Question #9

November 2nd you will be able to vote for TWO City Council candidates

Question #9: The City has a list of “City Goals” - please put them in order of importance to you, with #1 being the most important, and briefly explain why you believe the top 3 belong there.

Patti Walker: I believe the Goals in their present form are vitally important for Fillmore - Economic Development, Engaging Community, and finally, Public Safety.
Our business community needs to know they have our support when making purchases for home, family and friends. They need to know we value their effort and skill by owning and operating a small business.
Hwy. 126 connects Fillmore to travelers between the I-5 and Hwy. 101. We have opportunities to promote and support our downtown center. With 10's of thousands of visitors coming to ride the Fillmore & Western Railroad, we need to foster that relationship, recognize its importance and work to make Fillmore a destination. This Council implemented the Farmer’s Market on the first Friday, pro-rating the business license fees, and connecting businesses to EDC-VC.
Second, what occurs at City Hall is your business. I have received comments from citizens and business owners who what assurance their concerns are being received and acted upon. I have worked to do just that. The City website now posts agendas and staff reports allowing the opportunity to be informed on issues and matters the City is addressing.
Finally, fire and police services affect everyone. I have received comments of the gang influence and how we are responding. Crime is down in Fillmore. Under the leadership of Chief Landeros the Fillmore Fire Department had the first graduating class of volunteer firefighters. The City continues with the CERT training program and the 2010/2011 budget continues to support both police and fire services.

David Lugo: #1 Incentives for local businesses, we need to give them first shot at all bids in their realm of work before we send it to outside companies plain and simple.
#2 Incentives for small businesses, we must work with all small businesses to make it a smooth transition to start a business here in Fillmore we need someone in the city to walk them through the process to make it that much easier.
#3 We want to hear from the public and we intend to respond quickly, we must take the time and listen to the community after all we work for them and they voted for you in, we can not ignore their concerns. Wether the answer is good or bad we must answer them in a timely manner and explain all answers.
I would like to thank the Fillmore Gazette for giving me the oppurtunity to take part in these questions they were great questions. I would also like to thank you for your endorsement. To the City of Fillmore thank you for your support it means alot to me. On Nov 2 vote David Lugo for city council. 'Your Voice'

Adrian Grimaldo: List of City Goals: (1) Vote YES on Prop 19 and take the edge off our economy. The tax dollars generated by this cash cow can lower consumption of tobacco and alcohol, and generate the needed funds to upgrade our schools. Big corporations are afraid of this and will do anything to keep it from passing. Only through your vote for wise economic development can we create the time and money needed to spend on Public Safety and community involvement. By voting yes on Prop 19 now, we are enabling a revolution.
We are finally putting an end to all the prosecution and countless years of propaganda. The final days are counting down and it looks as if California will legalize it to create a means of paying off debt.
(2) Today’s job market has never been tougher. Adding an incentive for local business to acquire bids from our local city municipality is a MUST.
We need to create workshops so local small businesses can acquire the know how to apply for pre-proposal meetings and further understand why they were not given the work. Job creation is key to supporting our community.
(3) Grants design a way to improve. With the pressing economic times we have to embrace every obstacle as an opportunity. By having an effective grant writing team we can offer a foundation of success to each small business and new entrants. Everyone should apply for and win a grant. Make it a goal and never give up.

Brian Sipes: When I attended the City Council's Goal Setting Workshops, I made suggestions as a private citizen and businessman. A few of my suggestions were incorporated into the goals. I concur with the top three goals that were chosen by the City Council on March 16, 2010.
Economic Development: To help Fillmore remain solvent, sustainable economic development is necessary. The City Council and taxpayers have financially supported the proposed business park above and beyond the call of duty. If it is economically viable, the business park will create jobs.
If elected, I would pursue stream lining the business license process so City Hall is a bona-fide, business friendly community. Economic sustainability is collaborating with our current small businesses so they remain strong. Our small businesses, most notably our downtown merchants, are the backbone of our community. My commitment to them is to develop a cohesive partnership so businesses are creative and our downtown remains intact.
Engaging Our Community: Part of my vision for Fillmore, is an annual Town Hall Forum. This would allow the community to interact with their elected officials and City staff in a friendlier, less formal environment.
Public Safety: I am committed to a safe community. We are extremely fortunate as a City to have proactive Police Department and a partially volunteer Fire Department. My commitment is to provide support to our departments so they are well equipped to protect our community.

