By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Thursday, September 26th, 2024
The Fillmore Police Department will be conducting a Driver’s License/DUI Checkpoint on September 27th, 2024, at an undisclosed location(s) within the city limits. DUI Checkpoints like this one are placed in locations based on collision statistics and frequency of DUI arrests. Officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment, with officers checking drivers for proper licensing. The Fillmore Police Department reminds drivers, “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” If you take prescription medications, particularly those with a driving or operating machinery warning on the label you might be impaired enough to get a DUI. Marijuana can also be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs, and can result in a DUI. In 2023, more than 4,000 people were killed in alcohol and drug-involved crashes on California roads and many more injured. Locally, over the course of the past three years, DUI collisions have claimed 15 lives of our family and friends. The Fillmore Police Department offers these reminders to ensure a safe and fun night that doesn’t involve a DUI if you plan on drinking or taking medications that can affect your ability to operate a vehicle: Always use a designated sober driver, ride-share, cab or other public transportation to get home. Report drunk drivers by calling “911.” Getting home safely is cheap, but getting a DUI is not! Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with DUI can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to be upwards of $13,500. This includes fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspension and other expenses not to mention possible jail time. Nature of Incident: Driver’s License / DUI Checkpoint Location: Fillmore, Ca Prepared by: Sergeant Gunnar Dike |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 26th, 2024
![]() On Saturday, September 21, the Fillmore Women’s Service Club donated a $500 check to the Fillmore Raiders Youth Football & Cheer Organization. Pictured are the members from both organizations on the 50-yard line as the FWSC presents them with the check. Photo credit Crystal Gurrola. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 26th, 2024
City Tennis Courts Soon to be in a Pickle CITY OF FILLMORE CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING All items passed 5-0 9.A AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONVERSION OF TENNIS COURT TO COMBINED TENNIS AND PICKLEBALL COURT AT THE FILLMORE TENNIS AND SWIM CENTER, PROJECT SPECIFICATION NO. 24-04. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Horizons Construction Company, Inc. (“Horizons”) for the conversion of a tennis court to a combined tennis and pickleball court at the Fillmore Tennis and Swim Center, Project Specification No. 24-04 (“Project”). SR - AWARD CONTRACT TO CONVERT TENNIS COURT TO COMBINED TENNIS & PICKLEBALL.PDF 9.B INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING FILLMORE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 15.39 TO INCREASE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE PROHIBITIONS ON DANGEROUS FIREWORKS RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: Approve the first reading to introduce Ordinance No. 24-975 to amend Fillmore Municipal Code (“FMC”) Chapter 15.39 to increase the penalties for violations of the dangerous fireworks prohibition in the FMC and adopt and implement provisions articulated in the State Fireworks Law, codified under Health and Safety Code section 12500 et seq., concerning increased administrative fines and misdemeanor penalties for violation of the City’s dangerous fireworks prohibition located in FMC Chapter 15.39. SR CITY OF FILLMORE FIREWORKS ORDINANCE.PDF 9.C ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF FILLMORE 2021-2029 6TH CYCLE HOUSING ELEMENT AND CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (“CEQA”) SR - 2024 HOUSING ELEMENT.PDF. RECOMMENDATION: City Staff requests the City Council consider and adopt Resolution 24-4030, adopting the 2021 2029 6th Cycle Housing Element with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), and direct City staff to submit all remaining Housing Element documentation to the California Department of Housing and Community Development Department (“HCD”). |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 26th, 2024
![]() On Tuesday, September 17 at 1:42 p.m., Ventura County Fire Department, AMR Paramedics and California Highway Patrol were investigating a vehicle versus a produce truck in the 1600 block of Bardsdale Avenue. One patient was transported to a local hospital. Photo credit Angel Esquivel. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, September 26th, 2024
![]() Above is Fillmore High School’s 2024 Homecoming Court pictured (l-r) are Freshmen Kaliah Sanchez and Rocky McDowell, Sophomores Maribel Ruiz and Daniel Arroyo, Juniors Jazleen Vaca and Isaac Cervantes, King and Queen Nathan Lomeli and Audrina Zepeda, Anthony Tafoya and Aerin Garcia (2nd Prince and Princess), Christopher Perez and Alexandrea Gonzalez (1st Prince and Princess). Photo credit Crystal Gurrola. Enlarge Photo ![]() Pictured above is the FHS Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal, Fillmore business owner (Ameci Pizza & Pasta) and full-time resident Erik Landis with his family. Eric was chosen by the ASB, as he has donated many boxes of his amazing pizza throughout the Fillmore Unified School District and much more. Photo credit Crystal Gurrola. Enlarge Photo ![]() Pictured above is the Fillmore High School JV & Varsity Cheer Squads riding on Fillmore Fire Engine 91, ending the Homecoming parade last Thursday. Photo credit Crystal Gurrola. Enlarge Photo ![]() Pictured right and below are some of the many participants who rode in this year’s parade. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, September 20th, 2024
