Denise Johnson, Alysia Martinez, Ralph Martinez and Bill Bartels.
Denise Johnson, Alysia Martinez, Ralph Martinez and Bill Bartels.
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JR KEndrick and Garrett Kendrick.
JR KEndrick and Garrett Kendrick.
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Ralph Martinez, Bill Bartels and Garrett Kendrick.
Ralph Martinez, Bill Bartels and Garrett Kendrick.
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Garrett Kendrick, a Navy man new to Fillmore, coordinated this effort as part of a college project aimed at getting citizens more involved with volunteerism within the community. Pitching in to do their part were Deputy City Manager Bill Bartels, Denise Johnson, owner of the Fillmore and Piru Curves fitness centers, and local residents Ralph and Alysia Martinez. Also along to lend a helping hand were Garrett's wife, PJ, and sons, JR and Maverick. Fillmore Rentals graciously donated the use of equipment necessary to remove a 30 foot long water pipe that had been sitting alongside the path for quite some time. The endeavor was a success, and items such a rusty car bumper, tangled barbed wire fencing, broken glass, tires and more were removed from the path and surrounding area. This is only the first step in Garrett Kendrick's hopes for the bike path. Future goals include making fence repairs, setting up mile markers, and posting trail maps at path entrances.


Ventura Concert Band and Kassandra Monike Sandoval
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Ventura Concert Band
Have you heard about the Ventura County Concert Band? If you haven't been to one of their free performances, you have missed a great prize without any admission fee to you. These concerts are free and are well attended by the public.
The free concerts of the world's great band music are on Sunday afternoons in the Ventura High School auditorium. There are four concerts each year. You are able to get on the mailing list to be notified of the concerts if you so wish by giving your information at the hospitality table in the lobby.
The members of the group meet under the auspices of the Ventura Unified School District each week preparing for their performances to the public.
The last concert of this season is June 8. If you like music, it is a concert to visit.

Kassandra Monike Sandoval - Interest: Biology University of California at Santa Barbara
Kassandra says: The last four years high school has been an incredible experience for her, through good and hard times. I have learned so much through this time of my life.
Throughout high school she was always on the go and very busy with everything she was doing. All four years at high school she was very dedicated to cheerleading. Her first two years of high school she was a cheerleader for the Toxic All-Stars squad. This was a competitive cheerleading squad and always traveling.
From her sophomore year into her senior year she was a cheerleader for Fillmore High School pep squad. Cheerleading has been a big part of her life. Was involved in it for seven years.
In her spare time some of her hobbies are shopping, hanging out with her friends and family and spending time at the beach. She believes it is important to find some time for yourself, especially when you live a hectic life.
High school has been an amazing journey for her. She honestly is blessed to have had such a wonderful four years in high school. She is proud that she has done so much in her academics. That is maintaining at least a 3.8 or above GPA during her high school years.
Many honors AP and college classes since her Freshmen year. These were a challenge but she has always liked to challenge herself. She believes that commitment and dedication will get the work done and take her a long way in life.
Kassandra has always been involved in many clubs. Being involved in the Pep Squad, Golf team, ASB, Interact, UC Ambassadors Club, MECHA Club and MESA has kept her extremely busy but has been worth it.
One of her many outstanding qualities is responsibility. The experience of having a job has made a great input in her life and has helped her become the person she is today. Holding a job throughout my last two years of high school made her become a stronger and more responsible person.
She took it upon herself to start working to help her family out financially.
Throughout high school she has always been on the go and very busy with everything she was doing. Orange Festival. Pennies for Patient, Convalescent Center, Raider's Camp, Relay for Life, Clean up, School binders. City of Fillmore, Beach Clean up, Fillmore High School, and Blood Drive.
For the Community: Fillmore Fire Department, Toxic All Stars, Sunrise Rotary, Relay for DSLife, Women's Club, San Cayetano School, Camp RYLA, Fillmore High School, Associated Student Body, and Associated Student Body. School Activities: ASB, Interact Club, Renaissance, MECHA, Junior Class, Mesa, US. C. Ambassador, College Night, Golf, Pep Squad, Cheerleading, and Student of the Year.


