Tuesday night’s school board meeting drew a large crowd. Discussion of the Resource Officer was a hot topic.
Tuesday night’s school board meeting drew a large crowd. Discussion of the Resource Officer was a hot topic.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Five teachers from San Cayetano Elementary School told the Fillmore Unified School District Board Tuesday night about their experiences at the Johnson Space Center.

Those who participated included Melony Chisholm, who introduced the rest of the team. Others participating were: Brandy Walker, Scott Olson, Vivianna Laureano and Rory Mous. “This is one of the most extraordinary experiences I have ever had,” said Chisholm.

The group spent 12 days at the Center, working with engineers and scientists. Their task was to assemble the Plumbing Micro Gravity experiment, which their students had built earlier with a grant from NASA. San Cayetano was one of 10 schools accepted for the grant. The experiment measured gravity and weightlessness. Each member of the team was presented a Power of One award plaque by Board President Tony Prado. He congratulated them on their outstanding work in science and as teachers at San Cayetano School.

Their Principal, Jan Marholin, was also surprised with a Power of One award. “We are presenting her the award her outstanding work and leadership in securing the grant and seeing that her team carried through, said Prado. Marholin said, “This was my sixth year participating. This was a truly wonderful experience.”

Five Piru parents thanked the board for CONTINUED »


Grad Nite Live has offered a safe graduation alternative to students for 20 years. This year GNL is $9,500 short to meet its goal of providing a fun, memorable harbor cruise. Please support GNL with a donation to help them meet their expenses, Call Mrs. Chaney at 524-4909.
Grad Nite Live has offered a safe graduation alternative to students for 20 years. This year GNL is $9,500 short to meet its goal of providing a fun, memorable harbor cruise. Please support GNL with a donation to help them meet their expenses, Call Mrs. Chaney at 524-4909.

Grad Nite Live was founded by Fillmore citizens concerned about unsupervised graduation celebrations, some taking the lives of former graduates in traffic collisions involving alcohol. Starting in 1990, not one death has occurred during grad nite celebrations, thanks to Grad Nite Live. Each year a boat is rented to cruise Long Beach harbor for the night, giving the kids a real celebration and keeping them safe. Grad Nite Live has only $12,251 for the boat with money from fund raisers and donations; we are short $3,000, and there is still the 5 buses at $1,300 each we have ordered for 270 students. We also have to pay $800 for breakfast and $600 for the 'Roving Magician'. We are selling the Sandwich Meals with Frank at The Central Station for the month of May on sale now. Also the Attractions Spa has 3 different types of treatments (Massage, Facials & Waxing) at different price ranges. Available now or Gifts for Mothers Day. We also are offering 3 Pool Tables and 2 cars (1954 Buick Special 2-door and 1955 Chevy Cameo Pickup). These are all offered to help Grad Nite Live with a percentage of the sale price. Grad Nite Live will have a booth at the Festival selling Scentsy Wickless, Attractions Spa giving mini massages and selling the different treatment sessions, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Sandwich Meals, Central Music Franks Pizza and Soda at Central Station. Everybody wants to help and it’s a lot of money to come up with. If you are interested in any of these items Pool Tables or Cars call 625 0494 or any of the meal tickets, pizza, spa, call 317-9002, 407-5759 or 524-4909 All the other items will be available at the Festival May 14th, 15th & 16th. Let’s keep GNL alive!


Citizen of the Year Sarah Hansen
Citizen of the Year Sarah Hansen
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Officer of the Year Deputy Brian Hackworth
Officer of the Year Deputy Brian Hackworth
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Student of the Year Amanda Hernandez
Student of the Year Amanda Hernandez
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Firefighter of the Year Billy Gabriel
Firefighter of the Year Billy Gabriel
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Standing ovation given for Citizen of the Year Sarah Hansen

When David Crockett, president of the Chamber of Commerce, announced that this years recipient of Fillmore Citizen of the Year was Sarah Hansen, the patio at El Pescador erupted in a clamor of hoots, hollers, and applause that could be heard throughout Fillmore.

Sarah is known throughout Fillmore for her smile and good humor while forever trying to make Fillmore a better place. When you see that tall slender lady with the gray hair walking along the walking path who, when she sees you, smiles and gives you her “break-her arm” wave then you know you have seen Sarah Hansen. Whether it be leading a group of Soroptomists on their monthly cleanup walk, or on her own daily walk with bag in hand picking up trash, (Is it 13 years or 15 years?) or with a group of seniors on their weekly walk enjoying nature, birds, butterflies, trees or flowers, it is Sarah keeping the path clean and getting her daily exercise.

