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Photos by Bob Crum.
Photos by Bob Crum.
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Student of the Year - Ariana Noelle Schieferle of Fillmore High School is a graduating senior who has maintained high academic achievement and been involved in her campus community through student leadership, athletics, and volunteering. She will be attending the University of California Los Angeles next fall. Congratulations Ariana!
Student of the Year - Ariana Noelle Schieferle of Fillmore High School is a graduating senior who has maintained high academic achievement and been involved in her campus community through student leadership, athletics, and volunteering. She will be attending the University of California Los Angeles next fall. Congratulations Ariana!
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Teacher of the Year - Stacia Helmer provides inspired service as a Special Education teacher at Fillmore High School. She is an accomplished educator who has created opportunities for all students to be successful. Stacia has been instrumental in the implementation of the Unified Champions. She has been teaching with the Fillmore Unified School District for over 10 years. Congratulations Mrs. Helmer!
Teacher of the Year - Stacia Helmer provides inspired service as a Special Education teacher at Fillmore High School. She is an accomplished educator who has created opportunities for all students to be successful. Stacia has been instrumental in the implementation of the Unified Champions. She has been teaching with the Fillmore Unified School District for over 10 years. Congratulations Mrs. Helmer!
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Classified Employee of the Year - Maria Gonzalez provides inspired service as a Clerk in the Fillmore USD Migrant Program. She began her relationship with our district as a student at age five and has been a strong supporter of our Migrant Program for over 35 years. Maria shares that her sons were also educated in Fillmore and is very proud of their accomplishments. Congratulations Maria Gonzalez!
Classified Employee of the Year - Maria Gonzalez provides inspired service as a Clerk in the Fillmore USD Migrant Program. She began her relationship with our district as a student at age five and has been a strong supporter of our Migrant Program for over 35 years. Maria shares that her sons were also educated in Fillmore and is very proud of their accomplishments. Congratulations Maria Gonzalez!
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Administrator of the Year - Katrina Tafoya is the proud principal of Sierra High School. She is a leader committed to supporting all students to be successful in their academic journey. Prior to becoming a Principal, Katrina has served with distinction as a Special Education teacher, Teacher on Special Assignment, and High School Assistant Principal. Congratulations Katrina!
Administrator of the Year - Katrina Tafoya is the proud principal of Sierra High School. She is a leader committed to supporting all students to be successful in their academic journey. Prior to becoming a Principal, Katrina has served with distinction as a Special Education teacher, Teacher on Special Assignment, and High School Assistant Principal. Congratulations Katrina! Tafoya!
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(l-r) Oleksandr Skalish, Los Angeles, 31; Kirstyn Paquet, Los Angeles, 32; Gerald Clasen, Los Angeles, 44
(l-r) Oleksandr Skalish, Los Angeles, 31; Kirstyn Paquet, Los Angeles, 32; Gerald Clasen, Los Angeles, 44
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

A Sheriff’s patrol sergeant’s late night observation led to the arrest of three Los Angeles residents for attempting to steal a recreational vehicle parked for sale on the side of the road in Fillmore.

On March 20th, 2019, at approximately 11:15 p.m., a Fillmore patrol sergeant observed suspicious activity near “D” Street and Ventura Street in the city of Fillmore. The sergeant observed three individuals near a recreational trailer that was parked for sale just off the roadway. The sergeant investigated further and discovered that one individual, Oleksandr Skalish, claimed to have purchased the trailer. Two other subjects, Gerald Clasen and Kirstyn Paquet, claimed to be good Samaritans who were merely helping Skalish hook the trailer up to his pickup.

Shortly after obtaining his identification, Skalish fled on foot and eluded capture, but Clasen and Paquet remained on scene.

After further investigation, deputies learned the travel trailer did not belong to any of the subjects.
The owner was contacted and confirmed he parked the trailer at the location to sell it. The suspects did not know or contact the victim of the trailer to make the purchase.

In addition, a records check of the truck occupied by Skalish revealed the vehicle was reported stolen out of the Los Angeles area. Gerald Clasen and Kirstyn Paquet, were arrested and booked at the Main Jail for VC 10851(a)- unlawful taking of a vehicle and PC 182(a)(1)- Conspiracy to commit a crime.

Detectives continued the investigation into Skalish and discovered he was arrested after the aforementioned crime by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). He was charged with an unrelated vehicle theft. Detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Skalish. After completing his sentence in Los Angeles County, Skalish was arrested VC 10851(a)-Unlawful taking of a vehicle and PC 182(a)(1)- Conspiracy to commit a crime. He was booked into the Ventura County Jail.

