On LATE Friday night & Saturday night, "@radical.media" was shooting a Dodge Super bowl commercial. The shoot featured numerous background actors scurrying around town during a blizzard. Meanwhile, the all wheel drive Dodge vehicles are shown driving effortlessly through the snow...

The second show that is shooting today (1/10/2011) is the TV show "Justified" that airs on the FX network. The prep work for this show included rebuilding the interior of the vacant bank building on the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue into a beautiful bank. Additionally, a bomb threat and coal miners strike was depicted at the steps of City Hall.

In case you haven't noticed, filming has been relatively active lately in Fillmore. It would be awesome if you could put a few lines within your story/cut lines reminding residents to please be patient during these activities. Filming not only provides Fillmore great exposure to the outside world... It also provides local property owners and businesses to benefit from the extra revenue generated by the activity.



Fillmore-area Curves locations ring in New Year with new Curves Circuit with Zumba FitnessÂŽ classes; Fillmore-area residents can try it free for a week

Hold on to your sports bras –Curves® Circuit with Zumba Fitness® is here! Millions have lost weight and shaped up with Curves, the leader in women’s fitness, and Zumba, the dance-fitness experts. Now, the two have created the only 30-minute class that mixes the moves of Zumba with the proven strength training of Curves for one wildly effective workout. It’s definitely NOT your Mother’s workout—BUT even your Mother can do it!

Some have called it the perfect workout, but Curves gyms in the Fillmore area are willing to let you try it free for a week to find out for yourself.

"Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness is an amazing workout that will really help people stick to their New Year’s resolutions,” said Curves Director of Exercise and Research, Katie Mitchell. “It combines Curves’ proven strength-training program—where you can burn up to 500 calories in just 30 minutes—with the Latin and international inspired music and exhilarating, simple dance moves that have made Zumba so popular. We want you to experience it for yourself to see what an incredible workout it is, so we’re inviting Fillmore-area residents to try it free for one week.”

The benefits of Curves CONTINUED »



Bill Edmonds, chair of the 2011 Fillmore Lions Student Speaker contest announced that we are in the last days leading up to the Monday, February 7th contest. Fillmore High students need to enter soon and get started on their speech. The topic is " Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights". The Fillmore winner receives $ 75.00 and a chance to compete for more than $21,000 in college scholarships. Runner-ups get $25. All high school age youth who live within the Fillmore Unified School District can enter. This includes home taught students and foreign exchange students as well as Fillmore residents who go to other high schools. Students who wish to enter may contact Bill Edmonds at 524-4839 or Josh Overton at Fillmore High School. Public speaking competition looks very good on college applications and resumes. But act now so you can compete. You need to start early to develop a good speech.

Photo Caption: Club members proudly show off their new tee shirts.
Photo Caption: Club members proudly show off their new tee shirts.
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Santa Paula, CA - Members of Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley have been the grateful and proud recipients of logo’d tee shirts courtesy Mac’s Furniture located in Santa Paula and Fillmore. Over 300 children have been given tee shirts with the Boys & Girls Club logo printed on the front and Mac’s Furniture logo printed on the back.

Raquel and Tony Macarena, wife and son of Mac’s Furniture owner Sergio Macarena, delivered the tee shirts to the Santa Paula and Fillmore Club’s last week, to the delight of members at both sites. “Now we can take our members on field trips and we can see at a glance where our members are and if they’re all together in our group, just like schools and other youth groups!” said Santa Paula site director Mari Juarez. Raquel and Tony got the pleasure of watching the kids proudly display their new tee shirts to members waiting in line to get their own garments.

The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley wants to express their gratitude to Mac’s Furniture for this wonderful gesture. “This thoughtful donation brought smiles to many young faces, and an additional sense of belonging and pride to the hearts of our members.” reports Club CEO Sheila Tate, “We can’t thank Mac’s Furniture enough for their gift.”

The Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit funded in part by the generous donations of local businesses and community members who desire to make an impact on local youth. Donations are always appreciated and can be made by contacting the Club at 805-525-7910 or by mailing a check payable to the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley to PO Box 152, Santa Paula, CA 93061-0152.


