On Monday, December 28th, at 7:30pm, a traffic collision involving a pedestrian took place in the 400 block of Ventura Street. The male pedestrian was transported to an area hospital with significant injuries. Photo courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
On Monday, December 28th, at 7:30pm, a traffic collision involving a pedestrian took place in the 400 block of Ventura Street. The male pedestrian was transported to an area hospital with significant injuries. Photo courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
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A truck fire caused concern early Tuesday morning at Dough Flats in the Sespe Condor Reserve area. Authorities were worried that the vehicle could be a gas truck, which it was not. The fire was quickly controlled (Engine 27) and no injuries were reported. Photo courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
A truck fire caused concern early Tuesday morning at Dough Flats in the Sespe Condor Reserve area. Authorities were worried that the vehicle could be a gas truck, which it was not. The fire was quickly controlled (Engine 27) and no injuries were reported. Photo courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
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District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that the review by the District Attorney’s Office of the circumstances surrounding the July 28, 2012, shooting of Edgar Garcia by Santa Paula Police Officer Hector Ramirez has been completed.

The full report, authored by Senior Deputy District Attorney Linda Groberg, is available on the Ventura County District Attorney’s Web site (http://www.vcdistrictattorney.com) and explains the District Attorney’s conclusion that Officer Ramirez acted reasonably, and the killing of Edgar Garcia was a justifiable homicide.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

California State Legislature has addressed hoverboards with new laws and definitions, as explained in Assembly Bill no. 604, written to amend the California Vehicle Code (CVC) starting January 1, 2016.

For your safety, the Ventura County Sheriff's Office urges you to be mindful of the following provisions.

CVC 313.5 Defines electrically motorized board
CVC 21292: Riders must be 16 years of age or older.
CVC 21292(a): Riders must wear a bicycle type helmet that meets the standards of the bicycle helmet law, CVC 21212.
CVC 21293(a): During Darkness, either the Electrically Motorized Board or the rider must have mounted on it or the rider himself/herself white light to the front, red reflector to the rear, white or amber reflector to the sides. (Just like bicycles.)
CVC 21294(a): A rider cannot operate an Electrically Motorized Board on highways with a speed limit of more than 35 MPH, or at an unsafe speed.
CVC 21296(a): A rider cannot operate an Electrically Motorized Board while under the influence of alcohol or any drug. (No BAC numbers given.)
CVC 21960(a) and 21967: Governmental authorities may enact ordinances/resolutions prohibiting use of Electrically Motorized Boards on their properties.

Existing law makes a violation of these provisions punishable as an infraction.

For more detailed information on Assembly Bill no. 604,copy and paste this link to California Legislature Information, http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=2015...

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On December 27, 2015, the victim was working in an orchard near his residence. While working in the orchard, the victim was struck one time by a bullet fired from an unknown suspect(s). The victim was flown to Los Robles Hospital by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit with a non-life threatening injury.

Sheriff’s Detectives from the Major Crimes Unit are seeking the public’s assistance with this investigation. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Detective Sergeant Chips at (805) 384-4737 or Detective Lopez at (805) 384-4723

Nature of Incident: Gross Negligent Discharge of a Firearm
Report Number: 15-2091274
Location: In the area of Heatherton Drive and North Greentree Drive, Somis
Date & Time: 12/27/2015 @ 1349 hours.
Unit(s) Responsible: Sheriff’s Major Crimes
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(V) Male Adult Camarillo 57
Prepared by: Detective Matthew Curtin
News Release Date: 12-27-2015
Media Follow-Up Contact: Sergeant Ron Chips (805) 384-4737
Detective Jose Lopez (Spanish Media) (805) 384-4723
Approved by: Captain Curt Rothschiller

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On December 23, 2015, at 4:24 AM, two male suspects entered the Shell Gas Station, located on 100 block of W. Ventura Road in Camarillo.

The masked suspects approached the clerk, brandished a knife and demanded money. The clerk complied with the robbers’ demands. After the suspects obtained the money, they fled on foot towards the Target shopping center. The clerk called 911 and deputies responded. Several units checked the area and were not able to locate the suspects.

