On Friday, November 14th at 10:30 a.m., a 2-car collision occurred on Highway 126 and Old Telegraph Road. One car suffered serious rear-end damage, above; the other suffered substantial front-end damage. The female driver was transported by ambulance. The Ventura County Fire Department handled the scene.
On Friday, November 14th at 10:30 a.m., a 2-car collision occurred on Highway 126 and Old Telegraph Road. One car suffered serious rear-end damage, above; the other suffered substantial front-end damage. The female driver was transported by ambulance. The Ventura County Fire Department handled the scene.
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A serious head-on collision occurred on Highway 126 and Olive Street at 2:28 a.m., Saturday. No details concerning injuries or description of other vehicle/vehicles were available. Fillmore Fire Department was on scene. Photo courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
A serious head-on collision occurred on Highway 126 and Olive Street at 2:28 a.m., Saturday. No details concerning injuries or description of other vehicle/vehicles were available. Fillmore Fire Department was on scene. Photo courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
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(l-r) Dave Wilde, Lucy Rangel, Shelly Johnson, Kathy Long, Brad Hudson, Patty Quiroz Seated Jeanne Klittich and Mary Ford.
(l-r) Dave Wilde, Lucy Rangel, Shelly Johnson, Kathy Long, Brad Hudson, Patty Quiroz Seated Jeanne Klittich and Mary Ford.
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Mimi Burns presenting to Dorothy Hunt & Plate to recognize 47 years continuous service to the Fillmore Women’s Service Club.
Mimi Burns presenting to Dorothy Hunt & Plate to recognize 47 years continuous service to the Fillmore Women’s Service Club.
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Past and present members, guests, and educational scholarships recipients were invited to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Fillmore Ebell Club and the 50th Anniversary of the Fillmore Women's Service Club. The event was held at the Memorial Building for an evening with dinner and dancing to recognize the wonderful work and dedication these two clubs have provided the community of Fillmore.

The Fillmore Ebell Club's objective was the promotion of culture, education, art, literature, music, and other fine arts. The first club meetings were held in homes, and in 1916 the meetings were held in the new Masonic Hall. In April 1929 the Club became interested in having their own clubhouse, which was completed in 1931. In 2000 the Clubhouse was sold. The Ebell Club ceased operations this year with its remaining assets being distributed to organizations in the community.

The Fillmore Women's Service Club started in 1964 when a group of young women formed the Fillmore Junior Women's Club, a Federation. In 1970 the group became the Fillmore Junior Ebell Club. In 1979 the group officially became the Fillmore Women's Service Club, a non-profit organization whose objective is the pursuit of educational, philanthropic and civic work in our community. Over the years the FWSC has donated money from fund raisers back to the community, to groups and individuals, and the support of our museums and libraries. The making of over 4,000 baby hats for newborns at Santa Paula Hospital, the first group to sponsor Bicycle Safety, purchased the first resuscitation machine for the Volunteer Fire Department, support for the schools, including money to every teacher in the school district for supplies and so much more.

Brad Hudson representing Congresswoman Julie Browning, Patty Quiroz representing Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Shelly Johnson representing Assemblyman Jeff Gorell, Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long, and David Wilde and Lucy Rangel representing the Fillmore Unified School Board presented Certificates of Recognition to Mary Ford, President of the Fillmore Ebell Club and Jeanne Klittich, President of the Fillmore Women's Service Club accepting on behalf of the clubs.

Mimi Burns, Committee Chairwoman, made a special presentation of an engraved plate to FWSC member, Dorothy Hunt, who has been a continuing member of the Fillmore Women's Service Club for 47 years.

Since 1970 Fillmore Women's Service Club has been supporting our graduating High School Seniors with Scholarships, Susan Banks, Youth Chairwoman, introduced the High School Educational Scholarship recipients, who were present. The Club also is currently giving Community Scholarship and an Adult Womens Scholarship, Susan also recognized those recipients who were present. Since 1970 The Fillmore Women's Service Club has given $251,850 in scholarships to Fillmore Students.

The Anniversary Celebration was a wonderful way to acknowledge the community service these two clubs have given the city of Fillmore. Many displays of photos, scrapbooks and newspaper articles were on display. Many FWSC scholarship winners wrote testimonials that were touching and inspiring about what their scholarships meant to them.

