Guests from last week’s Fillmore Rotary meeting were introduced by Rotarian Cindy Blatt. Jeremiah MacMahon is the Interact Club Advisor. The Interact Club is the High School version of Rotary. They work on community service projects like making paper cranes for Peace Day, Trunk or Treat, decorating a Christmas tree downtown, and help us on our projects such as Josh the Otter. Three of their officers attended the meeting, Club President Andrea Laureano, Vice President Jack Morris and Secretary Sebastian Landeros. Pictured are this week’s guests Jack Morris, Sebastian Landeros, Jeremiah MacMahon, Advisor Cindy Blatt and pictured front, Andrea Laureano. Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.
Guests from last week’s Fillmore Rotary meeting were introduced by Rotarian Cindy Blatt. Jeremiah MacMahon is the Interact Club Advisor. The Interact Club is the High School version of Rotary. They work on community service projects like making paper cranes for Peace Day, Trunk or Treat, decorating a Christmas tree downtown, and help us on our projects such as Josh the Otter. Three of their officers attended the meeting, Club President Andrea Laureano, Vice President Jack Morris and Secretary Sebastian Landeros. Pictured are this week’s guests Jack Morris, Sebastian Landeros, Jeremiah MacMahon, Advisor Cindy Blatt and pictured front, Andrea Laureano. Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.
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You too could be part of this fun group … we are the Fillmore Friends of the Library nonprofit organization that helps support library programs (with a couple of folks not pictured). Our meeting this month was Tuesday, December 13th, at 12:30pm at our beautiful newly renovated library. Come join us to see how you can be involved! Fillmore Friends of the Library Facebook page.
You too could be part of this fun group … we are the Fillmore Friends of the Library nonprofit organization that helps support library programs (with a couple of folks not pictured). Our meeting this month was Tuesday, December 13th, at 12:30pm at our beautiful newly renovated library. Come join us to see how you can be involved! Fillmore Friends of the Library Facebook page.
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(left) Film Producer Danny Haro and Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.
(left) Film Producer Danny Haro and Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.
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Our program last week was presented by Danny Haro, Executive Producer of Higher Ground Entertainment. He related a story about a young man who came to America for a better life. He started as a farm laborer, went to night school, on to college and finally became a brain surgeon. Dr. Q, his nickname, wanted to give back so be began Mission Brain, where he could perform brain surgery all over the world for free. The doctor will be going to Mexico City on Dec. 17th to perform brain surgery, and Danny Haro will be going along to make a documentary film of the surgery. This will be used to inspire young people to get involved in medicine and STEM. Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.

Martha Gentry, Museum Director, gave an informative talk to Fillmore Rotary about the Fillmore Historical Museum. It began in 1970 by a retired Spanish teacher Edith Moore Jarrett. She had written the Spanish textbook, El Camino Real which was used all over the USA. Initially she rented the ground floor of the Masonic Temple Building on Central Avenue. When word went out that she was looking for items for the museum she was overwhelmed and needed more space. In 1974 she was pleased to buy the depot building for $1.00 plus 5 cent tax. She petitioned the City for a lot on Main St., moved the depot and that was the beginning of what is there now. 50 years later it also consists of a 1905 bungalow-Hinckley house, 1919 Rancho Sespe bunkhouse, 1960 caboose, Bardsdale post office and more. Christmas decorations are up and the Poinsettia sale is in progress. If you would like to purchase a red poinsettia contact the Museum by Nov. 18, 805-525-0948. Museum is open Wed.-Fri. 9 am-12 -1pm-4, Sat. 10-3 and closed Sun.-Tues. Pictured l-r is Martha Gentry & Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo Credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
Martha Gentry, Museum Director, gave an informative talk to Fillmore Rotary about the Fillmore Historical Museum. It began in 1970 by a retired Spanish teacher Edith Moore Jarrett. She had written the Spanish textbook, El Camino Real which was used all over the USA. Initially she rented the ground floor of the Masonic Temple Building on Central Avenue. When word went out that she was looking for items for the museum she was overwhelmed and needed more space. In 1974 she was pleased to buy the depot building for $1.00 plus 5 cent tax. She petitioned the City for a lot on Main St., moved the depot and that was the beginning of what is there now. 50 years later it also consists of a 1905 bungalow-Hinckley house, 1919 Rancho Sespe bunkhouse, 1960 caboose, Bardsdale post office and more. Christmas decorations are up and the Poinsettia sale is in progress. If you would like to purchase a red poinsettia contact the Museum by Nov. 18, 805-525-0948. Museum is open Wed.-Fri. 9 am-12 -1pm-4, Sat. 10-3 and closed Sun.-Tues. Pictured l-r is Martha Gentry & Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo Credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
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On November 4th, 2022, Fillmore Civic Pride Volunteers’ “Yard of the Month” winner was Candi Tovar, pictured above in her garden; she received a $50 gift card from Otto and Sons Nursery. Photo credit Linda Nunes.
On November 4th, 2022, Fillmore Civic Pride Volunteers’ “Yard of the Month” winner was Candi Tovar, pictured above in her garden; she received a $50 gift card from Otto and Sons Nursery. Photo credit Linda Nunes.
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By Linda Nunes

