![]() Matthew Lindsey and the cast of Alice in Wonderland take direction from Stephen Burhoe for Sespe Players' next production in the Sespe Auditorium to begin April 23rd. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
The curtain for Alice in Wonderland will open Friday, April 23 at 7:30P.M., and runs two weekends, at The Sespe School Auditorium 627 Sespe Ave. Fillmore, Saturday April 24 at 7:30P.M., Sunday April 25 at 2:00P.M., Friday April 30 at 7:30P.M., Saturday May 1 at 7:30P.M., and Sunday May 2 at 2:00P.M. Alice in Wonderland is a journey into a world of complete illusion. The Director, Stephen Burhoe in his Sespe Players Directorial Debut has taken this Lewis Carol play, set in the 1800s, and added his own flair for comedy. It is a combination of Lewis Carol's two books, Through the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland, adapted for the stage by Eve La Gallienne and Forida Freibus. Using magic secrets and puppetry, Stephen Burhoe has set the stage for a very entertaining experience in live community theater. Stephen is an acting coach and teaches Theater Workshops in Ventura County for over ten years. Alice in Wonderland will be the largest production Sespe Players, Inc. (Fillmore's own Community Theater group), has produced since restarting in 2004. With a cast of 35, ages ranging from CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
Soroptimist Plants for Peace at Aguirre Financial and Insurance Services! Once again, interested persons are invited to visit a local business to purchase a Plant for Peace. All proceeds from the sale go to the purchase of the Peace Pole while will be installed at the City Park prior to the 2010 International Day of Peace in September. While you are there, visit Terri or Joe Aguirre for information and sound advice on financial products and services. Their office is at: 606 Sespe Ave, Suite 105. Joe is also available to give talks at your business or club on a variety of topics such as ways to provide affordable solutions to Long Term Care, the A,B,C’s & D’s of Medicare, and advise as to the best ways to receive and reinvest monies from IRAs, 401Ks and other pension or retirement plans; and Asset Preservation for Seniors. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
Bring the kiddies to the Fillmore Library on April 21, 2010 at 3:30 for a traditional May Day celebration. The Gypsy Folk Ensemble will bring a maypole and entertain the audience with a variety of dances from many times and places, including Armenia, Greece, England and Ireland. Children will help braid the maypole. The popular children’s programs are funded by the Fillmore Friends of the Library. For information, phone 524-3355. |
By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
Only two more months until the alumni dinner and the convening of class reunions for five classes who will be having class gatherings prior to the alumni dinner, as well as after the dinner. Four other classes will be holding reunions later in the summer and fall. The class of 1945 will meet for lunch on Saturday, June 12 at IHOP Restaurant in Fillmore, starting at 11:00 a.m. Natalie Harthorn Milota can be contacted at nharthornm@hotmail.com or 805-642-4283. The 60th reunion of the class of 1950 will take place on Saturday, June 12 at the home of Jerry and Linda Edmonds, beginning at 11:30 a.m. Bud Baker and Joe Pulido are planning the reunion for the class of 1955. It will be held on Sunday, June 13 at El Pescador in Fillmore beginning at 10:30, with lunch to follow at noon. The class of 1960 will be meeting on Friday, June 11 at the Courtyard Marriot, 600 E. Esplanade Dr., Oxnard. For hotel reservations, call Jason Casas at 988-3600. For more information contact Margaret Graham Blankenship at 525-2790. The reunion for the class of 1965 will be held Friday evening, June 11 at the home of Larry Stewart. Social hour begins at 4:00 p.m., dinner at 6:00. More information can be obtained from Linda Jackson Durand. The classes of '64 and '65 are also invited. The class of 1970 will hold their class reunion on Saturday, August 7 at El Pescador in Fillmore. More information is coming out from Dave Morales and his committee. Gracie Guzman and Gama Aguilar are heading up the reunion for the class of 1980, which will be held on September 4. Time and place will be determined at a later date. The class of 1990 will hold its 20th class reunion July 31 at the Ventura Marriott Hotel from 5:00 to midnight with a dinner and dance. Cost is $65 per person and can be sent to Gloria Cornejo Hernandez at P. O. Box 244, Fillmore, CA 93016-0244. For more information contact Gloria at 805-625-2339. Christina Alamillo and her committee are planing their 10th year reunion for the class of 2000 for Friday, September 23 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Ventura. You can get more information off Facebook or by calling Christina at 805-727-0353. |
