On Sunday, September 11th, Fillmore Fire Department will hold a memorial ceremony marking the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. The ceremony will start at 6:30am in front of the Fillmore Fire Station, 711 Landeros Lane, Fillmore.
On Sunday, September 11th, Fillmore Fire Department will hold a memorial ceremony marking the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. The ceremony will start at 6:30am in front of the Fillmore Fire Station, 711 Landeros Lane, Fillmore.
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September 11th Remembrance: 21st Anniversary of the Attack on the United States.

The Firefighters of your Fillmore City Fire Department would like to invite you to attend a memorial ceremony marking the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. As a nation, we were brought together in tragedy, captivated by the images of destruction, despair, fear, and raw emotion. The only images strong enough to help us cope with such devastation were the amazing images of Fillmore Firefighters to Remember 9/11 at Ceremony unity, strangers helping strangers, heroism, and watching America’s front line of public servants run toward the face of danger. We invite you to join us this Sunday morning to
remember the civilians, Firefighters, Police Officers, and Military Personnel who perished on that fateful day.

Let us remember the sacrifices made by so many that morning. From the everyday heroes who helped save perfect strangers, to the first responders who walked toward danger in hopes of helping anyone they could, they were all a shining example of how we can easily come together in times of national crisis. We will never forget those brave individuals, and we will never forget September 11th, 2001.

Gathering at the Fillmore Fire Station will start at 6:30 AM in the front. The American flag will be raised promptly at 6:55 followed by a Countywide radio broadcast of a remembrance.

Fillmore Fire Station 91 is located at 711 Landeros Lane. Refreshments will be served afterwards.


Fillmore Dog Park at Two Rivers Park was closed back in 2020 due to violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. With an allocation of $200,000 from the city, the dog park and other areas of Two Rivers Park to be renovated are set to reopen in spring 2023.
Fillmore Dog Park at Two Rivers Park was closed back in 2020 due to violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. With an allocation of $200,000 from the city, the dog park and other areas of Two Rivers Park to be renovated are set to reopen in spring 2023.
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What will $200,000 get you? If you’re Fillmore, it’s an updated dog park and additional renovations to Two Rivers Park.

The dog park (at Two Rivers Park) closed over two years ago after violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a fact pointed out to the city by a Fillmore resident who uses a wheelchair.

At that time the cost to make the necessary corrections (dog park) would have been $52,000, which the City of Fillmore decided not to do. The corrections called for the city to redesign, relocate and enlarge the gates and provide an accessible route to the benches. ADA corrections were also needed regarding the parking lot, play spaces, skate park, and athletic field seating.

The City Council voted in 2020 to pay approximately $200,000 for the violations in the other areas, along with the dog park. In February the Parks and Rec Commission reached out to the public with a survey, and for input. By summer, the city allocated $200,000 for the dog park renovations.

Parks & Rec is looking at having everything in place by the end of the year and hoping to open the dog park by spring 2023.


With temperatures reaching in the 100s on Tuesday, September 6th, the Fillmore Cooling Center at the Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara Street, was open from 11am to 5pm, but was empty. The City of Fillmore announced earlier this year that over the past few years, staff has been monitoring the use of the cooling center. The city opens the cooling center for residents once the temperature reaches 100 on multiple days.
With temperatures reaching in the 100s on Tuesday, September 6th, the Fillmore Cooling Center at the Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara Street, was open from 11am to 5pm, but was empty. The City of Fillmore announced earlier this year that over the past few years, staff has been monitoring the use of the cooling center. The city opens the cooling center for residents once the temperature reaches 100 on multiple days.
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High temperatures can be dangerous to your health and can strain our electric power grid. The good news is, California has avoided outages so far thanks to people like you and we need you to keep it up as temperatures reach triple digits through much of the state.

Pre-cool your home before 4 p.m. After 4 p.m., turn up your thermostats to 78 degrees or higher if health permits and avoid using big appliances like ovens and dishwashers.

Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated, and Stay Informed and Connected.

Call 2-1-1 to find a local cooling center, for non-emergency help and for questions. Or go online for a map of cooling centers near you.

Call 9-1-1 for heat-related illness.

Check on your neighbors.

Call, text or visit vulnerable people, and offer to pick up groceries, medication, and other necessities. Older adults, young children and babies, people with chronic medical conditions and those who are pregnant are most vulnerable.

Power officials are urging people not to charge their electric vehicles during peak hours during this heat wave during the flex alert.

Help be of service to your community in the event of an emergency! FREE Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program starting September 20th! 6 PM - 9 PM. This will be a unit training for the communities of Fillmore and Piru. Classes will be Tuesdays & Thursdays for 4 weeks starting 9/20/22. Register by calling Mike Salazar 805-208-5338 or Mike Lopez 805-320-8559; day of registration is acceptable. Location: Fillmore Fire Station 91, 711 Landeros Lane, Fillmore CA 93015.
Help be of service to your community in the event of an emergency! FREE Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program starting September 20th! 6 PM - 9 PM. This will be a unit training for the communities of Fillmore and Piru. Classes will be Tuesdays & Thursdays for 4 weeks starting 9/20/22. Register by calling Mike Salazar 805-208-5338 or Mike Lopez 805-320-8559; day of registration is acceptable. Location: Fillmore Fire Station 91, 711 Landeros Lane, Fillmore CA 93015.
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URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE from National Weather Service.

Ventura County Mountains-Los Angeles County Mountains- Castaic Lake, Newhall,
Santa Clarita, Valencia, Oak View, Ojai, Fillmore, Piru, Santa Paula, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks.


* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions, with high temperatures of
95 to 112 through Saturday, and 100 to 115 Sunday and Monday.
Abnormally warm overnight temperatures.

* WHERE...Portions of southwest California.

* WHEN...From 11 AM this Wednesday, August, 31st to 8 PM PDT Monday, September 5th.

* IMPACTS...Extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Moderate confidence that a cooling trend will start by Tuesday after Labor Day.


Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

On Thursday, August 25th at 3:45pm, California Highway Patrol responded to a crash at Old Telegraph and Highway 126 slowing down traffic traveling in the west bound lane. Pictured is a white Volkswagen being towed away from the scene. There were no
serious injuries reported at the time of the crash, which is still under investigation.
On Thursday, August 25th at 3:45pm, California Highway Patrol responded to a crash at Old Telegraph and Highway 126 slowing down traffic traveling in the west bound lane. Pictured is a white Volkswagen being towed away from the scene. There were no serious injuries reported at the time of the crash, which is still under investigation.
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The Fillmore Raiders kicked off their 2022 Season on Saturday, August 27th. Photo Credit Crystal Gurrola.
The Fillmore Raiders kicked off their 2022 Season on Saturday, August 27th. Photo Credit Crystal Gurrola.
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Fillmore Firefighters responded to Fillmore High School's main office for a reported structure fire on Monday, August 29th, at 7:43am. The call was cleared by 8am. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel--AE News.
Fillmore Firefighters responded to Fillmore High School's main office for a reported structure fire on Monday, August 29th, at 7:43am. The call was cleared by 8am. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel--AE News.
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Many Mansions Fillmore is officially opened. Photos courtesy https://www.facebook.com/bgclubscv
Many Mansions Fillmore is officially opened. Photos courtesy https://www.facebook.com/bgclubscv
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Many Mansions Branch Director Cynthia Hernandez.
Many Mansions Branch Director Cynthia Hernandez.

The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley has a new clubhouse. Many Mansions Fillmore is officially opened, and they are welcoming new members! Many Mansions Branch Director Cynthia Hernandez is representing the BGCSCV team in the best possible way and they are excited to see the awesome things to come! They are growing and serving more children than ever, and are proud to be
the safe and positive place to be in the Santa Clara Valley!