Fillmore Rotary Club President Dave Wareham initiated the newest Rotarian, Barbara Filkins. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
Fillmore Rotary Club President Dave Wareham initiated the newest Rotarian, Barbara Filkins. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Permits Available April 11th at City Hall
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

The City of Fillmore advises all local non-profit organizations that applications are available Tuesday, April 11th, for 2018 firework booth permits.

Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 31st in the City Clerk's office at Fillmore City Hall, 250 Central Avenue. The fee is $400.00; all organizations must provide proof of non-profit status and complete a “no fee” business license application.

The City’s Municipal Code (Section 15.38.030) requires applicants to be a non-profit association or corporation organized primarily for veteran, patriotic, welfare, city betterment, religious or charitable purposes, having on file with the City of Fillmore proof of non-profit status from either the IRS, California Secretary of State or the State Attorney General, having its principal and permanent meeting place in the City, and having been organized and established in the City for a minimum of three years continuously preceding the filing of the permit application.

A maximum of 25 permits will be issued, and priority will be given to organizations that were issued permits in 2017 and continue to be eligible. If necessary, a lottery will be held in early June to randomly determine which organizations will receive permits in addition to the qualified organizations.

Fireworks sales may occur within the City limits from Wednesday, June 28th at twelve o’clock noon through Wednesday, July 5th at twelve o’clock noon.


Questions regarding applications or eligibility should be directed to the City
Clerk’s Office at Fillmore City Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m., Monday through Thursday and alternate Fridays, or by calling 524-1500, extension 234 or emailing

Rotarian Don Gunderson, was recognized by Kyle Wilson as a Paul Harris Society Member. Rotarians can donate to the Rotary Foundation which supports projects internationally and locally. By donating members can become a Paul Harris Fellow, Paul Harris Society Member, or Paul Harris Major Donor. No only was Don being recognized he also celebrated his birthday. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
Rotarian Don Gunderson, was recognized by Kyle Wilson as a Paul Harris Society Member. Rotarians can donate to the Rotary Foundation which supports projects internationally and locally. By donating members can become a Paul Harris Fellow, Paul Harris Society Member, or Paul Harris Major Donor. No only was Don being recognized he also celebrated his birthday. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Bruce Johnson standing with Dave Wareham, is our local Luthier presented the latest program to the Rotary club. He has a craftsman shop where he crafts specialty guitars, in the old school way and sells them on his website. He is promoting a Jam Fest every Sunday, near the train station, beginning April 22. It will be a time when locals can join in or just come to listen. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
Bruce Johnson standing with Dave Wareham, is our local Luthier presented the latest program to the Rotary club. He has a craftsman shop where he crafts specialty guitars, in the old school way and sells them on his website. He is promoting a Jam Fest every Sunday, near the train station, beginning April 22. It will be a time when locals can join in or just come to listen. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
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The Friends of the Fillmore Library are hosting a fundraising luncheon to raise funds for the Fillmore Library Expansion Project. The luncheon will be held on May 21, 2018 at 1 pm at the El Pescador Restaurant, 1305 W. Ventura St, Fillmore. Tickets are $20 apiece or $30 for two. For those who wish to purchase tickets but cannot attend the luncheon, special arrangements will be made by the Friends to deliver lunches. To purchase tickets please contact the Friends of the Fillmore Library at 805-524-2731.

Community members may also purchase tickets for the luncheon and find out more about the library expansion project in person at the next Fillmore Library Expansion Project Committee Meeting to be held at the Fillmore Library, 502 Second St., Fillmore on April 18, 2018 at 7pm. This meeting is open to all community members to discuss the project to expand and enhance the Fillmore Library. This meeting is free and open to the public; anyone interested in discovering more about this project or learning how the community can help is encouraged to attend.

Library Expansion Project partners include: the City of Fillmore, Ventura County Library Foundation, and Friends of the Fillmore Library.

For additional information, contact Ventura County Library Director, Nancy Schram at or (805) 256-8535.

