Elizabeth Leeanne Elkins
Elizabeth Leeanne Elkins
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Bettie Elkins Lund

Elizabeth Leeanne Elkins, known as Bettie, was born on June 6, 1906 in Fillmore, California. She was the daughter of Caswell Carl Elkins, Jr. and Amy Fay Anderson Elkins. She and her older brothers, Herbert and Caswell, and a younger sister Roberta, spent their childhood on the family’s citrus farm in the Santa Clarita Valley. She became interested in aviation at the age of nine when she won a ride in a Curtiss Jenny by selling magazine subscriptions. But it wasn’t until after her marriage in 1929 to the famous stunt pilot Frederick M. Lund that her own career in aviation began.
Frederick was born in Alexandria Township, Minnesota and also grew up on a farm. He left home to become a mechanic and soon thereafter World War I commenced. He joined the Air Service and was sent to Texas for training and then on to serve in the 4th Pursuit Squadron at Toul, France. While there he was exposed to mustard gas and nearly died. He contracted tuberculosis following the war and returned home to the United States where he was not expected to survive.
Lund ultimately overcame the disease and hired on with the Gates Flying Circus as a stunt pilot, working for a while in Hollywood, where he picked up the nickname of “Fearless Freddie.” He then hired on with the Waco Aircraft Company as a test pilot and traveled around the country performing in stunt exhibitions. It was during one of those barnstorming circuses that Bettie and Freddie met and developed a romance that in 1929 led to marriage.
Bettie followed him around the country to air meets during the depression between 1929 and 1931. In his red, white and blue Waco Taperwing airplane, Freddie Lund was well known throughout the nation for his daring aerobatics. Freddie performed the first outside loop ever accomplished in a commercial airplane. He was the World Aerobatic Champion in 1930. Between performances he taught Bettie how to fly. Because their schedule required them to travel so much, Bettie learned to fly in thirteen hours at thirteen different airfields using thirteen different airplanes.
Bettie’s first solo flight occurred in Miami, Florida in 1930 in a Curtiss Fledgling. Because her flying lessons had taken place at busy airfields, usually during air meets, she had virtually no taxi instruction, so she was told after her first solo flight to just roll to a stop and not move until Freddie got there.
After she completed just three solo flights for a combined twenty minutes, Freddie thought it was time for her to attempt her first record. She responded by setting a new women’s barrel roll record of sixty-seven in just twenty-eight minutes. In addition to her aerobatics, Bettie competed in air races and dead stick landing contests. Thereafter, Bettie and Freddie Lund became one of the most famous husband and wife flying teams of the era.
On October 3, 1932, Bettie watched as her husband competed in a pylon race in Lexington, Kentucky. As he was turning around one of the pylons, Freddie was leading another plane when its propeller hit the tail of Freddie’s plane cutting off it’s stabilizers. He crashed to the ground in seconds and was killed instantly.
The Smithsonian Institute records show that Bettie had little time to realize what had happened when she received a call from the airport manager of Charlotte, North Carolina, inquiring about a contract Freddie had with them to appear at an air show. She replied, “I’ll fly in his place.”
She eventually flew two more air shows to fulfill Freddie’s contracts and then retired for a number of weeks to ponder her future. She then went out and bought herself a Waco Taperwing, painted it red, white and blue like Freddie’s, and started out on her own solo career. By the late 1930’s she was one of the country’s top stunt pilots.
During her career, Bettie would meet and become friends with both Eddie Rickenbacker and Jimmy Doolittle. She also served as a WAF during World War II and transported airplanes from the manufacturing plants on the west coast to the east coast where they were later transported to Europe for use against the Axis powers.



County of Ventura, Human Services Agency

Foster Parenting Information Meeting
Saturday, June 21, 2008, 9-11:00 am
Discover the rewards of foster parenting at the Foster Parent Information Meeting. English only. Please call 805-654-3456 for more information. PLACE: Human Services Agency, 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 112, Ventura.

June 2008 Career Shops

Location: Santa Clara Valley Job & Career Center
725 E. Main Street, Santa Paula

June 9 & 10, 2008: Resumes that Sell, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. - two-day workshop providing hands-on assistance in completing a resume, cover and thank-you letters. Walk away with a portfolio that shows off professional skills and experience. Career Shops are offered at no cost to Job Seekers. Space is limited. Prior registration required by calling the Santa Clara Job & Career Center at 805-933-8452 to enroll.

