By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
The VISTA 126 bus line just got a little more convenient for local riders. Starting Monday, February 3, the line is offering eight more trips between Piru and Fillmore. Riders can now choose between five routs in the morning, two in the late afternoon, and two evening routs. The added service is being funded by a temporary agreement between the County Board of Supervisors and the Ventura County Transportation Commission. The VISTA 126 also travels to Santa Paula and is a popular means of transportation to Ventura College, the Pacific View Mall, and The VC Government Center. For schedules call 1-800-438-1112 or visit |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
01/28/14 - 02/03/14
01/28/14 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
The Gazette has just acquired the complete record of Judge Montoya’s decision in the Peter Egedi termination as Fillmore’s fire chief. It was released weeks ago but only recently available to this paper. Administrative Law Judge Joseph D. Montoya has upheld the termination of Peter Egedi as Chief of the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department. The Judge’s order followed a lengthy and intensive investigation by both the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s Office. The case began in March of 2008 when Patrick Maynard, a volunteer firefighter and City-paid Disaster Coordinator, confided to former Fire Chief Pat Askren that “he (Maynard) believed Respondent (Egedi) had acted improperly in the use of funds in the Department account.” This issue was then taken to the City Finance Director, who referred it to the city attorney, who then brought it to the attention of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s department investigated the issue and brought in the District Attorney of Ventura County who filed a criminal proceeding against Egedi. Following a nearly 3-year investigation, the District Attorney eventually dismissed the case on grounds that he believed that “...there were a number of problems of proof, and that the District Attorney did not believe the charges against Respondent (Egedi) could be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” The subsequent civil case filed by Egedi against the city of Fillmore for his termination was submitted to the office of the Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings to challenge the legality of Egedi’s termination by the city. After approximately 6 years (about 3 years following dismissal of the criminal case, a final order by Judge Montoya upheld Egedi’s termination from his position as fire chief. What follows is a portion of the complete, 59-page, record of findings of fact leading to Judge Montoya’s order upholding the city’s decision to terminate Egedi for cause. This case has roiled the City of Fillmore for more than 6 years, creating a hostile atmosphere. It has cost the city many thousands of dollars, and the county hundreds of thousands. Many of those who were acquainted with the facts and allegations in this case were stunned to hear that the District Attorney’s office decided to drop all charges, and elected not to refer the case to the Grand Jury. In light of Administrative Judge Montoya’s findings of fact, their reaction was justified. According to the Judge, many thousands of dollars were misappropriated by the Egedis though it is not possible to determine the exact, total amount. Among the Judge’s findings of fact and legal conclusions are the following: |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
On January 25, 2014 at approximately 12:26pm, Santa Paula Police Officers conducted a traffic stop in the 900 block of E. Santa Barbara Street. During the traffic investigation, the passenger in the vehicle was found to be on probation. A search of the vehicle was conducted and a suspicious object resembling an improvised explosive device was located. The Ventura County Sheriff's Department Bomb Squad was called to assist. The immediate area was evacuated as a precautionary measure. Upon the arrival fof the VCSO Bomb Squad, they conducted an investigation and rendered the device safe by disruption. The driver, Albert Morales, 34 years of Fillmore, was arrested for possession of an explosive device. The area was then declared safe. |
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
The Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) held a special meeting last Tuesday to discuss what requirements the School Board is seeking in their new superintendent. The Costa Group, a company out of Fairfield California, has been hired to search for applicants that meet the needs of the District. Dr. George Bloch and Ken Noonan, representing The Costa Group, began meeting with parents, teacher and stakeholders last Wednesday asking what they were looking for in the next superintendent. The meeting was attended by approximately 60 throughout the approximately three hours of discussion. A compiled prioritized list with three categories; Strengths of the District, Needs of the District, and the Desired characteristics of the new superintendent was handed out. According to those Bloch and Noonan spoke with, the highest strengths of FUSD are: Sense of family (teachers, staff and parents) and they remain professional; Natural Habitat Grant-Program (River Basin Program); well-behaved kids; dedicated teaching staff-supportive of each other and the kids and many willing to go above and beyond what is expected; employees grew up together/tight community/ many went to FUSD and live in the community; staff looks out for best interest of students; parent volunteers are very strong. Other priorities discussed CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
![]() On Monday, January 27, 2014 a controlled burn took a turn for the worse. During an orchard tree burning on Bardsdale Avenue, the wind kicked up and carried sparks to a nearby Eucalyptus tree which ignited. Fillmore Fire Department was quickly on scene, keeping the fire from spreading. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
01/21/14 to 01/27/14
01/21/14 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014
Elkins Ranch Golf Course is family-owned and operated by descendants of C.C. Elkins, who arrived in Fillmore in 1877. They have enjoyed 52 years of providing a great place to play golf as well as their famous cheeseburgers for those who come out for lunch. General Manager Cheryl Dimitt, member of the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, Head Pro Luis Beltran, member of Heritage Valley BNI, Course Superintendent Jeff Naas and Office Manager Mary Collins support various projects in the Fillmore Community. In 2013, Elkins Ranch was a proud sponsor of the 1st Annual Fillmore Community Children’s Festival and provided basic SNAG golf lessons at the event as well as a 6 week SNAG course for the Santa Clara Valley Boys & Girls Club in Fillmore & Santa Paula. They support FHS sports and community organizations by donating to local raffles. Elkins Ranch Golf Course truly appreciates being named2013 Business of the Year. They know that the hard work of their employees have made it possible for them to receive this award. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014
Daniel Mendoza, a student at Fillmore Middle School, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning the local competition sponsored by the Fillmore Lions Club. Daniel’s poster was among more than 170 entries in Fillmore. There are over 375,000 entries submitted world wide in the 26th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere. Daniel’s poster was selected for its originality, artistic merit, and portrayal of the contest theme, “Our World, Our Future”. The judging was held November 6 at the Fillmore Middle School. The judges were again impressed by the expression and creativity of the students’ art. It is obvious that these young people have strong ideas about what peace means to them. Fillmore Lions Club is proud that we were able to provide them with the opportunity to share their visions with other students and our city. Mr. Daniel Mendoza’s poster has advanced to face stiff competition through the district, multiple districts and international rounds of competition. One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of US $5,000, plus a trip for the winner and two family members to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of US $500. Runner-up students were Cody Balderas and Ana Manzo. All participants are students in Mrs. Doris Nichols' art class at Fillmore Middle School. Mrs. Nichols is commended for her assistance in this annual event. |