These motivated and generous women, have touched our community, and the lives of many individuals. With their hard work and dedication they have made our community a better place.

The Fillmore Women's Service Club is open to any woman over the age of 21 who would like to help the community. Membership fee is $15 a year and the club meets once a month for eight months of the year. For more information you can go to www.fillmorewomensserviceclub.com.

Leo Vasquez, Advisor and Julio Espinoza presented the Fillmore Sheriff Explorers. Several of the students answered questions by Rotary members, about their personal experiences in the program. The Rotary Club presented the Explorer's with a check for $500 for all the help they give the Club, during various events. Pictured are Explorers, Leo Vasquez, Sean Morris, Rotary President and Julio Espinoza.
Leo Vasquez, Advisor and Julio Espinoza presented the Fillmore Sheriff Explorers. Several of the students answered questions by Rotary members, about their personal experiences in the program. The Rotary Club presented the Explorer's with a check for $500 for all the help they give the Club, during various events. Pictured are Explorers, Leo Vasquez, Sean Morris, Rotary President and Julio Espinoza.
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The Rotary Club enjoyed a program presented by Dave Inglis, retired Ventura Police Officer and canine trainer and Norm McDaniel. He informed the Club about the National Police Dog Foundation. Deputy John Carver told about his dog, Tommy and what is involved in owning and working with a police dog. Pictured are Norm McDaniel, Dave Inglis, John Carver, Sean Morris and Tommy.
The Rotary Club enjoyed a program presented by Dave Inglis, retired Ventura Police Officer and canine trainer and Norm McDaniel. He informed the Club about the National Police Dog Foundation. Deputy John Carver told about his dog, Tommy and what is involved in owning and working with a police dog. Pictured are Norm McDaniel, Dave Inglis, John Carver, Sean Morris and Tommy.
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Fillmore Fire Department
Fillmore Fire Department

The Annual Toy Drive Sponsored by City of Fillmore Fire Department is underway! Unwrapped toy donations are currently being accepted at Fillmore Fire Station 91 located at 711 Sespe Place, Fillmore. All residents who donate a new unwrapped toy valued at $10 or more, or make a $10 cash donation will receive a ticket for one BBQ chicken dinner. The BBQ will take place on Sunday December 14th, 2014 between the hours of 5:00PM – 7:00PM. Dinner will be served at the Fire Station or you may take advantage of our convenient drive thru service.
Toys will be distributed to Fillmore children on Saturday December 20, 2014 at 9:00pm at Fillmore Fire Station 91. Hundreds of families in Fillmore struggle to put food on the table and pay rent each month leaving many without money to buy gifts during the holiday season. With your assistance you can help bring a smile to a child’s face this Holiday Season!
Toy Drop-off
Fillmore Fire Department
711 Sespe Place
Fillmore, CA 93015


SACRAMENTO – With the influenza season now upon us, Dr. Ron Chapman, director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and state health officer, today urges Californians to get a flu shot. While flu activity in California remains low with no laboratory confirmed outbreaks or deaths, now is the time to get immunized.

Influenza can cause severe disease across all age groups. According to the California influenza surveillance report recently published, there were 404 influenza-associated deaths reported in persons under 65 years of age in California during the 2013-14 influenza season. This was the highest number of deaths reported to CDPH since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza and related complications are the eighth leading cause of death in the United States, associated with thousands of hospitalizations and deaths each year in the U.S.
“Influenza is much more serious than the common cold and has the potential of causing serious illness and death,” said Chapman. “But there is something we can do about it - getting vaccinated now is the best way to protect ourselves and our family against influenza and its complications.”
CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older, including pregnant women. Healthy people between two and 49 years of age, who are not pregnant, may opt for the nasal spray flu vaccine instead of a shot.

All 2014-2015 flu vaccines protects against an influenza A (H1N1) virus, an influenza A (H3N2) virus and an influenza B virus, and some also protect against a second influenza B virus. This year’s flu vaccine contains the same strains that were part of the 2013-14 flu vaccine.

To stop the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses, Californians should also:

• Stay home when sick.

