includes both English and Spanish to reflect and value the dual heritage of their community. The Fillmore-Piru Mentoring Program is a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
In a season unlike any other, NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” takes on child obesity by featuring kid participants for the first time ever on the show, joining 15 fiercely determined adults eager to lose weight and change their lives forever in a must-see, two-night premiere event on Sunday, January 6 (9-11 p.m. ET) and Monday, January 7 (8-10 p.m. ET). And joining “The Biggest Loser” team to help the kids get healthy in season 14 will be childhood obesity expert and pediatrician Dr. Joanna Dolgoff. One of the three kid participants this season is Lindsay Bravo (eighth grade), 13, of Fillmore. With the childhood CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Rancho Camulos National Historic Landmark Museum has expanded its docent led tour schedule and will have public tours Saturdays at 1, 2, and 3 in December and January. Tours can be arranged at other times by reservation. Entrance to the non-profit museum which is on private property is only allowed with a docent escort. . You should check the website,, before going in case of closures due to weather or special activities. Rancho Camulos…Where the history, myth, and romance of old California still lingers… is a unique place to bring the family and out of town guests. If you belong to a club or other group, you can make a reservation for a special group tour that will fit in with your schedule and special interests. Teachers and others working with youth groups are encouraged to schedule an interactive tour to learn about California history. Rancho Camulos is CONTINUED » |
![]() Leslie Klinchuch with board members Donna Voelker and Neva Pickett along with other board members and center participants. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Leslie Klinchuch, Project Manager, Chevron Environmental Management, appeared at the Fillmore Senior Center with a generous donation of $5,000.00 to help defray the costs of art and education programs. Chevron once again demonstrated their care and concern for the senior citizens of Fillmore. This donation helps us keep the doors open and the programs running. We hope this encourages other organizations and companies who do business in Fillmore to support us. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Merry Christmas to the City of Fillmore from the members and friends of the Fillmore Historical Museum! Remember when the city put Christmas trees down the sidewalks and in the center of the business street? To see more photos and memorabilia of old time Fillmore visit the museum Tuesday through Saturday during the Christmas Season. Martha Gentry |
![]() (l-r) Sarah Hansen, Civic Pride member, presenting Bill Herrera with a certificate of appreciation. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Mr. Bill Herrera of State Farm Insurance received a certificate of appreciation from Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee for generously sponsoring two of the pots along Central Avenue that were replanted with red, white and blue flowers. Having lived in Fillmore since 1996 and celebrating a 20 year anniversary this year with his State Farm Insurance, Mr. Herrera said he likes to get involved in his community, just as his company motto states, ”Be a good neighbor”. He also finds the time to coach youth sports, be a part of the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department and serve as a member of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue team. Mr. Herrera said he enjoys being a “civic minded” person and that “little things make a big difference in a small town. It is more important now than ever for our community to come together!” We agree with Bill and invite anyone interested in helping or adding their ideas, to our Civic Pride Committee meetings which are held in the City Hall, the third Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm. Our next meeting will be January 16, 2013. |
By Anonymous — Monday, December 3rd, 2012
Livingston Hospice conducts several Adult Bereavement Support Groups to help those who have experienced a loss. Explore and express feeling, understand the grief process and receive emotional support. Open to the public, free of charge, all are welcome. The groups are held: at The First Presbyterian Church, 850 Ivywood Drive, Oxnard; On Wednesday, December 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th ; from 3:00 – 4:30 pm at Livingston Memorial VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave (#112), Ventura; On Wednesday, December 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th ; from 6:30 – 8:00 pm For the newly bereaved: at Livingston Memorial VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave, (#112), Ventura; On Thursday. December 13th, 6:00 – 7:30 pm Call 642-0618 for more information. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
![]() The City of Fillmore put up Christmas decorations this week, officially launching the holiday spirit. Enlarge Photo |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