![]() On Tuesday, September 17, at 6:04 a.m., Fillmore police were investigating a hit-and-run collision near Ventura Street and B Street. Photo credit Angel Esquivel. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, September 20th, 2024
On September 7th, 2024, Fillmore patrol deputies responded to a call-for-service in the 400 block of Ventura Street, City of Fillmore, reference a commercial burglary report. The victim reported their small business had been broken into overnight and had several thousand dollars cash and work equipment stolen. The initial patrol investigation identified (S) Jesus Hernandez and (S) Kelly Cone as being responsible for the commercial burglary. Hernandez and Cone are Fillmore residents and convicted felons with over twenty years of criminal history. Hernandez is also a documented member of a local criminal street gang. Based on their investigation, patrol deputies had probable cause to arrest Hernandez and Cone for felony violations of Penal Code § 459 – Second Degree Commercial Burglary and Penal Code § 182(a)(1) – Conspiracy. This information was disseminated to patrol deputies assigned to the Fillmore Patrol Station. In the early-morning hours of September 10th, 2024, a diligent patrol deputy contacted Cone while she was walking in the 300 block of Central Avenue, Fillmore. Cone was arrested for the above-listed violations and booked into the Ventura County Main Jail. Later that same day, detectives assigned to the Fillmore Bureau of Investigation observed Hernandez loitering with several local criminal street gang members in the 400 block of 1st Street, Fillmore. Detectives coordinated with patrol resources and developed a plan to contact and arrest Hernandez. Upon observing patrol deputies, Hernandez and the fellow gang members fled into a nearby residence to avoid contact. Patrol deputies and detectives quickly surrounded the residence to prevent Hernandez from fleeing into the neighborhood. Additional resources were requested, prompting the response of the West County Special Enforcement Unit and the Unmanned Aerial Systems Unit to the scene. After approximately one hour of negotiations, numerous individuals, including Hernandez, exited the residence without incident and without force being used. Hernandez was arrested for the above-listed violations, as well as a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code § 148 (a)(1) – Resist, Obstruct, Delay of a Peace Officer. Four additional subjects contacted at the residence were also arrested for various misdemeanor violations of the penal code. Detectives obtained a search warrant for the residence and a vehicle at the scene associated to Hernandez. During the subsequent search, evidence was recovered further connecting Hernandez to the commercial burglary. Hernandez and Cone remain in-custody at the Ventura County Main Jail with a bail amount of $50,000.00 bail. Nature of Incident: Career Criminals Arrested for Commercial Burglary Suspects Prepared by: Detective Dustin Heersche |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, September 20th, 2024
Courtesy Eric Wreesman I would like to share a story about a local young man who has achieved his goal of serving his community in a firefighting capacity. Eric Guzman, 24, born and raised in Piru, set a goal to become a Fireman as a young kid. When Eric was 16, he became a Fire Cadet with the Ventura County Fire Department at Fire Station 27 in Fillmore, and excelled in the program with his strong work ethic and character. Eric continued as a Fire Explorer as the program evolved, and never took his foot off the gas as he progressed. He became an ambulance operator with the Glendale Fire Department, eventually obtaining his paramedic license and continued on his path of hard work and dedication. At the age of 23, Eric achieved his dream of becoming a Fireman for the Ventura County Fire Department. This was his dream not only because it’s where he started as a Fire Cadet, but also the community he grew up in his entire life. Now that he has obtained his paramedic certification with the County of Ventura, Eric is able to work shifts at Medic Engine 28 in Piru, just blocks away from where he grew up. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, September 20th, 2024
![]() On Saturday, September 14th, at 2:52 p.m., the Fillmore Police Department, Fillmore Fire, and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a traffic collision in the 700 block of River Street, at Carriage Place. Arriving fire personnel found a white vehicle versus a parked pick-up truck. The driver was checked by paramedics at the scene, no ambulance transport was made. The cause of the collision is under investigation by the Fillmore Police Department. Photo credit Angel Esquivel. Inset photo Gazette staff. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, September 20th, 2024
![]() On Friday, September 13, 2024, traffic was delayed for work on Old Telegraph Road which was closed down to one lane due to the Ventura County Transportation Commission doing emergency repairs on the embankment along the Sespe Creek. Photo credit Angel Esquivel. Inset photo Gazette staff. Enlarge Photo Courtesy 1073353124799990&set=a.331155945686382 Last week on September 11, 2024, the Ventura County Transportation Commission announced the following on their Facebook page: VCTC has started an emergency project to repair the embankment along the Sespe Creek near Fillmore, which was damaged by winter storms in 2023 and 2024. The work will stabilize the bank and protect the railroad and Old Telegraph Road bridge during the coming winter season. Work is anticipated to occur weekdays between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and is expected to last about 30 days. The project may produce construction noise, however, loud noise is prohibited between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. Drivers may experience brief traffic delays on Old Telegraph Road. VCTC reminds drivers to be alert for work zones. We appreciate your patience and understanding. |