Grad Nite Live and the Class of 2011 hopes you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and that you enjoyed your "pies". We sold 1,386 pies the most any class has ever sold. That was a lot of pies and the students worked really hard and got their orders in 'on time'. A big thank you to the parents that helped their student sell and the citizens of Fillmore that bought the pies.

A special thanks to the people that gave their "pie money" to the Senior Center Pie Fund. It gets more money every year. Thanks - Marge Le Bard, Patti King, Jim Herbert, Bev Haase, Mark, Lorena Haws, Rose Undem, Janice Butler, Paige Bennett, Janet & Rod Schrock, Janet Foy, Trinka Mortgages,Gayle Washburn and Yvonne Quiring.


Civic Pride
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

In cleaning out clippings, articles and other materials a Civic Pride roster came up. Since we now have new city officials and workers all the civic pride memories and much of those labors have more or less been forgotten.
So, it seems that a word or praise and thanks should be given to the members of the Civic Pride Committee. So, to these individuals a thank you for a job well done: Helen Archer, Andy Arias, Pat Couse, Bill Dewey, Judy & Ray Dressler, Rosemary Fennel, Sarah Hansen, Cindy Klittich, Jan Konter, Linda Nunes, Conway Spitler and Joe Zuniga.



Ventura County, CA. - Naval Base Ventura County will hold its Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting from 7:30-9 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the Orvene Carpenter Community Center, Port Hueneme, Calif. The meeting is open to the public and provides time for public comment on agenda items or other relevant RAB issues.

The purpose of the RAB is to discuss the environmental cleanup program at NBVC. The RAB includes community, regulatory and Navy members who review and discuss program studies and cleanup plans. This effort is part of the Installation Restoration Program, a Department of Defense program that works to investigate and cleanup from operations or waste disposal practices that occurred in the past.

The meeting will cover updates on installation restoration projects at Point Mugu and Port Hueneme bases.
For more information contact the NBVC Public Affairs Office at 805-989-8095.

December 20

Ventura, CA. - Community Memorial Hospital is holding a free eight-session “Stop Smoking” class beginning on Monday, Dec. 20, and running through Monday, Feb. 14.

The sessions meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at CMH’s training center, located at 2809 Main St., Suite B, in Ventura. They include sessions on how to handle smoking urges, how to handle stress and moods and how to handle slips. Sessions on weight and exercise, lifestyle balance and life without cigarettes also will be covered. Nicotine replacement therapy products will be offered to program participants on Feb. 21 and March 7.

For more information, call Sandra Tovar at 805/652-3376.

Community Memorial Hospital is a member of Community Memorial Health System, a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.

Remodeling efforts began this weekend at the Fillmore/Piru Boys & Girls Club. The US Navy Seabees came in to demolish the interior of the girl’s shower room in preparation for turning it into a Homework Room for the Club’s kids. They also fixed windows and install a vent in the quasi-kitchen.
Remodeling efforts began this weekend at the Fillmore/Piru Boys & Girls Club. The US Navy Seabees came in to demolish the interior of the girl’s shower room in preparation for turning it into a Homework Room for the Club’s kids. They also fixed windows and install a vent in the quasi-kitchen.
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At Monday night’s Lion Club meeting The Fillmore Dream Soccer Team received a $300 donation. Lion Ignacio Toledo presented the check to coach Jose Vaca and player Reyleen Martinez.
At Monday night’s Lion Club meeting The Fillmore Dream Soccer Team received a $300 donation. Lion Ignacio Toledo presented the check to coach Jose Vaca and player Reyleen Martinez.
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Zahydie Martin, Kaileigh Carpenter and Jennifer Martin attended the Greenhand Conference last Thursday.
Zahydie Martin, Kaileigh Carpenter and Jennifer Martin attended the Greenhand Conference last Thursday.
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Last Thursday Mr. Ricards along with several FFA members attended the Greenhand Conference in Canoga Park. The Greenhand Conference is designed to introduce students to all the opportunities and activities that FFA has to offer. Ideally the students will finish the year with their Greenhand Degree. There are specific requirements in earning the Greenhand FFA Degree. Each student must have a plan for their SAE project and be enrolled in an Ag. Class. During class time and meetings, they should learn the FFA creed, motto and mission statement. Throughout the year the students should develop an understanding of the history of FFA and its bylaws. When I asked Kaileigh Carpenter, ‘14, about the conference she explained to me that she met a lot of nice people and was impressed that the conference was not just about FFA, but how to succeed in life. Zahydie Martin, ‘12, enjoyed the team building activities; one of which included being on a team where they would periodically yell out their team chant, and whoever was the loudest earned points. While talking with Hailee Smith, ‘13, she said she really enjoyed that the conference leaders made them sit with students they didn’t know which helped her meet new people. It was obvious after talking with Jennifer Martin, ‘13, that the conference was a positive experience for her. She was so impressed by the conference that she asked Mr. Ricards to sign her up for every future FFA conference. It was good to hear that this year’s Greenhand Conference was enjoyed by all who attended.
At the Fillmore vs. Santa Paula 100th football game FFA members kept busy helping with the Tri-Tip BBQ and selling popcorn. Fillmore FFA would like to extend a special thank-you to Laura Beylik for donating the popcorn maker and popcorn for our first ever popcorn sale.