On December 18, 2010, several members of Piru 4-H and their parents traveled to Harbor Community Church in Ventura to serve the Homeless their annual Xmas Dinner. At the December General Meeting, Piru 4-H had a winter clothing and sock drive. The members & their families generously donated over 120 pairs of socks and over 8 large boxes filled with coats, sweater, blankets, etc. Piru 4-H also provided Xmas dessert for over 100 guests which they baked and decorated the day before at their leader's house. Piru 4-H has been going to Harbor community Church since 2009, serving the Church's once a month dinner. The Church provides shower & laundry facilites, a food and clothing pantry and also a hot breakfast & lunch Monday thru Friday. They also provide transportation to and from their Church, going to parks or river bottoms to provide their guests a ridewww.theharbor.us

Blood Donors With Types O- and A- Needed Urgently

Ventura, CA. – Blood donors with rare blood types, such as O-Negative and A-Negative, are seriously needed to meet rising needs. United Blood Services is issuing a critical appeal for donors with these rare Rh negative blood types. This is a worsening situation as demand is very high for these two blood types, while the number of people that have these types is very few.

The blood center is especially seeking new donors, that perhaps don’t know their blood type, in an effort to identify more donors with these rare types. Those who have never donated are especially encouraged to come forward. One of the great extras to saving a life, is that donors learn their blood type!

This month also is recognized as National Blood Donor Month. Donations of all types are encouraged, however those with Type O- and A- are critically needed. Blood donors will not only save lives, but will be automatically entered in a drawing for a vacation getaway to Las Vegas! The grand prize Las Vegas package includes round trip air faire for two on Allegiant, two nights deluxe accommodations at the J.W. Marriott Resort and Spa, dinner for two and tickets to see Penn and Teller! All volunteer blood donors in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, who are age 21 and over, and give through February 13th, will be automatically entered to win. A second-place prize will be also awarded to a randomly selected donor for two round trip air tickets anywhere Allegiant flies.

Type O-Negative blood is found in just 7% of the population. Known as the “universal donor” this blood type can be transfused to anyone. It is often transfused in emergency and trauma situations, when there is little time to “type” a patient’s blood Patients often need multiple units, in some cases hundreds of units.

Likewise, a mere 6% of the population has Type A-Negative blood. As it can be safely transfused to any patient with Type A or AB blood (both positive and negative) it too is often needed. And again multiple units may be needed by any one patient.

Donations may be made at the UBS Center in Ventura at 2223 Eastman near McGrath. Visit www.Blood4Life.org for a list of blood drives in the area. Appointments are appreciated, but not necessary. Walk-ins are also welcome, and will be honored as our appointment schedule allows.

The Ventura Center hours are:
Monday and Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Pizza served 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday)
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

You may donate blood if you are over age 16, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health. Additional height/weight requirements apply to donors 22 and younger. Donors are asked to make an appointment by contacting United Blood Services at 800-715-3699 or online at www.Blood4Life.org. Just click on “Donate Blood” and type in your zip code to find a list of drives nearby.


VENTURA & MONTEREY, CA — Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast Girl Scout Council today announced that local Girl Scouts will be offering customers a premium selection of the six best-selling Girl Scout Cookies of all time during this year’s Cookie Program starting January 15 — March 20, 2011. Girl Scout Cookie Rallies and Bake-Off events will be held throughout the council in celebration beginning this weekend.

“The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is America’s cookie sale,” said Sherry Sybesma, Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast. “For girls, the cookie sale is an opportunity to have fun with friends, to be responsible for money, and to set goals to fund activities, travel and service projects.”

In recent years, the council has offered eight cookie varieties. However, cookie bakery research shows that nearly all Girl Scout Cookie customers have a favorite among these bestsellers, known as the

Super Six:
• Thin Mints
• Samoas®
• Tagalongs®
• Trefoils
• Do-si-dos®
• Lemon Chalet Cremes™

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a hands-on leadership and business program for girls. This cookie season, girls will also learn the business basics behind offering the Super Six. By focusing on America’s most beloved cookie favorites and streamlining delivery, the council is making the program easier for girls and busy volunteers.