June 12, 2008: Winning Interviews, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. - supplies the tools to make a lasting first impression when interviewing. Career Shops are offered at no cost to Job Seekers. Space is limited. Prior registration required by calling the Santa Clara Job & Career Center at 805-933-8452 to enroll.

June 23 & 24, 2008: Resumes That Sell, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. - two-day workshop providing hands-on assistance in completing a resume, cover and thank-you letters. Walk away with a portfolio that shows off professional skills and experience. Career Shops are offered at no cost to Job Seekers. Space is limited. Prior registration required by calling the Santa Clara Job & Career Center at 805-933-8452 to enroll.

Spanish language workshop:
June 18, 2008: Tecnicas para la Busqueda de Trabajo (Job Search Techniques), 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. - Presentado por Los Centros de Empleos y Carreras Esta sección de 3 a 4 horas está diseñada para personas que están buscando empleo. Los temas incluyen donde y como buscar empleo, como crear una red de comunicación, técnicas de cómo usar el teléfono apropiadamente para buscar empleo y como usar la red del Internet para buscar empleo. También aprenderá técnicas apropiadas para hacer una entrevista.

Career Shops are presented in partnership with Ventura County Job & Career Centers and are sponsored by the Human Services Agency and the Workforce Investment Board. Equal opportunity Employer/Program/Service – TDD/TT Inquiries call 1 (800) 735-2922. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individual with disabilities.

Before Memorial Day 3,000 Pint Challenge

Ventura – United Blood Services needs to collect over 3,000 pints of blood before the Memorial Day weekend, in order to ensure a steady and ample supply. ­­­Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer for the Blood Bank, when donations unfortunately decrease just as the demand increases. In an effort to keep a ready supply, United Blood Services has teamed up with Domino’s Pizza to issue a 3000 Pint Challenge. As a special way of saying thank you, Domino’s Pizza will give a certificate for a Free Full Size One-topping Pizza to each volunteer blood donor.

The Memorial Day holiday means that the difficult summer season has arrived. Here at the blood bank the summer months mean one thing – not enough blood donors to keep supplies at an adequate and steady level. Students are not available to give and families go on vacation instead. There are a hundred reasons why people can’t seem to give over the summer, but we’ve got 270 reasons each day why we need them. We can only help people if there is blood on the shelves. When someone needs blood, they’re counting on it being available. That means we need 270 people to roll-up their sleeves for us each day, regardless of the season. We’re asking you to give before you go on vacation, we can’t do it without you. If you’re over 17, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health, you may be eligible to donate.

Donations may be made Monday through Friday at the UBS Center in Ventura at 1756 Eastman at the corner of Market; Mondays and Wednesdays in Camarillo at 2105 Pickwick across from the Post Office; and Tuesdays and Thursdays in Thousand Oaks in the North Star Plaza at 1321 Thousand Oaks Blvd, near Roxy’s Deli. There are also a number of drives happening throughout the region. Donors are asked to call the United Blood Services at 1-800-715-3699 to make an appointment or go online to www.unitedbloodservices.org. Appointments are appreciated, but not necessary. Walk-ins are also welcome.


Soroptimist International of Santa Paula, along with Twin Pines Healthcare, is sponsoring an informational program: “Coping with the Challenges of an Elderly Parent”

Pat English, Director of Social Services from Twin Pines Healthcare will discuss different kinds of care available; whether It is adult day care, assisted living, residential care or skilled in home health care.

Let Pat help you with one of the most important decisions you will make in the near future.

Come get all your questions answered.

Date: Wednesday, May 28th
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Place: Santa Paula INN
111 N. 8th Street, S.P.
Next to Blanchard Library
R.S.V.P. 805-933-0011
For directions: www.santapaulainn.com

Light refreshments will be served.