Brooke Aguirre is the Fillmore FFA Chapter Reporter

Football Game Film Available

Thank you alumni for making our DVD fundraiser so successful. The compliments keep coming in about the history and stories we captured of this Fillmore/Santa Paula Football Rivalry on the "9 mile" DVD. This weeks Alumni Picture is the 1969 Football Squad. By popular demand, we have ordered more dvds for sale before Christmas and will be selling them at Vons this Saturday Morning, Nov 27th and Friday, and Saturday Dec 17th, and 18th. You can also get them by calling the Alumni Office at 805-524-0416. If no answer, CLEARLY, leave your name and phone number so we can call you back. We also have Individual Game Film between Fillmore and Santa Paula available. This would make an awesome Christmas gift for these past Football hereos from Fillmore High. Here are the following years: ('68 game, classes of '69, '70), the very famous '69 scrimmage game ('classes of '70, '71), ('71 game classes of '72, '73), ('73 game classes of '74, '75), ('74 game, classes of '75, '76), ('75 game, classes of '76, '77), ('76 game, classes of '77, '78), ('78 game, classes of '79, '80), ('80 game, classes of '81, '82), ('81 game, classes of '82, '83), ('82 game, classes of '83, '84), ('07 game, classes of '08, '09), ('08 game, classes of '09, '10), ('09 game, classes of '10, '11). $20.00 per dvd, and proceeds go to the Fillmore High Alumni Assoc for Scholarships in Higher Education. GO FLASHES!

Christmas Bazaar, December 4th

Volunteers needed Fillmore Convalescent Center Auxiliary. The auxiliary exists to provide extra comfort and special attention to brighten the days of the residents living at the center. The auxiliary is a non-profit organization; all monies received go directly for the benefit of the residents. Funding for the Auxiliary comes from dues ($5.00 per year), donations and our annual Christmas Bazaar. This year’s Bazaar will feature many new and beautiful items made by the Auxiliary members and friends. Many local merchants donate prizes to be raffled at the Christmas Bazaar, Saturday, December 4, 2010 at St. Francis Church Hall. The activities of the Auxiliary include Bingo, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Monthly Birthday parties, members assist at both the Halloween and Christmas parties. Our monthly meetings are the 1st Thursday of the month at the Center. We also have pot luck lunches and a special Christmas Lunch. Some of the recent gifts to the Center by the Auxiliary include a fish tank, televisions, dvd and vcr players, portable radios, supplies for the cooking class, supplies for resident’s garden and small storage boxes for each resident. We are always looking for new members, so if you are interested please call: Geri Lee 524-1591 or Sandy Miles 524-1065


On Saturday, December 4th at Saint Francis of Assisi Church from 9-3, the Fillmore Convalescent Center will have Holiday items, baked goods and much more. Raffles will be held throughout the day. Grand Prize is a GPS. We will be selling hot dogs, chili dogs, frito boats, chili bowls, cakes, and pies. For more information please call Geri Lee 524-1591 or Isabel Cortines 236-7084.

It’s that time again Pies, Pies and more Pies... Tuesday, November 25, Grad Nite Live distributed the pies sold by the Senior Class of 2011. Over 1300 Marie Calendar Pies were sold this year. If you haven’t received your pies yet contact the senior you bought them from or Mrs. Chaney.
It’s that time again Pies, Pies and more Pies... Tuesday, November 25, Grad Nite Live distributed the pies sold by the Senior Class of 2011. Over 1300 Marie Calendar Pies were sold this year. If you haven’t received your pies yet contact the senior you bought them from or Mrs. Chaney.
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In an effort to earn the rank of Eagle, Sean Chandler, Troop 406, has begun work on his community service project of constructing a Walk of Honor at Bardsdale Cemetery. In order to cover the costs of this project, Sean is selling engraved bricks for $40.00 each. Each 4” x 8” brick can be inscribed with the name of a cherished serviceman or woman and can also include the individual’s service emblem.
In an effort to earn the rank of Eagle, Sean Chandler, Troop 406, has begun work on his community service project of constructing a Walk of Honor at Bardsdale Cemetery. In order to cover the costs of this project, Sean is selling engraved bricks for $40.00 each. Each 4” x 8” brick can be inscribed with the name of a cherished serviceman or woman and can also include the individual’s service emblem.
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In an effort to earn the rank of Eagle, Sean Chandler, from Troop 406, has begun work on his community service project of constructing a Walk of Honor at Bardsdale Cemetery. For those unfamiliar, Scouts seeking this rank must plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project that benefits their community and fewer than 4% of all scouts earn the rank of Eagle. Sean’s plan is to remove the asphalt walkway at the cemetery and replace it with bricks engraved with the names of veterans from our community. He will also be removing the existing curbs at both ends of the walkway and installing handicap accessible ramps. To complete the project, a plaque will be installed at the base of the flagpole. The primary goal of his project is to give Fillmore area residents the opportunity to honor those who have served our nation.

