Sponsored by El Dorado Mobile Home Park & Fillmore Fire Department.
Attention Fillmore residents and El Dorado Residents—Saturday, July 11, 2009, 10am-2pm, El Dorado Club House, 250 E. Telegraph Rd, lunch included.
Topics covered: What is a mass casualty incident, start triage & assessment, basic first aid certification, and Fillmore specific information.
All are welcome! For more information call Paul Schifanelli at 524-0858 or Patrick Maynard at 524-1500 ext. 228.



Ventura County Fair Parade Accepting Parade Entries until July 20
The 134th Ventura County Fair and Elk’s Lodge #1430 in Ventura have announced the date for the 2009 Ventura County Fair Parade. The parade will be held on Saturday, August 8 at 10:00 AM.
This year’s fair theme “Purebred and Home Grown” will be reflected in the floats and presentations in the parade. Schools, organizations, clubs, families, companies and individuals are encouraged to participate.
“We are very excited about this summer’s fair, and we want to ask all of our friends and neighbors to join us in this wonderful Ventura tradition as we march down Main Street,” said Barbara Quaid, CEO of the Ventura County Fairgrounds.
The parade Grand Marshal is William P. Clark, National Security Advisor and 44th Secretary of the Interior under President Reagan, former California Supreme Court Associate Justice, and long-time Fair supporter. The parade will include floats, school bands, horses and local celebrities. It will begin on Main Street near Ventura High School and make its way downtown to the Historic San Buenaventura Mission.
Deadline for parade applications is July 20, everyone who is interested in participating may get more information and an application by calling 805-648-3376, or by visiting www.venturacountyfair.org.



On Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 3 PM, the Fillmore Friends of the Library will sponsor an exciting new puppet show about a greedy sea monster. Children will learn about colors and making new friends as they follow the monster’s many adventures. The free event is part of the non-profit Friend’s summer program series for patrons of the library.
For information call 524-3355.


Ever feel like you’re riding a wave every day? There is nothing worse than living with a child or teen spinning out of control, and no worse feeling than the hopelessness parents experience in the process. Parents can help break such a cycle.

The Dr. Neil Schmidt Fillmore Family Resource Center invites parents of all ages to our United Parents meeting where ideas will be given on how to respond, not react to situations.

Many free resources and information will be given regarding a Ventura County job training program for 18-24 yr. olds, a tatoo removal program, and an exciting Small Business Center Summer Youth Entrepreneur Program.

This support group is intended for the parents, grandparents and guardians of struggling teens, not the teenagers themselves. Parents who would like to join us in a preventive effort for their family are invited as well. Both parents should attend if at all possible.

We will be meeting at the One Step Center, “Chocolate Church”, Episcopal Church (corner of Saratoga St. and Second St.), between, 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 11, 2009 Questions? Please call Norma Pérez-Sandford (805) 208-0712 or leave a message for María Wells, United Parents (805) 384-1555.

Please join us, we understand. We are not here to judge, we are here to help and empower you with information in both this difficult and joyous journey called Parenthood.


On July 11th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Santa Paula Hospital will host a community health fair to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of its re-opening. The event is open to all residents of Ventura County and will offer a variety of entertaining and educational booths of interest to all ages. The fair will be held on the grounds of the hospital, located at 825 N. Tenth Street.

Food, like Dominos Pizza, as well as barbequed hot dogs, will be available, and Public Health staff will offer testing of cholesterol, blood sugar and more, at no cost. The County’s Mobile Mammography Unit will be available for those making appointments in advance, by calling 677-5202.

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting.
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VENTURA, CA. – The magnificent Blue Whales have returned to the waters of the Channel Islands National Park. According to Island Packers, Ventura County’s official concessionaire, sightings are averaging from four to ten blue whales per trip on Blue Whale Watch excursions, now offered.

One of the most amazing natural wonders just off the California coast, the giant 90' Blue Whales are being sighted between Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands.

Every summer hundreds of Blue and Humpback Whales congregate in and around the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary to feed. Ocean currents and underwater features create nutrient up dwelling, which is the first link in a very productive food chain. During the spring and summer “blooms” of plankton attract birds, fish and mammals to the waters surrounding the Channel Islands. The area has become a destination for researchers and
whale watchers from around the globe to come and experience one of the world’s largest concentrations of Blue Whales. Intensely hunted in the past, the Blue’s population is estimated at only 5,000 to 12,000 world wide; 2,000 of those in the Eastern Pacific. Each year, approximately 200 of these leviathans come to the local waters to feed. The Blues are the largest of the whales, at 33 meters (110ft) and close to 200 tons; they may be bigger than the largest dinosaurs. CONTINUED »

