By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 14th, 2023
The Fillmore Police Station will be hosting a program to educate newly licensed and future drivers. This program will take place on Monday, September 18, 2023, from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM at the Fillmore High School Library. The “Start Smart” Program is a cooperative effort between California Highway Patrol, Fillmore Police Station, teenage drivers, and their parents/guardians. In an ongoing effort focused on community outreach, this is a proactive, educational program Call the Fillmore Police Department at (805) 524-2233 for reservations. Space is limited to 20 students and their parents/guardians. There is no charge to attend the program. |
Above is the new building at 527 Sespe Avenue, Fillmore, back in 1957, which is now Bank of the Sierra. Photos Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum. Enlarge Photo By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 7th, 2023
Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum In 1927, thirty men met at the Piru Citrus Exchange to discuss nothing that had to do with citrus, but everything to do with their community. They met to form a building and loan association that would serve the needs of the Piru and Fillmore areas. They formed what would become Ramona Savings and Loan. In 1963, Frank Erskine wrote to a new depositor who asked how the name was chosen. This is his explanation: We held several meetings and there was much discussion as to whether we could make it pay in so small a town. Finally a permit was issued and we had to have a name. The majority of the organizers were in Fillmore, but the idea was born in Piru, so we hesitated about calling it Fillmore Savings, and did not think Piru was the proper name. The stream thru Fillmore is known as the Little Santa Clara River. So we adopted the name “Little Santa Clara Valley Savings and Loan.” Plenty long. Then I suggested Ramona. Many years ago Helen Hunt Jackson wrote a book which for many years was a best seller. It was the story of Ramona and Allesandro. 13 miles east of Fillmore, and in the Piru area, is an old adobe house that was built on a Spanish grant, and this house was the home of the servant girl Ramona. It has always been known since as the home of Ramona. As we were to be helping people acquire homes, I said one of the most famous homes in California was that of Ramona, and why not call this association Ramona Savings. No one had a better idea, so that is the story.” The new business was capitalized with $75,000. It had a seven-man board of directors which initially included: Hugh Warring as president, W. H. Price, vice-president, David Felsenthal, Harry P. Brown, Charles W. Padelford, Frank Erskine and J. M. Horton (this J. M. Horton was a major rancher in the Piru area, not the principal of Fillmore Union High School). As of the Association’s 50 anniversary, in 1977, they had never missed an interest payment. By that time they had grown to over $30,000,000 in assets and were a major lender for home buyers in the area. Frank Erskine soon left his position as manager of the Fillmore Citrus Association to manage Ramona. He took a very hands-on approach, often inspecting the property involved in the loan himself. He did not hesitate to tell prospective customers exactly why Ramona would not be offering to lend the money. In at least one case he told the applicant the building should be condemned it was in such poor condition. At the same time, there were many instances where a debt was carried as long as possible to allow the customer to catch up on payments. Solvency, however, was a prime concern especially during the dark days of the Great Depression. Over the years there had been several offers to purchase the Association. Finally in 1984, Ramona was sold for $4 million to Donald Magano and John Molinaro. The headquarters was moved to Orange with a branch only in Fillmore. Under the new ownership, questionable loans were made and in 1986 Federal and State Regulators seized Ramona and transferred its assets to a newly chartered Ramona Federal Savings and Loan. It was too late to stop the downhill slide and in February 1988, the Association was closed down by regulators with no notice. There is more to the story than there is space here to tell it, but both Magano and Molinaro were convicted of more than 30 counts of bank fraud and conspiracy. It’s a sad ending for something that was started for such good reasons and served its community so well for so long. |
![]() Above is Fillmore Rotary speakers Howie Freedman and Susana Willeford with Rotary President Scott Beylik presenting them with a rotary mug as a thank you. Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson. Enlarge Photo By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 7th, 2023
The Rotary Club of Fillmore enjoyed two speakers Susana Willeford, Executive Director and Howie Freedman, Assistant Director from the Santa Clara Valley Hospice. This is a non-profit Home Support Group who has been serving our area for over 40 years. They have an office in Santa Paula at 217 N. 10th Street Monday - Friday from 9am – 1pm and one in Fillmore at 642 Lemon Way. The Fillmore office is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am -12pm, by appointment the phone is 805-525-1333. They have many services from grief support, to caregiving training, to medical equipment lending program wheelchairs, hospital beds, adult diapers etc. Everything is free. They are also happy to receive monetary donations as well as used medical equipment in good condition. Their mailing address is P.O. Box 365, Santa Paula, CA 93061. |
