Please come to the Fillmore Mail Stop-The Little Shop That Can, for your passport photo, copying, faxing and laminating needs. Kathy Vargas the proprietor will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Also, while you are there consider purchasing the Plant for Peace.

All proceeds from the sale of the plant go towards the purchase of the Peace Pole, which will be installed at the City Park prior to the 2010 International Day of Peace in September. The community along with Soroptimist International of Fillmore are working together to bring this symbol of peace to our town.
Fillmore Mail Stop is located at 303 Central Ave., across the street from the post office, Phone: 524.7835.



Fillmore Youth Football will be holding a final registration opportunity on Wednesday, May 12th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the back room of the Veterans Memorial Building. The cost is $190 for the first player, a $20 discount to second sibling and $10 to each sibling thereafter. If you are interested in playing but unable to attend that night, please contact John Holladay at 797-6804.



Three Things I love about me! Find Balance in Your Life by Embracing the REAL You CALLING ALL WOMEN… as women, we take on so many roles, that it is easy to lose our REAL self. Discover how you can find balance in your life, peace instead of stress, and freedom instead of frustration. Join Soroptimist International of Fillmore as they host Lori Hanson, noted speaker, consultant and author. DARE TO BE INSPIRED! When: May 19, 2010, Where: Mr. Goodlunch Café, 1024 W Ventura St., Fillmore, CA 93015, Cost: $12.00 (Pays for Lunch), Please R.S.V.P with Terri Aguirre at 805-524-2096.


Armed Services YMCA and Department of Defense partnership supports child care needs of eligible military families

In a continued effort to meet the growing needs of military service members, the Ventura Family YMCA will provide respite child care services to deployed National Guard/Reservists and select military personnel. Underwritten by the Department of Defense (DoD), respite child care services are designed to provide licensed child care for children of deployed military personnel.

“The Ventura Family YMCA is pleased to support military families and the child care needs of deployed military personnel,” said Jacob Munyon, Child Care Director, Ventura Family YMCA. “Providing a nurturing environment for families and children is integral to the YMCA’s commitment to child development and family strengthening.”

Respite child care provides part-time, occasional and licensed child care for children whose parent or guardian needs temporary respite from their role as primary caregiver in the absence of a deployed spouse. The care is intended for children who are 5 years of age up to 12 years of age.

With respite child CONTINUED »

7 winners from Fillmore

The City of Ventura is pleased to announce the winners of the 2nd annual “Art Tales” creative writing contest. Short stories and poems were submitted in both youth and adult categories that were inspired by one of the five Municipal Art Collection works of art which is currently on exhibit in the E.P. Foster Library.
More than 80 entries from Fillmore, Ojai, Oxnard, Santa Paula and Ventura were judged by a committee of professionals. Out of the 80 entries submitted, 7 are from Fillmore. Every April is National Poetry month and the April ended with its award ceremony at E.P. Foster Library in Ventura on April 28th to honor the winners.

They were:
Short Story – Youth
Sofia Felino, 1st Place, “The Synesthete”
Jocelyn Munoz, 2nd Place, “Carwash on the Avenue”
Alejandra Contreras, Honorable Mention, “Tony's Pizza”
Lupita Perez, Honorable Mention, “Tony's Pizza”
Daniel Vargas, Honorable Mention, “Tony's Pizza”
Poem – Youth
Christopher Medrano, CONTINUED »


Kenneth Fine’s book, “An Anecdotal History of Fillmore,” is now back in print. The first printing in 2002 sold out and Marie Wren recently ordered a second printing. This book is full of stories about Fillmore from the early days until about 1958. Everyone who knew Booger Red Fine enjoyed his stories about growing up in Fillmore,
and the things all grownups enjoyed Kenneth Fine was a great storyteller. This book is sort of like sitting under a tree and listening to your own grandpa remember things. It is priced at $25 to cover the cost of printing. Call Marie Wren 524-4044


