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As of October 27th, my dog went missing. He's a blue pitbull and answers to PAPAS. He has white markings to his chin, right side under chin, chest, and tips of paws are also white. He's 6 months old and weighs between 40-60 lbs and has not been neutered. If anyone has him or knows who has him PLEASE contact me. He's very loved and missed by my children. Please have a heart and return him. Please call Christine at 805-861-8705. Thank you.


Cheryl L. Knight, Senior Vice President/Chief Credit Officer, Santa Clara Valley Bank.
Cheryl L. Knight, Senior Vice President/Chief Credit Officer, Santa Clara Valley Bank.

Santa Paula, CA. - October 27, 2010- Santa Clara Valley Bank (SCVBank; OTC BB: SCVE.OB) today announced that Cheryl L. Knight has been hired as the Bank’s Senior Vice President/Chief Credit Officer. Ms. Knight has previously held the titles of Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer at Montecito Bank and Trust, as well as EVP/Chief Risk Officer for First California Bank. She has held several other management positions at other financial institutions including Union Bank and Wells Fargo. Cheryl was also employed by Deloitte & Touche as a financial management consultant.

As a senior officer of Montecito Bank and Trust, Ms. Knight led the $750 million bank to perform at a high level, achieving the rating of Super Premier Performing Bank by Findley Reports.

Ms. Knight is a member of the board of directors of California Community Reinvestment Corporation, a non-profit whose mission is to provide innovative and flexible financing to low and moderate income families in California. She currently serves as Chair of the Board.

Cheryl has been a resident of Ventura for over 12 years.

“Cheryl has enjoyed CONTINUED »



The Ventura Country Rose Society will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010, at the Ventura County Office of Education Conference Center at 5100 Adolfo Rd., Camarillo.

The doors will open at 6:30 pm for advice from Consulting Rosarians and refreshments, 7:00 for our Rose Celebration, and our speaker presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The Ventura Rose Society meeting will feature Clair Martin, the Curator of the Huntington Rose Garden in Pasadena speaking and showing pictures of "British Rose Gardens" from his tour of England this summer. Clair Martin is a foremost expert on roses and an excellent speaker. His talk should be a fascinating rose journey through English gardens.

Visitors are always welcome. For more information contact: Janet Sklar at 818-993-6622 or Dawn-Marie Johnson at 805-523-9003


Santa Clara Valley Disposal will maintain its regular Friday trash and recyclables collection schedule in Fillmore on Nov. 12, during the week of Veterans’ Day.

For more information, call 647-1414.

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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For the fifth year, KSSP Photographic Studios will be offering a FREE Halloween photography for children, in costume, 12 years & younger on Halloween, Sunday October 31st. A free 4”x6” print will be printed (limit 1 free print per family or group) and available for pick-up on Halloween. As part of this tradition, each child's picture will be entered in the Child's Creative Costume Contest.

As in past years, no appointment is necessary and no purchase is necessary. The studio will be open from 3pm to 8pm to photograph individuals or groups, in costume. Children 12 and under will be photographed for free. For those over 12 years old , there will be a small charge.

As part of the Child's Creative Costume Contest, each child's costume will be judged by an independent committee. The child with the best costume will win a free family portrait session and an 11”x14” family portrait.

Principal photographers at KSSP are Carmelita Miranda and Charles Morris. KSSP is a full service photography studio specializing in portrait, wedding and quinceanera photography (and video). KSSP Photographic Studios is the school photographer for Fillmore High School. For further information, please contact KSSP Photographic Studios at 524-6400 or visit http://ksspphotostudios.com.