![]() Left is Regina Stehly Nunez who always does the Flower Show Cafe and on the right is Doris Nichols who brought all her Middle School students art work for display. Enlarge Photo By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 31st, 2023
August 27, 2023 By Linda Nunes Civic Pride Volunteer Committee will resume their monthly meetings, September 20, 2023, after taking a summer break. We meet at 1:30 pm in the Council Chambers until the elevator is repaired. And what is Civic Pride Volunteer Committee? What have they done in our Fillmore community? What do they do? Would you be surprised to know that the only surviving committee that has continued to serve & function, would be Civic Pride Volunteer Committee? Our group has worked over the years to beautify the downtown, Central business area, by refurbishing all the large cement pots & stucco planters, with watering systems, new soil & plants, beginning in 2012, involving many different community groups & placing a plaque with their names on each pot. We continued to fertilize, weed & prune these until the city landscape crew took over. We refurbished the weed-filled planters in the east & west side of Central parking lots with succulents, weed barrier & watering timers on the west side. We have encouraged homeowners to keep their yards, attractive & well maintained by awarding a “Yard of the Month” gift card provided by Otto & Sons Nursery, who have supported this project since its’ inception. In the past, we put on Artwalks downtown to high light local artists & businesses with musicians playing. It takes many volunteers to grow & propagate plants for the boutique, handle all the publicity, gather donations for the drawings, put out signage, set up the show on Friday, & be ready at 7am with tables, Saturday morning to receive all the entries, provide treats for the Café refreshments , and then take it all down until next year. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 31st, 2023
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 31st, 2023
![]() On Friday, August 25, 2023, from 6pm to 8pm, the City of Fillmore hosted their Summer Music Series & Movie in the Park. They had food trucks, venders, live music by DJ Danny and as the sun went down folks were able to gather and enjoy watching Super Mario Brothers. Photo courtesy https://www. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 31st, 2023
In observance of the Labor Day holiday, employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, Sept. 4. As a result, Fillmore residential customers will have their trash, recycling and yard/organic waste collected on Saturday, Sept. 9, one day later than usual. The regular Friday collection schedule will resume the following week. Remember that Harrison’s residential customers can place all three carts curbside every week, as Harrison collects all waste weekly – including food waste, which is now recyclable. All food waste should be put into paper or plastic bags, and the bags should be closed tightly and tossed into the yard/organic waste cart. Harrison Industries serves the cities and surrounding unincorporated areas of Ventura, Ojai and Camarillo as well as the unincorporated areas of El Rio, Somis, Ojai Valley, the Channel Islands beach communities and the city of Carpinteria as E.J. Harrison & Sons; Fillmore and surrounding unincorporated areas as Santa Clara Valley Disposal; and the unincorporated areas of Newbury Park as Newbury Disposal. For more information, visit |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 24th, 2023
![]() Fillmore’s Ernest (Ernie) Joseph Morales passed away at age 88 at VCMC after a brief illness on Sunday, August 13, 2023. He spent 16 years on the Fillmore City Council, started Knights of Columbus Chapter at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, served as Fillmore Rotary President, and more. He graduated from Fillmore High in 1953 and earned his associate degree at Ventura College. He was an Army Veteran and for 30 years was a civilian administrator at Point Mugu Navy base. Fillmore thanks you, Ernie. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 24th, 2023
The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the Santa Paula Branch Line Advisory Committee held a joint meeting on Tuesday, August 15th to discuss future plans for the graffiti-covered railcars now parked on the tracks west of Fillmore. The caption referenced another meeting to be held on Friday, September 8 at 9am. That will be the regular commission meeting, not specifically related to the railcar issue. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 24th, 2023