“The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is the only event I know of in which a non-profit raises a significant part of the money it needs to fund its mission in a way that actually moves that mission forward,” Sybesma added. “Most fundraising happens outside the mission, but when consumers purchase Girl Scout Cookies, they are playing an active role in helping girls develop the skills and attitudes they need to become leaders in their own lives and the wider world.”

Through the annual Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls set goals, and girls decide how to use the money they earn. Many successful businesswomen and community leaders credit Girl Scout Cookies for teaching them the life skills they use today.

While Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast will follow trends which indicate that the five core cookie varieties (Thin Mints, Samoas®, Tagalongs®, Trefoils, and Do-si-dos®) appeal to more than 80 percent of cookie customers, based on local customer preferences, the council has also chosen to include a sixth cookie, Lemon Chalet Cremes™.

Girl Scout Cookie proceeds also help the council support volunteers, provide girl scholarships, and maintain program centers. Cookie boothing will be held February 25—March 20. To learn more about the Girl Scout Cookie Program, or to order cookies, call: 800-822-2427, or visit: www.girlscoutsccc.org. Register for Girl Scout Cookie Rallies at: www.girlscoutsccc.org.


The Ventura County Veterans Employment Committee (VCVEC) invites employers to participate in the 1st Semi-annual Job and Resource Fair.

If you are looking for motivated job candidates who are trained, educated, and have leadership skills, it makes sense to hire Veterans, National Guard, or Reservists - because they will immediately add value to your business.

Job candidates attending will range from those who are seeking new careers, to those who are looking for their first job since returning from military duty. Note: the Job and Resource Fair is open to all job seekers.
The cost to participate is $50 and includes a reserved table with two chairs, validated parking for two, Continental Breakfast for two, and complimentary Wi-Fi internet connection.

The deadline for registration is Friday, January 14, 2011.

For questions regarding registration, contact Don Todd, 805-290-4243, dtodd@ilrc-trico.org.

To submit job postings, contact Linda Phelps, 805-382-8633, linda.phelps@edd.ca.gov,or Daniel Willyerd, 805-503-5539,or daniel.willyerd@edd.ca.gov.

Deadline for Registration for Employers: January 14,2011
Job & Resourse Fair Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Registration: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Crowne Plaza-Ventura Beach, 450 East Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

The event is supported and brought to the Ventura County Community by members of VCVEC: The California Community Colleges, The California Department of Veterans Affairs, Independent Learning Resource Center, Life After Brain Injury, Santa Barbara Business College, Gold Coast Veterans Foundation, The Department of Rehabilitation, Veterans Educational Transitional Services Ventura County and CACI Technologies, Inc.