On Friday October 22, Soroptimist International of Fillmore hosted a “Parade of Salads” for all of the residents of Parkview Court Apartments. Above Jane David a Soroprimist member enjoys a conversation with some of the residents.
On Friday October 22, Soroptimist International of Fillmore hosted a “Parade of Salads” for all of the residents of Parkview Court Apartments. Above Jane David a Soroprimist member enjoys a conversation with some of the residents.
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The 2010 National FFA Convention was held in Indianapolis, Indiana with Alexus Galassi-Duncan, Brooke Aguirre, and Candace Stines, with Advisor Joe Ricards, attending. The National FFA Convention is held each year in October. While at the convention, FFA members from across the country participate in competitive events, educational tours, a career show, leadership workshops and listen to motivational speakers.
The 2010 National FFA Convention was held in Indianapolis, Indiana with Alexus Galassi-Duncan, Brooke Aguirre, and Candace Stines, with Advisor Joe Ricards, attending. The National FFA Convention is held each year in October. While at the convention, FFA members from across the country participate in competitive events, educational tours, a career show, leadership workshops and listen to motivational speakers.
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Alexus Galassi-Duncan, Brooke Aguirre and Candace Stines at the National FFA Convention.
Alexus Galassi-Duncan, Brooke Aguirre and Candace Stines at the National FFA Convention.
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Infinite Potential. This was the theme for the 2010 National FFA Convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Alexus Galassi-Duncan, Candace Stines and myself, along with parents Kathleen Aguirre, Alishia Duncan and Advisor Mr. Joe Ricards set off early Wednesday morning to Indiana.

The National FFA Convention is held each year in October. While at the convention, FFA members from across the country participate in competitive events, educational tours, a career show, leadership workshops and listen to motivational speakers.

The opening session at the convention started with the National FFA President Levy Randolph challenging us to strive to reach our Infinite Potential.

He talked about how we have the choice to develop our potential or not. And that he hoped that by the time we left the convention we had learned new ways to do just that. Next, Dr. Case, the National FFA Advisor, encouraged us to "do what you love and love what you do." Dr. Case will be retiring this January after 26 years of service to the National FFA. We were then entertained by the talented FFA Band and Choir.

The keynote speaker for the opening session was Josh Shipp. Although his comic personality had us laughing at times, he touched on topics like facing diversity and seeing problems as opportunities. He asked us not to "be average" and pointed out to us that "you don't have to be perfect to make a difference, just willing to make a difference." We left the session energized and excited about the rest of the convention.

Next on our list was CONTINUED »

Bardsdale 4-H held an early Halloween Party on Monday 0ctober 25th at their General Meeting. Members had a chance to try out their new Halloween costumes, play challenging games, and eat tons of candy. All the kids looked great and special costume awards were given to the following members: First place overall: Maddy Munoz as a dormouse, 2nd place: Karli Zavala as a bunch of grapes, 3rd: Paige McKeown as “Miss Hollywood”, Scariest Costume: Luke Larson, Cutest Costume: Jillian Munoz, Sassiest Costume: Justice Hamilton, Funniest Costume: Chloe Stines and Chloe Richardson.
Bardsdale 4-H held an early Halloween Party on Monday 0ctober 25th at their General Meeting. Members had a chance to try out their new Halloween costumes, play challenging games, and eat tons of candy. All the kids looked great and special costume awards were given to the following members: First place overall: Maddy Munoz as a dormouse, 2nd place: Karli Zavala as a bunch of grapes, 3rd: Paige McKeown as “Miss Hollywood”, Scariest Costume: Luke Larson, Cutest Costume: Jillian Munoz, Sassiest Costume: Justice Hamilton, Funniest Costume: Chloe Stines and Chloe Richardson.
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Will meet at the Glen Tavern, Santa Paula, at noon for a regular meeting on Nov. 6th.

After a brief opening, lunch will be enjoyed off the Enzo's menu. Regent Martha Binsley will present a program on the "History of the DAR".

Guests and prospective members are always welcome. Please contact Ms. Binsley at 525-4038 for lunch reservation, by Thursday Nov. 3rd.

