On Thursday, April 20, the Fillmore Historical Museum will be hosting a Zoom event to share more about the in Rancho Sespe. There is no charge, but you need to pre-register at https://www.fillmorehistoricalmuseum.org/special-events.Pictured above is the Rancho Sespe Packing House in the 1970s. Photo courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum.
On Thursday, April 20, the Fillmore Historical Museum will be hosting a Zoom event to share more about the in Rancho Sespe. There is no charge, but you need to pre-register at https://www.fillmorehistoricalmuseum.org/special-events.Pictured above is the Rancho Sespe Packing House in the 1970s. Photo courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum.
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Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum

The following story about the villages on Rancho Sespe appeared in the Fillmore Herald on June 22, 1949. If you would like to hear more about living on Rancho Sespe, join us on Zoom on Thursday, April 20 at 7 pm. There is no charge, but you need to pre-register at https://www.fillmorehistoricalmuseum.org/special-events .
“Rancho Sespe Workers Provided Homes in Sespe Village and Oak Village”

Approximately three miles west of Fillmore, nestled in the heart of the grove studded Santa Clara Valley, lies Rancho Sespe, home and means of livelihood to over 1,000 people. Most of the workers in this vast ranch live in two villages on the property – Rancho Sespe Village, the oldest and located south of highway 126, and Oak Village, constructed in 1948 and lying north of the highway.

In these two villages live the men and women who do the planting, irrigating, pruning, pickings, work in the $500,000 packing house, and the other countless and necessary labors that re needed to produce the varied and high-grade products of the ranch. These products include oranges, lemons, grapefruit, walnut, hay, cattle, horses, turkeys, and practically anything imaginable in the way of crops and livestock.

On the ranch, including the two villages, the visitor will find 218 houses, resident units of the laborers, foremen, ranch officials and their families. Rent on these units runs anywhere in the neighborhood of $8 to $15 per month depending upon the dwelling and the family. The majority of the dwelling units contain two or three bedrooms, kitchen, living room bath and other living facilities as well as a garage in many instances.

The first houses were built on the site of the present village south of the east-west highway in 1908, the year the first extensive planting on the ranch took place. During the ensuing years, the village grew along with the increased citrus acreage, reaching the proportions that now meet the eye.

It is safe to say that the majority of the ranch workers, which include Mexican, white and recently 17 families of European displaced persons (mostly German, Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians, Czechs and Armenians), have been employed by the ranch approximately two to five years. Many have been residents of the vast Santa Clara valley ranch for 25 years.

Then, there are a few of the real “old timers” like Adolpho Godines, Jesus Garcia and Alejo Davalos, who have seen the results of their care of the groves and other ranch projects gain in proportion for the past 30 years. The ranch is their home. . . their personal pride and joy.

In Sespe Village a general store is run by Albert Reyes, where the residents can purchase most of their needs for living. A lot of their trading is also done in Fillmore and Santa Paula. Once in a while a non-denominational church service is held in the huge dance pavilion in the village, but most of the time residents of the villages attend their respective churches in neighboring cities.

Last Sunday, the new German-Russian arrivals were transported by the ranch to Ventura to attend church services.

Most of the entertainment sought by those living on the ranch is found in the neighboring cities, but every once in a while, the pavilion is a scene of merrymaking as gay music is supplied for dancing feet and all join in an evening of fun.

As a person travels along the miles of asphalt and dirt roads that interlace the vast ranch holdings like a giant cobweb, he sees many teams of fine draft horses pulling tank wagons for oil heaters and spray rigs. These horses raised on the ranch are used in preference to motorized methods, for the overhead in using tractors for the job would be prohibitive. Used only during certain seasons, the tractors would remain idle for months at a time in some cases.

It is interesting to note that the powerful horses bred by the ranch are used a Santa Anita race track, pulling the track sweepers. Comments on their fine appearance are heard on every hand.

Residents of the Rancho Sespe are not all employed in the citrus groves, walnut groves or hay fields. Throughout the year the machine shop must keep the ranch equipment in shape; carpenters must keep the offices, laboratory, packing house and resident buildings in top repair; there is painting, piping, road repair and countless other tasks that keep the ranch employees busy throughout the 12 months of the year. This ranch is one of the very few with such an extensive year-round pay roll instead of seasonal operations as is that case in many instances.

“This helps everyone,” stated T. A Lombard general manager of the ranch. “If we have year-round work, the men on the ranch feel that they have permanent employment and that this is their home. That is the way it should be.”
Another feature of the ranch is the new packing house, north of the highway and near Oak Village, the new counterpart of Sespe Village.

From the unloading platform to the refrigerated basement in which 175 carloads of fruit can be put under refrigeration and stored, the plant is spotless. Lighting is supplied by glass skylights and aided by fluorescent light fixtures throughout the building, lending a bright, pleasant atmosphere in which the 160-odd workers perform their tasks.