Alex Mollkoy: The city has a list of ‘City Goals’ – Please put them in order of importance to you, with #1 being the most important, and briefly explain why you believe the top 3 belong there.
1.) Public Safety
3d.) Adopt a budget with public safety funding.
2.) Engaging the community
2a.) We want to hear from the public, and we intend to respond quickly.
3.) Economic Development
1a.) Spruce up Highway 126 & Central Ave.
Foremost, we must have a sound budget with public safety funding, because it is our duty to remain fiscally sound and every citizen is entitled to feel safe in their community. Engaging the community and hearing from the public is vital, for without this aspect we have nothing. Once we have accomplished these first two goals we will be ready to tackle the big one Economic Development. I chose 1a.) Sprucing up the entrance to our historic downtown, because the completion of the business park was not on the list. I do believe that first impressions are very important and I strongly believe that this entrance to our downtown must change before anyone will see Fillmore as a vibrant community. Let’s get going and stop all the bickering. Fillmore can be a Great Town again!


Question #9

November 2nd you will be able to vote for THREE School Board candidates

Question #9: A big issue has been access to the new football field’s track. What is your position on allowing the public to use the track?

Lucy Rangel: When our voters passed our last school bond, they were told that they would be allowed to use the track. After the district decided to make the investment of an all-weather track, they should have done a better job of communicating to the public all the advantages of having such modern facilities; and the reasons the track and football field would have to be secured. With the vandalism that had existed, along with soaring costs of repairs, and safety and liability issues, I can understand why our district has been reluctant to allow the public to use this facility. However, the fact remains that many community members, including myself, feel that responsible individuals who are avid runners should be allowed more use of our modern track.
Since the school bond is paying for some of this project, the district has made an effort to allow some of our local runners to pilot a program which was established as a running club. A subcommittee was formed with representatives from our Parks and Recreation Department, our school district, and the public. Although there are concerns that still need to be addressed, members of the subcommittee are working together to try and implement more public use of our track. Those of you interested in providing positive input, or who have creative ideas of how to manage this issue, should attend the subcommittee’s next meeting on Nov. 10th, at 6:00 P.M. at our City Hall. See you there.

Kimberly Rivers: I fully support the Community having access to the track. In providing a benefit to the public the District will demonstrate to students the vital and varied role schools play in our community. We as adults must model true community involvement to motivate students to do the same, as they become adults. When elected I pledge to get to the bottom of whatever is preventing public access to the track so it available for public use. The fact that this issue remains unresolved demonstrates the Districts distance from the community, and the lack of leadership within the Board to respond to the needs of the community it serves.
In this final week of campaigning, I again thank those community members, who have spoken out, letting their family, friends, even clients know the importance of this election for FUSD. Our students cannot wait. It will take the entire community to improve our schools, but it begins with leadership on the Board. And if you have questions for me, ask me, I am honestly happy to answer your questions. Remember you get the most accurate info going straight to the source. Would you prefer to make decisions based on rumors or on facts? Do you think we adults should spread gossip or truth? For me an important quality in a Board member is dedication to toss gossip aside and to gather the unslanted facts in order to make a decision. Have all candidates demonstrated this dedication? I’ll let voters decide.
I've put all of my responses to the 9 weeks of questions from the paper on one page. Here's the link: Makes for easy reading and learning where I stand on the issues,

