Pictured (l-r) is Mimi Burns and Civic Pride representative Ari Larson standing in the “Friendship Garden,” which was awarded Fillmore Civic Pride’s Yard of the Month for September 2017.
Pictured (l-r) is Mimi Burns and Civic Pride representative Ari Larson standing in the “Friendship Garden,” which was awarded Fillmore Civic Pride’s Yard of the Month for September 2017.
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Mimi Burns’ was awarded the September 2017 Yard of the Month by Civic Pride representative Ari Larson. Mimi was presented with a $40 gift certificate courtesy of Otto & Sons Nursery.

When asked about the inspiration for her yard, Mimi said, “I wanted to have a yard that was low maintenance and didn't need much watering. My friends Kim and Wade started by putting up the split rail fence. They then leveled the yard and put the extra dirt in the center making the planter for the flower bed. Kim then put the grass turf down for me. I got the rocks from my friend Susan and my daughter Carina.”

“I haven't bought a single plant for my yard - everything comes from friends and family. The pine tree was a Christmas present from Carina. The white birch and the purple plum tree were replants from a neighbor that Wade planted for me. The succulents, geraniums and everything else in the yard come from friends who have given me clippings from their plants,” says Mimi when asked about the types of plants featured in her yard.

Regarding the design of the garden, Mimi stated, “I have taken these clippings and randomly planted them throughout and it is surprising how they have taken hold and flourished. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to my ‘friendship garden.’ It is still a work in progress and a true reflection of ‘all things are possible.’ Thank you.”

The house is located at 450 Fillmore St. If you would like to nominate a yard in the Fillmore area please email Ari Larson at petenari55@hotmail.com or call 805.794.7590.



Ventura County Library announces the addition of the MyVCLib mobile app for instant access to Library Services. We have an app for you! Ventura County Library customers can now quickly access online services and resources via an icon on their mobile devices.

The mobile app “MyVCLib” delivers the Ventura County Library catalog along with account services such as catalog search, holds, and renewals. You can find the app in the Google Play or iTunes app stores.

Downloadable book and online resource apps are integrated within MyVCLib for easy access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, language learning, movies, and music. Users also have quick links to Ventura County eLibrary content, the Library’s event calendar, VCL news, and library location information.

Other features include BookLook, allowing customers to scan a book’s bar code (for example, when in a bookstore) to see if the library owns the title, “Popular This Week” suggested reading lists, a place to store library card numbers, and links to the library’s social media and website.

Ventura County Library System:
Inspiring our community to explore, discover and connect.
The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at www.vencolibrary.org



VENTURA CA - District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today the creation of a Misdemeanor Diversion Program for low-level misdemeanor offenders. The program is an effort to reduce recidivism by providing meaningful education and rehabilitation to appropriate individuals. Beginning October 1, 2017, eligible offenders who choose to participate in diversion will have their criminal charges deferred while they complete rehabilitative classes and pay any restitution owed to the victims. Programming is based on a therapeutic concept known as cognitive behavioral therapy and addresses the individual’s particular criminal actions.

Individuals who commit specified misdemeanor crimes will be eligible for diversion only if they have never been convicted of a felony, have not previously been diverted, and have not been convicted of a misdemeanor in the past 10 years. More serious misdemeanor crimes are excluded from diversion, such as driving under the influence, domestic violence, gang-related offenses, crimes exhibiting criminal sophistication, and crimes of significant violence.

Participation is voluntary for offenders. Those who choose not to participate or who fail to complete the program will face criminal charges that have been authorized by a deputy district attorney. Those who complete the diversion program and pay victim restitution, if any is owed, will not face prosecution.

The program is funded entirely by offenders, with neither cost nor revenue to the District Attorney’s Office or the County of Ventura. Payment plans are available and a portion of each fee will be deposited into an indigent offender fund that will be used to reduce program fees for indigent defendants who cannot afford the full fee.

The Misdemeanor Diversion Program will be administered by Pacific Educational Services, Inc. (PES), a leader in California diversion programs. PES was selected based upon their proven record of success. A study conducted by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office found that while 21 percent of those who declined diversion re-offended within one year, only 6 percent of those who completed the PES program committed a new crime in that timeframe.

The goals of the Misdemeanor Diversion Program are to achieve more positive outcomes and reduce recidivism. Similar programs currently operate in various California counties, including San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties.

Of the program, Mr. Totten stated:
My hope is this program will provide offenders with an opportunity to address the issues that led them to offend in the first place. If we can do that, we will improve the safety of our community and help offenders to change their lives for the better.