Scholarships, Awards and Volunteerism
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Awards and appreciation time is rapidly coming upon the community! When you review the applications for scholarships and awards completed by students, interested personnel and community organizations, it is astonishing what these young people have done in their four years in high school and what they do today besides sports! And their plans for the their future are excellent.
Those leading with school activities that are divided between Volunteer Work (non-school activity), Community organizations, church involvement, School activities - co-curriculum, school activities - Athletics, with outside work experience and an auto-biography. It makes you really wonder where these young people have time to sleep!
The aspirations of the applicants include: Pre-med, biology, liberal studies, biology, teacher, environmental horticultural science, child development, bachelor of science, civil engineering, communications - journalism, and nursing.
These young adults beat many of the older citizens in the community with their volunteer efforts in the school arena and well as in the community. Please take time next time you are at an event and thank these young adults for what they have done and for what they are planning to do in their and our future!

In spite of all that you hear and read, it is astonishing, to say the least, when you have contact with our senior high students in preparing their resumes, etc. for alumni scholarships!
There are many seniors applying for scholarships. Being on the alumni scholarship committee, this week have been assisting in reviewing the fourteen scholarships applications.
The diversity of activities these seniors have participated in, as well as the hours spent in community service, is outstanding. When you add up their volunteer work, community assistance, church activities as well as their co-curricular and athletics it is astonishing what these young people accomplish. And you add work experience as well.
These young people have chosen many varied colleges. Something that was not available in such wide ranges when we were young.
Their career objectives are interesting: Biology, medical, teacher, environmental horticultural science, child development, civil engineering, journalism, nursing, and pre-med.
The community should take off their hats and "reward" these graduates to be of Fillmore High.


Boys & Girls Clubs of the Santa Clara Valley held their annual spring break talent show at the Fillmore First St. clubhouse. There were 16 children and youth groups from Fillmore & Piru who participated. The Boys & Girls Club is a safe haven for many in our community. A positive place for children when they get out of school. A place where they can receive help with their homework and participate in the many programs the Club has to offer. Mayor Pro Team Cecilia Cuevas was honored to serve as a judge for the spring break talent contest. “We have true, confident and talented youngsters from both Fillmore & Piru,” remarked council member Cuevas. “It was a real joy to watch!” Santa Clara Valley Boys & Girls Club board member Angelica Richardson returned for the third time as a judge. “I thoroughly enjoy watching these talented kids representing Fillmore & Piru” First place went to Blanca & Nitzeth for their dance routine. Lindsay, Jatziri, Lupita, Natali, Alexis, Yaneli, Baneli and Laura from Piru with their matching costumes and dance skills moved the crowd to receive second place. At the young age of 9 Viviana showed her vocal skills to a standing ovation.
The Boys & Girls Club is always busy. Saturday, March 29th the First Street clubhouse also hosted a garage sale and raised over $200. Club members woke at 5am to help set up for the big event. Another fundraiser coming up Friday, April 25th from 4-7pm will be our first annual Taco Sale to raise money for our summer field trips. We hope to see you here! For more information please call 805-524-0456.

Pictured above Natalie Garnica (Fillmore), Olympia Tril (Oxnard), Lion Jim Austin and District Governor Bill Dunlevy. Garnica and Tril are the Lions Club student speaker contest winners. The contest was held on Wednesday April 2 at the Trinity Episcopal Church.
Pictured above Natalie Garnica (Fillmore), Olympia Tril (Oxnard), Lion Jim Austin and District Governor Bill Dunlevy. Garnica and Tril are the Lions Club student speaker contest winners. The contest was held on Wednesday April 2 at the Trinity Episcopal Church.
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