For more information about the DAR organization can be seen at WWW.dar.org


Monday, October 25, 2010, Santa Paula, CA) Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley Board Members and Event Co-Chairs, Patty Harrison, Police Chief Steve MacKinnon, Mike Mobley and Tammy Hobson are thrilled to announce the Annual Dinner/Auction and New Year’s Eve Celebration scheduled for Friday, December 31, 2010! That’s right, New Year’s Eve is the date for the Club’s annual Dinner/Auction, which is being combined this year with a New Year’s Eve Celebration! The Club has long been known as a fun place for kids and now it is going to prove that it can be the host of fun for adults as well! In addition to the normal charity auction/dinner activities, the event will feature a casino lounge, champagne toast at midnight, a chance to toss out all those ‘bad vibe’ items you’d like to leave behind you in 2010, The “Bottle Bash,” as well as the opportunity to spend this most auspicious evening with your closest friends in the community. There is another fun aspect to this event, and that is that we are not telling the location of the event until just before the holidays. It is up to you to try to guess the location from the clues we will release throughout the next two months through press releases and on our website, www.bgcscv.org. So keep your ears open and your eyes peeled ‘cause here comes clue #1 – “The site is in Santa Paula, and can seat 300 people.” think you know where it is? You can call the Club at 805-525-7910 to register your guess, and then keep reading to see if you’re right!

Save the Date cards will be in the mail next week, just to be sure you don’t forget to make your reservation for this not-to-be-missed event! Invitations will be mailed mid-November. Sponsorship opportunities for this event are still available, and item donations are being solicited at this time. The Boys & Girls Club encourages you to add this event to your holiday calendar!


Ventura, CA. — Community Memorial Hospital announced the launch of DiabetesAware, a screening program to help individuals determine if they have or are at risk for diabetes.

About 20.8 million people in the United States have diabetes. Yet nearly one-third of those people are unaware that they have this serious and chronic disease. If the condition is left untreated, it can cause very serious complications, including heart and vascular disease, and kidney, eye and nerve damage. Many people may not have symptoms, so early detection is important to diagnose the condition and prevent harmful complications. The key is proper education and awareness of what to do to reduce your risks.

“DiabetesAware can help effectively identify people with risk symptoms for diabetes,” said Dr. Stan Frochtzwajg, CMH Chief Medical Officer and family practice physician. “We have a responsibility to not only care for our community but to raise awareness of health risks through education and prevention. DiabetesAware can do just that.”

In celebration of the launch of this program a Diabetes Health Fair will take place on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital. Screenings, expert speakers, information booths, giveaways, refreshments and information on diabetes will be available. Space is limited and registration is required. To make reservations call 805/585-3055 or go to cmhshealth.org/rsvp.

Community Memorial Hospital is a member of Community Memorial Health System, a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Fillmore, CA. - The biggest football rivalry in Ventura County history is between Santa Paula High School Cardinals and Fillmore High School Flashes. The 100th meeting of the two teams will be played this year on November 12, 2010 at the Fillmore High School Football Stadium. The Fillmore High School Athletic Booster Club in cooperation with the FHS ASB will present a pre-game ceremony celebrating the 100 years of history, rivalry and tradition. The 100th Celebration will take place on the field for all the fans attending, slated for 6:30pm, an hour before the start of the “big game” at 7:30pm.

During the celebration, football players from each school collectively that made CIF Playoffs, Won League titles, players that have been selected All-State, All-CIF, All-County, League MVP’s and those that hold records for each of the schools, respectively will be honored.

Many former high school cheerleaders, players, teachers and administrators, along with their families will be in attendance. At the game, Fillmore High School Alumni Association will be selling commemorative DVD’s entitled Nine Miles, signifying the 9 miles between the two rival schools. The DVD’s are a compilation of many football alumni, coaches and citizens from both schools describing their experiences and a lot of 35 MM black and white film that has been converted to DVD. It is a DVD of memories for anyone who attended either school. DVD’s will be available at the game for $20 each, with proceeds going to the Fillmore High Alumni Association. There will also be a souvenir program for the game available to all attendees.