Camarillo Police Detectives are requesting help with identifying the two suspects.
(Please see attached video clips of the robbery)

Nature of Incident: Armed Robbery at Shell Gas Station
Report Number: 15-2089438
Location: Shell Gas Station 107 W. Ventura Road
Date & Time: December 23, 2015 at 4:24 AM
Unit(s) Responsible: Camarillo Investigations
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence
Suspect #1 Unknown
Suspect #2 Unknown
Prepared by: Detective Brent Miller #4007
News Release Date: December 23, 2015
Media Follow-Up Contact: Detective Brent Miller @ 805-388-5116
Approved by: Captain Cory Rubright

Ventura County Sheriff's Office
800 S Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93009

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-654-9511

Photos and video by Bob Crum

Santa Arrives

Toy and Coat Giveaway

Photo Slideshow

Part 1 of 3
'Twas the week before Christmas, When all through the town, No one was stirring, not even a clown; The kids lined the street with caution and care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. Alas, with a horn blaring and a siren screaming, Santa arrived on a firetruck delivering him to the fire department. No sooner had jolly ole St. Nick descended from big red truck when children rushed him for a group hug. Walking along the endless line of young and older... Santa gleefully dispensed Christmas cheer. Inside, Santa took up his customary position... the big chair in the fire department next to the Christmas tree. With a twinkle in his eyes and a mighty ho ho ho, children took turns sitting upon his knee whispering their secret Christmas list in his ear as parents strained to hear. Upon the traditional Santa photo taken, the children rushed to the toys piled high on the nearby tables. Decisions... decisions... decisions! Toys in hand, the youngsters moved along to the next station where they were fitted with a appropriately-sized, colorful body-warming winter coats courtesy of the Santa Clara Valley Legal Aid’s Coat Drive. While the winds blow... and old-man winter chills the air... toasty the kids all will be. Food Share provided bags of local fruit for one and all.
Outside what to my wondering eyes did appear but of course two powerful reindeer that brought Santa to Fillmore. Around the corner, FAA popcorn and 4-H cotton candy. Wow, what a wonderful Fillmore Christmas morning. A hearty thank you to all that make the Fire Department toy drive such a memorable Fillmore moment. Given the joyful smiles on all the faces, quite the experience to remember... one day in December. 
From all at the Fillmore Gazette, may everyone enjoy the experience of a very Merry Christmas. Photos and Story by Bob Crum.
'Twas the week before Christmas, When all through the town, No one was stirring, not even a clown; The kids lined the street with caution and care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. Alas, with a horn blaring and a siren screaming, Santa arrived on a firetruck delivering him to the fire department. No sooner had jolly ole St. Nick descended from big red truck when children rushed him for a group hug. Walking along the endless line of young and older... Santa gleefully dispensed Christmas cheer. Inside, Santa took up his customary position... the big chair in the fire department next to the Christmas tree. With a twinkle in his eyes and a mighty ho ho ho, children took turns sitting upon his knee whispering their secret Christmas list in his ear as parents strained to hear. Upon the traditional Santa photo taken, the children rushed to the toys piled high on the nearby tables. Decisions... decisions... decisions! Toys in hand, the youngsters moved along to the next station where they were fitted with a appropriately-sized, colorful body-warming winter coats courtesy of the Santa Clara Valley Legal Aid’s Coat Drive. While the winds blow... and old-man winter chills the air... toasty the kids all will be. Food Share provided bags of local fruit for one and all. Outside what to my wondering eyes did appear but of course two powerful reindeer that brought Santa to Fillmore. Around the corner, FAA popcorn and 4-H cotton candy. Wow, what a wonderful Fillmore Christmas morning. A hearty thank you to all that make the Fire Department toy drive such a memorable Fillmore moment. Given the joyful smiles on all the faces, quite the experience to remember... one day in December. From all at the Fillmore Gazette, may everyone enjoy the experience of a very Merry Christmas. Photos and Story by Bob Crum.
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Part 3 of 3
Photos and Story by Bob Crum
Photos and Story by Bob Crum
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