By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
![]() VFW Post 9637 Commander Jim Rogers stands by a display of Veteran’s name to be added to a bronze plaque which is display at the Fillmore Veteran’s Memorial Building: George Wren, WWI; Gene Wren, WWII; Stanley Stevens, WWII; Ira McLain, WWII; Freddy Duckett, WWII; Douglas Duckett, WWII; Sam Myers, Vietnam; Ronald Strawn, Vietnam; and William Nelson, Vietnam. Enlarge Photo ![]() On Nov. 11th a ceremony was held at the Veteran’s Memorial Bldg. to honor those who have served their counry in military service. Names were/will be added to the existing bronze plaque shown above: George Wren, WWI; Gene Wren, WWII; Stanley Stevens, WWII; Ira McLain, WWII; Freddy Duckett, WWII; Douglas Duckett, WWII; Sam Myers, Vietnam; Ronald Strawn, Vietnam; and William Nelson, Vietnam. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
![]() Girl Scout Brownie Troop #60653 of Fillmore are making a difference in the community, to earn their “Make a Difference” patch. The troop stood outside of Vons and collected canned goods for St. Francis Church Food Bank. They collected over 200 canned foods and over $50 with which each girl bought canned goods for the food bank. Pictured (l-r) Victoria Galvan, Jasmine Downey, Esmeralda Ceballos, Kathleen Glanuille, Amy Obermeyer, (middle) Charlize Virto. Enlarge Photo |
By Carol Wilson — Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Principals of four elementary schools updated the Fillmore Unified School District Board of Trustees on the academic progress of their schools Tuesday evening, November 17, 2009. Talking about academic achievement, Piru Principal Leticia Ramos reported that their California State testing went up 52 points and they exceeded the statewide target for 2009. She noted that students are using computer lab time and she said there is a migrant homework assistance program, run by a teacher and a staff member which helps 10-to-20 students. She also talked about after school tutoring and professional development for teachers. “I'm putting together some assessments and benchmarks,” she added. “It's wonderful to work with such a wonderful staff.” Ramos discussed parent involvement. She said they've had great feedback and participation on the School Site Council and the school farm now has three goats. They are planning a school farm day and a school beautification day. Parents are offering roses and other plants for the campus. Jan Marholin, principal of San Cayetano School said CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
There are many risks associated with storing prescription drugs that are not part of a current drug therapy. The prescriptions may be outdated and not effectively treating the symptoms. In addition, if prescription drugs are being stored and no longer needed, there is possibility that the drugs could be stolen or mistakenly taken by others. The Fillmore Police Department works in conjunction with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department to dispose of your unwanted medications in a safe manner. The program is free to our residents. If you have prescription drugs that are outdated, no longer needed or you just do not know how to dispose of, please bring them by the Police Station, Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. “The Fillmore Police Department’s goal is to make households safer by reducing the likelihood of accidental ingestion of old medications and do our part to help our city maintain a high quality of recycled water." |
![]() Shown are some of the volunteers who helped make the N. Fillmore Storefront remodel a success. Enlarge Photo By Wanda Castel de Oro — Thursday, November 12th, 2009
![]() Sespe 4-H announced a Sock-Box collection for homeless, battered and needy women. Boxed will be located around town in different business. Watch for locations to be announed in the Gazette. Enlarge Photo Fillmore City Council and Fillmore Redevelopment Agency met Tuesday night. Oral Communications began with Fillmore Police Capt. Tim Hagel announcing a prescription drug turn-in program. Unwanted, unused and expired prescriptions can be dropped into a receptacle at the sheriff’s station, Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM. They will be disposed of at the crime lab free of charge. One benefit will be that the drugs will not affect the city’s sewage recycling center, said Hagel. He thanked Sgt. Dave Wareham for his work in bringing the program to Fillmore. Ray Harper and Michele Morgan of RDF Communities gave a brief update on the Business Park. Harper said they are importing dirt to raise level of the park, which will provide1,300 construction jobs, and 2,600 long term jobs, doubling the employment base in Fillmore, according to Harper. Morgan stated that they worked with Caltrans and the Sheriffs Department to mitigate any problems. Sespe 4-H President Toni Ruiz announced community service, “Sespe Socks” -- a sock collection program to benefit battered and homeless and needy women. The group will provide sock-drop boxes around town for collection of new socks. Box locations will be announced in the Gazette. Councilmember Steve Conaway suggested cash donations also, making a donation along with several others. Sespe 4-H leader Sue Maynard thanked council for the opportunity to announce the program. Proclamations were presented to several business owners and representatives for their CONTINUED » |
![]() F.U.S.D. Superintendent Jeff Sweeney and the School Board denied the Piru School Charter Proposal. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
Press the Play button above to watch the board meeting.
