By Gazette Staff Writers — Sunday, December 31st, 2023
![]() Last week’s rain storm gave us some much needed rain, causing flooding in some parts of Fillmore. Pictured is a common flood area on A Street & Old Telegraph Road. Inset, sandbags were set at the corner of Central Avenue & Third Street to prepare for the storm. According to the VC Public Works Watershed, Fillmore & Piru received the following rainfall totals in the last 7 days: Fillmore Sanitation 1.51", Fillmore-Grand Ave 0.76", Fillmore – Sespe Westates 3.77", Fillmore Fish Hatchery 1.07" Topa Topa – Sespe 5.32", Piru 2.1" Piru Canyon 2.26", Lake Piru - Temescal 2.2". For recenet totals visit Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 21st, 2023
![]() On December 13, at 3:18 p.m., Ventura County Fire Department, Fillmore Fire, AMR Paramedics, California Highway Patrol and Ventura County Air Unit were dispatched to a reported injury accident on Bardsdale Avenue and Sespe Street. Arriving fire personnel reported a two-vehicle collision with one possible occupant trapped, needing extrication. On-scene firefighters also requested three additional ambulances and a Copter to respond to the scene. Within minutes firefighters were able to extricate the patients from the vehicle; three patients were transported via ambulance and one patient was airlifted to a nearby hospital, condition unknown. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 21st, 2023
![]() On Saturday, December 16, 2023, the Fillmore City Fire Station was jam packed with kids lining up out the door for the Annual Fillmore Community Holiday Giveaway! Each child who resides within FUSD was given a new toy and reading book, a new coat and socks, holiday bags of groceries, as well as a limited number of Christmas trees. As folks waited in line Santa greeted them and posed for photos, celebrating Christmas cheer! Annual sponsors of the event include our local Fillmore Police and Fire Departments, Santa Clara Valley Legal Aid, One Step A La Vez, Soroptimist International of Fillmore, Saint Francis of Assisi Church, Fillmore Future Farmers of America, Sespe 4-H, Rotary International of Fillmore, Fillmore Lions Club, Ventura County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, the Sheriff’s Mounted Posse, Fillmore Citizen’s Patrol, Fillmore Search and Rescue, Fillmore Friends of the Library, Fillmore Women’s Service Club, Lightfully Behavior Health, the Salvation Army, Balden Ranch, Allied Citrus & Fruit, Villasenor Enterprises, the Fillmore Fire Foundation and numerous other generous personal and business donors. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 21st, 2023
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 21st, 2023
![]() On Sunday, December 17, Fillmore Patrol Deputies, in conjunction with our Fillmore Fire Department, had the honor of escorting Santa through the neighborhoods of Fillmore to provide some deserving children with gifts! They were even able to stop by and visit our pal Brandon who is currently recovering from an accident. Brandon, we wish you a speedy recovery! Thank you to Santa and all his wonderful helpers who were able to make last night so magical! Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 21st, 2023
![]() On December 15, 2023, the Condor students at Piru Elementary had an amazing end to their week! Thanks to California Highway Patrol and CHiPs for Kids Toy Drive and our Piru Neighborhood Council (PNC), students in Preschool thru 5th grade received a toy! We are grateful to our PNC members for the support they provide Piru Elementary School. Courtesy Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 21st, 2023
![]() Fillmore Girls 12U AYSO took first place in the Goldrush Tournament in Santa Clarita last weekend, December 9-10th. They are led by Coaches Homer and Jose. Way to make Fillmore proud, girls! There is some amazing soccer talent coming right here out of Fillmore, California. Photo credit Brandy Hollis. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, December 15th, 2023
![]() On Wednesday, December 6, approximately at 10:15 a.m., Fillmore Police Department was dispatched to a reported brandishing that had just occurred underneath A Street bridge. Arriving deputies found a victim uninjured, while deputies were investigating the scene. The suspect description given to deputies matched a subject underneath the center of the bridge. On scene, deputies were able to confirm a crime (PC417-Brandishing a Deadly Weapon) and placed a female subject under arrest; she was taken to the Ventura County Main Jail Facility. No additional information was provided. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, December 15th, 2023
![]() On December 9, at 1:27p.m., Fillmore Fire Department and Ventura County Fire Department were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 200 block of Central Avenue. Arriving firefighters reported three storage units with smoke seen coming out of them. Firefighters were able to open the doors of the units and knock down the fire within minutes. Fillmore Police Dept. was also dispatched to respond to the scene for traffic control. Cause of the fire is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, December 15th, 2023