Candi Tovar, of 342 Palm Drive in El Dorado Estates, was chosen the Civic Pride Volunteers’ “Yard of the Month” winner for November. Candi has lived in Fillmore for 15 years, after growing up on a ranch in Newhall; her family still owns that ranch. She gathered many vintage farm implements and interesting items like wagon wheels, and old saws from her father’s barn to display on her fence and boulders, and rocks to arrange next to nine or more old roses and pots of cacti and succulents. Among the plants were scented rose geraniums, blooming epiphytes, asparagus fern, several Crassula and Kalanchoe varieties, Echeveria in bloom, and a large unusual grey cactus that we couldn’t identify. Candi expressed over and over how much she “loves her yard” and was delighted to tell the stories behind specific plants. As she talked, she touched her plants like “old friends” and was so happy to receive the $50 gift card from Otto and Sons Nursery to add to her collection. Civic Pride Volunteers appreciate the generosity of Otto & Sons Nursery which has provided the awards since the beginning of the Yard of the Month project. The next award will be for holiday decorations in December.

Fillmore Civic Pride named Lilia and Marco Martinez’s yard on Waterford Lane as Yard of the Month for October. Photo credit Fillmore Civic Pride Volunteers.
Fillmore Civic Pride named Lilia and Marco Martinez’s yard on Waterford Lane as Yard of the Month for October. Photo credit Fillmore Civic Pride Volunteers.
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By Linda Nunes

Civic Pride Volunteers have chosen Lilia and Marco Martinez’s yard at 1372 Waterford to receive the $50 “Yard of the Month” award, generously given by Otto & Sons Nursery.

The family has lived at this location for about 20 years, but never had visited the nursery, so they will enjoy the amazing park-like setting while they shop.

Marco wisely designed and installed, a drought tolerant yard using decomposed granite pathways with weed barrier cloth and river pebbles in circles of varying sizes. They were planted with purple flowering, Buddleja davidii or Summer Lilac (Butterfly Bush), Ponytail Palm (Elephant’s Foot), and a Grevillea tree as the focus of the circles. Beneath these are succulents like Stapelio gigantea known as Carrion plant because of the rotted flesh smell of the unusual flowers. Their plant has two large buds ready to open. Blue agave and other cacti, Milk Weed, Acacia Saligna, Lemon Grass, Red Crown of Thorns and Salvia add interest.

We were surprised and pleased to see a native bee condo from our Fillmore Flower Show boutique in the middle of the Salvia bush!

For vertical balance, they had Epiphytes and three types of Passionflower vines growing up a trellis and the fence.

Drive past their yard and see how attractive a drought tolerant landscape can be.