American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course is being offered by the City of Fillmore on May 14-16 and May 21-23. Hours are Fridays 5:00-9:00 PM and Saturdays & Sundays 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You must be a least 16 years of age to take the course. All participants must pass a pre-qualifying swim on the first day of class.
Cost is $150.00. Once you pass the course you will receive a Red Cross certification in Water Safety Instruction. You must sign up at City Hall. For more information go to City Hall or the Fillmore Aquatic Center. Last day to sign up is Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bert Rapp with Scout Jonathan Freeman from LDS Troop 411.
Bert Rapp with Scout Jonathan Freeman from LDS Troop 411.
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Boy Scouts and other volunteers are building a Canary Pond at the new Water Recycling Plant. The fish put into the pond will be like a canary in a mine signaling a problem. A shade structure has been built over the pond to protect it from the sun. The project is being led by Eagle Scout Kevin Rapp. The Scouts involved with the project have the opportunity to earn the prized Hornaday unit award. If you would like to learn how to build a fish pond please come and help! If you would like to learn how to make a pond please join us on the next workday Saturday, May 1st. Show up at the plant at 1570 River St. at 9:00 A.M. and ready to work. For more information contact Bert Rapp, shown in picture with Scout Jonathan Freeman from LDS Troop 411 as they install a 4x4 on the Canary Pond shade structure. Bert can be reached at 524-1500 x 231. The pond is being built with private donations with leftover funds going to the Boy Scout troops involved.

Poetry winners were (l-r) Naythan Martinez, Chris Medrano, Sereth Malagone, Elizabeth Manzano and Rachael Pace.
Poetry winners were (l-r) Naythan Martinez, Chris Medrano, Sereth Malagone, Elizabeth Manzano and Rachael Pace.
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For several years, the “Fillmore Friends of the Library” have done so much for our community providing several programs, especially for our youth. This past Saturday, Mayor Patti Walker presented certificates and a check to each individual for their entries in the Poem Contest at their general meeting.

Each winner was called upon to read their poems as they received their awards. The Fillmore Friends of the Library had a difficult time selecting the winners this year but enjoyed reading every entry and the poem contest is growing larger every year.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind parents that the annual summer reading program will begin the first week of June so stop by the library to get more details. This years Poem Contest winners are:
1st Place: Sereth Malagone and Naythan Martinez, 2nd Place: Elizabeth Manzano, 3rd Place: Rachael Pace, Honorable Mention: Christopher Medrano.

All students are from Fillmore Middle School and a big thank you to Mrs. Fitzgerald for submitting the poems for the contest.


Please join us for a day trip to the San Manuel Casino and other attractions in the San Bernardino Valle. Specially chartered bus will pick us up at the San Salvador Mission in Piru and the Fillmore Senior Center in Fillmore. Monday, May 24th, Pick up in Piru at 9 am, Pick up in Fillmore by 10 am, Arrive San Manuel by 12:30 pm (est), Depart San Manuel at 7 p.m., Arrive Piru/Fillmore approx. 10 pm, Cost is $25 per person. Guests are eligible for up to $10 in credits from casino upon arrival. Payment due, in advance of trip and we must have at least 50 passengers to guarantee trip., Must be at least 21 years of age. To sign up, stop by Fillmore Senior Center or Call 805-521-1554. Hope you will join us for a fun day!


American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course is being offered by the City of Fillmore on May 14-16 and May 21-23. Hours are Fridays 5:00-9:00 PM and Saturdays & Sundays 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You must be a least 16 years of age to take the course. All participants must pass a prequalifying swim on the first day of class. Cost is $150.00. Once you pass the course you will receive a Red Cross certification in Water Safety Instruction. You must sign up at City Hall. For more information go to City Hall or the Fillmore Aquatic Center. Last day to sign up is Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Sign-ups for swimming lessons will be held at the Fillmore Aquatic Center beginning on Monday, May 17. Sign-up at the pool Monday thru Friday 5:45-7:00 PM, Saturdays 1:00-4:00 PM. Swimming lesson Session I begin June 1 – June 11, afternoons only. Session II begins June 14-25, mornings and afternoons. Come to the Fillmore Aquatic Center for more information.