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Part 1
Explorers: The Fillmore Police Department’s first Santa Clara Valley Explorer program, February 9th.
Explorers: The Fillmore Police Department’s first Santa Clara Valley Explorer program, February 9th.
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Lightning: A spectacular lightening storm caused damage in Fillmore.
Lightning: A spectacular lightening storm caused damage in Fillmore.
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Boy Scouts: Fillmore Boy Scout Troop #406 were recognized for their outstanding service to the community in February.
Boy Scouts: Fillmore Boy Scout Troop #406 were recognized for their outstanding service to the community in February.
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Waste Water Plant: Fillmore’s Wastewater Plant was named Project of the Year at the National Engineer’s Week Banquet held at the Reagan Library on February 18th.
Waste Water Plant: Fillmore’s Wastewater Plant was named Project of the Year at the National Engineer’s Week Banquet held at the Reagan Library on February 18th.
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Central Station: Farmworker and local lower income family housing opened in March.
Central Station: Farmworker and local lower income family housing opened in March.
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Pete Egedi: In March, former Fillmore Fire Chief Pete Egedi was indicted on one count of embezzlement and three counts of grand theft.
Pete Egedi: In March, former Fillmore Fire Chief Pete Egedi was indicted on one count of embezzlement and three counts of grand theft.
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Piru Charter School: After a lenghty and often conentious process, the Piru Charter was denied on May 5, 2010.
Piru Charter School: After a lenghty and often conentious process, the Piru Charter was denied on May 5, 2010.
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Marijuana: In July a man jumped over a cliff at Dead Man’s curve, Goodenough Road, to escape police. Over 70-pounds of marijuana were found in his car. Unrelated, in April the city place a moratorium on the establishment and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries.
Marijuana: In July a man jumped over a cliff at Dead Man’s curve, Goodenough Road, to escape police. Over 70-pounds of marijuana were found in his car. Unrelated, in April the city place a moratorium on the establishment and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries.
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Water Recycling Plant: The city of Fillmore celebrated the official open house of the Water Recycling Plant
on May 22.
Water Recycling Plant: The city of Fillmore celebrated the official open house of the Water Recycling Plant on May 22.
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State Champions: The Fillmore High School Cheerleading Squad won First Place in the California State Championships in June.
State Champions: The Fillmore High School Cheerleading Squad won First Place in the California State Championships in June.
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Grand Opening: Two Rivers Park has its grand opening in July.
Grand Opening: Two Rivers Park has its grand opening in July.
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Reduced Hours: The Towne Theatre’s operating days were reduced to Friday, Saturday and Sunday as a cost-saving
Reduced Hours: The Towne Theatre’s operating days were reduced to Friday, Saturday and Sunday as a cost-saving measure.
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Part 2
School Resource Officer: Above: At the start of the school year, Officer Leo Vazquez began his duty as F.U.S.D. School Resource Officer.
School Resource Officer: Above: At the start of the school year, Officer Leo Vazquez began his duty as F.U.S.D. School Resource Officer.
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No Confidence: In September (above) Scott Lee reads a Letter of No Confidence, signed by 32 city employees,
concerning City Manager Yvonne Quiring.
No Confidence: In September (above) Scott Lee reads a Letter of No Confidence, signed by 32 city employees, concerning City Manager Yvonne Quiring.
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No Confidence: City Manager Yvonne Quiring.
No Confidence: City Manager Yvonne Quiring.
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Sierra High School: SHS received a renovation, transforming it into a beautiful campus by October.
Sierra High School: SHS received a renovation, transforming it into a beautiful campus by October.
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Pool Closed: Fillmore City Council voted to close the community pool from October 17, 2010 to February 7, 2011.
Pool Closed: Fillmore City Council voted to close the community pool from October 17, 2010 to February 7, 2011.
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Football Rivalry: The 100 year football rivalry between Fillmore and Santa Paula was celebrated in November.
Football Rivalry: The 100 year football rivalry between Fillmore and Santa Paula was celebrated in November.
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Election: Above: Mayor Patti Walker cast her vote for re-election. Walker and Brian Sipes (inset) won the two open seats on Nov. 7th.
Election: Above: Mayor Patti Walker cast her vote for re-election. Walker and Brian Sipes (inset) won the two open seats on Nov. 7th.
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Sports Hall of Fame: The Fillmore High School Sports Hall of Fame ceremony was held in November. First time in 100 years.
Sports Hall of Fame: The Fillmore High School Sports Hall of Fame ceremony was held in November. First time in 100 years.
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Resignation: Public Works Director Bert Rapp gave his resignation in December, after 20 years of service to the city.
Resignation: Public Works Director Bert Rapp gave his resignation in December, after 20 years of service to the city.
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Owens & Minor: On December 2nd, a State Board of Equalization hearing officer ruled that the city of Fillmore is entitled to potentially millions of dollars in sales tax revenue from a deal with one of the nation’s largest distributors of hospital and medical equipment, Owens & Minor.
Owens & Minor: On December 2nd, a State Board of Equalization hearing officer ruled that the city of Fillmore is entitled to potentially millions of dollars in sales tax revenue from a deal with one of the nation’s largest distributors of hospital and medical equipment, Owens & Minor.
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Christmas: Fillmore Storefront held their annual Christmas Toy give-away.
Christmas: Fillmore Storefront held their annual Christmas Toy give-away.
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Macie Wokal cleans her heifers, Jesse and Lil Bo Peep, stalls after last week’s heavy rains.
Macie Wokal cleans her heifers, Jesse and Lil Bo Peep, stalls after last week’s heavy rains.
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In the past couple of weeks, FFA members have been busy training and caring for their new responsibilities at the farm. With a total of eleven students doing market steer projects, 2 students with replacement heifers and four students with breeding heifers, the school farm is filled with cattle! After the rain poured down, students began the process of digging out the mud and muck from their animal pens. Hoof rot, which is a fungus that grows in their hooves, becomes a concern when cattle are left standing in mud.