What has Sarah done for Fillmore? Sarah makes time weekly to deliver flowers from Hospice to all citizens that need a friendly flower or a smile. She helps with the annual Fillmore “Light up a Life” program for them and serves on the support group. Serving as Church Lay Leader and Chair of Mission and Outreach, she can be found delivering a large box or two of groceries from the First United Methodist Church to a family in need or you can see her weekly pulling weeds or planting flowers in the church‘s yards to beautify the area.

Being a charter member of the City of Fillmore Civic Pride 2020, she has been instrumental in organizing 3 years of tree planting along the bike path, scattering wild flowers along the highways, and bike paths. In 2007 she helped her special friend Marie Wren in reorganizing the Senior Citizen center. Sarah took charge of the library and was leader of their monthly book club and gave weekly nature walks. Naturally!

Her involvement in Soroptomists includes having ran the Imogene Vest Memorial Fishing Derby for over 10 years at Lake Piru with the monies raised going for scholarships. She continues to serve on their scholarship committee and enjoys the relationship with the young adults. Her current big project with the group is as Chairman of and raising money and awareness for the Peace Pole project which began with the celebration of the International Day of Peace, Sept. 2008 & 2009 with a temporary pole and will conclude in September with placement of a permanent pole.

She is a team captain in the Relay for Life program for the American Cancer Society.

In past years, she was CONTINUED »


Egedi sues
On April 1, 2010, former Fillmore Fire Chief Pete Egedi (40) filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the City of Fillmore, Fillmore City Council, City of Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department, and ten unnamed individuals claimed to be negligently and legally responsible for the alleged events and injuries cited in the civil complaint. The lawsuit lists violations of Firefighter’s Procedural Bill of Rights Act, violation of Due Process denying Egedi an Administrative Appeal, violation of the Brown Act, and violation of Fillmore’s Municipal Code, and includes a demand for a jury trial.

The Ventura Star reports that Egedi was terminated over allegations of misappropriating thousands of dollars, transferring money to his wife, as well as funding a city employee’s abortions and purchasing a wide-screen TV he had installed at his home. If convicted, Egedi could spend up to roughly five years in prison, says Senior Deputy District Attorney Kevin Drescher.

According to the complaint, the city allowed searches of Egedi’s storage space without his presence, consent, or a valid search warrant, and without first notifying him of the investigation. The complaint also alleges that his continued employment as Fire Chief was deprived him without due process of law; his request for an administrative appeal of his termination has not been addressed.

Further allegations include CONTINUED »


Los Angeles – The owner of B.A. Income Tax, located in Santa Paula, made his initial appearance in United States District Court yesterday afternoon to answer charges that he aided and assisted in the preparation of false tax returns, willfully failed to file tax returns, and committed wire fraud with respect to mortgage loans.

Benjamin Aparicio, of Fillmore, was charged in a 17-count indictment obtained by prosecutors earlier this month. The indictment alleges that Aparicio aided and assisted in the preparation of thirteen fraudulent returns for the 2003 tax year.

Aparicio is alleged to have claimed losses on five individual income tax returns stemming from a limited liability company that his clients were not entitled to deduct. The indictment also alleges that Aparicio aided and assisted in the preparation of three individual income tax returns upon which he claimed Schedule A deductions that his clients were not entitled.

Aparicio is also alleged to have aided and assisted in the preparation of false partnership income tax returns on five occasions. These partnership income tax returns claimed income and deductions that Aparicio knew the businesses were not entitled to claim.

Additionally, the indictment alleges CONTINUED »

Open House May 22

On Saturday May 1st the Society of Women Engineers toured Fillmore’s new Waste Water Treatment Plant. The tour was requested by Elena Woodard, who lives on Grand Avenue, and watched the construction from ground breaking to completion while walking the bike path.

Approximately 10 members of the SWE, which includes electrical, civil, chemical and industrial engineering disciplines, toured Fillmore’s award winning plant. Members commented on the innovative approaches used at the plant and the amazing new technology incorporated into it. The automation during off hours was of interest to many members. Also gaining the nod of approval was the energy efficiency aspects of the design and reuse of the water within the community. Showing their awareness of community issues the Society asked questions concerning the chloride problem and the effectiveness of the city water softener buyback program.