There was a great turn-out for the Unsung Hero Music Festival, last Saturday, April 17th. Above a band performs for the crowd.
There was a great turn-out for the Unsung Hero Music Festival, last Saturday, April 17th. Above a band performs for the crowd.
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Fillmore Town Theatre, 338 Central Avenue was the historic venue for The 2010 Inaugural Unsung Heroes Music Festival and Awards Ceremony Saturday April 17! The bands and the turn-out were awesome!

Fillmore High School Marching Band, No Requests, House Arrest, The Last Dog and Pony Show, End Transmission, Dead of Night, Awesome Otter, Panik Attack, Tempting Fate, Sea Glass Zander, Nostaljik and 8Stops7 serenaded, in their own unique ways, 10 Fillmore Unsung Heroes briefly identified below. Each band and organization donated their services for the day. Generosity, particularly by bands and technicians, was key to the event!
Mr. Greg Godfrey, Ms. Janet Bergamo and Mr. Scott Helgeson were honored for dedicated years of service to the Fillmore Unified School District’s (FUSD) various music programs.

Other worthy recipients were Dr. K.S. Hart who makes medical care available at the Fillmore Senior Center and Ms. Hilary Carson, who co-ordinates the One Step A La Vez Youth Drop In Wellness Program at the Community Hall of Trinity Episcopal. This latter initiative was created over 7 years by another Unsung Hero, Ms. Lynn Edmonds.
Horticulturalist Bill Dewey, who has been behind many environmental initiatives including several recent school and community clean ups, and Rev. Fr. Barney Gatlin for his many years spent nurturing the community of Piru, were also honored.

Our final Unsung Fillmore Hero was Claudia Montanes Toledo. She has just returned from Navy deployment in the Middle East. After 11 months of separation from her daughter Selma and parents Maria and Nacho Toledo, she is very grateful to be back in the town and country she loves so well.

The event was masterfully Emceed by Josh Overton from the FHS drama department and ably assisted by a huge crew of volunteers front and back-stage throughout the day.

Many community organizations and individuals made invaluable material, financial and technical contributions:
City Council, City Parks and Recreation department, Band Boosters & Debbie and Darren Gallarza, John Foy of Sespe Players, Middle School Admin., Christine and Rick of Central Music, The Clear Choice, Fedex, The Lab, Oxnard, El Pescador, One Step & The Artivists, SEG-Way, Amelia Aparicio, Abel Ayala, Dave Adams, Mike Barahonas, Mikey Ramirez, Steve Bedau, Lennon Bedau, Susan Bolanos, Annete Cardona, Larissa Downing, Susan & Gerald FitzGerald, Paul FitzGerald, Anita & Colm FitzGerald, Jessica Mendez, Bill Faith of The Scented Path , Alonzo of the Vacuum Center, Max Gabaldon, Stevie Garner, Susan Bolanos , Councilor Laurie Hernandez, Genaro Morales, RJ Stump and team, Janey Munoz, Brandy Lengning and the One Step Team, The Coffee Boy team and many, many more.


Join the Fillmore High School S Club at Magic Mountain for the Arthritis Walk in conjunction with Soroptimist International of Fillmore and the Arthritis Foundation on Sun. May 16, 2010. Participation is FREE!! Register by going to: click on the Soroptimist link tab and then select Fillmore High School S Club.
Did you know 300,000 children are affected with arthritis? It is the leading cause of disability in America, affecting over 46 million Americans.

Jennifer Ziegler the Program Manager for the Arthritis Foundation spoke to the Fillmore High School S Club on March 16, 2010 and gave an informative talk on the latest developments in this debilitating disease. Let’s Move Together! You can make a difference.


The Fillmore Sunrise Rotary Club is again sponsoring the American Crown Circus Osorio to be held on April 23, 24, 25, 26, Friday – Monday 6 pm – 8 pm.

Admission is $5 per person. Children age 2 and up and adults. Location of the event will be held at Highway 126 and “C” Street. Come and bring the family and enjoy a fun evening.