Alexus Galassi has her heifer, Talula, who she bred last summer, but Talula sadly lost the calf after an early miscarriage. Alexus didn’t give up, she sent Talula back to Mr. Bob Power’s ranch in Lockwood Valley to be bred again by his bull, RJ. Last Thursday, Alexus took Talula to Dr. Richard Giacupuzzi for a pregnancy check. Talula is approximately 40 days pregnant! Congratulations Talula and Alexus.

On Monday morning, Brittany Gurrola took her bred heifer, Millie, to Dr. Giacupuzzi for a check-up on her calf. Millie is approximately 8 months pregnant, and is due in February. Millie is a 2 year old Shorthorn heifer from Five R Ranch. Brittany is very eager for the delivery of Millie’s calf. Good luck Mille and Brittany!

Across the farm, in our pig barn, things are starting to get busy. Craig Harvey has 4 pregnant pigs, one sow and three gilts. A sow is a female pig that has delivered a litter of piglets, and a gilt is a female pig that has never delivered a litter. Craig’s pigs are due to deliver in January and February.

Ashley Jackson has a gilt, Dixie, who is a Hampshire. Ashley, as well as Craig, used artificial insemination to breed their pigs last October. If Dixie is pregnant, she will deliver her litter on January 28th. Best of luck Craig and Ashley with your swine projects!

Everyone needs a new calendar for 2011! Beautiful Fillmore FFA 2011 calendars are still available to purchase. You can purchase a calendar for $10 from any Fillmore FFA member, Booster member, or you can call the Fillmore High School to contact Mr. Ricards.

Edison replaced an old power pole located on C and First Streets, on Tuesday.
Edison replaced an old power pole located on C and First Streets, on Tuesday.
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Happy New Year. Grad Nite Live is starting the year with several fundraisers. The “Sandwich Meals” at Central Station are available now thru March 31. It will be a choice of Chicken, Pork or Tri Tip, Steak Fries and Soda, all for $10.

CoachCraft is giving 10% of the total bill for having your collision work done by them.

Attractions Spa is giving 50% off certificates for massage or facial.

We are again asking for cars, and RV’s to be donated.

As soon as we get our 2 Cargo Containers we will be asking for donations for our April Yard Sale.

Letters will be going out to the organizations for donations to get us closer to our goal of $21,500.

Any questions call 407-5759 or 524-4909 Mrs Chaney.

Take a special safari at your Library

Title: "Around the World with the Reptile Family"
On Wednesday, January 12, 2011, at 3:30pm, Fillmore Library
Take a special safari at your Library! Learn about Reptiles, Amphibians, and Arthropods from around the world!
The Reptile Family will provide a nurturing, hands-on environment. These gentle creatures will delight as well as educate.

Program sponsored by the Fillmore Friends of the Library.


A course on rattlesnake avoidance training for dogs — featuring live rattlesnakes that have been disabled from biting — will take place at the Ojai Humane Society on January 16th 2011.

The course will be led by Gina Gables, a local professional dog trainer for more than 20 years, and Kent Beaman, who has more than 20 years of experience studying the behavior and ecology of rattlesnakes.

“Rattlesnakes in Southern California can be active any time of the year. Warm daytime temperatures may cause snakes to be surface active during the winter months and could present problems for dogs and their owners,” said Beaman, a research associate in herpetology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and at Loma Linda University. He also teaches biology courses at Riverside Community College and Chaffey College, and recently served as editor of and contributor to the book “The Biology of Rattlesnakes.”

During the daylong training session, Beaman and Gables will use live rattlesnakes that have had their mouths banded shut to prevent them from biting.

“Our first priority is the comfort and safety of your dog, the snakes as well as the humans,” said Gables of Simi Valley. As the owner of Ma & Paw Kennel since 1991, she specializes in obedience training and problem behavior modification with dogs.

The training will take place in a controlled environment, using a remote training collar system adjusted to each dogs’ temperament, personality and physical response characteristics, Gables said, explaining that the device “delivers an uncomfortable stimulation to the dog when the dog has been alerted to the (snake), whether it be the smell or the sound or the sight. We do this so the dog will be able to avoid any of these clues to a rattlesnake’s presence individually even if the other clues aren’t present.”