Fillmore Library is located at 502 Second St., Fillmore, CA 93015. Hours of service are Mondays and Tuesdays 2pm – 7pm; Wednesdays 10am – 5pm; Thursdays through Saturdays 12pm – 5pm.

Ventura County Library:
Inspiring our community to explore, discover, and connect.
The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at


Saturday, April 21, 2018, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ventura County Agricultural Museum
926 Railroad Avenue, Santa Paula, CA 93060

*Power point presentation on citrus history and citrus labels at 11:00 a.m.

*Original California citrus crate labels and citrus-themed memorabilia on display and for

*Citrus goodies will be served.

The Citrus Label Society was founded in 1981 with the purpose of providing meeting places for citrus label collectors to gather together and exchange labels, to enjoy special citrus-related programs, and to share and preserve historical information about the citrus industry. Citrus labels are unique, visual images that document California’s citrus heritage and the state’s history, and are also appreciated by collectors as beautiful works of art.

Everyone is welcome to this special Ventura County meeting. Tell the docent at the entrance that you are attending the meeting, and there will be no charge for Museum admission. You will also be free to enjoy the interesting historical exhibits in the Museum.

*Master Gardeners of Ventura County will also be at the Museum until noon selling tomato plants, including heirloom seedlings, which supports the Master Gardener Program of Ventura County.*

For more information contact Tom Spellman:


The Fillmore Flower show is almost here! The theme this year is “Fillmore Blooms!” Look around your garden and select the blooms you want to enter. We have many faithful gardeners who bring flowers, potted plants, arrangements, bouquets and dish gardens every year. That is what keeps the flower show going. But, we encourage others to participate too.
Maybe you are telling yourself, “I can’t compete with those people. I just have a few blossoms.” Well, one of those blossoms might be the grand prize winner. Or maybe you will just get a ribbon, but meet some wonderful people who also love gardening. You may hear people complimenting your bloom. Whatever the outcome, you will hear lovely music, see amazing displays, eat some cookies, read youth compositions and celebrate being in Fillmore.
Bring your entries to the Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara Street, between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning (April 14). $5 entry fee no matter how many entries. Youth compositions should be dropped off at the same location Friday afternoon between 3:00 and 4:30 p.m. Youth arrangements are created at the center by the entrant between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. Saturday. Remember, there is a category for youth team entries. Youth entries are free.

All rules, special notes and divisions are available on the website:

Please set aside some time next weekend to come to the Fillmore Flower Show. Public viewing is 1:00 to 4:00 Saturday and Sunday. Free admission.

Rotary President Dave Wareham presents a mug to new Fillmore Police Chief Eric Tennessen for introducing himself to the Rotary Club as well as shared about his plans as the new Chief. Tennessen grew up in South Dakota and has lived in California 21 years. He has worked for the Sheriffs Department for 20 years. He is committed to getting involved in Fillmore and meeting the people. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
Rotary President Dave Wareham presents a mug to new Fillmore Police Chief Eric Tennessen for introducing himself to the Rotary Club as well as shared about his plans as the new Chief. Tennessen grew up in South Dakota and has lived in California 21 years. He has worked for the Sheriffs Department for 20 years. He is committed to getting involved in Fillmore and meeting the people. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
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(l-r) Robert & Griselda Guerrero and Ari Larson from Civic Pride presenting the Guerrero family with their gift certificate from Otto & Sons Nursery. Photo courtesy Miranda Alonzo.
(l-r) Robert & Griselda Guerrero and Ari Larson from Civic Pride presenting the Guerrero family with their gift certificate from Otto & Sons Nursery. Photo courtesy Miranda Alonzo.
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Congratulations to Robert and Griselda Guerrero whose yard has been named the yard of the month for March 2018 by Fillmore Civic Pride. Ari Larson presented them a certificate for $40 courtesy of Otto & Sons Nursery. They enjoy spending time in their front yard and especially like the lavender’s aroma. Their address is 204 Cook Dr. in Fillmore. For more information on Civic Pride please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590 or email:

Pictured left is Gilbert Escoto who has been instrumental in establishing Piru Youth Sports, accepting a $500 check for the program from Fillmore Rotary Club president Dave Wareham. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
Pictured left is Gilbert Escoto who has been instrumental in establishing Piru Youth Sports, accepting a $500 check for the program from Fillmore Rotary Club president Dave Wareham. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Friday, March 16th from 9:00am – 11:00am at the Veterans Memorial Building the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPB GSA) hosted a public workshop for the community. The workshop discussed the FPB GSA Boundary Modifications and 2018 Budget Review as well as allowed for questions and comments to be heard from the community.
Friday, March 16th from 9:00am – 11:00am at the Veterans Memorial Building the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPB GSA) hosted a public workshop for the community. The workshop discussed the FPB GSA Boundary Modifications and 2018 Budget Review as well as allowed for questions and comments to be heard from the community.
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Since 1919, the people in Fillmore have been displaying flowers and plants from their gardens. There were years when there wasn’t a flower show. But then, civic minded people would be willing to do the work to again bring back the show. At the Fillmore Flower Show, you can bring cut flower stems of your most beautiful blooms. You can arrange a variety of flowers into a large or very small arrangement. Or, if you have particularly lovely blossoms in one type of flower, bring a bouquet. Maybe it is a potted plant you have lovingly nurtured or a dish garden that you think others in the community will enjoy seeing. All are welcome.

Maybe you don’t have flowers and plants you want to display. Come to the Flower Show anyway! There is live music playing during the public viewing times. Many people who enter the show know A LOT about flowers. They love to share their knowledge with you. Ask what plants grow well in the shade, what flowers bloom best in Fillmore, when do I feed my flowers, what plants attract birds and butterflies? There is a plant boutique where you can pick up some inexpensive cuttings. As you walk through the rows of flowers, you may see a flower you would like to add to your garden. Someone should be able to tell you the name of the flower. Every year it is amazing to see how many different shades of roses decorate the world.

This year the Flower Show is April 14th and 15th at the Active Adult Center on Santa Clara Street. Bring your entries to the Center between 7:30 and 10 AM Saturday morning (the 14th). There is a $5 entry fee for each adult exhibitor no matter how many entries. All youth entries are free.

Youth categories are: Arrangements, Composition and Art. Next week there will be more information for youth exhibitors.

Just for inspiration:
“Earth laughs in flowers” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece” —Claude Monet

“Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful: they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul” — Luther Burbank

“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments” —Janet Kilburn Phillips

Please join your neighbors this year at the Fillmore Flower Show. Together, “Fillmore Blooms!”


On Saturday, April 14, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) will host a Passport Fair for Ventura County residents to make sure their passports are up to date for the summer travel season.

Staff from the Los Angeles Passport Agency will be on hand to renew old passports and process first-time applications at the Passport Fair, which will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Oxnard Family Circle, located at 2100 Outlet Center Drive, Oxnard, CA 93036.

“As summer approaches, I want to make sure everyone in Ventura County who is considering traveling abroad can get their passports as easily as possible,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity for convenient service from the Los Angeles Passport Agency.”

Representatives from Brownley’s district office have urged anyone interested in attending to bring passport photos and proper documentation. They will also be at the Passport Fair to answer any questions. For more details, call Brownley’s district office at (805) 379-1779 or visit

Fillmore Rotary Club donated $500 to the Fillmore High School Swim Team. Pictured are six team members along with their coach Cindy Blatt, accepting the donation from Rotary President Dave Wareham. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
Fillmore Rotary Club donated $500 to the Fillmore High School Swim Team. Pictured are six team members along with their coach Cindy Blatt, accepting the donation from Rotary President Dave Wareham. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Catastrophic: The St. Francis Dam Disaster, a video created by the Fillmore High School and Middle School video classes, will be premiered on March 17 at 1 pm at the Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society Visitor Center, 455 Main St. Fillmore. The video tells the story of the flood through the words of survivors and their descendants.