![]() Sespe Creek is flowing again after the weekend rains from Hurricane Hilary. The storm brought 2-inches to the valley, and 4-inches to the area mountains. The Sespe is a stream, some 61 miles long that starts at Potrero Seco in the eastern Sierra Madre Mountains, and is formed by more than 30 tributary streams of the Sierra Madre and Topatopa Mountains, before it empties into the Santa Clara River in Fillmore. The 31 miles of the creek is designated as a National Wild and Scenic River and National Scenic Waterway, and is untouched by dams or concrete channels. It is one of the last wild rivers in Southern California, and lies primarily within the southern Los Padres National Forest. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 24th, 2023
9.A RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. Adopt Resolution 23-3950 to extend the declaration of a local emergency arising from the collapse of a sewer manhole which rendered the downstream pipeline unusable; 2. Adopt the Designation of Applicant’s Agency Resolution for Non-State Agencies; 3. Approve the First Amendment to the City’s contract with Toro Enterprises, Inc. (“Toro”); 4. Approve the Second Amendment to the City’s contract with Ferreira Construction Co. Inc. (“Ferreira”); and 5. Appropriate additional funds for the contract amendment with Toro in an amount not to exceed $50,000 and not to exceed $500,000 for the contract with Ferreira, as further described in the Fiscal Impact section below. 9.B APPROVAL OF THE VENTURA COUNTY STORMWATER PERMIT IMPLEMENTATION AND COST-SHARING AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve the attached Ventura County Stormwater Permit Implementation and Cost-Sharing Agreement (Agreement) and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement on the City’s behalf. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 24th, 2023
![]() After completing Dental College, Parker Hubert, DDS set up a practice in Fillmore in 1926, and in 1927 married Bessie Garton. They soon built a home at 973 Central Avenue which was later renumbered to 975 Foothill Drive and was their home for 20 years while raising three children, Parker Jr., Robert and Judy. Above is the Hubert family, c. 1945. Photo courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum. See photos in color online at Enlarge Photo ![]() Above is Parker Hubert on Lady with sheriff’s posse, May Day Parade, 1940. Photo courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum. Enlarge Photo Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum We’ve used the term “polymath” before when we wrote about A. J. Lamberg, a horologist. Polymath means “a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning.” This term might be used to refer to some of our early dentists. Ira Hinckley was not only a dentist but also a pharmacist, violinist and served as the secretary of the Masonic Temple Association. A later dentist, Dr. Jim Bliss, was not only a dentist but also a songwriter. In 1954 his song “Santa Clara Valley” was played at the May Festival with country music legend Tex Ritter sitting in. Between Ira Hinckley and Jim Bliss, another dentist plied his trade in Fillmore, Dr. Parker Hubert. Parker attended Northwestern University School of Dentistry. After graduation, he set up a practice in Fillmore in 1926 and in 1927 married Bessie Garton. They soon built a home at 973 Central (later renumbered to 975 Foothill Drive). That would be their home for twenty years while raising three children, Parker Jr., Robert and Judy. At the time they built the house there were no other homes around them. Parker was an avid equestrian, riding with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Posse. Soon his sons would have ponies of their own and home movies show them riding Sally and Minnie on the hillside behind their home. Parker Hubert’s first dental office in Fillmore was at 334 ½ Central Avenue, just south of the theater. He later moved his office in the early 1940s to 448 Sespe Avenue, on the north side of Sespe between Central and Fillmore St. He was a family dentist and offered credit to his patients during the Depression. We have a letter written in 1932 from Lawrence Hinckley about an outstanding bill he had with Dr. Hubert, offering to settle the bill for a painting. Lawrence’s father, Ira, had retired from the practice of dentistry, so no more free dental care for Lawrence. Besides dentistry and horses, Parker Hubert had two other interests – hunting and home movies. He got his first deer in 1928 and had the local taxidermist, Charles Law, mount the head which held pride of place in his home in San Marino. In May 1943, Parker Hubert successfully ran for a position on the Fillmore Elementary School Board. He was not to serve long as he entered the US Navy in August 1943. By May of 1944, he was serving as Senior Dental Officer at the Navy Hospital in San Diego. Hubert soon qualified in oral surgery. Since there was limited need for an oral surgeon in Fillmore, in 1946 the family left Fillmore for Pasadena where he opened a practice in oral surgery. Parker practiced in Pasadena until his retirement. He passed away in 1992 and Bessie died in 1994. Robert donated several family items to the Museum, most notably the home movies already mentioned but also one of his father’s saddles and his student dental cabinet from his time as a student at Northwestern University. Our most recent intern from California State University, Channel Islands, cataloged all the items in the cabinet. He had spent several years as a dental technician, so it was a natural fit. Stop by the Museum if you want to see this unique item. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 24th, 2023
