Pictured is Jannette Jauregui, from the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, with Rotary Club President Andy Klittich. Jeannette presented information on the agency to the club last week. The Agency provides help for older adults, individuals with disabilities and caregivers. They are a source for assistance, information and referrals. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson & Ari Larson.
Pictured is Jannette Jauregui, from the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, with Rotary Club President Andy Klittich. Jeannette presented information on the agency to the club last week. The Agency provides help for older adults, individuals with disabilities and caregivers. They are a source for assistance, information and referrals. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson & Ari Larson.
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Fillmore Active Adult Center, located at 533 Santa Clara Avenue, hosted their first Job Skills for Seniors class this past week. Participants started their learning with computer and internet basics. Classes are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 –11 a.m. in English and Spanish. Advanced Job Skills class begins November 26, Monday and Wednesday from 9 –11 a.m. in room 36 Fillmore District Office, also in English and Spanish.
Fillmore Active Adult Center, located at 533 Santa Clara Avenue, hosted their first Job Skills for Seniors class this past week. Participants started their learning with computer and internet basics. Classes are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 –11 a.m. in English and Spanish. Advanced Job Skills class begins November 26, Monday and Wednesday from 9 –11 a.m. in room 36 Fillmore District Office, also in English and Spanish.
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1,000 children at six schools for vision problems. Vision screening has been a part of Lions Clubs International’s mission since its founding and continues today. (Above) Pleasant Valley Club Past President Tom Debardas screens San Cayetano School student Casey Spore. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
1,000 children at six schools for vision problems. Vision screening has been a part of Lions Clubs International’s mission since its founding and continues today. (Above) Pleasant Valley Club Past President Tom Debardas screens San Cayetano School student Casey Spore. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
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On Saturday, November 11th at the Veterans Memorial Building the Fillmore Lions Club held their annual Enchilada Dinner. Families and friends gathered to dine in or take out their dinners of enchiladas, rice, beans, and a salad. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
On Saturday, November 11th at the Veterans Memorial Building the Fillmore Lions Club held their annual Enchilada Dinner. Families and friends gathered to dine in or take out their dinners of enchiladas, rice, beans, and a salad. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
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(l-r) Rotary President Andy Klittich with Deputy DA Brandon Ross, who presented a very informative and interesting program on Project LEAD, Legal Enrichment and Decision Making. Photo courtesy Andy Klittich.
(l-r) Rotary President Andy Klittich with Deputy DA Brandon Ross, who presented a very informative and interesting program on Project LEAD, Legal Enrichment and Decision Making. Photo courtesy Andy Klittich.
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Deputy District Attorney Brandon Ross presented a very informative and interesting program on Project LEAD, Legal Enrichment and Decision Making. This project focuses on fifth graders and opens their eyes to what can happen if they make bad decisions and how their behavior can affect them legally. During the program they hear from a Judge, DA, Etc. and will travel to the Juvenile Justice Court where they participate in a Mock Trial. They also learn about electronic monitoring, and all aspects of what can happen with bad decisions. The hope is that this knowledge will filter into their lives and those of their families and friends.


Rosalyn Diaz, a student at Fillmore Middle School, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning the local competition sponsored by the Fillmore Lions Club.

Rosalyn’s poster was among more than 50 entries in the contest. There are over 380,000 entries submitted world wide in the annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest each year. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere.

The theme for this year was: “Kindness Matters.” Rosalyn’s poster was selected for its originality, artistic merit, and portrayal of the contest theme.

The judges were again impressed by the expression and creativity of the students’ art. It is obvious that these young people have strong ideas about what peace means to them. Fillmore Lions Club is proud that we were able to provide them with the opportunity to share their visions with other students and our city.

Miss Diaz’s poster will advance to face stiff competition through the district, multiple districts and international rounds of competition.

One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of US $5,000, plus a trip for the winner and two family members to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of US $500.

Runner-up students were Ella Ochoa, and Paola Ruiz. All participants are students in Mrs. Doris Nichols' art class at Fillmore Middle School.

The Lions Club would like to thank the School Board for encouraging teachers and students to get involved in all types of education.

The judges had a very difficult time in the selection.

Mrs. Nichols is commended for her assistance in this annual event.