Mark Austin: The voters within the Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) boundaries, in approving Measure E, were under the impression that full public access and use of the track would be provided. This was one of the selling points in order to gain the approval and issuance of a general obligation bond. Currently, there is very limited public access and use of the track. It is my position that the FUSD should figure out a way to allow full public access and use of the track. Please visit my website at

Dave Wilde: Somehow a time needs to be set aside so that interested community members have access to the track. Once a time has been established the next step is to set up guidelines to ensure against or deal with possible damage. This process is occurring at this time. Unfortunately it seems to be moving at a snail's pace.
I am concerned about open access while students are on the field. A number of years ago while teams were practicing people could been seen walking the track and there was no concern about student safety. The past three years we have had some damage done to player's vehicles on Wednesday nights while they were practicing. As a result I have some worries about those same people having access to the track and students being injured. I know that may seem unusual, but it has happened. I feel parents should know the high school is doing all they can to ensure the safety of their children while they are at any athletic event. If I were a coach and I had that guarantee I would have no problem with people walking or running the track during practice. Not only would it allow public access, but foster public support.

Tony Prado: The track and the football field were built to meet the needs of the students participating in P.E. and Sports at Fillmore High School. The students have first priority. Without any doubt the community should have access to the track and field when students are not using the facility. It is not a good idea for the community and students to use the facility at the same time because of safety issues. Young adults and older high school students is not a good mix. Use of the facility before school and after 6 pm most evennings can be a possibility.
Presently there is a committee meeting to discuss the use of the facility. Some major concerns are safety, security, and damage. Damage to the track or field is very expensive to repair, it is not the same as when the track was just dirt and the field was grass. But , yes the community must have fair and equitable use of this magnificent facility. Remember to vote for Tony Prado.


Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On October 24, 2010 at approximately 9:35 PM, a 35-year-old woman and her family were driving westbound in the 18000 block of South Mountain Road near Santa Paula. A large white unknown make / model pickup truck was traveling eastbound on South Mountain Road and passed the victim’s vehicle. As the white truck passed, the victim heard an object impact her vehicle on the driver’s side. The victim believed that a rock had been displaced from the tire of the passing white truck and impacted the victim’s vehicle. When the victim reached her destination in Santa Paula, she found a hole in her driver side door. The victim reported the incident to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department. The victim and her passengers were not injured in this incident.

An investigation by the responding deputies determined that a bullet had been fired at the victim’s vehicle, impacting the driver’s door and causing the hole.

Anyone with information regarding this incident, or similar incidents, is urged to call the Sheriff’s Department Fillmore Police Station and speak to Detective Darin Hendren @ 805-524-2233. Courtesy of Fillmore Police Department.

At approximately 6:45 Saturday evening a two vehicle accident occurred at the intersection of ‘C’ Street and Highway 126. A Z71 Chevrolet pickup and a Nissan SUV collided with extensive damage to both vehicles. The unidentified driver of the SUV was taken to the hospital for observation.
At approximately 6:45 Saturday evening a two vehicle accident occurred at the intersection of ‘C’ Street and Highway 126. A Z71 Chevrolet pickup and a Nissan SUV collided with extensive damage to both vehicles. The unidentified driver of the SUV was taken to the hospital for observation.
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The driver of the pickup, with two young children, appeared unhurt. Cause of the accident remains uncertain at press time.
The driver of the pickup, with two young children, appeared unhurt. Cause of the accident remains uncertain at press time.
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Since 1984 Taco Bell has neen on highway 126 serving the town of FIllmore and highway traffic. But now after 26 years they are tearing it down and putting up a brand new building. But this time, it will be Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Express. They expect it to be closed for approxiamelty 3 months. If you can’t wait you can always visit the Santa Paula Taco Bell.
Since 1984 Taco Bell has neen on highway 126 serving the town of FIllmore and highway traffic. But now after 26 years they are tearing it down and putting up a brand new building. But this time, it will be Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Express. They expect it to be closed for approxiamelty 3 months. If you can’t wait you can always visit the Santa Paula Taco Bell.
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Deputy Jerry Peterson received the “Students First” award during Tuesday night’s school board meeting.
Deputy Jerry Peterson received the “Students First” award during Tuesday night’s school board meeting.