• Cover a cough or sneeze by using your elbow or a tissue and properly disposing of the used tissue.

• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, avoiding contact with your eyes, nose and mouth.

Dr. Chapman encourages Californians to contact their health care provider, physician office, clinic, or pharmacy who are now offering flu vaccines. Some local health departments may also offer low or no cost flu immunizations. For more information about influenza visit the CDPH influenza web page.To find a flu vaccine location near you, visit www.flu.gov.


City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Persons interested in serving on the City of Fillmore Park and Recreation Commission and Film Commission are invited to submit an application to the City by Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.

The Park and Recreation Commission serves at the pleasure of the City Council. The Park and Recreation Commission serves the community by providing and overseeing parks, buildings and recreation changes that are needed for the citizens of Fillmore. The Park and Recreation Commission generally meets the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Monthly meetings last approximately one hour. One seat on the commission will be appointed for a four year term ending in December 2018. At that time the commissioner could re-apply to continue service on the commission.

The Film Commission markets Fillmore to the film industry and also assists with the development of the City’s film policies. The members shall have an interest in promoting, encouraging and assisting with film activities with the City. Film Commissioners may participate in annual film location expositions which serve to highlight what Fillmore has to offer to the film industry. The Film Commission generally meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Monthly meetings last approximately one hour. Two seats on the commission will be appointed to a four-year term ending January 2018. At that time, the commissioners could re-apply to continue service on the commission.

Those interested in being appointed to the Park and Recreation Commission are invited to submit an application to the City Clerk’s Office, Fillmore City Hall, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015.

Applications are available in the lobby at Fillmore City Hall or may be found on the City’s website at www.fillmoreca.com/docs/cag.pdf. Applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26, 2014.

Appointment to the Park and Recreation Commission will be made by the Mayor following an interview and recommendation by the City Council Interview/Selection Committee.

For further information on the application please call the City Clerk’s Office at 524-1500 ext. 211 for information regarding the Commission please contact Annette Cardona at 524-1500 ext. 216 or via email acardona@ci.fillmore.ca.us


To Whom it May Concern,
This Notice of Preparation has been forwarded to state and local agencies/departments and interested parties for comment relating to their specific area of interest. Comments are to be submitted not later than 5:00 pm December 5, 2014 and should be directed to:
City of Fillmore
Central Park Plaza
250 Central Ave
Fillmore, Ca 93015
Attn: Community Development Department
Or email at:
Kevin McSweeny kevinm@ci.fillmore.ca.us

(l-r) Carrie Broggie and Diane McCall
(l-r) Carrie Broggie and Diane McCall
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Fillmore voters have spoken and incumbent Diane McCall and challenger Carrie Broggie have been elected to the Fillmore City Council. McCall took 43.36% of the votes with a count of 1,286, while Broggie came in second with 29.80%, 884 votes. Challenger Tim Holmgren took 25.66%, 761 votes.

Carrie Broggie
Statement: “I am honored and blessed to have been elected to Fillmore City Council yesterday. Thank you to all who provided support and encouragement along the way, and a special thank you to my biggest supporter, my husband, Scott Broggie. I was very pleased with the way the entire campaign was conducted. In a day when campaigns so often become negative and contentious, all council candidates remained cordial and respectful of one another. Thank you to Diane McCall and Tim Holmgren for that!
I consider this service to my community a privilege, and I commit to working hard on all issues brought before the council. I look forward to working and serving with the other council members to continue moving Fillmore in a positive direction. Thank you.”

Diane McCall
Statement: "I would just like to thank ALL the Fillmore residents for your unwavering encouragement and support for my candidacy in this election. I’m deeply honored by your trust and support and promise to continue to lead Fillmore with honesty, transparency and an open mind for our future. I’ve knocked on a majority of your doors and met so many of you along the way. I’ve shared water on hot days, discussions in your living rooms and even tacos with a wonderful family in their driveway! I cannot tell you how proud I am to have earned your support as your councilmember and serve our community for a full 4 year term.
I will continue to be available, listen to your input and answer your questions as we move into the next four years. The last two years were just the beginning and the next 4 will be even better!! Thank you so much again for your trust and support, it truly means the world to me. I’m so excited that together we will continue leading Fillmore into better and better days ahead!”