Fillmore City Clerk Olivia Lopez was the speaker at Rotary Club of Fillmore on Wednesday, October 10th. Olivia spoke about how the election process works and wanted to remind people to vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Pictured (l-r) are Rotarians Sean Morris, FUSD School Board member, Rotary President Andy Klittich, City of Fillmore City Clerk Olivia Lopez, Fillmore Council member Carrie Broggie and FUSD School Board member Scott Beylik. Photo courtesy Ari Larson.
Fillmore City Clerk Olivia Lopez was the speaker at Rotary Club of Fillmore on Wednesday, October 10th. Olivia spoke about how the election process works and wanted to remind people to vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Pictured (l-r) are Rotarians Sean Morris, FUSD School Board member, Rotary President Andy Klittich, City of Fillmore City Clerk Olivia Lopez, Fillmore Council member Carrie Broggie and FUSD School Board member Scott Beylik. Photo courtesy Ari Larson.
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Pictured above are the participants of this year's Miss & Mr. Heritage Valley Pageant. Photos courtesy Crystal Gurrola.
Pictured above are the participants of this year's Miss & Mr. Heritage Valley Pageant. Photos courtesy Crystal Gurrola.
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Sunday, October 7th the Miss & Mr. Heritage Valley Pageant took place at the Veterans Memorial Building. The list of this year’s winners are listed as follows:

Miss. Heritage Valley - Nikki Troolines
Mr. Heritage Valley - Odin Marley
Junior Miss. Heritage Valley - Delilah Cook
Little Miss. Heritage Valley - Arianna Contreras

0-23 Month Division
Queen - Arianna Contreras
King - Odin Marley
1st Runner Up - Scarlett Garibay

2-3 Year Division
Queen - Kalea Kutback
1st Runner Up - Harper Negrete
2nd Runner Up - Kahrlee Sue Long
3rd Runner Up - Gianna Ponce

4-5 Year Division
Queen - Nikki Troolines
1st Runner Up - Chantille Lomeli Tirado
2nd Runner Up - Mia Bingham
3rd Runner Up - Isabella Jimenez
Princess - Olivia Fike

6-7 Year Division
Queen - Delilah Cook
1st Runner Up - Bella Hurtado
2nd Runner Up - Grace Troolines

8-10 Year Division
Queen - Gabriella Bingham
1st Runner Up - Peyton Booth

0-5 overall western wear - Mia Bingham
6-12 Overall western wear - Gabriella Bingham