On Tuesday October 19th the Fillmore School Board met for a regularly scheduled meeting at the Fillmore Unified District Office. Members in attendance were Board President Tony Prado, Board Clerk Liz Wilde and Board Member Mike Saviers. Following a public comment period with no speakers the Board recognized Deputy Jerry Peterson with a “Students First” award for this role in past years as School Resource Officer for the District. This seemed to prompt Prado to comment on an item that was not included in the evening’s agenda. Prado stated “[there are issues being raised] with the Board elections”. He went on to say that “the issue is that we have a high crime rate in our schools, that we have problems in our schools, and I just need to clarify”. Prado then instructed “some of the candidates” to meet with the “head guy” to learn that “we don’t sweep things under the rug in Fillmore… we take care of the situation.” He clarified that District staff are following Board instructions to “carry through with any law breaking that is taking place…we want to take care of the situation immediately… Jerry has done that, the principals have done that.” Prado continued his clarification stating “it may appear that we have a higher rate of discipline problems or maybe arrests but I know how they handle it in other districts.” He concluded by thanking Peterson and the principals for not “hiding” the situation.

Student Rep Sean Chandler reminded the Board that there was no school last week, and that the High School is starting a new quarter and new “tutorial session” so that students who have been recognized as needing the “extended lunch break” can get the extra help they need. He announced the upcoming football game against Nordoff on Friday, as well as the approaching Senior Ball on Saturday. On Thursday the Seniors will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from different colleges they may be interested in attending. Chandler concluded with a reminder about the 100th Fillmore vs. Santa Paula football game that is taking place in November.

During Board reports CONTINUED »

Hit and run damage to the Fillmore Historical Museum
Hit and run damage to the Fillmore Historical Museum
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On October 18, 2010 at about 1:30 p.m., deputies assigned to the Fillmore Station arrested a 21-year-old Fillmore resident, Gildardo Sebastian Sanchez, for misdemeanor hit and run resulting in property damage to the Fillmore Historical Museum and for driving without a license.

On the same date at about 10:30 a.m., deputies were sent to investigate property damage caused overnight to the Fillmore Historical Museum located at 360 Main St., Fillmore. The building sustained damage to the front wall and block foundation. When deputies arrived, they found evidence at the scene that indicated a vehicle had crashed into the front of the building and the driver had fled the scene.

A Fillmore City Motor Officer and station investigators consulted auto experts to narrow down the suspect vehicle make and year. Three hours later, a Fillmore patrol deputy located the vehicle involved. It was a Chevy Blazer SUV, parked in the 600 Block of Fillmore St. The vehicle had major front-end damage and evidence directly linked to the crime.

Further interviews led to the arrest of Sanchez. He was issued an arrest appearance citation for the misdemeanor violations, and released on his own recognizance.

Location: Fillmore Historical Museum, 360 Main St. Fillmore, Ca. 93015
Date & Time/ RB#: October 18, 2010 @ 1:30 p.m. / 10-25396
Unit Responsible: Sheriff’s Patrol Units
Arrested: Age City
Gildardo Sebastian Sanchez 21 Fillmore

Officer Preparing Release: Detective Taurino Almazan
Follow-up Contact: Deputy Tony Biter (805) 524-2233
Date of Release: October 18, 2010
Approved By: Captain Tim Hagel

The cause of an accident on the 100 block of Ventura Street between a car and pickup which occurred about noon, Monday, was not announced at press time. The occupant of the car was taken to a local hospital for observation.
The cause of an accident on the 100 block of Ventura Street between a car and pickup which occurred about noon, Monday, was not announced at press time. The occupant of the car was taken to a local hospital for observation.
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The extent of any serious injuries is not known. Extensive damage was suffered by both vehicles.
The extent of any serious injuries is not known. Extensive damage was suffered by both vehicles.
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Question #8

November 2nd you will be able to vote for TWO City Council candidates

Question #8: Members of the council don’t always agree. How will you deal with inter-council disagreements, criticism from the community and scrutiny from the media?