(l-r) Nicholas Cochiolo and Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
(l-r) Nicholas Cochiolo and Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
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Last week the Rotary Club speaker was Nicholas Cochiolo, a swordsmith who has been featured on the History Channel. He began in Martial Arts when he was young and in time became fascinated with Medieval Martial Arts, swords, helmets and armor. He is an artist and welder and taught himself how to make replicas of dueling swords and helmets. A helmet may take 70 hours to perfect and the weapons and sword’s from 40-100 hours. Each sword has a specific purpose and are balanced to perfection.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 for completing the chalking of the “F” this past Saturday, October 1st. You did an awesome job! This class missed out on the tradition when they were Freshman due to COVID, so they were given the opportunity now. Thanks to Quality Ag for transporting the material, parents, and Junior class advisors. To the Freshman Class of ‘2026, you’re up! See you in May! Photos courtesy FHS Alumni Association Facebook page.
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 for completing the chalking of the “F” this past Saturday, October 1st. You did an awesome job! This class missed out on the tradition when they were Freshman due to COVID, so they were given the opportunity now. Thanks to Quality Ag for transporting the material, parents, and Junior class advisors. To the Freshman Class of ‘2026, you’re up! See you in May! Photos courtesy FHS Alumni Association Facebook page.
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The Bardsdale Cemetery Board will be hosting a Volunteer Day on Saturday, October 22nd from 9am until noon. The Board of Trustees has heard from folks in the community who would like to help—all are welcome to join. Cleaning supplies (rags and buckets of water) and trash bags will be provided, but please bring gloves and hand clippers. Projects to be worked on are clipping around headstones and picking up trash. Water and granola bars provided. Anyone under 16 needs to be accompanied by an adult. Please call the Cemetery Office if you’d like to participate at 805-524-3877. Check out their website! https://www.bardsdale
The Bardsdale Cemetery Board will be hosting a Volunteer Day on Saturday, October 22nd from 9am until noon. The Board of Trustees has heard from folks in the community who would like to help—all are welcome to join. Cleaning supplies (rags and buckets of water) and trash bags will be provided, but please bring gloves and hand clippers. Projects to be worked on are clipping around headstones and picking up trash. Water and granola bars provided. Anyone under 16 needs to be accompanied by an adult. Please call the Cemetery Office if you’d like to participate at 805-524-3877. Check out their website! https://www.bardsdale
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The Historic Fillmore Theater will open its doors on October 15, 2022 for a FREE screening of the movie “ . . . and the earth did not swallow him”. The movie is a portrait of the life of a poor Mexican American boy and his migrant farm worker family as they struggle to adjust to life in American society. Many of the scenes were filmed in nearby Piru.

Adapted from the novel “. . . y no se lo trago la tierra”, written by Tomas Rivera and published in 1971, the film was produced for American Playhouse, PBS’s weekly drama series. Tomas Rivera was once a migrant worker, and later went on to become the highest ranking Mexican American in higher education as the Chancellor of the University of California, Riverside. It is truly an inspiring film.

October 15 is also the last day of National Hispanic American Heritage Month 2022. The film is dedicated to the Mexican American Community in Fillmore. There will be two free showings: A matinee at 4:00 p.m., and a 6:00 p.m. showing. The 6:00 p.m. showing will also feature the Los Rayos Mariachi band, and many of the actors in the film will be available for a Meet & Greet, and will be available to answer any questions about the movie. Free popcorn will be available.

Author, Tomas Rivera, was himself a migrant worker as a child, and later went on to become the highest ranking Mexican American in higher education as the Chancellor of the University of California, Riverside. Told through the eyes of Marcos, a twelve-year-old boy, the film emphasizes Marcos’ desire to educate himself. Through its many human stories of growing up as a Mexican American, the story exposes the rich cultural traditions which have given shape to life in the American Southwest.