Fillmore High School is borrowing bleachers from the Navy at Pt. Hueneme to accommodate all of the Santa Paula fans that will be attending this historic game. The bleachers will be set up on the east side of the football field.

Because there is limited parking in the area of the football field and this is expected to be the best attended football game in history, alternative forms of transportation have been suggested to get to the game. Fillmore & Western Railway Co. is traveling to Santa Paula to pick up Cardinal fans and bring them back to Fillmore for the big game. The train will board at the Santa Paula depot at 3:30pm and depart at 4:00pm. The train travels at 10mph and will arrive at “B” Street in Fillmore at approximately 5pm. There is seating for 400 people on the train. Round-trip train tickets cost $10 per person and are available at the Santa Paula High School Student Store. Only those also purchasing a game ticket will be permitted to purchase a train ticket. One half of the proceeds from train ticket sales will be donated to the two schools, with Fillmore’s portion going to the Fillmore High School Athletic Booster Club and Santa Paula’s portion going to Santa Paula High School Athletic Department and Activities. The train will depart Fillmore promptly 30 minutes after the end of the football game.

Santa Paula High School Security officers, VC Sheriff’s cadets and deputies will provide security on the train and will escort the train passengers to and from the train to the football field. Santa Paula High School staff will be onboard selling “Cardinal Spirit” items.

The game promises to be a celebration to remember, as these two schools continue their rivalry, and one school leaves the field victorious, with bragging rights for another year. The other team begins their strategy and planning to become victorious next year. But, there will never again be another “100th” game.

Both High Schools are selling game tickets and they are going fast. To ensure that you have a “ring-side” seat for this historic match, buy your ticket now, so you can cheer your team to victory.

Creagle's "Dream Team"
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The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department has partnered with the Support for the Kids and Book Ends organizations to collaborate and do what we can to encourage youth literacy and thus prevent crime.

What role does literacy play in fighting crime? Sadly, someone who does not possess literacy skills is just not able to function with the most basic things that we take for granted, such as applying for jobs, using a computer, reading blueprints or a mechanic shop manual.

Youth who fall into this literacy gap become naturally attracted to gangs and subsequently crime and incarceration. Our Sheriff’s Piru Literacy project fights crime, makes great citizens and distributes 1800 books per year to kindergarten through sixth grade students in Piru.

We rely on our partnership with “Book Ends” and “Support For The Kids” to supply our Sheriff’s Department with an annual starting base of 1000 books.

We need your help. This is our 3rd year and we need 800 more new or used books to accomplish our goal of outfitting every Piru child with a minimum of two quality books before the holidays. We are asking you to drop age-appropriate books off at the Fillmore Police Station, 524 Sespe Ave, Fillmore (Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm).

We can even arrange for a book pick-up at your house or organization. You can help us fight crime, educate our youth and even unite your neighborhood or community group with a used book drive.

Please help us, help the children.

Need more information? Call 805-524-2235 or email us at tim.hagel@ventura.org or jane.david@ventura.org

1991 Flashes
1991 Flashes
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Hello Alumni! This week’s Alumni Article features the 1991 football team. You couldn't tell by their record, but this team fought tough every game. They started out the season with a 29-21 win. They went into the final game of the season with a 3-6 record. All they had to do was beat their arch rival Santa Paula Cardinals and the season would end on a happy note. The Flashes did exactly that. They did win that last game against the Cardinals and it put them into the C.I.F. playoffs. Here's a quote from their coach, Curtis Garner "This year’s biggest game was against Santa Paula. The victory put us in the C.I.F. playoffs and removed the sour taste in our mouths. Whenever your team beats Santa Paula it restores their pride." The Alumni Association hopes to see alot of past football players and Alumni at the game this November 12th in Fillmore. We want to remind you Alumni Athletes to get those Letterman sweaters and Jackets out now, so you can sport them at the November 12th game. We're pretty sure the Santa Paula Alumni will be sporting their Cardinal red colors, and we want to match them with our Blue and White Spirit. So dust off those sweaters and jackets now! Remember to Pre-order your DVD Documentary "Nine Miles" stories of the Fillmore and Santa Paula Football series by calling the Alumni office today! 805-524-0416. The DVDs will be available on November 12th, and you can pick them up at the game. After November 12th, DVDs left will be available at the Alumni office, so call today to confirm your pre-order! There are two or three teaser clips of the DVD running on local access (Channel 10) in Fillmore. Remember to get those Letterman sweaters and jackets ready for November 12th. Go Flashes!!!