You can purchase the book online at www.amazon.com
You can purchase the book online at www.amazon.com
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“The author, Russ Goodenough, working with the USAF Historical Research Center staff, assisted my Southeast Asia Declassification Team by identifying specific documents for declassification that could potentially provide special insight into the conflict in SEA. Utilizing this wealth of declassified information, the author has gained an exceptional understanding of the conflict, enhancing & enriching his own combat experience.
“A reader should follow this fighter pilot’s airborne journey that placed him into benchmark events in the escalating Vietnam conflict. He was one of the first involved. Cockpit experiences combined with research data have created a unique story that portrays this conflict very differently than what we have been told. His detailed portrayal of the massive, clandestine Laotian Air Wars and the CIA involvement deserves to be read by anyone interested in our history. This book should be required reading for all Air Force cadets. Very eye opening!” — USAF Colonel (ret.) James R. Annis, MBA, MS

Thursday, September 24th citizens gathered in front of Fillmore City Hall to honor International Peace Day. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
Thursday, September 24th citizens gathered in front of Fillmore City Hall to honor International Peace Day. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
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A ceremony to honor the International Day of Peace will take place on September 21st at Central Park in front of Fillmore City Hall. The community was invited to participate in the event. The International Day of Peace began in 1982 with a United Nation’s proclamation following a celebration commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly stating “that this day be devoted to…strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among nations”. It was expanded in 2001 to call for a day of global cease fire and nonviolence. Soroptimist International of Fillmore began to honor the International Day of Peace in 2008 with a temporary wooden pole. The permanent Peace Pole was installed in 2010 through the collaboration of the City of Fillmore, local service groups and donations from individuals. The Peace Pole now stands in the southwest corner of City Hall Park to invite person reflection and to stand as a permanent reminder of the need for peace. The Pole has inscribed “Let There Be Peace On Earth” in seven different languages. Taking part in the event were Unitarian Minister Maddie Sifantus , Soroptimist President Jane David, Lynn Edmonds, Methodist Pastor Bethany Carpenter, Marlene Barragan and Anthony Palomera. A representative of St. Francis of Assisi Fillmore closed the ceremony. Honored were Janine Rees as Fillmore Peace Maker, and America Munoz as Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco. A reception followed in Janine Rees’s honor, hosted by Bill Faith and the Rees/Faith families. A special thank you to Lions International of Fillmore for co-sponsoring the event and the Fillmore City Fire Department for setting up the lights.


Ventura County Clerk–Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark A. Lunn announced plans to host a National Voter Registration Day event on September 26, 2017, to register voters and encourage participation in future elections.

Started in 2012 for the Presidential Election, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise the right to vote. The goal is to increase participation by encouraging people to register to vote and come to the polls next year.

The Ventura County Elections Division has partnered with libraries throughout Ventura County, Ventura Adult School, Ventura Community College, Moorpark Community College, and Cal State Channel Islands to engage new and existing voters.

The Ventura County Elections Division will be registering voters at the entrance to the Hall of Administration at the Government Center located at 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura on Tuesday, September 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Voters can also register at the Elections Division located on the lower plaza of the Hall of Administration, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Online voter registration is available in 10 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Individuals can register to vote in these languages by visiting http://registertovote.ca.gov.

Additional information regarding voter registration is available on the Elections Division website http://www.venturavote.org or by calling the Elections Division at (805) 654-2664.


Submitted by Lynn Edmonds
Come to the Fillmore Library on Thursday, September 14th at 6:00pm to learn strategies on how to make our community a more peaceful place. After the talk you are all invited to make cranes (from the book 1000 Cranes) to hang as a reminder to work toward peace in both Fillmore and Piru. The event is open to all ages. The talk is a continuation of the Soroptimist International Evening Library talks.

Friday September 1st Fillmore’s One Step a La Vez Club hosted a meet and greet with MMA Fighter Jose “Froggy” Estrada. He spoke about how he has overcome adversity and stayed on the right path by staying focused on wrestling and mixed martial arts. He also shared about the sacrifices, hard work, sweat discipline, as well how important it is to be role moodel. Jose “Froggy” Estrada have a fight coming up September 15th. Good Luck Froggy!!
Friday September 1st Fillmore’s One Step a La Vez Club hosted a meet and greet with MMA Fighter Jose “Froggy” Estrada. He spoke about how he has overcome adversity and stayed on the right path by staying focused on wrestling and mixed martial arts. He also shared about the sacrifices, hard work, sweat discipline, as well how important it is to be role moodel. Jose “Froggy” Estrada have a fight coming up September 15th. Good Luck Froggy!!
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Martha Gentry verified the historical record for the book, RANCHO SESPE and the FHM provided many of the vintage photos of the Spaldings and Rancho Sespe for the book. Book Signing Saturday, September 2nd 2-4pm at the Depot with Becky, Ernie, and Evie. Sales benefit the Fillmore Historical Museum.
Martha Gentry verified the historical record for the book, RANCHO SESPE and the FHM provided many of the vintage photos of the Spaldings and Rancho Sespe for the book. Book Signing Saturday, September 2nd 2-4pm at the Depot with Becky, Ernie, and Evie. Sales benefit the Fillmore Historical Museum.
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The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has begun accepting applications for the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP). The AMMP is one of two programs designed by CDFA to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions. The program will provide $9-16 million dollars in grants to California dairy and livestock operators to implement non-digester manure management practices that reduce their methane emissions.
Earth First Construction, a California educational non-profit organization, under a grant from the CDFA is holding four Technical Assistance Workshops. These workshops will provide technical assistance with the application process and are free of charge. At the two-hour workshop participants will learn about the application process, scoring and how to submit the application through the online application tool, the Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST). Applications and all supporting information must be submitted electronically using FAAST by Monday, October 2, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. PDT.