By Tim Hagel — Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
On behalf of Sheriff Brooks, welcome to our April 2010 Farm Watch Newsletter. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Sacramento –A new state law allows taxpayers to immediately exclude from their income the amount of mortgage debt on their home loan that has been forgiven by their lender. The law largely brings California statutes into conformity with current federal law. Previously, California conformed to federal debt relief only for 2007 and 2008, according to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). “California has been particularly hard hit by the housing crisis,” said State Controller and FTB Chair John Chiang. “This is a critical tax change that will help people in our state who already are suffering the loss of their homes.” The new law, SB 401 (Wolk), allows most taxpayers to exclude canceled mortgage debt income of up to $500,000 on their principal residence. The limit is $250,000 for married/registered domestic partner (RDP) individuals filing separately. It applies to debt forgiveness in 2009 through 2012 resulting from a foreclosure, “short sale,” or loan modification of a taxpayer’s qualified personal residence. Prior to the law’s passage, these CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
The Humane Society of Ventura County will hold two events in conjunction with upcoming national drives to raise awareness for shelter pet adoptions: Kate Nelson, the local nonprofit’s new volunteer coordinator, will set up informational booths at the Ojai and Oak View U.S. Post Offices on April 30, the day the U.S. Postal Service issues its “Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet” stamps in 10 designs. The pets depicted on the stamps were photographed by Sally Andersen-Bruce near her home in New Milford, Conn. All had been homeless at one time; all but one had been adopted by the time the photographs were taken. HSVC is also marking National “Be Kind to Animals” Week on May 2-8 by offering free programs throughout Ventura County each weekday. Children will have the chance to see and pet the Humane Society animals while learning how to be kind, respectful, responsible and safe. Free handouts will be available for both children and adults. Monday, May 3, 5:30 p.m., at the Preuter Library in Port Hueneme. For more information, call 656-5031, or visit www.humanesocietyvc.org. |
By Anonymous — Friday, April 9th, 2010
Found young adult yellow lab, off of Third St. and A St. on the morning of April 9th. Call 415-5975 |
![]() Councilmember Laurie Hernandez and Tammy Hobson enjoy a yoga class at the Empower Yourself with Knowledge retreat on March 16th. Enlarge Photo By Ari Larson — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
The Fillmore High School S Club in conjunction with Soroptimist International of Fillmore held their second retreat entitled Empower Yourself with Knowledge on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at Fillmore High School. The retreat was a resounding success with over 40 Fillmore High School girls and adults in attendance. Speakers at the retreat included: Mrs. Joanne King (Flower Arrangements), Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery by Mrs. Julie Mairs she is the Chair of Soroptimist STOP Human Trafficking. Yoga by Mrs. Janine Rees (Scented Path Apothecary), Drugs: A lethal threat to our young people presented by Mrs. Marty Estrada, County of Ventura HSA/BESD, Arthritis: Lets Move Together presented by Mrs. Jennifer Ziegler, Program Manager for the Arthritis Foundation and The Importance of a First Impression at a Job Interview presented by Attorney Laura Bartels. The girls and women were treated to a healthy continental breakfast thanks to Marty at Super A and Vons. Participants enjoyed a fun day of learning about current issues that affect women. Girls were empowered and inspired to become involved citizens by the speakers. Fillmore Councilwoman Laurie Hernandez was in attendance. The next retreat is already being planned and will take place during the fall school break. Soroptimist International of Fillmore strives to improve the lives of women and girls in local communities and throughout the world. If you are interested in learning more about Soroptimist International of Fillmore or the Fillmore High School S Club please contact President Oralia Herrera at 805.794.1900. E-mail: magnoliares@sbcglobal.net. |