In order to cover the costs of this project, Sean is selling engraved bricks for $40.00 each. Each 4” x 8” brick can be inscribed with the name of a cherished serviceman or woman and can also include the individual’s service emblem. The names can be of any active-duty or retired service member, living or deceased. Also, honorees can be from any city and are not restricted to those only from Fillmore. Each of these bricks will be permanently installed in the Walk of Honor. When this walkway is completed, it will be used respectfully by Scouts and the VFW during the annual Memorial Day Services and will also be admired by visitors for generations to come.
The deadline for ordering bricks will be January 15th, 2011 which will allow time for the bricks to be engraved and installed by the Spring. For brick order forms or additional information email Sean Chandler at or call him at 524-5058.


Santa Clara Valley Hospice

A light will be shining on the Hospice “Light Up A Life” Tree at the Fillmore Plaza, 251 Central Ave., Fillmore, CA. Join us for the Tree Lighting Ceremony on Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 5:00 PM These names were received November 10-17, 2010

Mary Ellen Alvarez
Raymond Beserra
Vernon Booth
Marge Whipkey
Rev. J. F. Lyttle
Jewell Lyttle
Thomas G. Martin
Jim Lyttle
Betty Lyttle
Janet Howarth
Guy Pickett
Les Allen
Richard Tegtmeier
Rebecca Brown
John A. Brown
Sonny Hernandez
Richard Schuck
Jeffery Hansen
Lorraine Gil
Rebecca Brown
John A. Brown
Sonny Hernandez
Ruth Arrasmith
Pat Murray
Reyna Valenzuela
Raymond Valenzuela
Ramona Golson

A light will be shining on the Hospice “Light Up A Life” Tree at the Piru Center Street Park. These names were received from Piru, November 10 - 17, 2010.

Paul A. Perez
Nana Lucy Gonzales
Dino Lovato
Grandpa Zeke Hernandez
Bill Bishop
Melinda Bishop
Mae and Morris King
Josie Bishop
Ron Strawn
Lola Alcozar
Greg Alcozar
Ronnie Alcozar
Reyna Valenzuela
Raymond Valenzuela
Barbara K. Ponce
Anthony Golson Sr.
Lee and Ramona Golson
“Baby Lee” Golson
Jimmy Nunez Ruiz
Lonnie Kenneth Ruiz
Julio Alcantar
Vanda Roberts
Susana Sanchez
Ricardo Rangel
Justin Anthony Torres
Arnulfo Sanchez
Guadalupe Rangel
Jeffrey Hanson
Maria Orozco
Tillie Alcantar
Ignacio Ortega
Amanda Ortega
Gladys Videgain
Abel D. Villanueva (child)
Therese Langolf
Lupe Dominguez Ramirez
Denise Arredondo
Eugena Ruiz
Jennie R. Preciado
J.W. Harrell
Fernanda Arredondo (Baby)
Josephine R. Villa
Maria Luisa Lopez
Alexander Zaragosa Medina
Elisa Alcocer
Delphina Cadena
Dennis Gonzales
Pablo A. Avila
Carmen E. Avila
Julien H. Rangel
Sam Rosas
Juan Uribe Sr.
Florence Golson
Maria Rosas Ahumada
Manuel “Fuzzy” Cervantes
Charles Hanna Sr.
Faye E. Hanna
John Chessani Sr.
Mrs. John Chessani
Arthur Tarvinen
Valentine Pillado
Benny Vega
Steven Gonzalez
Apolinar Rosales
Helen Talamantes
Cecilia Rosales
Irene Ramirez
Berta Ortega
Andrea Torres
Louie Torres
Lillie R. Torres
Pauline Ruiz
Angela Morales
Booty Sanchez
Katie Olivas
Alex Real
Victoria Gonzales
Clemente Ferrer
Blanca Ferrer
Eddie Lugo
Hilda Alverdi
Raymond Beserra
In Honor of:
Margaret Rangel
John Bergamo
Gabriel A. Ruiz Sr.
Sandra Gaitan


The Fillmore Lion’s Club Annual Christmas Parade is coming up Saturday, December 4 and it’s not too late to sign up.