The public is invited to attend the commemoration of the disaster on Saturday. March 17th. An opening ceremony and dedication of a plaque will start the day at 9:00 am in front of Fillmore City Hall. In addition to the video premiere, speaker Jon Wilkman, author of Floodpath: The Deadliest Man-Made Disaster of the 20th Century and the Making of Modern Los Angeles will be speaking at 10:00 am. Exhibits will be on display at the Fillmore Historical Museum. For information on other commemoration activities in the Santa Clara River Valley, go to


Assessing and treating obesity, which now affects one in three adults and one in six adolescents, will be the focus of a free seminar on Wednesday, April 11, in Oxnard. The name of the seminar is “The Skinny on Obesity: Current Assessment and Treatment.”

The guest speaker will be Dr. Paul Cisarik, a weight-loss expert who is certified with the American Board of Obesity Medicine. Dr. Cisarik will discuss various treatment options, including behavior modification, weight-loss programs, pharmacologic therapy and bariatric surgery.

Obesity is a common and serious health issue affecting millions of Americans. Over a third of adults in the United States are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which also notes that obesity leads to serious and potentially life-threatening health conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Dr. Cisarik received his medical degree from St. George’s University School of Medicine, completed his residency at MetroHealth Medical Center and earned his master’s degree in nutrition from Case Western Reserve University. His specialties include medically supervised weight loss, management of medical and nutritional issues before bariatric surgery, and long-term care after bariatric surgery. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Obesity Medicine. Dr. Cisarik is an active member of the Community Memorial Hospital medical staff.

The April 11 seminar will begin at 6 p.m. at the Courtyard by Marriott in Oxnard, 600 E. Esplanade Drive. Registration is free but reservations are required. For reservations, visit or call Brown Paper Tickets at 800-838-3006.

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, along with the Centers for Family Health serving various communities within and located in Ventura County, California.

On Tuesday, March 6th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm Fillmore community members gathered at the Active Adult Center for the “Protect Fillmore’s Water Letter Writing Party & Informational Meeting.” Attendees were able to submit comments opposing the expansion of oil waste injection into the Sespe oil field (fracking). They wrote letters expressing their concerns and were able to learn more about the expansion as well as what they can do to help to oppose the expansion.
On Tuesday, March 6th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm Fillmore community members gathered at the Active Adult Center for the “Protect Fillmore’s Water Letter Writing Party & Informational Meeting.” Attendees were able to submit comments opposing the expansion of oil waste injection into the Sespe oil field (fracking). They wrote letters expressing their concerns and were able to learn more about the expansion as well as what they can do to help to oppose the expansion.
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Courtesy Maria Christopher.

March 3, Santa Clara Riverbed Hike - A St. Francis Am Disaster Commemoration Month Event.

Please join us on March 3, at 10:00 AM for a Santa Clara River bed hike on The Nature Conservancy Hanson property near Santa Paula. It will be led by TNC hike leader, Amy Davis. She will talk with the participants about the St Francis Dam disaster's impact on the river channel, scouring, and sediment load, as well as TNC’s restoration efforts at the Hanson site and their impact on the Santa Clara and future flooding.

The address to meet at is 1368 Mission Rock Road. At the end of Mission Rock road there is a yellow farm gate with a TNC sign, people can park next to that gate and Amy will meet hikers there and guide them into the property. The hike will start from there at 10am.

Please let your hiking and history friends know. After the hike, take time for lunch at one of Santa Paula's unique restaurants and visit their museum. The Oil Museum will have a dam related exhibit opening that day.

A complete list of The March 2018 St. Francis Dam Disaster Commemoration Month Activities can be found at

The Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau thanks The Nature Conservancy for their willingness to host this event and for all they are doing to preserve the Santa Clara River Valley.