You are cordially invited to join us Saturday, October 15, 2022 at noon on the Saint Francis of Assisi Church patio for the Annual Rosary Rally. Our prayers are for peace and for the well being of all residents and participants. We include a Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and a procession once around Two Rivers Park with mounted statue of our Blessed Virgin Mary. The church is located at Highway 126 and C Street. For more information, please call Maggie at 805-524-1306 or Darlene at 805-524-9929.

The latest speaker at Fillmore Rotary was Dave Songer, Detective Assistant to the DA and grandson-inlaw of Pastor George Golden. Dave has spent the last 34 years in various areas of law enforcement. He has been to many mass shootings and other emergency situations and has put together a program on how to prepare and what to do if you are involved. He has trained police, sheriffs, CHP, firefighters and FBI. Communication and preparation to be mentally prepared is the key. Dave told Rotary how most people react when faced with a bad situation: denial, freeze, etc. He gave us instructions on how to avoid a problem, such as being aware of your surroundings and have a plan of what to do if something happens. The plan will consist of recognizing the situation is real; mentally this prepares your brain to react so you can do what you need to do. Pictured (l-r) are Dave Songer with Rotary Club President Dave Andersen. Photo Credit Martha Richardson.
The latest speaker at Fillmore Rotary was Dave Songer, Detective Assistant to the DA and grandson-inlaw of Pastor George Golden. Dave has spent the last 34 years in various areas of law enforcement. He has been to many mass shootings and other emergency situations and has put together a program on how to prepare and what to do if you are involved. He has trained police, sheriffs, CHP, firefighters and FBI. Communication and preparation to be mentally prepared is the key. Dave told Rotary how most people react when faced with a bad situation: denial, freeze, etc. He gave us instructions on how to avoid a problem, such as being aware of your surroundings and have a plan of what to do if something happens. The plan will consist of recognizing the situation is real; mentally this prepares your brain to react so you can do what you need to do. Pictured (l-r) are Dave Songer with Rotary Club President Dave Andersen. Photo Credit Martha Richardson.
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On Saturday, September 17th from 9am to noon, at San Salvador Church in Piru, the Fillmore Citizens Patrol will host their 2022 Bicycle and Skateboard Safety Rodeo. They will Raffle off a bike, skateboards and scooters, hold a bike and safety course for basic riding skills and give out free helmets while supplies last. Be sure to take your bike or skateboard. Above and below are photos from a previous rodeo back in 2019. Note: This is not a Fillmore Unified School District sponsored program, and Fillmore Unified School District accepts no liability or responsibility for this program/activity.
On Saturday, September 17th from 9am to noon, at San Salvador Church in Piru, the Fillmore Citizens Patrol will host their 2022 Bicycle and Skateboard Safety Rodeo. They will Raffle off a bike, skateboards and scooters, hold a bike and safety course for basic riding skills and give out free helmets while supplies last. Be sure to take your bike or skateboard. Above and below are photos from a previous rodeo back in 2019. Note: This is not a Fillmore Unified School District sponsored program, and Fillmore Unified School District accepts no liability or responsibility for this program/activity.
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(l-r) Shanti Sandosham receiving a Fillmore Rotary mug from club President Dave Andersen. Photo Credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
(l-r) Shanti Sandosham receiving a Fillmore Rotary mug from club President Dave Andersen. Photo Credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
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The Rotary speaker last week was Shanti Sandosham from The Abundant Table. It is a non-profit which grows vegetables and donates to those in need. She attended UC Davis and majored in farming and graduated from Channel Islands Univ. When she found this organization she knew this was her calling. They are now farming on the King & King Ranch on Guiberson Road. They grow tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, fennel, etc. They box up the vegetables and deliver them all over the county. They hope to give tours to students, teach them about growing and even let them harvest.