In spite of the speed with which they work, there is a marked absence of the confusion usually caused by haste. Another notable feature is the fact that there is ample room for every operation with no crowding necessary.
Most of these workers live in either Oak Village or Sespe Village, although a number of them live on other parts of the ranch, Fillmore and their surrounding communities.

Children of the ranch employees attend elementary and high schools in Fillmore, for the most part. Sespe Village even has a kindergarten building, supervised during its weekly sessions by Mrs. Jake Stoll.

All-in-all, the ranch is self-supporting, and the villages are little communities within themselves. Near the large machine shop, lab, and machine shed and other ranch buildings stands a large barracks for the “bachelor” set of the ranch. A large messhall is nearby, and several hundred yards to the east, also on the highway, stand the little office building that is the nerve center of this vast agricultural achievement – a Spanish land grant that once reached through the valley from Piru creek to the San Clemente islands off our western shores; the Carrillo family; Tom Moore (sic); the Keith Spaldings and now Cal Tech.

Until the turn of the century cattle were the product of the ranch, with vast herds roaming the territory. Through the years, these herds gave way to agriculture, until now although cattle are still raised by the ranch, citrus is the outstanding product, with roughly 800 carloads per year leaving the ranch – all through the untiring efforts of the residents of Rancho Sespe.


Photo credit: Ventura County Sheriff's Office
Photo credit: Ventura County Sheriff's Office
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On March 29, 2023, deputies assigned to the Fillmore station and West County Special Enforcement Unit contacted and arrested numerous subjects for various violations, including narcotics and the possession of a short-barreled rifle.
During the month of March of 2023, deputies assigned to the Fillmore station received information related to probationers and drug users who were frequenting a residence located in the 200 block of Fillmore Street. Detectives followed up on the information and began an investigation.

On March 29, 2023, detectives conducted surveillance operations and witnessed activity at the residence that was consistent with possible narcotics trafficking. During the surveillance, deputies observed Jayden Mercado arrive at the residence in his vehicle and leave a short time later. Deputies, including a K9 Unit, conducted a traffic stop of Mercado and subsequently arrested him for being under the influence of a controlled substance. During a search of Mercado’s vehicle, deputies located a loaded, short-barreled, .22 caliber rifle, ammunition, drug paraphernalia, fentanyl, and methamphetamine.

Mercado is a Santa Paula resident, and his previous criminal convictions prohibit him from owning and or possessing firearms or ammunition. Mercado was booked at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility for various drug and illegal firearm charges. Following Mercado’s arrest, deputies conducted a probation search at the residence in the 200 block of Fillmore Street. During the probation search, deputies contacted and arrested Albert Morales, Diana Raya, and Jessica Quezada for narcotics related charges. All four subjects were booked at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility.

Report Number: 23-39641
Location: 200 Block of Fillmore Street / Fillmore Ca.
Date & Time: March 29, 2023 @ 2:30 P.M.
Unit(s) Responsible: Fillmore Patrol Services / Fillmore Detective Bureau / West County Special Enforcement Unit
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(S-1) Albert Morales Fillmore 43
(S-2) Rafael Prado Santa Paula 26
(S-3) Diana Raya Fillmore 23
(S-4) Jessica Quezada Santa Paula 26
(S-5) Jayden Mercado Santa Paula 25
Prepared by: Sergeant Will Hollowell
Approved by: Captain Eduardo Malagon


On Wednesday, March 29, VC Sheriff's deputies assigned to the Fillmore station and West County Special Enforcement Unit contacted and arrested numerous subjects for various violations, including narcotics and the possession of a short-barreled rifle in the 200 block of Fillmore Street. Pictured is the arrest of Jayden Mercado, 25 of Santa Paula, on B Street at Ventura Street. The two arrest locations were connected. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Wednesday, March 29, VC Sheriff's deputies assigned to the Fillmore station and West County Special Enforcement Unit contacted and arrested numerous subjects for various violations, including narcotics and the possession of a short-barreled rifle in the 200 block of Fillmore Street. Pictured is the arrest of Jayden Mercado, 25 of Santa Paula, on B Street at Ventura Street. The two arrest locations were connected. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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Possible Drug Overdose to be Determined by County Medical Examiner

Fillmore Fire Department Engine 91 and AMR Paramedics responded to an overdose reportedly in the bathroom at Vons, 600 block Ventura Street, on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at 1:00am. The male subject was discovered by Vons’ night crew, deceased, in what appeared to be a drug overdose. The subject was a known drug user and had previous arrests for drug related charges, according to Fillmore Police Chief Eduardo Malagon. Deputies located paraphernalia with residue believed to be Fentanyl, but the cause and manner of death will be determined by the county medical examiner. On Sunday, March 16, a male subject who had overdosed across the street from Fillmore City Hall was treated with Naloxone and transported to the hospital for further aid. Because he responded to the opioid antagonist authorities believe he overdosed on an opioid, however deputies did not locate any narcotics or paraphernalia that would confirm if it was an opioid such as fentanyl or heroin. The subject is also a known drug abuser and has overdosed on numerous other occasions, according to Chief Malagon. “Our deputies have made arrests for subjects under the influence of various controlled substances, and the possession of minor quantities of Fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine. These arrests have taken place in Fillmore and surrounding unincorporated areas. Fentanyl is very dangerous and unfortunately very common throughout the entire county.” Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.

On Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 1:16am, Ventura County Fire Department, AMR Paramedics, and California Highway Patrol were dispatched to a vehicle accident at Center Street and Orchard Street, Piru. Arriving firefighters found a black BMW with front-end damage along with guardrail damage (inset) on the westbound side of Center Street. While CHP was enroute firefighters along with paramedics searched for any occupants; they were unable to locate any patients. According to a passerby, an unknown number of subjects were seen running eastbound over the Center Street bridge. The incident is under investigation by CHP-Moorpark. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 1:16am, Ventura County Fire Department, AMR Paramedics, and California Highway Patrol were dispatched to a vehicle accident at Center Street and Orchard Street, Piru. Arriving firefighters found a black BMW with front-end damage along with guardrail damage (inset) on the westbound side of Center Street. While CHP was enroute firefighters along with paramedics searched for any occupants; they were unable to locate any patients. According to a passerby, an unknown number of subjects were seen running eastbound over the Center Street bridge. The incident is under investigation by CHP-Moorpark. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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FILLMORE, CALIFORNIA – April 4, 2023 – The City of Fillmore has launched a new Homelessness Services and Information Hub webpage, now available at https://www.fillmoreca.com/1295/Homelessness. The webpage was developed in an effort to provide a one-stop-shop of resources and information for the public and to offer a more open and transparent platform regarding homelessness in Fillmore. The webpage serves as a multifaceted information and resource hub for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Fillmore and as a localized platform where all community members can learn more about the City’s efforts to combat homelessness.

According to City Manager, David W. Rowlands, “This new webpage is a resource hub for everyone and will provide information to our residents about the ongoing efforts and measures the City is currently partaking in to address homelessness in Fillmore. The new webpage features an array of critical information for those seeking services”.

The easy-to-navigate webpage is categorized into five sections for easy readability and organization:

1.Homelessness Resources
2. Food Pantries, Other Services, and Utility Assistance
3.Why Handouts Harm
4.Understanding Homelessness
5.Homelessness Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Ventura County 2023 Homeless Point in Time Count revealed five people were identified as experiencing homelessness.

The City is committed to addressing the complexity and challenges of homelessness to the best of its abilities. Future plans include community education, leveraging social media, seeking opportunities for regional cooperation, and identifying opportunities for improvement.
Please visit the new website at www.fillmoreca.com and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office would like to wish Sergeant Kevin Vaden and Senior Deputy Cesar Salas a very happy and well-deserved retirement. Kevin and Cesar are both ending their law enforcement career at the Fillmore/Santa Clara Valley station. Kevin will be exploring new trails after 35 years of dedicated service to the law enforcement profession, and Cesar will be off to new adventures after 29 years of service. Kevin and Cesar, congratulations on your retirement and thank you both for your service! Photo credit Ventura County Sheriff's Office.


Interim Chief of Police


March 27, 2023

Student Arrested for Possession of a Handgun

Santa Paula, Calif. – A 16-year-old student was arrested on campus of Santa Paula High School on March 24, 2023, for possession of a handgun and was placed into the Juvenile Justice Center.

On Friday, March 24, 2023, a school resource officer (SRO) followed up on information discovered on social media regarding a student possibly in possession of a firearm. Although there was no information or statements of a threat, the SRO used an abundance of caution. Through investigation, the SRO was able to identify the student and worked with school administration, security staff, and additional police officers to swiftly locate the student and removed him from the classroom. After the student and backpack were removed from the classroom, the police officers conducted a search of his backpack.

A handgun, ammunition, and an ammunition magazine were located in the student’s backpack. No other weapons or ammunition were found on his person or in his locker. A message was sent to parents through the Santa Paula Unified School District shortly after the student was arrested and removed from the campus. In addition to the arrest, the student also faces an administrative review.

This serious matter is a reminder for parents and/or guardians to monitor the contents of backpacks and other items brought on campus. Please regularly monitor/evaluate student’s use of social media, cell phones, and computers/laptops. Remind students if they see something, say something to parents/guardians, teachers, school staff, or SRO’s.
If anyone has information regarding weapons on school campuses, please notify the
Santa Paula Police Department immediately by dialing 911.

Tips can be reported anonymously to WeTip by calling (800) 782- 7463 or visiting:

Agency Responsible: Santa Paula Police Department

Press Release Prepared by: Interim Police Chief Don Aguilar

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