The Weblos learn how to construct a temporary shelter.
The Weblos learn how to construct a temporary shelter.
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Sebastian Lidikay and Luke Larson enjoy their s’mores!
Sebastian Lidikay and Luke Larson enjoy their s’mores!
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A great time was had by all at this weekend’s Cub Scout Campout.

Over 60 people, Cub Scouts and their families, enjoyed the traditional first Cub Scout campout of the year at the Scout House in Fillmore this Saturday. After helping their parents set up tents, the boys played and worked on scout activities. The Weblos, led by Mike Munoz, got to practice tying various knots and building tarp shelters. The boys helped cook dinner, which was followed with a few games of tug-of-war. The evening was capped off with time around the campfire: telling jokes and stories, singing songs, and, of course, eating the scout’s favorite dessert: s’mores! After a hearty breakfast the next morning the scouts packed up their tents and went home with great memories.

Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program designed to teach character, citizenship, and leadership skills through fun and educational activities. If your 1st through 5th grade son is interested in joining Cub Scouts, please contact Pack Leader Sean Morris: (805) 524-1014 or seanm@wildblue.net.

Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros (wife Laura) and Police Capt. Tim Hagel (Tammy). Afterward, surprise entertainment; a selection of popular Italian tunes, performed on keyboards, guitar and bongos prompted several voices to join in. A great time was has by all.
Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros (wife Laura) and Police Capt. Tim Hagel (Tammy). Afterward, surprise entertainment; a selection of popular Italian tunes, performed on keyboards, guitar and bongos prompted several voices to join in. A great time was has by all.
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Fillmore Lions, spouses and guests enjoyed their 4th annual "Taste of Italy" dinner, organized by Lion Paul Schifanelli, on Saturday evening, Oct 16, at the Glen Tavern Inn, Santa Paula. Eighty-six persons attended including former Fillmore Lions, and several Lion members from clubs in Moorpark-Simi Valley, Santa Paula, and Ventura, and members of Fillmore Soroptimists. Several Fillmore officials from the City, Police and Fire Departments, and their spouses also partook in the festivities. Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros (wife Laura) and Police Chief Tim Hagel (Tammy). Afterward, surprise entertainment; a selection of popular Italian tunes, performed on keyboards, guitar and bongos prompted several voices to join in. A great time was has by all.

Double AA Cafe held their Grand Opening last Saturday night. Pictured above, the Morris family enjoy each others company after dinner. The restaurant is now open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please call for hours.
Double AA Cafe held their Grand Opening last Saturday night. Pictured above, the Morris family enjoy each others company after dinner. The restaurant is now open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please call for hours.
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US Army Private Joaonathan “Jon” Gerlach’s banner is missing and US Army Major William Edmonds’ banner has been vandalized, as has US Army Private 1st Class Josh Campos’ banner, pictured above. According to police this is an ongoing problem in this area, the 100 block of Central Avenue. Only cowards who have never served their country would dishonor those who do in such a way. The public is asked to be vigilant and report any suspected vandalism of the military banners.
US Army Private Joaonathan “Jon” Gerlach’s banner is missing and US Army Major William Edmonds’ banner has been vandalized, as has US Army Private 1st Class Josh Campos’ banner, pictured above. According to police this is an ongoing problem in this area, the 100 block of Central Avenue. Only cowards who have never served their country would dishonor those who do in such a way. The public is asked to be vigilant and report any suspected vandalism of the military banners.
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