(l-r) Rotary President Dave Anderson with Sue Poland from California Women in Agriculture. The Rotary speaker last week was Sue Poland from California Women in Agriculture (CWA). CWA began in Ventura County in 1976, by Kay Wilson-Bolton and Carol Leavens. The mission is for California agriculture to be protected for future generations by educating consumers, policy makers and their members. They have a strong commitment to education and agricultural awareness. Some of their activities are Farm Day where they go to a school and bring farm animals to educate students, Ag in the Classroom which informs teachers about Ag and how they can incorporate it into lessons, and they have a booth at the Ventura County Fair to educate the public. The main focus is on what we all have in common—we all eat food! Where does it come from? Who grows it? What all is involved in the process of California farming and how can it continue for generations to come? Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
(l-r) Rotary President Dave Anderson with Sue Poland from California Women in Agriculture. The Rotary speaker last week was Sue Poland from California Women in Agriculture (CWA). CWA began in Ventura County in 1976, by Kay Wilson-Bolton and Carol Leavens. The mission is for California agriculture to be protected for future generations by educating consumers, policy makers and their members. They have a strong commitment to education and agricultural awareness. Some of their activities are Farm Day where they go to a school and bring farm animals to educate students, Ag in the Classroom which informs teachers about Ag and how they can incorporate it into lessons, and they have a booth at the Ventura County Fair to educate the public. The main focus is on what we all have in common—we all eat food! Where does it come from? Who grows it? What all is involved in the process of California farming and how can it continue for generations to come? Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
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Last week’s Rotary Club speaker was Rick Schroeder from Many Mansions, along with Dalit Shlapobersky. Rick stated that the affordable housing Mountain View Apartments are completed and in the process of interviewing potential residents. There are 77 units with 1-3 bedrooms and there is also a large community space. They are partnering with the Boys & Girls Club and will have a similar club/homework help site for resident students. Many Mansions also offers a scholarship program for resident students who are going on to higher education. They have various resources and help for adults also. The company has 18 housing complexes in Ventura County and four in LA County. Dalit is in charge of fundraising to augment funds from county, state, etc. Pictured are Dalit Shlapobersky and Rick Schroeder from Many Mansions, and Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Last week’s Rotary Club speaker was Rick Schroeder from Many Mansions, along with Dalit Shlapobersky. Rick stated that the affordable housing Mountain View Apartments are completed and in the process of interviewing potential residents. There are 77 units with 1-3 bedrooms and there is also a large community space. They are partnering with the Boys & Girls Club and will have a similar club/homework help site for resident students. Many Mansions also offers a scholarship program for resident students who are going on to higher education. They have various resources and help for adults also. The company has 18 housing complexes in Ventura County and four in LA County. Dalit is in charge of fundraising to augment funds from county, state, etc. Pictured are Dalit Shlapobersky and Rick Schroeder from Many Mansions, and Rotary President Dave Andersen. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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Lisa Morris, American West Coast Region representative for the Relay for Life, spoke to the Fillmore Lions Club Monday evening, August 15th, about the upcoming events and future area event plans. The next Relay for Life event will be in Oxnard on September 17th, 2022. For more information visit Pictured is Fillmore Lions Club Secretary Jaclyn Ibarra (left) presenting the yearly support check to ACS representative Lisa Morris. Photo Credit Fillmore Lions Club.
Lisa Morris, American West Coast Region representative for the Relay for Life, spoke to the Fillmore Lions Club Monday evening, August 15th, about the upcoming events and future area event plans. The next Relay for Life event will be in Oxnard on September 17th, 2022. For more information visit Pictured is Fillmore Lions Club Secretary Jaclyn Ibarra (left) presenting the yearly support check to ACS representative Lisa Morris. Photo Credit Fillmore Lions Club.
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Pictured is Erin Berrington from Fillmore, who raised a 1,252 pound FFA Reserve Champion steer named Keegan, that fetched $5.00 a pound at the 2019 auction. Photo Courtesy Bob Crum.
Pictured is Erin Berrington from Fillmore, who raised a 1,252 pound FFA Reserve Champion steer named Keegan, that fetched $5.00 a pound at the 2019 auction. Photo Courtesy Bob Crum.
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Ventura County Fair 2022 Up-and-coming ranchers and future farmers in the Ventura County 4-H, Grange, FFA and individual youth programs have spent the better part of a year raising, grazing and tending to market animals for exhibition and sale in the Toyota Livestock Area at the 2022 Ventura County Fair, August 3-14.