Carrie Broggie was appointed Mayor. Chris Gurrola was appointed Mayor Pro Tem. 7.K CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - STORM DRAIN MAINTENENCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #7 RECOMMENDATION That the City Council award a contract to Cerco Engineering, in an amount not to exceed $59,235, which includes a contingency amount of 10% of the total proposal, in a form approved by the City Attorney’s office, from Storm Drain Maintenance Assessment District #7 for the maintenance of the drainage channel south of the El Dorado Mobile Home Park. Gurrola abstained due to conflict. This item passed 4-0 8.A FIFTH PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE INPUT REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF A DISTRICT-BASED ELECTION SYSTEM AND ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AND ELECTION SEQUENCING AND ADOPTION OF EXEMPTION FROM CEQA RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Receive a report from the City’s consultant, National Demographics Corporation (NDC), on draft district maps and potential sequencing for district-based elections; 2. Conduct a public hearing to receive community input on the draft maps and transition to district elections; and 3. Adopt an ordinance to establish district boundaries and election sequencing and an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Passed 3-2. "No" votes from Austin and Mendez 8.B SELECTION OF 2024 MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEMPORE Carrie Broggie was appointed Mayor. Chris Gurrola was appointed Mayor Pro Tem. 8.C APPOINTMENT TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, LIAISONS, AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES. Carrie Broggie, Mayor. Chris Gurrola, Mayor Pro-Tem. Christina Villaseñor, Council Member. Mark Austin, Council Member. Albert Mendez, Council Member. 8.D DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION OF PROPOSED 2024 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the proposed 2024 City Council Meeting Schedule or provide additional direction to staff. Passed 5-0 8.E APPROVAL OF THE ENERGY AND WATER SAVINGS PERFORMANCE CONTRACT WITH WILLDAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR WATER METER REPLACEMENTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADES. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Find that the anticipated cost to the City under the proposed contract will be less than the anticipated marginal cost to the City of thermal, electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the City in the absence of those purchases. 2. Find that funds for the repayment of the financing or the cost of design, construction, and operation of the energy conservation facility, or both, as required by the contract, are projected to be available from revenues resulting from sales of electricity or thermal energy from the facility or from funding that otherwise would have been used for purchase of electrical, thermal, or other energy required by the public agency in the absence of the energy conservation facility, or both. 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Water and Energy Savings Performance Contract between the City of Fillmore and Willdan Energy Solutions (WES) in a form approved by the City Attorney. Passed 5-0 8.F AUTHORIZING HIRING COLUMBIA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC FOR MUNICIPAL ADVISORY SERVICES, APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM WATER RESERVE FUNDS, AND PERMIT CITY STAFF TO INITIATE TAX EXEMPT LEASE FINANCING PROCESS IN RELATION TO THE ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT. Passed 5-0 8.G INTRODUCE BY FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. 23-960 TO AMEND FILLMORE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.16 – FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council introduce first reading of Ordinance 23-960, updating various provisions of Fillmore Municipal Code (“FMC”) Chapter 6.16 for compliance with Federal law pertaining to the National Flood Insurance Program (“NFIP”). Passed 5-0 8.H REVIEW OF FY 2022-23 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ANNUAL AND FIVE-YEAR REPORT AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 23-3978 MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPENDED DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. Review the Development Impact Fee (DIF) income and expense report information for FY 2022-23 (“DIF Report”), receive comments from members of the public, and after considering any comments received, provide City staff with any direction deemed appropriate and receive and file the DIF Report.; and 2. Approve Resolution No. 23-3978 making the findings required by state law with respect to a portion of DIF funds that are unexpended and were collected over five (5) years ago and to accept the DIF Report. Passed 5-0 8.I ADOPTION OF THE FY 2024-25 RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS) OF THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2024 THROUGH JUNE 30,2025 AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FILLMORE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Successor Agency Board of Directors: 1. Approve the attached Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) and Administrative Budget and authorize the Executive Director (City Manager) or his designee to submit the ROPS and Administrative Budget for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for review and approval by the Ventura County Consolidated Oversight Board (“VCCOB”) and the California Department of Finance (“DOF”); and 2. Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to make any changes needed as directed by the VCCOB or DOF |