![]() Vision 2020 Civic Pride committee member Linda Nunes presents “Yard of the Month” award to Kathy Pace. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee have chosen Glen & Kathy Pace’s yard at 616 Island View for the April “Yard of the Month” award because of its visual beauty & welcoming appearance in the neighborhood. The award includes a $25 gift certificate donated by Otto & Sons Nursery. The Pace family which includes 4 children, moved in three years ago, inheriting a front yard with two trees, a crape myrtle & a silk tree(Albizzia) and a lot of weeds. Kathy said their daughter, Rachel, inspired them to work hard to create a pretty and interesting, water conserving front yard with minimal upkeep. They wanted something blooming the year around & chose drought tolerant plants with varying foliage colors & textures as well as more trees(crape myrtles &a Chinese Flame tree). A rock wall was built to create a terrace, stone- lined paths of decomposed granite added & a drip system to individual plants installed to prevent water runoff in the sloped yard. The yard is filled with blooming lavenders, salvias in different colors, blanket flower(Gaillardia), butterfly milkweed, flax, daisies, freesias, iris, roses and fragrant Sweet Alyssum & Santa Barbara Daisy are used for a groundcover. At the top of the yard, on the north side is a small shade garden with fuchsia, tropical ginger, violets, baby tears & an extravagant, lush maidenhair fern. After reading about the Victory gardens of the past, Kathy said they added some vegetables to the front yard & some have reseeded. No insecticides are used in this garden, so it is kept lush with an organic fertilizer that has soil microbes, Gro-Power Plus. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
![]() The kids really enjoyed the Fillmore Flower Show Entry Workshop held for 4-H and Scouts. Enlarge Photo “Flower Show Entry Preparation” was the topic covered by Fillmore Flower Show Chairman, Joanne King, at the March 31 workshop held for 4-H & Scout members, parents, and interested community at the Klittich residence in Fillmore. Joanne went through the rules for flower show entries, describing how to select, label the flowers with a simple newspaper strip, & then to carefully groom the flower considering that this is a “beauty pageant” for flowers. After the presentation, every one got busy creating their own bouquets & arrangements with containers & flowers provided. The beautiful results were given positive comments & proudly displayed for picture taking, then wrapped to enjoy at home! |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Ventura County property owners are paying their property taxes at a faster pace this year, suggesting that the local economy still has some strength. With the April 12, 2010, deadline drawing near, Tax Collector Larry Matheney announced that his staff has already received and processed more than 70% of the year’s tax roll. This represents an increased portion of the total to be collected by almost 2 percentage points over the previous year. Matheney predicted that by the time the 2009/2010 tax year ends on June 30, the delinquency rate will be the same or lower than last year’s figure of only 3.5%. “Ventura County has consistently had one of the lowest delinquency rates in the state, borne out by the fact that we have not had to hold a public auction for tax-defaulted property for 3-years. Part of the credit goes to the priority given by the Assessor’s office to promptly reduce the taxable real property values when indicated by the recent market correction. This keeps a strong sense of fairness in the system. But the other important piece in this success story is the high level of responsibility shown by the people who live in this county.” Matheney noted that the numbers of taxpayers using the Internet to pay their property taxes continues to increase. The service allows taxpayers to make their payments after hours, from the convenience of any computer having access to the Internet and gaining the benefit of having a printable receipt. At present rates, the cost is only $2 to pay by electronic check from the website: www.venturapropertytax.org. Major credit cards are also accepted with a convenience fee of 2.35% added to the transaction. The total tax roll in the current 2009/2010 tax year is $1.175 Billion, a drop from the previous year’s roll of $1.2 Billion. Work is still underway to develop the tax roll for 2010/2011. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Does anyone know the story on Alfred and Nate Stone who were early Fillmore area residents? I am working on their story and would love any details that you might have. They were both hunters and Kennie Fine has a story about them in his book. Recently we found 4 Stone children buried at Bardsdale Cemetery in 1878. These 4 kids died within a week of each other, so they probably had diphtheria, but I am not sure. Perhaps they were buried on family property that later became Bardsdale Cemetery. Bardsdale Cemetery was not formed until 1895, and the little graves date from 1878. If anyone has information about this family, please give me a call, Marie Wren, 524-4044. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Join hands with all service clubs and non-profit groups in and around our community on April 17th