In addition to the four workshops underwritten by a grant from the CDFA and the California Strategic Growth Council, Earth First Construction is offering the Manure Solutions Seminar. This three-hour seminar includes these speakers and topics:

Jeff Weisel, Dairy Advisor, Chosen Acres, “Separating Solids and Green Bedding”

Lew Douglas, CEO, Urth Agriculture, “Microbial Solutions for Manure and Forage”

Dick Wullaert, CEO, Bioguard Industries, “Functional Water – Water that Serves a Purpose”

Ed Ober, Director, Sustainable Practices Associates, “Key Factors in Writing Successful Grants”

This Seminar will be held one time at the International Agri-Center in Tulare on September 11, 2017 from 9:00 to 12:00 pm. Door opens at 8:30 am. The seminar is registration cost is $125. However, if a participant registers for both the Technical Assistance workshop and the Seminar then the registration cost is only $50 a savings of $75. Complete details and registration available at www.ManureSolutions.org

The free of charge Technical Assistance workshop is being offered on the following dates and times:

Monday, September 11, 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the International Agri-Center, Tulare

Tuesday, September 12 at the Tulare County Library in Visalia, the workshop will be held from 9:00 am to 11:00 am; at 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

For complete details and registration visit www.ManureSolutions.org – Space is limited to 40 people at the Seminar and either 20 or 40 people at each workshop depending on the location.

NOTE – THE AMMP is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of cap-and-trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities. The cap-and-trade program also creates a financial incentive for industries to invest in clean technologies and develop innovative ways to reduce pollution. California Climate Investment projects include affordable housing, renewable energy, public transportation, zero-emission vehicles, environmental restoration, more sustainable agriculture, recycling and much more. At least 35 percent of these investments are made in disadvantaged and low-income communities. For more information, visit California Climate Investments.


Fillmore, CA - In observance of the Labor Day holiday, employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, Sept. 4. As a result, Fillmore city residential customers will have their trash, recyclables and green waste collected on Saturday, Sept. 9, one day later than usual.

The regular Friday collection schedule will resume the following week.

For more information, call 647-1414.

One Step A La Vez Teen Advocacy Center and MMA athlete “Froggy” recognize the importance of a positive role model

Fillmore, CA - One Step A La Vez (OSALV) Teen Advocacy Center invites and welcomes hometown hero/MMA athlete Jose “Froggy” Estrada. As he will be conducting a motivational speech about how he overcame adversity and stayed on the right path by keeping himself busy by participating in wrestling and mixed martial arts. Froggy will also take the time to do a meet and greet with the opportunity to get an autograph and a picture. Froggy’s visit will be a part of a back to school open house at OSALV on September 1, 2017, to welcome our returning teens and hopefully to reach out to new teens interested in being a part of our center. OSALV is located at 421 Sespe Ave. in Fillmore, CA. As the event was briefly described at the beginning, the importance for a teen to have a positive role model in their lives is critical in this life stage.

Froggy understands the importance of giving back to his community and loves to lead by example to show that hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and discipline were important in the pursuit of his goals and dreams. His love for his family, friends, and beloved grandpa up in heaven in his hometown of Fillmore and all around Ventura County is the driving force that runs through his veins which motivate him to give his all in the octagon. When I interviewed “Froggy” he would always reiterate that he loved making his family and friends proud of him, which is important to him. In Froggy’s own words, he told me that he is “always down to give back to the kids” and excited “to teach them that hard work pays off”. With “Froggy’s visit to One Step A La Vez, it reinforces our center's mission and shows our community that there are people in our community that want to give back.

Our mission at OSALV is to serve the communities of Santa Clarita Valley, specifically the communities of Fillmore, Piru and Santa Paula, by providing a safe environment for 13-19-year old’s and preparing informed, empowered youth who are equipped with the tools to lead, cultivate cultural awareness, bridge the gaps of inequality and advocate for fair, just and healthy individuals and communities.