The parade starts at Central and Second Street at 1:00 pm. It will go down Central to Santa Clara Street. Check in will start at 11:30 am in front of the Memorial Building at Second and Shields Drive.

After the parade, Santa will be available for pictures at the train station. Bring you own camera.
For more information or to register call Bob Klittich at 524-1224 or 625-0730 (cell).


Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee will be selecting the best holiday decorated home & yard for their “Yard of the Month” award in December, 2010. The winning selection will be made on December 15th, and the community is invited to help in the selection process by sending your suggestion with address to Linda Nunes at or by phone to 805-524-3021.

The award winner will receive a gift certificate for $25 that has been generously donated by Otto & Sons Nursery.

Janet Bergamo
Janet Bergamo

The 33rd Annual Piru Christmas Parade will be on its way Saturday, December 11th, at noon. Grand Marshal Janet Bergamo will start the parade. Immediately following will be our post parade celebration at Piru Depot.

Janet Bergamo moved to Piru with her family in 1973 because of the quiet, rural feel of the community, which is still close to her native Los Angeles. She has served on the Piru Neighborhood Council so often and for so long that no one is sure how many years she spent standing up for Piru.

For nearly 20 years, Bergamo taught elementary music in Fillmore Unified School District. The most important part of the program was the band, but singing was a part whenever possible.

Three years ago, Mrs. Bergamo left the band program to become a third grade teacher at Mountain Vista School in north Fillmore, and this year returned to Piru School in the classroom instead of the band room. Music is not forgotten in her classroom.

When there is spare time, Mrs. Bergamo plays the ‘cello with various ensembles and orchestras in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, reads, visits the barn to see the horses, and enjoys her grandson. Her husband, John, is retired from his musical career and teaching job at California Institute of the Arts. Her daughter Padu lives and works in Ventura.

We the Piru Neighborhood Council board members appreciate all that Janet Bergamo has done for Piru Community.
Come enjoy live music with Dan Torres and the New Piru River Band, also DJ Paul Viaz, great food,Elva's BBQ tri tip , Poncho's Restaurant, TJ's Tacos,Adriana's Tamales, Railway Cafe, Watz up Doggie and more. Cash prizes Horseshoe Tournament, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Piru M.A.D Youth games booth, Relay for Life, Fundraiser Fillmore High School Band.

Non food vendors needed, for information call (805) 804 7520 or email


On Tuesday November 30th, 2010 at 7pm the Ventura County Dept. of Animal Services and The Santa Paula Animal Clinic will host a low cost Rabies Vaccination clinic in Piru. The clinic will be held at the Fire Station at 513 N. Church St. Vaccination cost is $5.00 – CASH ONLY.

Dog/Cat Licenses and Dog Spay/Neuter vouchers will be available. Licenses are $20.00 for spayed/neutered animals and $75.00 for unaltered animals. Checks/ cash accepted for licenses. The clinic will be offering additional vaccinations for $10.00. The vaccines include Canine DHLPP&Parvo, Canine Bordetella, and Feline FVRCP. A rattlesnake vaccine will also be available for $40.00. Available only while supplies last. CASH ONLY FOR ALL SHOTS.

For more information call: Animal Services Licensing Dept. 388-4341 or email


Piru resident get your homes ready for the Holidays. Judges will be looking at the outside of your home on Friday evening, December 10th. Winner be announce on Piru Christmas Parade day December 11th, Saturday. Cash prize for 1st place.

The annual one day checkpoint, last Wednesday, Nov. 17, was held for driver’s license checks. The Sheriff’s Department does an annual license checkpoint in the same location, Central Avenue and Sespe Avenue. The Department will announce when the holiday DUI check point is due, to be held on Hwy 126. The number of unlicensed drivers was not available.
The annual one day checkpoint, last Wednesday, Nov. 17, was held for driver’s license checks. The Sheriff’s Department does an annual license checkpoint in the same location, Central Avenue and Sespe Avenue. The Department will announce when the holiday DUI check point is due, to be held on Hwy 126. The number of unlicensed drivers was not available.
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President George Washington

WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLIC THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

NOW THEREFORE, I do recommend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed;– for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish Constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted;– for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge;– and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also, that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; — to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us); and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.

GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.

(signed) G. Washington

Source: The Massachusetts Centinel, Wednesday, October 14, 1789