Alex Mollkoy: As your Councilman, I will stand my ground on the issues that are in the best interest of the Citizens. I will work hard to acknowledge and understand the differences of each council member. We must communicate with respect, in order to conduct civic business in the best interest of the public. I will ask that we all use common sense in our review of each and every item that comes before the City Council.
I welcome all criticism from the community, as this is the beginning of a healthy dialogue with all the citizens of Fillmore. We as individuals will have different points of view; I will listen to everyone and communicate in a timely and effective manner. I will work diligently to resolve our differences on the important issues before us. I have no hidden agendas or ties to City Hall. I will not give up or hide from any criticism. I will address it head on with honesty and integrity.
Scrutiny from the media is vital to Democracy. The media’s job is to disseminate the news without distorting the facts. The media is here to watch over us for the good of the people. When there is scrutiny from the media, there may possibly be something wrong. I will propose that any issues are addressed appropriately and without delay. I will further strive to facilitate civility between City Hall and the Media. Please write-in my name ALEX MOLLKOY on your Ballot. I will not disappoint you!

Patti Walker: The City has an adopted Rules of Decorum that dictate how council members treat one another as well as the public. Council members should not dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of another member. They should not utter words that are offensive. The Council is to provide an atmosphere where debate of the issues occurs rather than engaging in a discussion of another’s character or showing disrespect to the City.
It is the responsibility of the Council to thoroughly debate and deliberate the issues at hand. It is there, in the Council Chambers, that public discourse and give-and-take on the issues is to be held.
During this campaign those who participated in a debate were observed by those in attendance or who watched on TV. And those candidates who have answered the seven previous questions have been accessed by the community as well as the media. It is part of the territory for all elected officials.
In reality, I do not believe there is any candidate who has not had a disagreement with or who has not faced criticism from a co-worker, friend or family member. I believe each and every candidate is an adult and will handle those who disapprove of their thoughts or find fault with their votes with grace, polite behavior, and respect for their position.

David Lugo: There will always be disagreements that is why there is an odd number of council-persons but you must always remember you represent the community and keep it professional and respectful to one another. Criticism will never go away that is a way of people getting their point across, you must stand firm in your decision and give explanations to the community and media for your decision for them to understand your decision not just blow them off. I believe you earn respect and appreciation that way and avoid scrutiny from them. "Your Voice"

Brian Sipes: City Council members are elected to make good sound policy for the community at large. I welcome peaceful disagreements between Council members as I feel that in order to make good sound policy, all opinions and facts must be considered and debated. If entrusted to be a Council member, I will not be one that maligns other Council members to further their personal political agendas. Working together doesn't mean agreeing 100% of the time, but conducting City business on behalf of the citizens is first and foremost my priority and should be of those seated at the dais.
To be an effective, efficient, and independent City Council member, all criticism from constituents must be welcomed, not ignored. This is the people's City Hall...period. Criticism from the media isn't anything new. The media is there to report facts so the people can become educated on City issues at hand. I have no problem with newspaper or tabloid outlets scrutinizing my decisions. Everyone, including editorial boards are entitled to their own opinions, NOT their own facts.

Question #8

November 2nd you will be able to vote for THREE School Board candidates

Question #8: Several Ventura District schools are offering a dual-language, two-way immersion, where students are learning in and speaking Spanish for 90 percent of the school day and English for the remaining 10 percent. What is your opinion of this type of program? Do you support total immersion or two-way immersion? Explain why.