For instance, “your dog may be downwind of the rattlesnake and can smell it but is not able to see it; and the snake — not being aware of the dog’s presence — may not be giving a warning rattle,” Gables explained. “The dog, by avoiding just the smell, would avoid the rattlesnake. If the owner is observant of the dog’s behavior, he or she can possibly prevent themselves or others from being bitten as well.”

Individual 20-minute training sessions will be given to each pooch. The program consists of a dog handler accompanied by the owner walking the dog on a leash to different staging areas for each phase.

During one phase of training, the dog is introduced to the rattlesnake’s scent. When the dog smells the scent a low-level stimulation from the remote training collar will be applied. “This teaches your dog to avoid the specific smell of a rattlesnake,” Gables said. “When avoidance behavior is displayed by the dog, he avoids receiving the uncomfortable sensation, and we then proceed to the next staging areas where we follow the same process for training the dog to avoid the sound and sight.”

In the final stage, each dog will be tested. “The dog will be brought by the handler to a location opposite the owner with a snake in between,” Gables said. “The owner will then be asked to call their dog and the dog should arc his path avoiding the snake as well as the discomfort as he returns to his owner.”

What: Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for Dogs.
When: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. January 16th.
Where: Ojai Humane Society.
Cost: $80 per dog; reservations required. Space is limited to 15 dogs early registration recommended!
To register: Call Gina Gables at 523-3432.

"Introduction to Hiking and Camping" and "Learn to Backpack - Los Padres Wilderness Basics Course"

Introduction to Hiking and Camping Class at Ventura College
Name of Event: Introduction to Hiking and Camping
Type of Event: Recreation
Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011
Time: 9:00am - 12pm
Place of Event: Ventura College, 71 Day Road, Community Education Workforce Development (CEWD) Bldg Annex 4. Parking at 71 Day Road is free.
Price: $49.00
Name of Group: Los Padres Sierra Club Wilderness Basic Course Staff
Name of person to contact and phone number to be published: Ventura College Community Education, 805-654-6459 or register online at CommunityED.VenturaCollege.edu.
Event Description: If you've been looking for exercise and camping experience that also allows you to spend time with family and friends, you'll love this new class! Enroll early to learn about the essential equipment you'll need, where to begin hiking and camping, how to keep yourself and your hiking and camping party safe.

Learn to Backpack - Los Padres Wilderness Basics Course
Type of Event: Recreation
Date: February 15 - April 5, 2011.
Time: Meets on one night per week on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. and weekends for hiking and camping during the course. See website for details.
Place of Event: The Ventura TowneHouse, 4900 Telegraph Road, Ventura, 93003.
Price: Sierra Club Member ($155/Single or $279/Couple) or Non-Member ($170/Single or $306/Couple)
Name of Group: Los Padres Sierra Club Wilderness Basics Course
Name of person to contact and phone number to be published: For more information about gear and conditioning requirements, check our website www.lospadres.sierraclub.org/wbc, or for questions call 805-524-7170 or send an email to lospadresWBC@gmail.com.
Event Description:
The Los Padres Sierra Club is offering comprehensive training for people at all levels of fitness who want to enjoy and explore the wilderness.
A dedicated staff of experienced leaders will demonstrate and teach students the skills to enjoy the wilderness in eight classroom sessions and conduct several exciting outings over the course of the class.
The lecture part of the eight-week Wilderness Basics Course will be held each week from 7-9:30 p.m. in Ventura. The hiking, car camping and backpacking will be conducted on the weekends in the local backcountry to help you practice what you learned during the lectures.
The subject matter will include demonstrations and hands-on practice with the gear used by the staff and guest speakers. Examples of the topics presented are backpacking equipment, wilderness ethics, wilderness first aid and safety, weather, water filtration, cooking, map and compass, backcountry clothing.
Outing dates: Day hikes Feb 19 & 20; Car camp with day hikes March 5-6; Backpack 1 March 19-20; Backpack 2 April 2-3; Reunion/rain makeup late April TBA.
Class starts February 15, 2011.
Reserve your space - apply today.