On Monday, November 9th, 2009 the Fillmore Unified School District board rejected a petition to convert Piru Elementary School into an independent charter campus. Petitioners said they plan to appeal the decision to the Ventura County Board of Education. Representatives of the Charter initiative said they would release a response to the decision of the Board in the near future. Following is Superintendent Jeff Sweeney’s response to the charter conversion, presented to the audience at Monday’s meeting. Board Resolution No. 09/10/09 Denying the Petition for Piru Charter School BACKGROUND Pursuant to Education Code 47605, the Governing Board CONTINUED » |
![]() The City of Fillmore Fire Department in conjunction with the Oxnard Fire Department conducted a live fire training exercise on Wednesday, November 4th, at 46 C Street, by the old sewer plant. The abandoned 900-sq/ ft. garage went up in flames as part of a training exercise for the Fillmore Fire Department. The burn provided fire personnel the rare opportunity to obtain hands-on experience with live fire in a controlled non-emergent environment. The process was supervised by experienced personnel and followed strict safety guidelines set by the California State Fire Marshal and the National Fire Protection Agency. The process provided invaluable training experience for fire personnel while simultaneously reducing the cost to demolish the structure. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
Press the Play button above to watch highlights from "The Burn"
![]() The Ventura County Sheriff Dept. was just one of many organizations to attend Career Day 2009 at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
![]() U.S. Forest Service and NASA offered career information at Friday’s fhs Career Day 2009-2010 event. Enlarge Photo ![]() Beauticians worked their magic on two willing participants at FHS 2009-2010 Career Day. Enlarge Photo Fillmore High School would like to thank our sponsors Fillmore Sunrise Rotary, and Fillmore Noon-time Rotary for their generous donations and support of our Career Day. Also, we’d like to thank all the following representatives who took time out of their busy day to speak with our students at the 2009-2010 Career Day. U.S. Army *Fillmore High School Graduates |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
The Fillmore Police Department is now hosting a FREE Start Smart Driver Safety Education Class for teenagers and their parents/guardians. Classes are designed to: -Help newly and future licensed teenage drivers understand the responsibilities associated with driving a motor vehicle. -Show how a poor choice behind the wheel can change the lives of everyone involved. -Reduce the number of teen-related injuries and deaths due to motor vehicle collisions. November 18, 2009 For more information or to sign up for the Start Smart Class with your teenage driver contact the |
![]() The above photographs show the victim, Michael Rudolph, and his 2000 Ford Contour that investigators believe he was driving around the time he was murdered. Michael Rudolph, 2000 Ford Contour, California License Plate 4JVD648. Enlarge Photo By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
Location: Pacific Coast Highway at Mugu Rock (S)uspects, (V)ictims, (W)itnessess City of Residence Age On Thursday, June 22, 2006, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department patrol deputies responded to a missing person call at the Camarillo home of Michael Alexander Rudolph. During the initial investigation, deputies learned that Rudolph’s friends and family had not seen him since Tuesday, June 20, 2006. Deputies continued their investigation into the whereabouts of Rudolph and during the early morning hours of June 23, 2006 they discovered Rudolph’s four-door maroon 2000 Ford Contour parked at the south end of the beach parking lot just north of Mugu Rock. A search of the vehicle and subsequent investigation yielded few clues as to the whereabouts of Rudolph. Neither Rudolph nor his remains have surfaced since he was reported missing. In the late summer of 2009, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department’s Major Crimes Unit received new information into the disappearance of Rudolph. This information has led the Major Crimes Unit to classify the disappearance of Rudolph as a homicide. Investigators now believe Rudolph’s car was driven to the Mugu Rock and staged as a ploy to mislead investigators into believing Rudolph disappeared in the ocean. Based on the new information received, Major Crimes investigators are now pursuing new leads, which they believe will assist them in identifying those responsible for killing Rudolph. The Sheriff’s Department asks anyone with information regarding the murder of Michael Alexander Rudolph to contact the Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit at (805) 477-7000. |