Supervisor Kathy Long was the guest speaker at the Fillmore Sunrisers Rotary Club last Tuesday. Left to right:  Ken Smedley, Sun Risers president; Supervisor Kathy Long; Chuy Ortiz, owner, El Pescador Restaurant.
Supervisor Kathy Long was the guest speaker at the Fillmore Sunrisers Rotary Club last Tuesday. Left to right: Ken Smedley, Sun Risers president; Supervisor Kathy Long; Chuy Ortiz, owner, El Pescador Restaurant.
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Supervisor Kathy Long was the guest speaker of the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers on May 13th at El Pescador Restaurant. Supervisor Long gave an overview of county government activities and how they affect Fillmore and surrounding areas.
The Sun Risers are sponsoring the Heritage Valley 5k-10k Run & Fitness Walk on Saturday, May 17th. The race begins at 8:00am at Delores Day Park; registration begins at 7:00am. If you don’t feel like running or walking, come enjoy the free Health Fair at the Park! All proceeds from the run/walk will benefit Fillmore school fitness programs.
The Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers will have their fireworks booth again this year in the parking lot of McDonald’s. All funds raised go to Community and International projects.
Upcoming speakers include: May 20th – Kay Hodges, CEO, Letters from Home; May 27th – Jeff Gorell, partner Paladin Principle, Clearwater Port Update.
The Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers meet weekly at El Pescador Restaurant, 1305 Ventura Street (Hwy 126) at 6:45am every Tuesday. For more information, call 906-4114.


In conjunction with the Fillmore May Festival, the Sunrisers Rotary Club will be hosting the Annual 5/10K Run & Fitness Walk on Saturday, May 17, starting at Delores Day Park. Registration is set for 7:00am and the race promptly begins at 8:00am. Proceeds for the event will be donated to the local school fitness programs.
According to Event Director Joe Aguirre, “The 5-10K run is a tradition we want to keep alive in Fillmore as we have many contestants from all over the county who participate and it sends a positive message to our kids and their parents to come together as a family and have a lot of fun and be healthy at the same time.”
For further information, please contact Joe Aguirre at (805) 524-2096 or visit the Rotary website at www.rotaryfillmoresunrisers.org .
Schedule and Registration Information:
Delores Day Park – 870 Goodenough Rd. Fillmore CA
7:00am – Registration
8:00am – 5/10K Run/Walk
8:15am – 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk (all kids 8 and under receive ribbons)
Free Health Fair open to the public
Registration Fees:
5/10K Run - $30
1 Mile Fun Run/Walk - $10

Fillmore Fire Department
Fillmore Fire Department

The City of Fillmore Fire Department in conjunction with Grad Nite Live of Fillmore will be hosting a BBQ Chicken Dinner Sunday May 18, 2008. Dinner will be served between 5:00PM - 7:00PM at Fillmore Fire Station 91 located at 711 Sespe Place, Fillmore. Drive through service as well as seated service within the fire station will be available to those who attend; a donation of $10.00 per dinner is requested. Dinner will include World Famous BBQ chicken cooked by the City of Fillmore's Finest Firefighters, chili beans, salad, and a dinner roll. All proceeds benefit the Grad Nite Live organization. This fundraising event is one of several planned events by organizers of Grad Nite Live to generate the approximate $23,000 required annually to support this organizations needs.
Grad Nite Live was established to keep graduating seniors of Fillmore High School off the roads following graduation and in a safe, alcohol and drug free environment following their commencement.
Moments after graduation and a few minutes of quick visiting with family and friends, participating seniors are loaded onto a charter bus and transported to Long Beach Harbor where the beautiful vessel "The Entertainer" awaits them. On board they enjoy great food, dancing, and entertainment throughout the night and morning. The graduates are then returned to Fillmore the following day exhausted from the previous night's celebration and are fed breakfast. Finally graduates are returned home to catch up on much needed sleep following the safe celebration of their twelve years of achievements.
Those persons and/or organizations who would like to donate to Grad Nite Live may call Shirley Spitler at 805-524-2131 or Raelene Chaney at 805-524-4909.


The Fillmore Senior Center is holding a meeting on Monday, May 19th at 10am to discuss appointment of Board members and take suggestions from the community concerning the Center. The public is invited.


Are you interested in serving the community of Fillmore seniors? The Fillmore Senior Center has two positions open on its Board. The Board of five meets once a month and applicants must be at least 55 years of age. Applications are now available until May 30th from Laurie Nunez at the Center, 533 Santa Clara St., Monday-Friday, 9am to 1pm; or from Annette Cardona at Fillmore City Hall, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. The two positions will be decided by the existing Board members.