Everyone including community members and businesses are encouraged to bid on and buy the locally raised lambs, hogs, goats, poultry and beef in support of local youth at the Ventura County Fair Junior Livestock Auction, Friday, August 12.

If you have never attended an auction, we encourage you to attend, The expert auction staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and walk you through the process.

When you buy an animal, you can stock your home freezer with top-quality meat, great to have for that backyard barbecue or block party, you can share it or give a one-of-a-kind gift to a friend, family member or to FOOD Share to show your community support.

Participants follow quality production practices in nutrition, health, care and handling of their livestock to assure the meat meets high quality standards. The 4H, Grange, FFA and individual livestock projects are valuable tools for teaching life skills and responsibility to youth, who dedicate their own time and resources to care for an animal and learn a sustainable business practice. As exhibitors graduate and conclude their livestock showing careers, they use the skills learned and the connections made at the show into college and their professional careers.

Interested bidders can register at the auction. There will be a new buyer registration table in front of the Clark Pavilion. There is no registration fee. Once registered, you are given a buyer card. All buyers can park in the main lot and there will be shuttles to take eyou to livestock. The auction begins at 9am with lunch being served from 11am-2pm. All champions will be auctioned at noon.

To bid, simply raise your hand as the exhibitor leads their animal into the auction arenaand a spotter will call on you. The spotter will go back to them and ask if you want to raise the bid if another buyer is bidding against you.The highest bidder buys the animal.

The Ventura County Fair Junior Livestock Auction, presented by Gold Coast Toyota Dealers, will begin at 9AM on Friday, August 12. For more information visit

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Fillmore neighborhoods are invited to participate in National Night Out, on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 from 6 pm to 8 pm. This is an opportunity to engage in relationship building with deputies and other selected representatives.

National Night Out is an annual crime prevention event and community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie that make our neighborhoods safer all year round. National Night Out is a community building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships.

“National Night Out is a great opportunity for residents to meet and greet different team members assigned to various Sheriff’s Specialized Units for an evening of activities,” said Fillmore Police Chief Garo Kuredjian. “Community policing is more critical than ever before. It’s important for our residents and students to engage with our team in a positive environment and know that we are truly here to serve them and keep them safe.”

The City of Fillmore, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office and Fillmore Police Department is committed to maintaining the safety of all residents by continued community partnership.

The Fillmore Police Department invites the community to come out and ask questions, get crime prevention advice, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood. Together, we are making communities safer, more caring places to live.

To learn more about National Night Out in the City of Fillmore, contact Sergeant Will Hollowell at the Fillmore Police Department, 805-524-2233.

Prepared by: Sergeant Will Hollowell
Approved by: Captain Garo Kuredjian, Fillmore Police Chief

Fillmore Lions Club honored Jaclyn Ibarra, as recipient of the prestigious Melvin Jones Fellow. Mrs. Ibarra is the Fillmore
Lions Club and foundation secretary, among other hats. She was honored for her dedication and services to the community. Melvin Jones was an early pillar of Lions, also a secretary-treasurer. He was known for years of dedication and service and was for his saying, “You can’t get very far until you start doing something for somebody else. “ MJ 1920. The award was presented by Fillmore Club President Stephen McKeown. Photo credit Fillmore Lions Club.
Fillmore Lions Club honored Jaclyn Ibarra, as recipient of the prestigious Melvin Jones Fellow. Mrs. Ibarra is the Fillmore Lions Club and foundation secretary, among other hats. She was honored for her dedication and services to the community. Melvin Jones was an early pillar of Lions, also a secretary-treasurer. He was known for years of dedication and service and was for his saying, “You can’t get very far until you start doing something for somebody else. “ MJ 1920. The award was presented by Fillmore Club President Stephen McKeown. Photo credit Fillmore Lions Club.
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