On Saturday, May 22, from 2 – 4 pm, visit Fillmore’s new water recycling plant during its first open house. Learn how sewage is treated and the water recycled, 1580 River St.


In a surprising decision by the California Board of Education, the petition to transition Piru Elementary School to a charter school has been denied. The Board determined the charter plan had an insufficient probability of being successful.

Curiously, in stating their decision, the Board admonished those who testified against the petition, for lying. It also concluded that more residents of Piru opposed the charter because more opponents drove to Sacramento to express their opposition. In every other respect the charter petition was valid and complete. Observers are left to believe that if more proponents of the charter had driven to Sacramento the result would have been different.

In the view of the Fillmore Gazette, this decision of the State Board of Education displays remarkable weakness and lack of character on the part of certain Board members. The community of Piru has just had a golden opportunity stolen from them.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies Bill Meixner and Beau Rodriguez have both made remarkable recoveries since the April 17th traffic accident on Highway 126 that left them in critical condition. Bill has been transferred to St. John’s Hospital’s rehab facility and Beau is now recovering at home. “Beau and Bill have made a remarkable recovery from life threatening injuries because of their courage and positive attitudes. They are both taking about how soon they can return to work. Their progress was aided by the great medical staff at VCMC and the tremendous support they received from family, friends, and the Sheriff's Department family,” commented Sheriff Bob Brooks.

Beau was released from the Ventura County Medical Center on April 28th. After the accident, he sustained a collapsed lung, a head injury, several broken ribs and other broken bones. He is assigned to the Fillmore Station’s Special Enforcement Unit and was working in that assignment at the time of the accident. Beau is known for his solid work ethic, high productivity, and positive attitude. He has received numerous commendations during his eight year career.

Bill’s injuries from the accident included a compound fracture to his right femur and a broken hip, knee, and arm. Bill, an 11-year veteran of the Department, is a member of the Department’s SWAT Team. He is also a top performer who has been commended numerous times.

Before the accident, Bill had CONTINUED »

(l-r) Miss Fillmore’s court, First Princess Melissa Garibay, Miss Fillmore Ariana Cruz, and Second Princess Torey Perez.
(l-r) Miss Fillmore’s court, First Princess Melissa Garibay, Miss Fillmore Ariana Cruz, and Second Princess Torey Perez.
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(l-r) Miss Teen Fillmore and her court: First Princess Taelor Burhoe, Miss Teen Mariana Gonzalez, and Second Princess Jessica Mayhew.
(l-r) Miss Teen Fillmore and her court: First Princess Taelor Burhoe, Miss Teen Mariana Gonzalez, and Second Princess Jessica Mayhew.
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Miss Fillmore Ariana Cruz.
Miss Fillmore Ariana Cruz.
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Miss Teen  Fillmore Mariana Gonzalez.
Miss Teen Fillmore Mariana Gonzalez.
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During the announcement of the winners several girls were presented with awards. In the Miss Teen competition Felicity Zavala-Miss Congeniality, and a tie for People’s Choice award - Taylor DeZavala and Allison Perez. In the Miss Fillmore Competition, Arian Cruz – Miss Congeniality, Sandra Osuna – Miss Photogenic and People’s Choice – Torey Perez.
During the announcement of the winners several girls were presented with awards. In the Miss Teen competition Felicity Zavala-Miss Congeniality, and a tie for People’s Choice award - Taylor DeZavala and Allison Perez. In the Miss Fillmore Competition, Arian Cruz – Miss Congeniality, Sandra Osuna – Miss Photogenic and People’s Choice – Torey Perez.
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(l-r) Master of Ceremonies Richard Carrillo and Mistress of Ceremonies Denise Berrington.
(l-r) Master of Ceremonies Richard Carrillo and Mistress of Ceremonies Denise Berrington.
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Circo-Osorio American Crown Circus was in town over the weekend, courtesy of the Rotary Club. A good crowd turned out to see the jugglers, clown, motorcycle dare-devils and more. Shown is the clown getting ready to take a pie in the face!
Circo-Osorio American Crown Circus was in town over the weekend, courtesy of the Rotary Club. A good crowd turned out to see the jugglers, clown, motorcycle dare-devils and more. Shown is the clown getting ready to take a pie in the face!
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