The "S" Club of Fillmore High School and Soroptimist International of Fillmore is organizing a Community Service Festival. The purpose of the festival is to: *Join hands with service clubs/non-profit organizations in Fillmore and all F.U.S.D. school clubs and work together to showcase our individual club, our non-profit organization and our school clubs. *Raise funds for our club/organization/school. *Provide affordable family entertainment. We need your support and participation to help us have a good old fashioned festival. The festival will be Saturday, April 17 2010 at Sespe School. All clubs are encouraged to sell three items (ie, food, school spirit clothing, something unique to your club)...All proceeds go to the particular organization/club selling the items. For each item sold the club must also provide a FREE game/event. Such as bingo, craft center, balloon toss...each club decides what they want to sell and which games to provide free of charge. Advanced registration is required. Please stop at Fillmore Mail Stop, 330 Central Avenue to register and secure your spot. We will have a final meeting on Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm, in Room # 49 at Fillmore High School. Come find out how you can participate and benefit from this festival. Come to the meeting and share your idea or ask your question and to register. For more information please contact: |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
The Outstanding Professionals Employment Network (OPEN), a chapter of Experience Unlimited (EU), is a professional-level job seeking organization promoting self-help and is sponsored by the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD). The mission of OPEN is to shorten the job seeker's period of unemployment. OPEN is presenting a no fee, 5-day interactive workshop on April 26th through April 30, 2010 from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. The workshop is entitled: "Strategies for a Successful Job Search" and includes sessions on Career Evaluation, Resume Writing, Networking, Salary Negotiation, Self-Marketing and Interviewing. The workshop will be held at the East County Job and Career Center, 980 Enchanted Way, Suite 105, Simi Valley. Participants are asked to register by April 23rd online at www.EU-OPEN.org. If you have questions please leave a message at 805-526-6349. Interested attendees are asked to enter their resume in CalJOBS (California Job Openings Browse System) before attending the workshop. You may also register at any EDD Job Service office, or access www.caljobs.ca.gov. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Youths, ages 11 to 17, can start preparing for summer jobs now by signing up for Babysitting Training classes offered by the American Red Cross of Ventura County. The first session is offered April 9-10 at the Ventura office located at 2355 Portola Road. The second session is scheduled June 25-26 at the Camarillo headquarters located at the Betty R. Plotkin Center, 836 Calle Plano. The Friday session will take place from 4 to 9 p.m. and will cover basic child care such as diaper changing, tips on feeding and supervising children, instruction on handling bedtime and discipline issues in addition to resume writing. The Saturday class will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will mainly cover CPR and First Aid. The cost is $85 for both the babysitting training and CPR/First Aid instruction, and $50 for the Babysitting training only. Registration is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Participants will receive a Babysitters Certificate as well as an Emergency Training Reference Guide, CD-Rom and a Training Handbook. A Babysitter’s Essential Kit containing a first aid flashlight will also be available for purchase for $12. Individuals can register by calling Rachele Ford at 805-339-2234, ext. 281, or online at www.arcventura.org. Since 1917, the American Red Cross of Ventura County has been meeting needs throughout the communities it serves. Each year, more than 1,200 local volunteers respond to more than 50 local disasters, teach tens of thousands of individual’s vital lifesaving skills, and support the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces. The American Red Cross is not a government agency. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2010