Girl Scout Cookie Rally & Bake-Off Jan. 15, 2011

Thousand Oaks, CA – Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast and California Lutheran University are teaming up to host the 2nd Annual Cookie Rally and Bake Off on January 15, 2011 from 10:00 to 3:00 at CLU’s Gilbert Sports & Fitness Center.

The community is invited to join in the fun as local chefs from across Ventura County compete at this exciting event to determine who can create the best desert using one of the top 6 most popular Scout Cookie flavors including: samoa’s, thin mints, trefoils, tagalongs, lemon chalet crèmes and do-si-do’s! Tickets are available to enjoy sample tastings of the desert entries and an opportunity to vote for the coveted People’s Choice Award. A Silent Auction offering a variety of items from dining packages to a cooking with the fireman night will be available.

Participating restaurants include: Nic Manocchio, C Street Café; Tim Kilcoyne, The Sidecar Restaurant; Andrew Sandwick, Kate’s Bakery; Everardo Moreno, The Grill on the Alley; Michel Bardavid, The Secret Garden; Brian Kohl, Maestro’s Steakhouse; Kirsten Keller, Nate n Al's; Jerry White, Fiamme Restaurant; last year’s winner, Liz Beddow, The Melting Pot; and just for fun, the firefighters of the Simi Valley Firehouse Station #44 led by Ryan Flitt.

Judging the event will be local volunteer celebrities and community leaders. Our fabulous taste testers include; Lisa McKinnon, VC Star Food Editor; Christine Garboski, Nestle Food Kitchen Culinary Professional; Ryan Van Ommeren, CLU – VP of facilities;

Mel Sheeler, President Sheeler Moving & Storage; Trace Nealy, Live 105.5 Morning Show Host; Sheriff Geoff Dean; Jacqui Irwin, TO City Council; Alyson Warner, Artistic Director for Main Course California; Lisa Barry-Gofberg, Macaroni Kid e-newsletter; Dee Dee Cavanaugh, VP First California Bank; Mary Olsen, KCLU Radio; Michael Medina, Chemical engineer; Commander Cheryl Wade, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department; Chaya Turrow, Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient; Christine Pohl, Sur La Table Westlake, General Manager.

Girl Scouts get in on the action with 12 talented Mother Daughter teams who will compete in a special division at the Bake Off. The response was tremendous with Girl Scouts in grades 2-8 from Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, vying for a spot in the division which was drawn by lottery last November. All girls will receive an award for participating and their recipes will be part of a cookie cook book for next year’s event.

Also planned for this day of sweet competition is an Activity Area for Girl Scouts where they can participate in fun ‘hands on’ activities from the Girl Scout Cookie Program teaching financial literacy, safety, and sales ideas for the upcoming Cookie Sales Season. Cookie Season and the Cookie Rally provides the Girl Scouts organization with an opportunity to raise much needed funds for program, scholarships and community service projects.

For more information regarding this event contact:
Pattie Mullins - Membership Development Manager
Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast
805-658-8210 x.321 or pmullins@girlscoutsccc.org


Santa Clara Valley Disposal will maintain its regular Friday trash and recycling collection schedule in Fillmore on Jan. 21, during the week of Martin Luther King Jr.

For more information, call 647-1414.

Week of January 3, 2011 - January 10, 2011

SCE will soon be performing maintenance on the electrical system in the area. In order to perform this work safely, we must temporarily interrupt electric service and turn off power. This outage will allow us to upgrade aging infrastructure, make needed improvements, and complete other repairs.

We realize this temporary service interruption may cause some inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to increase system reliability for the future.

Outage Status: Scheduled
Outage Alert Num: 436034
Starting at: January 7, 2011 9:00 a.m.
Ending at: January 7, 2011 3:00 p.m.
# of Residential customers affected: 40
# of Commercial customers affected: 0
Outage Boundary: 3RD ST S/S302^W/O"A"ST. FILLMORE

*Please note that the power may be off for the whole period or may be turned off more than once. This planned outage may not begin exactly at the stated start time, and some conditions may cause this planned outage to be postponed. The times noted are our best estimate and circumstances may affect both the start time and the completion time indicated above. For current planned outage status, please visit our website