The Last of the Piru Indians

Juan Jose Fustero was born on the Temescal Ranch near the mouth of Piru Canyon in 1841. He was a member of the Piru Indian Tribe. The Piru were originally called Pi'idhuku after the reed from which they created their baskets. There his tribe operated their temescals, or sweat houses, and many of the Indians from the coastal villages came there for the healing powers believed associated with temescals.
Juan Jose’s great-grandfather was the last chief of the Piru Tribe. Tribal members died off rapidly after the white man arrived with his diseases and crimes against the Indians which accounts for the assumption that Juan Jose was “the Last of the Piru Indians.”
When Juan was sixteen he and his father and mother packed up their belongings and drove a herd of horses up Piru Canyon to set up a homestead. The horses had been obtained from the herd of Don Ygnacio del Valle at Rancho Camulos as payment for ancestral land that had been deeded over to del Valle. Intent on grazing his stock on the ample grass along Piru Creek, de Valle convinced Juan’s and other families to move upstream.
Juan’s father, Old Juan Jose, had never taken a last name up to and including the day he died at the age of ninety. At that time Juan loaded his father's body up on his horse and transported it to the five-acre plot (that today is under Lake Piru) which served as the family burial grounds. His mother subsequently relocated to Newhall where she made her living doing laundry. It is told that she was often seen there carrying large bundles of laundry on her head.
Juan Jose remained on the homestead in Piru Canyon which had been granted to him by a U.S. patent in January of 1885. The grant was very important to Juan Jose because it allowed him to apply for U.S. citizen and thereby the right to vote.
Fergus Fairbanks, a longtime resident of Fillmore, told the story of when Juan Jose appeared in the Superior Court at Ventura for naturalization purposes and was asked by the judge his name. He said, “Juan.”
“But don’t you have another name?” asked the judge.
“Jose” said Juan. “Why should any man want more than two names.”
“What did your father do?” asked the judge.
“He made saddle trees (fustos),” was the answer.
So the judge gave him the name Fustero, and told him that hereafter his name was Juan Fustero.
Juan Fustero made his living by farming in the years with ample rain. In the dry years he would resort to raising livestock. But he was best known for making horsehair bridles and lariats.
Juan Fustero became as famous for the stories and legends associated with his gold. Whether his gold came from some secret mine or from the waters of Piru Creek, nobody ever knew although the treasure seekers often tracked him in an effort to find out. A number of claims were filed along Piru Creek by those who thought they had discovered the source of Fustero's gold. But he carried his secret to his grave if, after all, there was a gold mine to be secretive about in the first place.
Juan Fustero was stocky muscular man who was well built and weighed over 200 pounds. He had long hair and wore a beard and an oversized handlebar mustache which was unusual for most Indians. He had a superstition about the removal of ticks and usually carried a number of these companions on his weather-beaten neck.
He was identifiable by his wide-brimmed hat and large midsection. In his later years he weighed well over 250 pounds and was a heavy drinker. He spoke little English when sober; but after a number of drinks his colorful language would put a sailor to shame!
Wallace Smith recalled, “The final hours came on a hot summer day in 1921 and he died, at 80, of nephritis. It was Bill Whittaker who helped Santa Paula Undertaker, Earnest French stuff Indian Juan's massive body into an undersized casket. The weather was scorching and Juan had been dead for two days. French's ambulance broke down before he reached Piru Canyon, so a call went out for a wagon. Dale King and ten other men spelled off each other carrying the body from the house to the grave.
Once at the graveside, French found he had forgotten his casket harness. So Juan was lowered into the hole with two of his own reatas. There was no ceremony as he was laid to rest, facing east according to Indian custom, under an oak at the foot of the hill about 300 yards from the nearest wagon road.”

Don Snyder, Cabaret Entertainer
Don Snyder, Cabaret Entertainer

Cabaret Entertainer Don Snyder will be entertaining the Fillmore Ebell Club on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 12:30 p.m., at the Veterans Memorial building.

Mr. Snyder is known as one of the premier Cabaret entertainers in the business. Whether accompanying himself on the piano or working with his musical director or band, his ability to transport an audience back to a more romantic, gentle and sophisticated era is unmatched.

Don cultivated his skills at a young age touring with his own act. Soon he was performing in summer stock and eventually began working in productions with the Los Angeles Civic Light Opera. He has worked with such luminaries as Robert Goulet, Carol Lawrence, Milton Berle and Michael Crawford and performed leading roles in productions from Carousel to Desert Song.