![]() Above is Fillmore Rotary Club President Scott Beylik presenting a Rotary mug to last week’s guest speaker, Sue Yamamoto. She is a member of Santa Paula Rotary and initially went to school to become a dental hygienist, which she did for a few years. She became interested in flying, took lessons, and became an instructor at Santa Paula Airport. Later she decided she wanted to fly large planes, so she went through extensive training and became a co-pilot and finally a Captain. Over the years she flew from Santa Barbara, Chicago, and LA and flew all of the large planes. She was the first woman to fly the 737 and worked for United Airlines. After her children were older, she also flew internationally. Photo courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 17th, 2023
![]() On Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023, the B & G Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme (BGCOP), and Food Share of Ventura County, recently accepted a $110,000 donation from SoCalGas. The donation will provide over 400 number of families in need with grocery store gift cards and healthy food boxes. This year they were able to provide 100 of the youth with backpacks and $25 grocery cards to the Fillmore Club. Above, B & G Club of Santa Clara Valley Board of Directors: Caitlin Barringer, Program Manager for Food Share, Jan Marholin, CEO of BGCSCV, and Maria Ventura, Senior Public Affairs Manager for SoCalGas. Photos courtesy Boys & Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme. Enlarge Photo OXNARD, CA – August 2, 2023 – The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme (BGCOP), and Food Share of Ventura County recently accepted a $110,000 donation from SoCalGas which will provide hundreds of Ventura County youth and their families with nutritious meals. The grant to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme and Food Share of Ventura County is one of several donations to local charities as part of the company’s Fueling Our Communities initiative to address food insecurity. This donation will enable clubs across Ventura County to host events that will provide over 22,362 meals and healthy cooking demonstrations to address hunger in our community. “We are excited to partner with the Boys & Girls Clubs and Food Share to provide our neighbors with meals and fresh produce,” said SoCalGas Senior Public Affairs Manager Maria Ventura. “SoCalGas is proud to partner with these incredible organizations who will not only provide food to families in need but empower kids with the knowledge and skills to eat healthy.” Community leaders, such as Ventura County Supervisor Vianey Lopez, will attend and present at the events to share their favorite healthy recipes with young people. “We know that being active and having access to healthy meals translate directly into successful days at school,” said BGCOP CEO Erin Antrim. “We appreciate the investment that SoCalGas has made to ensure that our club members and their families start the school year on the right foot. By addressing food insecurity and investing in our community, SoCalGas is making sure that great futures start here.” “We appreciate the commitment to our Fillmore community from both SoCal Gas Co. and Food Share,” said Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley CEO, Jan Marholin. “Being able to provide 100 of our youth with backpacks and a $25 grocery card is an investment in our local youth and community. We send a huge thank you to these companies.” The Clubs and SoCalGas will also hold Fueling Our Communities events were held August 3rd at the Fillmore Clubhouse before moving to the Reiter Family Youth Center in Nyeland Acres on August 4th, the E.J. Harrison Center in Saticoy on August 7th. The largest event will be on August 9th at the Martin V. Smith Youth Center In Oxnard. SoCalGas’ Fueling Our Communities initiative began in 2020 as a collaborative effort between SoCalGas and five regional nonprofits in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. During its first summer, the program successfully provided more than 140,000 meals to 40,000 individuals from underserved communities across Southern California. SoCalGas is expanding the impact of the 2023 Fueling Our Communities initiative by allocating $4 million, the largest commitment to date, to new and existing partnerships with food banks and nonprofits throughout SoCalGas' 12-county service area. This expansion will primarily focus on serving families and seniors in need, providing vulnerable populations with food support that is so needed. About SoCalGas SoCalGas' mission is to build the cleanest, safest and most innovative energy infrastructure company in America. In support of that mission, SoCalGas aspires to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in its operations and delivery of energy by 2045 and to replacing 20 percent of its traditional natural gas supply to core customers with renewable natural gas (RNG) by 2030. Renewable natural gas is made from waste created by landfills and wastewater treatment plants. SoCalGas is also committed to investing in its gas delivery infrastructure while keeping bills affordable for customers. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE), an energy infrastructure company based in San Diego. For more information visit or connect with SoCalGas on Twitter (@SoCalGas), Instagram (@SoCalGas) and Facebook. About the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme About Food Share of Ventura County Hunger in Ventura County 1. An estimated 1 in 4 people in Ventura County experiences food insecurity, meaning that they are without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. 2. Since April 1, 2020, and the start of the pandemic, Food Share has held 1000+ emergency drive-thru food distributions, distributing more than half a million food boxes. These distributions are a supplement to the ongoing work of Food Share’s 160-strong pantry and agency partner network. 3. 93 cents of every dollar donated to Food Share is invested in our hunger-relief programs and services. 4. For every dollar donated, Food Share is able to provide 3 meals. For all the latest information on where to find food [], how to volunteer [], and how you can support Food Share with a monetary donation [] visit: [] 2023 Honors and Awards for Food Share • Food Share is honored to have been named by the Pacific Coast Business Times as one of the Best Places to Work on the Central Coast [] 2023. This is the third consecutive year that Food Share has been named. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 17th, 2023
The Downtown Rehabilitation Grant Program, approved by City Council from American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds on June 14, 2022, will soon end. On August 8, 2023, the City Council voted unanimously to approve the sunsetting of this program effective September 8, 2023. Downtown businesses are encouraged to apply and take advantage of this grant. Funding will be available on a “first come, first serve basis” and allocated if funds are available. Grant requirements and application are available on our website: Businesses who have received a Notice to Proceed (NTP) must complete their projects within 60-days from today or by October 9, 2023. If the application is approved, new applicants will have a 60-day deadline to complete projects from the approval date. Please visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 17th, 2023
![]() Last week’s Rotary program was presented by John Marquez. He is a member of the Santa Paula Rotary and is CEO of the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce. John is a member of many boards in the county, which makes him aware and informed about what is happening all over. He is always looking for ways we can promote and support our end of the valley and each other. Ventura County is celebrating its 150 Anniversary this year. There will be a big celebration on October 21st, at the Ag Museum, in Santa Paula. Pictured (l-r) are Speaker John Marquez being presented with a Rotary mug from President Scott Beylik. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, August 17th, 2023
County of Ventura, California. – As the summer travel season wraps up, The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office reminds drivers to stay safe and be responsible by never driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. “The community’s well-being is our top priority, so we’re asking that if you know you’ll be out drinking to have a game plan for how to get home safely,” Captain Matthew Young, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office said. “There is never a good excuse for driving after drinking or using drugs that impair.” The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office asks residents to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family by buckling up, avoiding distractions behind the wheel, following the speed limit, and not driving impaired. To help keep our community safe, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office will have additional deputies on patrol Aug. 16 through Labor Day (Sept. 4) looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. The additional efforts to prevent impaired driving are part of a national enforcement campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. In addition to patrols, The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office will hold a DUI Checkpoint August 24, 2023 from 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 an undisclosed location in the City of Thousand Oaks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 13,384 people were killed in drunk-driving crashes in 2021 — that’s one person every 39 minutes. While drunk driving is a significant traffic safety problem, driving while impaired is not just from alcohol. Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and cannabis products may also impair. If you plan on drinking or taking medications with a driving warning label, let someone who is sober drive. If you see someone driving impaired, call 9-1-1. Share your thoughts about impaired driving by participating in the Go Safely Movement, a call-to-action traffic safety survey from the California Office of Traffic Safety. Take the survey at Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Prepared by: Sergeant Daniel Gonzales |