Mark Austin: In this rapidly changing world, students need all the tools that can be provided to them for success. Proficiency in a second language is just one of these important tools. In my opinion, a dual-language immersion program could be an important component of a student’s education. Two-way immersion (TWI) appears to be the best method to obtain proficiency in a second language. A TWI program is not intended to replace English with another language, but rather to provide a student the chance to gain another language. In the TWI method, English speaking students starting in kindergarten are taught in Spanish for 90 percent of the time and in English for 10 percent of the time, with the ratio of Spanish to English gradually evening out. By the time the student reaches sixth grade, they are being instructed 50 percent in Spanish and 50 percent in English. Of course, if the Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) were to implement a TWI program, student participation would need to be at the discretion of the parent.

Dave Wilde: Offering dual immersion programs at some of our school sites would be one of those great ways to offer parents a choice in their child's education. We have a couple of unified district employees who have experience with this program and speak in its favor. When discussing this program with educators and parents you get mixed feedback. The one concern I hear the most is that normal academic learning may be inhibited. I have not seen any studies, or data that support this fear. So, if this is not the case what a great opportunity it would be for young students to learn and become proficient in two languages. In my professional world the ability to speak two languages is definitely a huge asset. It would certainly provide more opportunities for our graduates when entering the world after schools.

Kimberly Rivers: All students would benefit from being “bi-literate” in today’s global economy and diverse communities. I support “dual” immersion programs that incorporate high levels of staff and parental input. Because these programs require staff to teach in a different way and close collaboration with parents to ensure that students have adequate support out of class, buy-in from staff and parents is vital to their success. In addition I feel the District has the role of being proactive in bringing programs before the community that will improve and broaden the education provided to students.
The community served by FUSD has a high proportion of Spanish speaking families sending children to school. This should be recognized and acknowledged as a positive symbol of the increasing diversity in which we all live, work and play. How can we better prepare ALL of our kids for successful lives in this evolving environment? We can start by molding their education to provide as many opportunities as possible in the global workplace. Being able to communicate fully with more people on earth can only benefit our students. Studies show early immersion students (age 5 or 6) are better overall at learning in all subject areas and eventually outperform their “monolingual peers”. I believe our skilled and dedicated staff can lead our students to achieving bi-literacy. This possibility presents a wonderful opportunity for our educational community to come together, find out what we want and what we need to do to make it happen.

Tony Prado: Dual immersion or two way immersion is the political correct term for bi-lingual education, and total immersion is simply English only in the classroom. Recent research shows that either program works. To implement a two way immersion program the school site must have a well trained and dedicated staff to make it work. Two way immersion requires more work on the part of teachers than the regular teaching staff. Most often these teachers are paid more than the regular teachers and this can cause some problems. Also, two way immersion programs will cost more money for materials and supplies. The benefit is students at an early age will learn two languages and have a career advantage in an inter-dependent global society.
Non-English or limited Englilsh speaking students in a total immersion or English only classroom will struggle for two to three years learning a new language. What is important to understand is how old is the student entering school and how much education has the student had in their home country! When these students go home, their parents will speak to them in their home language, usually Spanish. Remember, these students will be tested in English and will score poorly the first few years.
I support a dialog between parents, teachers and administrators on which method to utilize. Remember, Vote for Tony Prado for school board.

Lucy Rangel: Several Ventura District schools are initiating a program whose goals are to promote bilingualism, grade level academic achievement, and positive cross-cultural attitudes and behavior of all children. Two-way immersion is a form of dual language instruction that brings together students from two native language groups for language literacy, and academic content instruction through two languages. In my opinion, a two-way immersion program would be much more beneficial than a program of total immersion. Immersion programs use a foreign language to teach the entire curriculum.
However, I think that a district that can offer parents a choice in programs for their children’s education can be quite successful. A program like two-way immersion can attract families who feel it is important enough for their children to learn a new language. In today’s society, and in the future, there are numerous benefits for children to become bilingual. Being bilingual can open the door to career opportunities and especially have communication and employment benefits. I would support a two-way immersion program, because studies have shown that with our current population, it would be more successful.