Congratulations to the 2018 September Yard of the Month! The award, presented to them by Ari Larson representing Fillmore Civic Pride went to the Zamora family: Frank, Paola and daughter Natalie at 357 Blaine Ave. in Fillmore. They received a $40 gift certificate courtesy of Otto & Sons Nursery. Their beautiful yard is serene and tranquil. Frank said that a lot of the tranquility comes from the water’s soothing sounds. There is a palm tree adding to the ambiance and delicate flowers line the path to their front door. If you would like to nominate a home or are interested in finding out more about Fillmore Civic Pride please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590 or petenari55@hotmail.com
Congratulations to the 2018 September Yard of the Month! The award, presented to them by Ari Larson representing Fillmore Civic Pride went to the Zamora family: Frank, Paola and daughter Natalie at 357 Blaine Ave. in Fillmore. They received a $40 gift certificate courtesy of Otto & Sons Nursery. Their beautiful yard is serene and tranquil. Frank said that a lot of the tranquility comes from the water’s soothing sounds. There is a palm tree adding to the ambiance and delicate flowers line the path to their front door. If you would like to nominate a home or are interested in finding out more about Fillmore Civic Pride please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590 or petenari55@hotmail.com
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Pictured is Rotary Club President Andy Klittich and Rotarian Barbara Filkins. In honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October, Filkins spoke about ideas on how to protect yourself from being a cyber victim. Photo courtesy Ari Larson.
Pictured is Rotary Club President Andy Klittich and Rotarian Barbara Filkins. In honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October, Filkins spoke about ideas on how to protect yourself from being a cyber victim. Photo courtesy Ari Larson.
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Pictured above is Alisa Mitchell (left) along with PEO Chapter GY President Mary Ford. On Monday, October 8th, Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) Chapter GY, Fillmore, initiated Alisa Mitchell as its newest member. Alisa graduated from Fillmore High School and is a graduate of California Lutheran University and California State University, Channel Islands. She taught in Fillmore Schools for many years. Chapter GY is happy to welcome its newest member. Photo courtesy Sue Zeider.
Pictured above is Alisa Mitchell (left) along with PEO Chapter GY President Mary Ford. On Monday, October 8th, Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) Chapter GY, Fillmore, initiated Alisa Mitchell as its newest member. Alisa graduated from Fillmore High School and is a graduate of California Lutheran University and California State University, Channel Islands. She taught in Fillmore Schools for many years. Chapter GY is happy to welcome its newest member. Photo courtesy Sue Zeider.
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The Fillmore Fire Department would like to thank Union Bank for their generous donation of $2,500 to the Fillmore Fire Foundation. Photo courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
The Fillmore Fire Department would like to thank Union Bank for their generous donation of $2,500 to the Fillmore Fire Foundation. Photo courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
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The Fillmore Lions Club has donated $500 to the Boys and Girls Club of the Santa Clara Valley. The Boys & Girls Club was founded in 1949 and it provides daily access to safe, supervised activities which foster children to become productive, responsible and caring citizens. There are 10 sites serving the cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore and the unincorporated area of Piru. Pictured above are representatives of the Boys and Girls Club, accepting the check. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
The Fillmore Lions Club has donated $500 to the Boys and Girls Club of the Santa Clara Valley. The Boys & Girls Club was founded in 1949 and it provides daily access to safe, supervised activities which foster children to become productive, responsible and caring citizens. There are 10 sites serving the cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore and the unincorporated area of Piru. Pictured above are representatives of the Boys and Girls Club, accepting the check. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
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Pictured (l-r) are John, Bruce and Jim jamming in front of Roan Mills Bakery last Friday night. Photo courtesy Katrionna Furness.
Pictured (l-r) are John, Bruce and Jim jamming in front of Roan Mills Bakery last Friday night. Photo courtesy Katrionna Furness.
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Rotary President Andy Klittich, Nancy Schram, Director of the Ventura County Library and Katharine McDowell, new Fillmore Library supervisor who discussed the expansion of our current small library.
Rotary President Andy Klittich, Nancy Schram, Director of the Ventura County Library and Katharine McDowell, new Fillmore Library supervisor who discussed the expansion of our current small library.
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The plan for the expansion project is for a 2,220 sq. ft. addition which will include two study rooms, a community meeting room, a reading lounge, updated technology, two new ADA compliant restrooms, and will have a more positive impact on the community. They are now working on much needed funding for this project and hope to begin the project in 2020. Photo courtesy Martha Richardson.

The Heritage Valley, which includes Santa Paula Fillmore & Piru, held their Relay for Life event September 22nd – 23rd, 2018 from 9:00am to 9:00am at Shields Park in Fillmore. Opening Ceremonies were held at 9am on September 22nd and Survivor Lap to followed, along with Food vendors. Luminaria / Remembrance Ceremony was held at 7:30pm – 9:30pm on September 22nd.
The Heritage Valley, which includes Santa Paula Fillmore & Piru, held their Relay for Life event September 22nd – 23rd, 2018 from 9:00am to 9:00am at Shields Park in Fillmore. Opening Ceremonies were held at 9am on September 22nd and Survivor Lap to followed, along with Food vendors. Luminaria / Remembrance Ceremony was held at 7:30pm – 9:30pm on September 22nd.
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Troop 406 conducted a formal flag retirement ceremony in honor of 9/11.
Troop 406 conducted a formal flag retirement ceremony in honor of 9/11.
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Photo and story by Brett Chandler.

In honor of the 17th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, Fillmore Boy Scout Troop 406 conducted a formal flag retirement ceremony last Tuesday night. During this ceremony the Scouts retired almost 50 worn U.S. flags which had been dropped off at the red box in front of the Fillmore Fire Station. This community service is conducted on a regular basis by Troop 406 to assure the proper disposal of worn U.S. flags. The Boy Scouts of America is one of the few organizations sanctioned to officially conduct flag retirements. Troop 406 meets every Tuesday night at 6pm at the Scout House on Sespe Street and invites any boy ages 10 ½ to 18 to drop in and join in the fun. Photo Courtesy Brett Chandler