Prepared by: Detective Eric Tumbleson #4673
Approved by: Captain Eric Tennessen

Fillmore City Council
Fillmore City Council
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Fillmore City Council Meeting
Pictured Diana Impeartrice (right) of the City of Fillmore Human Resource’s Department announced that Lani Farr has been appointed to the Fillmore Parks and Recreation Department.
Pictured Diana Impeartrice (right) of the City of Fillmore Human Resource’s Department announced that Lani Farr has been appointed to the Fillmore Parks and Recreation Department.

City Council approved Final Map Tract No. 5520-2 for condominium purposes and authorized the Mayor to sign the map and direct the City Clerk to record the map with the County Recorder's office.

City Council adopted the plans and specifications (PS&E) and approved the advertisement of bids for the construction of the Neighborhood Street Resurfacing and Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Repair Spec No. 18-04 to resurface streets and repair sidewalks and curb and gutters using SB-1 funds.

Council Directed staff to initiate action for the City to purchase the Towne Theatre from the Successor Redevelopment Agency at the appraised value.

Upon recommendation from the Interview Selection Committee, Council appointed Lani Farr to the Parks and Rec. Commission, term ending January 31, 2023.

WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted the 2019-20 Recommended Budget to the City Council for its review and consideration; and WHEREAS, subsequent to providing the public an opportunity to submit written and oral comments, the City Council reviewed and modified, as appropriate, the FY 2019-20 Recommended Budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, an action of the City Council is necessary to commit budget amounts in various funds for the specific purposes they are intended.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fillmore as follows:SECTION 1. The FY 2019-20 Recommended Budget (Exhibit 1) is hereby approved and will be referred to as the FY 2019-20 Approved Budget. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the Office of the City Clerk.

Actions to approve the Engineer’ Annual Levy Report and Order the Levy of Assess-ments:1. Adopt Resolution 19-3705 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fillmore, California Approving the Engineer’s Annual Levy Report for the City of Fillmore Landscape and Lighting District No. 02, for Fiscal Year 2019/2020; 2. Adopt Resolution 19-3706 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fillmore, California Confirming the Diagram and Assessment and Ordering the Annual Levy and Collection of Assessments within the City of Fillmore Landscape and Lighting District No. 2 for Fiscal Year 2019/2020; 3. Adopt Resolution 19-3703 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fillmore, California Approving the Engineer’s Annual Levy Report for the City of Fillmore Heritage Valley Landscape and Lighting District 2007-1, for Fiscal Year 2019/2020; and 4. Adopt Resolution 19-3704 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fillmore, California Confirming the Diagram and Assessment and Ordering the Annual Levy and Collection of Assessments within the City of Fillmore Heritage Valley Landscape and Lighting District No. 2007-1, for Fiscal Year 2019/2020.



STAFF WAS DIRECTED to prepare a contract with Just Communities to provide interpretation services at City Council meetings starting in July 2019 in a form approved by the City Attorney and City Manager and authorize the Mayor to sign this contract.

City Council appropriated the use of $25,000 from reserves, and in following years budget the $25,000 as part of the general fund budget. The total funding request is $125,000 over five (5) years for the Ventura County Library for collections.


There was heavy traffic through Fillmore from 7 p.m. Saturday 11th to 6 a.m. Monday, May 13th at A Street and State Route 126 which was closed in both directions while Caltrans worked on the repaving project that stretches from Ventura to the Los Angeles County line.
There was heavy traffic through Fillmore from 7 p.m. Saturday 11th to 6 a.m. Monday, May 13th at A Street and State Route 126 which was closed in both directions while Caltrans worked on the repaving project that stretches from Ventura to the Los Angeles County line.
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On May 13th, District 3 County Supervisor Kelly Long announced that Field Representative Manuel Minjares will conduct satellite office hours in Fillmore beginning this month. Office hours will begin Friday May 24th, 2019 at Fillmore City Hall located at 250 Central Avenue 93015, from 9 AM until noon. This Fillmore location will be available every other month beginning 5/24/17. “I want to have a presence in all the areas of my district so we can best serve the needs of our constituents”, said Supervisor Long. “This new office in Fillmore makes the third satellite location, following Port Hueneme and Santa Paula. Accessibility for the public is critical and I am committed to ensuring we deliver that”. If anyone would like a meeting to discuss district related issues they may call 805-654-2276 and request an appointment at the new Fillmore location. The public is also welcome to just drop in and ask for Manuel Minjares who serves as a representative for Supervisor Long.

Photo of the Week "May Festival Midway & Sunstar" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMII, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @16mm. Exposure; ISO 1600, aperture f/22, shutter speed 1/250 of a second.
Photo of the Week "May Festival Midway & Sunstar" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMII, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @16mm. Exposure; ISO 1600, aperture f/22, shutter speed 1/250 of a second.
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Never a dull moment!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Another fantabulous May Festival is in the books! Photos were shot on Saturday. Better weather brought out the whole town. And from kiddies to grannies, hundreds danced to great music in front of city hall.