On Saturday September 2nd from to 2pm – 4pm The Fillmore Historical Museum will be hosting Fillmore local Authors Becky and Ernie Morales of the book titled “Rancho Sespe.” The Fillmore Museum provided many vintage photos of the Spalding Family for the book as well as had Martha Gentry, Executive Director write the forward for the book. Submitted by Fillmore Historical Museum.
On Saturday September 2nd from to 2pm – 4pm The Fillmore Historical Museum will be hosting Fillmore local Authors Becky and Ernie Morales of the book titled “Rancho Sespe.” The Fillmore Museum provided many vintage photos of the Spalding Family for the book as well as had Martha Gentry, Executive Director write the forward for the book. Submitted by Fillmore Historical Museum.
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Rotary President Dave Wareham presented a Rotary mug to speaker, Caitlin Barringer, from the American Cancer Society. She spoke about the upcoming Relay for Life which will be held September 23rd and 24th. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
Rotary President Dave Wareham presented a Rotary mug to speaker, Caitlin Barringer, from the American Cancer Society. She spoke about the upcoming Relay for Life which will be held September 23rd and 24th. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Rotary Says Goodbye to Exchange Student. Rotary Exchange Student Josh Cox, from Australia, presented his last program to the Fillmore Rotary club before heading back to Australia. Pictured is Rotary President Dave Wareham presenting Josh with a Rotary mug for all his participation. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
Rotary Says Goodbye to Exchange Student. Rotary Exchange Student Josh Cox, from Australia, presented his last program to the Fillmore Rotary club before heading back to Australia. Pictured is Rotary President Dave Wareham presenting Josh with a Rotary mug for all his participation. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Rotary President, Dave Wareham, presented member Martha Richardson with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition.
Rotary President, Dave Wareham, presented member Martha Richardson with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition.
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Fillmore Rotarians sang Happy Birthday to celebrate the day with members Ruthie Gunderson and Julie Latshaw.
Fillmore Rotarians sang Happy Birthday to celebrate the day with members Ruthie Gunderson and Julie Latshaw.
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The levee near the southern end of Sespe Creek is nearing completion. The $1,457,735 project is due to be complete by mid-November.
The levee near the southern end of Sespe Creek is nearing completion. The $1,457,735 project is due to be complete by mid-November.
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Pictured is July 2017 Yard of the Month winner Gary Esquibel with Fillmore Civic Pride member Ari Larson. Photo courtesy of Fillmore Civic Pride.
Pictured is July 2017 Yard of the Month winner Gary Esquibel with Fillmore Civic Pride member Ari Larson. Photo courtesy of Fillmore Civic Pride.
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Congratulations to Gary Esquibel on being named the July 2017 Yard of the Month. He was presented with a $40 gift certificate from Otto & Sons Nursery from Ari Larson representing Fillmore Civic Pride. When thinking about their landscape Gary said “We had a desire for a drought tolerant landscape.” The plants in their yard include: Senecio blue chalk sticks, Hesperaloe Parviflora Red, Anigozanthus Big Red, Iceberg Roses white, Aloe Arboresens, Aloe Striata, pittosporum tenuifolim marjorie channon, Gulf Stream Nandina, Arbutus marina, Salvia Leucantha, Agave Attenuata and Echeveria mixed color. Gary said they “Enjoy the white and red roses and trim them for use within their home." He would like to share that “Drought tolerant landscaping is not only beautiful, but save on your monthly water bill and drought tolerant landscaping is easy to take care of.” Gary’s house is located at 630 Falcon Way in Fillmore. For more information on Fillmore Civic Pride or to nominate a front yard for Yard of the Month please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590 or petenari55@hotmail.com

On Thursday, July 27th there was a three car accident on the corner of Central Ave. and Highway 126. One woman who was in her 3rd trimester was sent to the hospital as a precaution.
On Thursday, July 27th there was a three car accident on the corner of Central Ave. and Highway 126. One woman who was in her 3rd trimester was sent to the hospital as a precaution.
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Wednesday, August 3rd, at approximately 9:45am a two car accident occurred on Chambersburg Road and Bellvue Avenue. It appeared that one car spun out and into the trunk of a tree near Elkins Golf Course. No Injuries were reported and cause is still under investigation.
Wednesday, August 3rd, at approximately 9:45am a two car accident occurred on Chambersburg Road and Bellvue Avenue. It appeared that one car spun out and into the trunk of a tree near Elkins Golf Course. No Injuries were reported and cause is still under investigation.
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Former Coach Bruce Dempsey won the Elkins Ranch Men’s Club Super Senior’s Championship recently. The trophy plaque with his name will be on display in the Pro Shop at Elkins Ranch Golf Course as a permanent display for the Men’s Club. As a member at Elkins since 1968, Bruce has played at numerous golf courses throughout the world with his wife Jean, of 59 years! These courses include St. Andrews and courses in all 50 states. The Dempsey’s enjoy the great outdoors and companionship that this sport provides.