By Mark Ortega — Wednesday, October 24th, 2012
The class of '2000 will always be know as the Millennium Class. Staying with Fillmore High Traditions, they had the usual school clubs, and a whole lot more. Have you ever heard of a Mock Trail? It's a real trail with the Defense, and Prosecution going at it with Witnesses. Surely a great educational experience for anyone involved. That year they had Donkey Basketball Ball, Career Day, and were involved in a Academic Decathlon. We're not sure if they won, but it says in the Copa de Oro that they did beat Santa Paula, and doesn't that matter most? Superintendent of Schools that year was Mr. Mario V. Contini, and the High School Principal was Mr. John Wilber '79. Vice Principals were Mr. Tom Ecklund, and Karen Ashim. The Cafeteria staff included Mary Garcia, Jennifer Golson, Pam Beal, Donna Edwards, Susan Sanchez, and Glenda Dejarnette. Math and Science departments seemed to be a fun learning experience, as well as the English Department. A student of Mr. Lindroth (English Teacher) says, "The discussions are long but interesting, we get a chance to listen to others on how they view things. We are also able to say our own opinion." In the Vocational Education Dept, classes offered were Home Economics, Child Development, Business, Drafting, Woodshop, Auto Restoration, Taught by Mr. Lin Thomas (A Fillmore High Grad), and a Photo/Graphic Art Class. Yes, it seems like the Millennium Class of Fillmore High has quite a year. We're sure that some of their class will be at the Alumni Associations 100th anniversary dinner on June 15th, 2013. We hope you all make plans to be there. Should be an evening to remember. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 24th, 2012
Rick Neal Team Captain, and members of The Fillmore Search and Rescue Team presented a donation to Scott Klittich Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop #406 for $816 during the Scout meeting on Tuesday the 16th. The donation came from proceeds of a raffle the Fillmore Team held while hosting The Sheriff's Search and Rescue All Team Training at Piru Lake the previous weekend. Scout Master Scott Klittich said the boys had just returned from a camping trip near Bishop where they roughed it while 3 inches of snow fell on them overnight. Scoutmaster Klittich mentioned the Scouts might use the funds to upgrade some of their tents. |
![]() Winners and their families of the 1st Annual Heritage Valley Margarita Mix-Off and members of Soroptimist International of Fillmore who sponsored the event. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 24th, 2012
The competition was stiff this year at the 1st Annual Heritage Valley Margarita Mix-Off, as local restaurants competed for the title of the Best Margarita in the Heritage Valley (held at Wm. L. Morris Chevrolet in Fillmore, on Sun. Sept. 30, 2012), but at the end Vallarta Restaurant in Fillmore came out victorious as the People’s Choice for the Best Margarita. Hugo Torres was on hand to mix the winning drink. Other winners included Most Original Margarita-Chappy Morris/Wm. L. Morris, Best in Show Margarita-Familia Diaz Restaurant (Santa Paula), Most Exotic Margarita, Mupu Grill (Santa Paula), Tastiest Treats-Orange Rush Café (Fillmore), Most Spirited Bartender-Mupu Grill (Santa Paula), Best Overall Presentation-El Pescador Restaurant (Fillmore) and Best Salsa-Tia Babe’s Restaurant (Santa Paula). Proceeds from the event will go towards projects sponsored by Soroptimist International of Fillmore. For more information on Soroptimist and/or the upcoming Fashion Show, Luncheon and Silent Auction on Sat. Nov. 17th please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 24th, 2012
Fillmore Family Coalition in partnership with the Ventura County Public Health, Tobacco Education Program is excited to announce its tobacco merchant education campaign for retailers in the City of Fillmore. With support from the Fillmore City Council and Fillmore Sheriff’s Department, Fillmore Family Coalition members along with Tobacco Education Program staff are planning to visit all tobacco retailers in Fillmore. Did you know? According to Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (2012) 90% of smokers began at or before the age of 18. Given current smoking rates, 596,000 youth alive in California will ultimately die from smoking*. The best way to prevent this is to limit the access youth have to tobacco products. Regardless of the fact that for over 100 years it has been illegal to sell tobacco products to minors, youth still state they find it easy to purchase tobacco products. These educational visits will serve to empower businesses to make an impact on the health of our community’s youth. During these visits, business owners will be informed of current tobacco laws and information on how to reduce tobacco access to minors. Businesses will also be given a packet of educational materials and state issued tobacco signage. Anyone interested in joining these efforts or would like more information please contact John Ford at 805.340.7335. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 24th, 2012