Youths, ages 11 to 17, can start preparing for summer jobs now by signing up for Babysitting Training classes offered by the American Red Cross of Ventura County. The first session is offered April 9-10 at the Ventura office located at 2355 Portola Road. The second session is scheduled June 25-26 at the Camarillo headquarters located at the Betty R. Plotkin Center, 836 Calle Plano. The Friday session will take place from 4 to 9 p.m. and will cover basic child care such as diaper changing, tips on feeding and supervising children, instruction on handling bedtime and discipline issues in addition to resume writing. The Saturday class will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will mainly cover CPR and First Aid. The cost is $85 for both the babysitting training and CPR/First Aid instruction, and $50 for the Babysitting training only. Registration is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Participants will receive a Babysitters Certificate as well as an Emergency Training Reference Guide, CD-Rom and a Training Handbook. A Babysitter’s Essential Kit containing a first aid flashlight will also be available for purchase for $12. Individuals can register by calling Rachele Ford at 805-339-2234, ext. 281, or online at www.arcventura.org. Since 1917, the American Red Cross of Ventura County has been meeting needs throughout the communities it serves. Each year, more than 1,200 local volunteers respond to more than 50 local disasters, teach tens of thousands of individual’s vital lifesaving skills, and support the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces. The American Red Cross is not a government agency. |
![]() Getting ready for the Fillmore Flower Show! Bardsdale 4-H gardening project members proudly show their flower arrangements with teacher Janet Foy. Thanks to Janet for showing the kids several techniques to create artistic floral displays. They practiced now so they can be ready for the Flower Show coming on Saturday, April 10th and 11th. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 31st, 2010
![]() Joanne King presented a flower arrangement workshop at Fillmore High. There’s still time to pick up tips and tricks for creating arrangements and bouquets. Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee, is sponsoring the Fillmore Flower Show on April 10-11, 2010. It will be held at the Fillmore Senior Center at 533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore, California, 93015. The event is open to the public both days from 1:00pm-4:00pm and it is FREE. There are still TWO opportunities for those with Flower Show entries in mind, to pick up tips on making bouquets & arrangements at coming events where the public is invited. On March 31, Wednesday, 2010, “Flower Show Entry Preparation” will be presented by Joanne King at a 4 H & Scouts meeting held at 233 4th Street Fillmore, CA. 93015, from 4-5:30 PM. No reservations are required and parents & interested community are invited. On April 7, Wednesday, 2010, flower arrangements made by Ventura County Garden Club members will be given an informal critique along with suggestions for improvement, when longtime ornamental horticulture judges, Barbara Schneider and Susan Diller present a talk on bouquets and arrangements at the Ventura County Garden Club meeting which is open to the public. No reservations are required for this event held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, located at 117 7th Street, Santa Paula, Ca. 93060 from 1:00-2:30 PM. The Tuesday, March 16, flower arrangement workshop which was presented by Joanne King at the “S” Club of Fillmore High School and also open to parents & interested people was well attended. Joanne did a clear blackboard “chalk talk” explaining the difference between bouquets & arrangements with diagrams showing traditional, abstract/modern and oriental type arrangements. Creativity was flowing as all joined in, using vases and large variety of flowers brought for the workshop. After all the beautiful “work” was displayed, Joanne spent time giving suggestions and critiques for the benefit of all. |
By Piru Charter School Petitioners — Wednesday, March 31st, 2010
Piru Charter School petitioners just received news that the California Department of Education (CDE) is recommending their charter petition for approval. That’s right! After reviewing our charter petition the CDE has concluded: The PCS petition includes all of the elements required under statute and regulation for the establishment of a charter school. The California Department of Education (CDE) finds that granting the PCS charter is sound educational practice for the following reasons: the petition describes an educational program likely to meet the needs of pupils within the community where the school will locate; petitioners are demonstrably likely to implement the program set forth in the petition; the petition includes the required affirmations and signatures; and the petition contains reasonably comprehensive descriptions of the 16 elements pursuant to EC Section 47605(b)(5). Piru Charter School petitioners feel vindicated after being so wrongly criticized by both the Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) and the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE). Richard Durborow, one of the PCS petitioners, recently responded to the good news by saying, “We are so happy that finally someone understands charter school law and agrees that our charter school petition not only meets all the legal requirements but describes a quality educational program that will improve student learning now and for generations to come.” Piru Charter School Petitioners |