Location: 725 E. Main Street, Santa Paula

Thursday, June 10 - Resumes that Sell, 9 am – 4 pm - workshop providing hands-on assistance in completing a resume, cover and thank-you letters. Walk away with a portfolio that shows off professional skills and experience. Career Shops are offered at no cost to Job Seekers. Space is limited. Prior registration required by calling the Santa Clara Valley Job & Career Center at 805-933-8452 to enroll.

Thursday, June 17 - Winning Interviews, 9 am – 1 pm - supplies the tools to make a lasting first impression when interviewing. Career Shops are offered at no cost to Job Seekers. Space is limited. Prior registration required by calling the Santa Clara Valley Job & Career Center at 805-933-8452 to enroll.

Monday, June 21 - Power of VOS (Virtual OneStop), 9 am – 11 am – Learn about the Virtual OneStop website and how you can use the various tools in the system to build your resume and customize your job search to a specific location and occupation. Must have basic computer skills. Career Shops are offered at no cost to Job Seekers. Space is limited. Prior registration required by calling the Santa Clara Valley Job & Career Center at 805-933-8452 to enroll.

Spanish language workshop:
Monday, June 7 - Tecnicas para la Busqueda de Trabajo (Job Search Techniques), 9 am – 1 pm - Presentado por Los Centros de Empleos y Carreras Esta sección de 3 a 4 horas está diseñada para personas que están buscando empleo. Los temas incluyen donde y como buscar empleo, como crear una red de comunicación, técnicas de cómo usar el teléfono apropiadamente para buscar empleo y como usar la red del Internet para buscar empleo. También aprenderá técnicas apropiadas para hacer una entrevista. 805-933-8452.

Career Shops are presented in partnership with Ventura County Job & Career Centers and are sponsored by the Human Services Agency and the Workforce Investment Board. Equal opportunity Employer/Program/Service – TDD/TT Inquiries call 1 (800) 735-2922. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individual with disabilities.


The Ventura Family YMCA and The Rotary Club of Ventura –East have come together to provide free swim lessons for children living in shelters and transitional homes in Ventura. Operation Splash will be held at the Ventura Family YMCA and will teach swim lessons to over 300 children in the area.
Each child will participate in a 4 week session consisting of 8 swim lessons that will include basic swimming techniques and pool safety skills. Along with providing swim lessons, the Ventura Family YMCA is currently holding a swim suit, towel and goggle drive in order to collect new or gently used items for the children in Operation Splash.

“Most of these children are in unfortunate situations.” explains, Ventura Family Aquatics Director, Amber Stevens. “The YMCA is here to provide opportunities for everyone in our community. Learning how to swim, while fun, is also great exercise that can act as a stress relief and provide a sense of accomplishment.”

The Rotary Club of Ventura- East has a CONTINUED »


This Saturday's Grad Night Live Yard Sale has been cancelled.

Matthew Lindsey and the cast of Alice in Wonderland  take direction from Stephen Burhoe for Sespe Players' next production in the Sespe Auditorium to begin April 23rd.
Matthew Lindsey and the cast of Alice in Wonderland take direction from Stephen Burhoe for Sespe Players' next production in the Sespe Auditorium to begin April 23rd.
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The curtain for Alice in Wonderland will open Friday, April 23 at 7:30P.M., and runs two weekends, at The Sespe School Auditorium 627 Sespe Ave. Fillmore, Saturday April 24 at 7:30P.M., Sunday April 25 at 2:00P.M., Friday April 30 at 7:30P.M., Saturday May 1 at 7:30P.M., and Sunday May 2 at 2:00P.M.

Alice in Wonderland is a journey into a world of complete illusion. The Director, Stephen Burhoe in his Sespe Players Directorial Debut has taken this Lewis Carol play, set in the 1800s, and added his own flair for comedy. It is a combination of Lewis Carol's two books, Through the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland, adapted for the stage by Eve La Gallienne and Forida Freibus. Using magic secrets and puppetry, Stephen Burhoe has set the stage for a very entertaining experience in live community theater. Stephen is an acting coach and teaches Theater Workshops in Ventura County for over ten years.

Alice in Wonderland will be the largest production Sespe Players, Inc. (Fillmore's own Community Theater group), has produced since restarting in 2004.

With a cast of 35, ages ranging from CONTINUED »