The Central Coast Tourism Council, one of the 12 tourist regions designated by the California State Tourism Coalition, held their monthly board meeting at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Friday, Oct. 19th. Representatives from tourism-related businesses from Santa Cruz to Simi Valley attended the function. Local attendees, as pictured were also joined by Carol Cohea, Director of Marketing Ronald Reagan Library and Museum. President of the CCTC, Tracy Farhad, Executive Director of the Solvang Visitor and Convention Bureau, presided over the meeting and introduced Duke Blackwood, Executive Director of the Ronald Reagan President Library and Museum. He shared stories of how the library came into existence and the journey of Air Force one and mentioned that they have over 400,000 visitors per year, a huge draw for tourists right here in Ventura County. The Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau has been a member of the CCTC for 2 years, and its board members find great value in partnering with many of the world-famous entities that are also members, such as The Monterey Bay Aquarium, Hearst Castle, the cities of Solvang, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel, Gilroy, just to name a few. CCTC is a member based organization with over 200 members, one of them being the State of California Tourism Coalition. Their motto is "The original road trip", meaning State Highway 1, from Oxnard to Santa Cruz, and all other freeways, highways and byways that connect to it. A few of the CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012
For the seventh year, KSSP Photographic Studios will be offering FREE Halloween photography for children in costume, 12 years & younger, on Halloween, Wednesday October 31th. A free 4”x6” print will be printed (limit 1 free print per family or group) and available for pick-up on Halloween. As in past years, no appointment is necessary and no purchase is necessary. The studio will be open from 3pm to 8pm to photograph individuals or groups, in costume. Children 12 and under will be photographed for free. For those over 12 years old, there will be a small charge. “This is our way to give back to the community and to say 'thank you' for supporting us,” photographer Carmelita Miranda told the Gazette. Principal photographers at KSSP are Carmelita Miranda and Charles Morris. KSSP is a full service photography studio specializing in portrait, wedding and quinceanera photography (and video). KSSP Photographic Studios is the school photographer for Fillmore High School. For further information, please contact KSSP Photographic Studios at 524-6400 or visit |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012
Seventy years after it was scuttled off Los Angeles, government archaeologists have found the wrecked remains of the George E. Billings, a rare Pacific Coast schooner that was employed in the lumber trade during the early 1900s. Today at the California Islands Symposium in Ventura, Calif., Robert Schwemmer, maritime archaeologist for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, confirmed the ship’s identity and presented a scientific paper on its history and discovery. The Billings, a CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012
From Oak Park to Oak View, the Ventura County Grand Jury will monitor polling places as they did during the last election in June. On election day, Tuesday, November 6, the Grand Jury will be visiting the polls as well as the Board of Elections to check for obvious and subtle violations that may occur at voting locations throughout the County. The Grand Jury observes the setting up of the polling places, voting throughout the day, closing of the polling places, and the return of ballots to receiving stations or Election Headquarters. If you have not already done so, you may wish to consult your precinct and voting location. Now is the time to become as fully informed as possible for voting in this important election. To find out more about the mission of the Grand Jury, to download complaint forms, and to view previous years’ reports, please visit our Internet site: The Grand Jury is available for speaking engagements throughout the County. If you would like to request a speaker for your organization, please contact: Judith Cohen at 805-477-1600. |
By Anonymous — Friday, October 19th, 2012
Sunday October 14th in the vicinity of Howard and King Street. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 17th, 2012
Program Title: “A Special Brew of Magic!” Type of Program: Family, Date: Wednesday, October 24th, Time: 3:30 p.m. Place: Fillmore Library: 502 Second Street Fillmore, Ca. Master Magician, Shawn McMaster returns to the Fillmore Library with his special brew of magic! Come one; come all to a spectacular afternoon of family entertainment!. Program sponsored by the Fillmore Friends of the Library. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 17th, 2012
Light Up the Season Luncheon |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 17th, 2012
