By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
Special Board of Directors Meeting In accordance with the California Governor’s Executive Stay at Home Order and the County of Ventura Health Officer Declared Local Health Emergency and Be Well at Home Order resulting from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Fillmore City Hall is closed to the public. Therefore, the FPB GSA will be holding its Regular Board of Directors meeting virtually using the ZOOM video conferencing application. To participate in the Board of Directors meeting via Zoom, please access: To hear just the audio portion of the meeting, phone into the toll-free number 877 853 5247 Meeting ID: 861 8733 7848 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 28th, 2021
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 7th, 2021
By Nick Johnson — Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
![]() (left) A Greenfield Care worker receiving the cards from Club President Emilia Magdaleno on behalf of Flashes Cards for Kindness Club. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 17th, 2021
Since September of last year, 35-40 students from Fillmore High Schools’ Flashes Cards 4 Kindness Club, where students make cards for people who are affected the most by the Covid-19 pandemic, have been busy creating cards for teachers, administrators and staff members of Fillmore High School as well as throughout Fillmore Unified School District to encourage and thank them during this challenging time. The club has been meeting virtually online every week to make the Thank You cards. On Friday, February 26th club members delivered over 150 cards for the patients and staff members at the Greenfield Care Center in Fillmore. Flashes Cards 4 Kindness member Quote: "Flashes Cards 4 Kindness has taught me that cards attain a very endearing and tender meaning to them and that we as students can learn so much about empathy while creating them. " *Quote credit to Jimena Cortes Students who participated in Flashes Cards 4 Kindness: |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 17th, 2021
The Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPBGSA) invites you to participate in its: Board Meeting begins at 5:00 pm; Workshop begins at 5:30 pm Via Zoom The FPBGSA encourages stakeholder input to help develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) for the Basins. The GSPs will ensure the future sustainability of groundwater use in the Basins. Sustainability Management Criteria (SMC) are key components of the GSPs. The FPBGSA has developed draft SMCs at prior Board meetings (December 2020, January, and February 2021) and is seeking further input from stakeholders and interested parties on these criteria. The workshop agenda will include: Videos of prior Board meetings, including presentations and discussion of SMCs, are available at For further information please contact Eva Ibarra at or 805-525-4431. The Americans with Disabilities Act provides that no qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, this activity because of any disability. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, or if you require agenda materials in an alternative format, please contact Eva Ibarra at the United Water Conservation District’s Office (805-525-4431). Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make appropriate arrangement. |
By Nick Johnson — Wednesday, March 17th, 2021
By Nick Johnson — Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 24th, 2021
![]() The Fillmore Boys & Girls Club Bike Builders Club would like to give a big shout-out to School Resource Officer Jonathan Schnereger for supplying the bikes that needed some TLC! Also, Fillmore club member Odel getting the first refurbished bike, presented to him by the builders and Officer Schnereger. Thank you to all our partners. Photos courtesy Santa Clara Valley Boys Girls Club. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 17th, 2021
![]() On Wednesday, February 10th, the Santa Clara Valley Boys & Girls Club of Fillmore’s K-1st graders made some arts & crafts Valentines! Above are the kids holding up their artwork as they remain socially distant but still having fun. Courtesy SCV Boys & Girls Club Facebook Page Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 6th, 2021
![]() (Publisher's note) While parked on the southern side of the new bridge to take some photos, Wile E. Coyote trotted past in front of me, across the new road and down the railroad tracks, headed east. She looked to be in great condition. We in Fillmore sometimes forget we're located in a wild animal habitat. It's good to know - but keep your cats and dogs in a safe enclosure, Wile E. has to eat too. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
![]() On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the traffic light at Central and Sespe Avenue was out of commission and in a four- way stop sign was set up. Enlarge Photo |
![]() Fillmore Civic Pride awarded this year’s December Holiday Yard of the Month to the Perez Family. Their home is located at 910 Sespe Avenue. They have penguins, polar bears and more decorating the yard. The Perez family will receive a $40 gift certificate from Fillmore’s Otto & Sons. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020
Congratulations to Rene and Yesenia Perez. Their yard was selected as the Holiday Yard of the month of December, located at 910 Sespe Ave. They will receive a gift certificate from Otto & Sons Nursery for $40. Ari Larson from Fillmore Civic Pride and Fillmore City Council Member was on hand to surprise and congratulate Rene. He said they have never won anything before, and he was very grateful and excited to receive the honor. They have lived in Fillmore since 2005, and they began to decorate about ten years ago. They try to add to their décor every year. There is a large Santa, a large Christmas tree, a nativity, penguins, polar bears, and lots of both white and colorful bulbs to give the home a festive atmosphere. Rene said that because of COVID it was more important than ever to decorate and give families something bright and fun to take their mind off everyday worries. They enjoy seeing children smile and point at the décor. The Perez’ family brings their inspiration from Mexico where family’s use this time of the year to visit with family via a tradition called Las Posadas. Rene and Yesenia are passionate about their yard all year long and enjoy working outdoors as a team when deciding what to add and how to arrange the decorations. The public is encouraged to take a ride and look at the house and the many others that have been decorated around town. If you have any questions about Fillmore Civic Pride please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 16th, 2020
![]() 3-wheel adult tricycle missing from the El Dorado Mobile Home Park. The bike is similar to the one pictured with basket on back. It is owned by park resident Dennis, who is handicapped and uses it to ride around the park, greeting everyone. Dennis is well-known and liked in the park. To help some of the elderly residents he picks up their mail every day and delivers it to them ON HIS BIKE. While out on a ride last week he left it unattended for a few minutes outside the clubhouse and it was gone when he came out. We are asking everyone to watch for Dennis's bike around town and please call us if you spot it. This is a sweet young man who needs some good news for Christmas. You may call the Gazette at 805-524-2481 with any information. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 9th, 2020
![]() On Friday, December 4th the Planters Peanut mobile stopped by and set up outside Fillmore’s drive-in movie night behind City Hall. Courtesy City of Fillmore Facebook Page. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 25th, 2020
![]() Congratulations to Liz Noriega of Fillmore, Civic Pride winner of the Fillmore Halloween/Dia De Los Muertos Home Decor Festival! Theme: Pumpkin Patch Halloween Decor. Liz won a $40 gift certificate to Otto and Sons Nursery. Courtesy City of Fillmore. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 18th, 2020
![]() American Pekin ducks (l-r) Pogo and Biggie enjoy hanging out in their Fillmore front yard with sisters Aliyah, 17, and Lupita, 14. The ducks are 6 months old and have been with the girls since they were 5 weeks old. The girls’ mother described the sisters as “good duck parents”. The Pekin or White Pekin is an American breed of domestic duck, raised primarily for meat, but don’t tell Pogo and Biggie. It is a mallard derived from birds brought to the United States from China in the 19th century, and is now bred in many parts of the world. Enlarge Photo |
By Nick Johnson — Wednesday, November 4th, 2020
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 28th, 2020
![]() Sendi Sanchez, a Nurse Practitioner at the Fillmore Family Medical Group, received a cake and flowers in recognition by her patients and their relatives of patients for her deep dedication to the needs of her clients in Fillmore and Piru. Thank you Sendi! Enlarge Photo |