Thanks to Carls Jr. corporate office for getting on the ball and raising a new American flag, after a little nudge from The Gazette.
Thanks to Carls Jr. corporate office for getting on the ball and raising a new American flag, after a little nudge from The Gazette.
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When the Revolutionary War was over and the Founding Fathers met to draw up a plan for the future of the fledgling new nation they concluded that a federal government was necessary, however, that such government’s existence should be contingent upon its being accountable to its citizens. They also concluded that this accountability could only be sustained if the citizens were informed of what the government was doing and were able to intercede. The task of disseminating the vital information to the citizenry fell upon the press. Additionally, they insisted that such press should be a free press that is not operated or controlled by the government.
When the Bill of Rights was added to our Constitution it was apparent by its placement on the list as the “First Amendment” that freedom of speech and freedom of the press were of paramount importance. As the supreme law of the land the Constitution has made it extremely difficult to abridge this right to free expression. With few exceptions those rights have been preserved. Those exceptions have been outlined in recent decisions by the Supreme Court which has interpreted the guarantee of freedom of speech and the press to “provide no protection to obscenity, child pornography, or speech that constitutes advocacy of the use of force or law violation where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” CONTINUED »

Central Ave.
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

What a sight--going north on Central Avenue after you leave Highway 126!
As you cross Highway 126 you come upon the scenic center plantings with the new clock You stop at the railroad crossing and come upon the new parking "stalls", the new center divider with all new paving! Quite an up-lift to Central Avenue.
On top of that the old red brick has been painted which makes it stand out once again.
It is great to have the business block looking so neat and clean.
Our thanks to the city employees for making the area shine once again.


Piru Petroleum Club's Annual Melinda Bishop - Bruce Smith Memorial Horseshoe Tournamentwas held on Saturday June 27th at Britt Park. The Tournament is held annually on the Saturday before the 4th of July and is a fundrsaiser for the Scholarship Program. This year there were 22 teams participating with participants from as far away as Bakersfield, California City and Los Angeles. This year's winners were Jake Ellis and Oscar Diaz. Second place went to Victor Vaiz and Henry Carbajal and third place winners were Rick Vaiz and Popeye Hernandez. There was a water slide for the kids along with Hot Dogs, Burritos and BBQ sandwiches. Club President, Gil Escoto thanked one of the largest crowds for attending and supporting the Club and a special thank you was given to Victor Piche for all his hard work in re-working the horseshoe pits. This year's scholarship winners were Katy Talon, daughter of Robert and Annette Talon, who will be attending Chapman College; Bailey Pina, daughter of Max & Michelle Pina who will be attending Boise State; Jayme Harter, daughter of Debby & Lawrence Boschee and Mike Harter who will be attending UCSB; and Taylor Atkins, daughter of Todd Atkins and Tammy Atkins who will be attending UCLA. Piru Petroleum Club meets on the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month for lunch and has a Family Night Dinner on the 3rd Thursday of each month and the public is invited.

The Creasons.
The Creasons.
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Ken and Darlene Creason celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Topa Tower Club in Oxnard, with family, friends and neighbors. A Hawaiian Theme was used and orchid leis from Hawaii were given to each guest. A formal dinner was served, followed by comments from Master of Cermonies Mr. Brett Kirkpatrick with family and friends telling many stories about their life time friendship with Ken and Darlene. Hawaiian music, dancing and entertainment followed. The Hawaiian Theme was chosen, because they went to Hawaii on their honeymoon, which Hawaii was still not a State in 1959.

Ken and Darlene grew up in Riverside, California, and knew each other since they were three years old. They were Kindegarden sweethearts and continued their romance through High school. They raised two daughters, Kathy Flinn and Cindy Brozik who both graduated from Fillmore High School. Their adopted daughter Sandy Harvey, from Tacoma, Washington assisted the family in putting on the celebration. The Creason's grandchildren, Cece Flinn, Cory Brozik and Hayley Brozik, made great comments about their grandparents. The Creason's have lived in Fillmore for more than 30 years. Time flies when you are having fun and the last 50 years went by very quickly.

Fun Acting Classes for kids beginning Thursday, July 9th

Calling all actors! Hey kids .... If you're between 6 and 17 years of age and want to learn all about acting, then read on ... this class is just what you need!
Through Fillmore's Parks and Recreation, an 8-week workshop "ACTING SILLY" is now being offered. Beginning Thursday, July 9th, 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Fillmore's Senior Center, 533 Santa Clara Street, kids will have the opportunity to learn all aspects of acting to include improvisational exercises with scene study and memorization. The 8 wk. series will culminate into a final stage presentation at the Fillmore Towne Theater. Participants must be able to read English.
Instructor for the class is L.J. Stevens, an industry professional for over 20 years. L.J. grew up working in the family business of movie theater management. Born and raised in New York, she became the in-house manager for Circle in the Square Repertory in NYC, and obtained her BA from St. John's University in 1985. L.J. has extensive experience in stage performing, managing theaters in and around Ventura County, and has conducted many workshops for children. CONTINUED »