The holiday season is a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people are often preoccupied, and may become the target of criminals. A little bit of awareness can go a long way to prevent being the victim of criminal activity. We encourage you to share this information with family, friends, and neighbors. Holiday Tips At Home |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Ventura, Calif. – VISTA bus riders are used to connectivity from stop to stop; and soon, that connectivity will merge with the information superhighway. Free wireless Internet has been activated, the Ventura County Transportation Commission announced during their last Commission meeting in Camarillo. “We are very excited to offer this much-requested popular service, which can make your commute not just enjoyable, but highly productive as well,” noted VCTC Executive Director Darren Kettle. “This is a tremendous benefit for riders, who can now stay connected with family, friends, news, and information, while riding.” Free wireless Internet will be available starting Tuesday, November 20. A password is not needed to access the onboard network. All 30 buses in the new VISTA fleet will be equipped with wireless Internet. For more information regarding the VISTA bus, visit or call (800) 438-1112. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Thanksgiving is over and the Turkey/Ham/Pies are a thing of the past, however eventhough the school was closed for the Thanksgiving week, which has made it difficult for Grad Nite Live to unload the truck, organize and distribute the pies, but not this year...this year we had a great turnout of adults (mothers, grandmothers and just helpers) plus 30 Senior boys and girs that started coming in at 7:30 to unload. We had everything packaged up by 11AM ready to be picked up or delivered.. I truly appreciate all the help we had and especially all the people that bought pies and gave money for donations so thanks again. Mrs Chaney, April and Sean Hastings and all the Pie Committee people. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
![]() Sarah Hanson, left, a member of the 2020 Vision Civic Pride Committee and a friend take time to keep the downtown planters clear of trash and maintained in front of new business “Courtyard Attic” Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
![]() Fillmore Fire Department responded to an incident at the Fillmore Foursquare Church Friday, November 23 at approximately 10:15pm. An overhead light ballast began to smoke, setting off the smoke alarm. No fire was present, no damage to property. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
The Annual Fillmore Christmas Parade is this Saturday! At 1pm the parade will proceed down Central Ave starting in front of the Library, down Central Ave. to Santa Clara Street. Santa will be available for pictures after the parade. Bring your own camera to the train depot and get a free photo (Before Santa heads back to his workshop). During the Parade, Central Ave. will be closed to all traffic between 1 and 3pm. The Fillmore Lions Club appreciates the cooperation and patience of all our neighbors for this event. Registration for Parade entries begins at 11:30 in front of the memorial building. Parade staging will be on Central Ave. from Second to Fourth Street. For registration information, please call Bob Klittich, at 524-2123 or Bill Dewey at 524-4457. The Fillmore Lions Club is proud to sponsor the Annual Christmas Parade for Fillmore. The parade is open to entry by any group with a “seasonal” themed entry. There is never a fee for the parade. “Every year the parade has grown and this year looks to the best yet!” Courtesy Bob Klittich, Parade chairman. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Santa Paula/Fillmore, CA – As Troop Real Estate, Inc. companywide provided thousands of Thanksgiving meals to Ventura County’s needy recently, the drive received a major boost from the firm’s Santa Paula and Fillmore offices, which delivered turkey dinners for 760 people through the Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley Scott Dunbar, manager of the offices, reports that the Thanksgiving turkeys and all the trimmings, part of Troop’s 13th Annual “Turkey-A-Thon”, were divided in equally between the Santa Paula and Fillmore Boys and Girls Clubs. “We received huge contributions from both the community at large and the Rotary Club of Santa Paula, in addition to a host of our own Troop agents and associates. All of these people worked diligently to raise the money needed to secure these meals. The positive result brought smiles to a lot of young people and made their Thanksgiving, as well as ours, brighter,” said Scott Dunbar, manager of the Troop offices. Dunbar reported that overall Troop’s “Turkey-A-Thon” fed nearly 2500 families, or approximately 20,000 people, throughout Ventura County just prior to Thanksgiving. This included 500 military families at the SeeBee base in Port Hueneme. “Over the years, our ‘Turkey-A-Thon’ has fed over 150,000 needy individuals throughout the county working in concert with local food pantries, charities, and organizations like the Boys and Girls Club, which we focus on. Each year, these organizations look forward to and express genuine gratitude for the work we do,” Dunbar said. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
FOUND FEMALE CREAM/WHITE LAB MIX. She was found on 11/25/12 in Fillmore. Call or text @ 805-236-1739 if you believe this dog belongs to either you or someone you know, Thank you. |