Ventura, CA - The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has made slight adjustments to VISTA service’s schedule, effective Monday, October 1. These adjustments include minor time modifications to the Highway 101 and Conejo Connection routes, the East County route, and the CSUCI routes, as well as additional service along Highway 126. “With the recent transition to Roadrunner Shuttle, the ability to maintain service without interruption and with only these minor changes is a definite home run,” said VCTC Executive Director Darren Kettle. “Our effort remains focused on providing efficient and effective service to the people of Ventura County.” Additional changes are expected for the Coastal Express later this month. Service changes traditionally go into effect during the summer, but the adjustments were pushed back due to the recent transition to Camarillo-based Roadrunner. “The majority of the schedules will only be adjusted by a few minutes, so people needn’t worry about restructuring their entire commute,” noted VCTC Transit Director Vic Kamhi. Updated schedules can be found at |
By Anonymous — Monday, October 15th, 2012
Craig Newton who entertained the ladies last year is back for another performance. Craig plays over 24 different instruments and this year will be bringing some different ones than last year. He is always very entertaining and the ladies enjoy his music and his educational discussion of the instruments. Fillmore Ebell Club meets the 4th Tuesday of each month. Craig will be entertaining on October 23 at the Fillmore Memorial Building. Lunch starts at 12:30pm and the Craigs program will start about 1:30. For more information and/to make a reservation please call LaVonne Deeter, 524-2090. Memberships are now open and welcomed Please call Beverly Brisby 524-4799. |
By Anonymous — Monday, October 15th, 2012
![]() Fillmore Chamber of Commerce presenting board director, Brenda Ortiz, with her husband Eddie Ortiz, a certificate of appreciation for volunteering to run the fireworks booth the entire week, day and night. Brenda also received a certificate from Tony Strickland and Jeff Gorell. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Monday, October 15th, 2012
Ventura, CA - Learn more about surviving cancer and thriving at free symposium Community Memorial Health System is holding on Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Ventura Beach Marriott. Physician and local leading experts will be presenting a range of topics. Patients, their families, the public, caregivers and medical professionals are encouraged to attend. The symposium begins with registration and light continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 8:00 a.m. through to 1 p.m. Featured topics presented by local experts include:  David Letterman-like Top Ten Rules for Cancer Survivorship |
By Anonymous — Monday, October 15th, 2012
Ventura, CA - Free to the public, Community Memorial Health System holds regularly scheduled “Stop Smoking” Tobacco Cessation classes. Each 8-session class includes sessions on lifestyle balance, weight and exercise, life without cigarettes, including handling urges, stress, moods and slips. Registered participants receive FREE nicotine replacement therapy products. Three convenient locations are available to begin your 8 week session: The sessions are co-sponsored by Ventura County Public Health and funded by the Ventura County Tobacco Settlement Program. Class dates and times are subject to change and registration is required by calling CMHS’s HealthAware office at 805/667-2818 or email Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and eleven family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
![]() Christie Neal, wife of council candidate Rick Neal, and their son, along with council candidate Manuel Minjares were part of the community graffiti clean-up last Saturday. Enlarge Photo ![]() Graffiti on a wall near A street with The Gazette's own "artwork" added to the graffiti damage in the photo. Enlarge Photo ![]() Dorsey Smith, council candidate Douglas Tucker and several other volunteers painted over graffiti last Saturday near the Verizon tower on A Street. Enlarge Photo ![]() Council candidates Doug Tucker and Rick Neal worked on graffiti cleanup, along with other concerned citizens over the weekend. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
![]() City Council candidate Douglas Tucker attended the fireside meeting last week at the El Dorado Mobilehome Park. Enlarge Photo ![]() City Council candidate Rick Neal attended the fireside meeting last week at the El Dorado Mobilehome Park, along with Douglas Tuck and Manuel Minjares. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
Our first fundraiser is Marie Callender's Thanksgiving Pies for the Class of 2013. The Seniors have been given their Pie Order forms and are out working right now. This year will be the same as last year, either work fundraisers to make at least $200 for Grad Nite Live or pay $100 for your ticket to Grad Nite Lives Graduation Harbor Cruise... |