It’s celebration time! The Fourth of July is just around the corner. Here is a list of the booth locations: Chamber of Commerce, east of 1149 Ventura St.; Christian Praise Assembly, 955 W. Ventura St.; Fillmore Athletic Booster Club, 725 Ventura St.; Fillmore Future Farmers of America Booster Club, Lot #14 Telegraph Rd. (E. Hwy 126 & El Dorado); Fillmore High School Athletic Boosters, Ventura Street & A Street (Balden Town Plaza); Fillmore Historical Museum, 725 Ventura St. (Super A Foods Center; Fillmore Lions Club, 1462 W. Ventura St.; Fillmore Senior Center, 251 Telegraph Rd (vacant lot); Fillmore Women’s Service Club, 446 Ventura St. (Margaret’s Restaurant); Fillmore Youth Football, 460 Ventura St.; First Assembly of God Church, 251 Telegraph Rd.; Maranatha Fellowship, 131 E. Telegraph Rd.; Piru 4-H, 501 Central Ave. (NW Corner of Ventura & Central); Rotary Club of Fillmore Noontime, 613 W. Ventura St.; Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers, 908 Ventura St. (McDonalds); Sespe 4-H, 1049 Ventura St.; St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1048 W. Ventura St.; VC Search & Rescue, NW corner of Los Serenos & Ventura St.; Veterans of Foreign Wars (Post 9637), 502 Ventura St.; Santa Clara Valley Grange, 251 Telegraph Rd.; Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society, SW corner Ventura St., & C Street; Fillmore Church of Christ, Balden Towne Plaza (VONS); Fillmore Girls Softball, 572 W Ventura St., (Balden Town Plaza-Burger King).
Have a Safe & Sane Fourth of July!


Several Fillmore residents have received a “check” in the mail for $5,000 from “Readers Digest / Pepsi” stating they have won the Pepsi Cola One Million Dollar Giveaway. They are instructed to deposit the check BUT “It is very important that you contact your representative without any delay before depositing this check and for further information on your prize.” It also instructs the receiver to “keep the Prize Claim Number and Prize information highly confidential…” This is a SCAM, do not deposit the check.


Some readers have expressed concern about a caption which ran under the front page photo of a vehicle-bicycle accident which occurred last week. For those who may have misconstrued the wording, the driver of the vehicle was not blamed for the accident. The Gazette has not received official information disclosing the cause of the accident. We regret any confusion this may have caused.


Deeperlife.com presents The Lawn Chair Summer Movie Series, to be held on the last Friday’s at Fillmore City Hall. Free family-friendly movies starting at dusk; bring dinner and a chair. Coming July 31st “Cheaper by the Dozen2”, August 28th “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!”, and September 25th “Because of Winn-Dixie”. Bring the family for a fun evening!


Grad Nite Live's summer fundraiser is underway as of July 1st. We have to raise $23, 500 this year for the Class of 2010 for approximately 170 students. The Central Station has given us the opportunity to sell their famous "Sandwich Meal", however we will be offering a choice of Tri-Tip, Chicken or Pulled Pork sandwich for only $10.00 a ticket. Senior class members and their parents are working hard to make our first fundraiser a success. Call 524-4909, Mrs Chaney and I will direct a senior to you!...thanks

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On July 3, 2009 the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department / Ojai Substation will be hosting a Multi-Agency DUI Check Point called “Avoid the 14”. “Avoid the 14” represents the 14 law enforcement agencies involved in a grant that the Oxnard Police Department obtained through the Office of Traffic Safety. The grant calls for multi-agency cooperation on DUI Check Points with the intention of increasing DUI awareness during the holiday season as well as acting as a deterrent to driving while intoxicated.
This checkpoint will be on July 3, 2009 between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and midnight at an undisclosed location in the Ojai Valley.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

July 6 – July 8

The City of Fillmore Fire Department in conjunction with the Ventura County Fire Department Wildland Fire Division will be conducting a live fire training exercise. The training will commence July 6 – July 8 between the hours of 8:00AM – 2:00PM in the 1200 block of Good Enough Road in Fillmore, weather permitting.
Training is slated to include the burning of low-level grasses found throughout a 30-acre parcel slated for development in the near future. Smoke and flames will be visible throughout the area however should have a minimal impact on both traffic and routine activities.
The purpose of this exercise is to provide fire personnel the rare opportunity to obtain hands-on experience with live fire in a controlled non-emergent environment. The process will be supervised by experienced personnel and will follow strict safety guidelines set by the California State Fire Marshal. This process provides invaluable training experience for fire personnel while simultaneously reducing the amount of weeds and hazardous debris commonly found in the urban-interface areas.