For over 20 years Don has been providing shows incorporating the talented friends he has met along the way. His personal performances proved a warm, beautiful and somewhat humorous look into the popular music that shaped the 20th century and uplifted us all.

Anyone interested in more information, or becoming a member of the Fillmore Ebell Club, may call Trisha Armstrong at 524-3471.

Fillmore/Piru Relay for Life held their Kick Off event in front of City Hall Last Thursday. They registered close to 29 teams; their goal is to reach 60 teams. The actual event will take place September 13 & 14 and will be held at the Fillmore High School Baseball field.
Fillmore/Piru Relay for Life held their Kick Off event in front of City Hall Last Thursday. They registered close to 29 teams; their goal is to reach 60 teams. The actual event will take place September 13 & 14 and will be held at the Fillmore High School Baseball field.
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Aaron Braendli and Zeynep Erdemir, AFS foreign exchange Fillmore High School students, spoke to the Rotary Club of Fillmore about their year in America.
Aaron Braendli and Zeynep Erdemir, AFS foreign exchange Fillmore High School students, spoke to the Rotary Club of Fillmore about their year in America.
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Emily Largey and Veronica Staples attended Rotary Youth Leadership Camp sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fillmore. Emily was awarded a $500 scholarship for leadership. They spoke at the Club meeting last Thursday.
Emily Largey and Veronica Staples attended Rotary Youth Leadership Camp sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fillmore. Emily was awarded a $500 scholarship for leadership. They spoke at the Club meeting last Thursday.
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Shown is the Fillmore Western Railway tunnel on the railroad tracks between Pole Creek and Hwy 126. Disney Studios has built the faux tunnel for filming. Residents of El Dorado Mobile Estates were treated to several “explosions” on Friday night while filming took place.
Shown is the Fillmore Western Railway tunnel on the railroad tracks between Pole Creek and Hwy 126. Disney Studios has built the faux tunnel for filming. Residents of El Dorado Mobile Estates were treated to several “explosions” on Friday night while filming took place.
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Come join us for coffee and Starbucks pastries. Hot Lunches served daily at 11:30.

Come visit our thrift store on Mon. and Wed. mornings from 9:00-11:00.
Bingo on Tuesday mornings from 9:00-1:00.
Mondays – Puzzle Day
Thursdays- Game Day
Brown Bag every Wednesday morning 9:00-11:30.
Commodities every 3rd Thursday 9:00- 11:30.
Yoga class beginning June 1st at 8:00 a.m.

For more Information call 524-4533.

Festivities include Bull Riding, Exhibits and Family Fun

Adventures in Agriculture is coming to the Ventura County Fairgrounds! The free event will be an educational and informative agricultural festival Saturday, May 31; 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Adventures in Agriculture will be the Fairgrounds’ second annual showcase of the agricultural community and industry. Antique Farm Equipment, Hot Air Balloon, Open Air Farmer’s Market, Children’s Activities, Entertainment, and more are on tap with a goal of educating visitors about the productive fields and agricultural assets here in our own back yard. A tortoise show will highlight the preview of the Fair's new Fishes & Friends Building.

Fine Art and Music are important features of Adventures in Agriculture. Gail Pidduck and John Nichols, acclaimed artists whose work has become well associated with agriculture in Ventura County, will show their artwork in the Fairgrounds’ Callahan Art Gallery. Ventura County’s favorite songsters “The Tune Bandits” and “The Iron Mountain Boys” will provide musical entertainment

Professional Bull Riding (America’s original extreme sport) will round out the day in the Grandstand arena. The show starts at 2pm and tickets for this special attraction are only $15.

Wyndham Hotels, Toyota and many other generous sponsors make Adventures in Agriculture possible. Stop by the Wyndham booth and ask how you can get a free hot dog and drink!

“Agriculture is Ventura County’s most valuable resource. We are happy that we can bring it to the community so that everyone can see the processes, and learn the values and opportunities it brings to us all,” said Barbara Quaid, CEO of the Ventura County Fairgrounds. “We have mixed in some fun and we hope that our neighbors and friends will enjoy what we have to offer.”

For more information please call 648-3376 or visit www.venturacountyfair.org.


The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce has relocated its office to 557 Ventura St.
across the street from Burger King.
Starting May 5th through May 13th Price $ 15.00 for a sheet of 24.
Call 805-524-0351 for information.