The event is an excellent opportunity to practice conscious awareness. However, the moment I witnessed it, my subconscious being aware of being consciously aware invoked confusion. So I just stopped thinking about being consciously aware, and instantly instinct took over. The result: 858 photos from which to select 40 or so. About average when encountering a cornucopia of photo ops.

One problem: Phonetographers! They seem to be multiplying logarithmically—19,483 phonetographers in 2017, 195,259 last year, 1,382,690 this year. An epidemic of ginormous proportions!

If only I got a dollar for every kid who approached me begging: “Hey mister, take my photo”! “Can't, your mother told me not to” usually works. If it doesn't, I threaten to seize their cellphone. That always works because a teenager can't live five minutes without texting!

Carnival photo ops are incredibly challenging. Consider a scene of people in partial shade waiting for deep-fried Twinkies and a game booth with bright lights in the frame. If I expose for the bright lights, people in the shadows are underexposed. If I expose for the people, the bright lights are bright blobs. Wait! My Canon 7DMKII gives me exposure metering mode options. Pressing the WB button gives me the following options: “Evaluative metering”, “Partial metering”, “Spot metering” or “Center-weighted average metering.” In the scene described, I selected center-weighted average metering. Bingo! Still, the exposure is seldom perfect, or what I'd like. However, back home I can tweak the exposure with Lightroom. Ah, the wonders of technology, and strawberry margaritas.

Rides all move at various speeds providing exciting options. At a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second, the result would be a fine but a static photo. However, if I reduce the shutter speed to perhaps 1/20th of a second, the ride will be blurred which is perfect for illustrating motion. Hold on! A slower shutter speed increases the light wreaking exposure havoc. OK, I'll simply decrease the aperture size accordingly. Y'all remember the exposure triangle of ISO, shutter speed and aperture, right? Ah yes, when I can float ISO, mash buttons and twirl camera dials to create a photo, I'm ecstatic! And happy to be legally allowed to have so much fun!

Carnival's formidable challenges make photoing interesting. Never a dull moment. Given the technology of present-day cameras, photographers can create most any photo their mind envisions. However, even advanced cameras can do only so much in “P” mode. “P” means “program” not “professional.” It should be evident that to execute various photographic options, (here it comes) one has to know how to operate their camera effectively. It takes time and determination to master the camera but quite rewarding. Though painless, I'm becoming convinced that this learning curve deters many from relishing the jubilation of creating photos. Photography is about creativity. Turn cellphone on, frame image, push camera button... what's creative about that? Yes, I know many phonetographers are as fond of photography as I am of pickled pigs feet. But it's my job to keep teasing. Furthermore, my toes tingle every time a phonetographer buys a real camera.

Photo of the week: The carnival midway and a sunstar. I enjoy creating sunstars in photos when appropriate. The sunstar was created in camera, not with an add-on in post-processing.

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Congratulations to Ryan Gonzalez who on May second became the inaugural Citrus Coast League Boys Golf Champion. The Flashes have not had a League MVP in Boys golf in over 45 years. Ryan finished the season with a league stroke average of 85 and overall average of 83.6. The Flashes finished second in the Citrus Coast League with 23 total team points. Jared Schieferle was a 1st Team All- League selection. Bryan Magana, Ricardo Valenzuela, and Kade Morales were 2nd Team All-League selections. Finally Reese Satterfield was selected Honorable Mention. Ryan Gonzalez represented the Citrus Coast League Monday May 6th at the C.I.F. Northern Division Individual Championship hosted at River Ridge in Oxnard. Ryan finished the day with a 92. Congratulations to Ryan Gonzalez League Champ and the Flashes for a successful season. Photos courtesy Coach Matt Dollar.
Congratulations to Ryan Gonzalez who on May second became the inaugural Citrus Coast League Boys Golf Champion. The Flashes have not had a League MVP in Boys golf in over 45 years. Ryan finished the season with a league stroke average of 85 and overall average of 83.6. The Flashes finished second in the Citrus Coast League with 23 total team points. Jared Schieferle was a 1st Team All- League selection. Bryan Magana, Ricardo Valenzuela, and Kade Morales were 2nd Team All-League selections. Finally Reese Satterfield was selected Honorable Mention. Ryan Gonzalez represented the Citrus Coast League Monday May 6th at the C.I.F. Northern Division Individual Championship hosted at River Ridge in Oxnard. Ryan finished the day with a 92. Congratulations to Ryan Gonzalez League Champ and the Flashes for a successful season. Photos courtesy Coach Matt Dollar.
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